“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Are Joe’s Handlers Angry at the Mad Mullahs?
President Hassan Rouhani, second right, listens to head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi while visiting an exhibition of Iran’s new nuclear achievements Surprising exactly no one, nuclear talks with Iran are not going well. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan took this disturbing tone when speaking about efforts to put Iran’s […]
Online thoughtcrime to be outlawed under new Pentagon policy
Well, as expected, the Brandon Administration has taken the fight against “extremism” in its ranks to an unconstitutional extreme. The latest Amendment of the Bill of Rights under assault is the First. Servicemembers will now be prohibited from liking or retweeting things online if their command thinks it’s “extremism.” From Military Times; Membership in extremist […]
Cali Cannabis Crisis
While still illegal from a Federal standpoint- the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers marijuana a Schedule 1 drug,* California was the first state to legalize medical cannabis with the passage of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996. In 2016, California voters approved the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Proposition 64) to legalize the recreational use […]
DOD ‘Workplace and Gender Relations’ Survey to Troops Has Section to Gauge Misogyny
There’s a survey sent out last week to about 1 million soldiers that has some…odd questions on it. Enough to make one think that they’re looking to push a narrative or agenda. From Breitbart; The Department of Defense (DOD) recently sent out a survey on “workplace and gender relations” to active-duty service members that asks […]
One Turbine Turning, Six Burning, Three Dead Turkey Vultures
The article below end of a scam: destruction of a coal-to-gas plant that is/was one of the biggest scams ever inflicted on the public. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gussa_this-is-the-glorious-footage-of-the-kemper-activity-6853542779985911808-X5aF When this utter nonsense ends about how dangerous nuclear power is and how wind/solar crap is so much better (maybe when a blizzard hits and the power and heat shut […]
The Army is racist, the Marines hate the government, and the Air Force are just extremists
As part of the DoD’s purge of “extremism”, a preliminary report has come out. Jeff LPH 3 sends this Military Times article; Even before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, Congress ordered the Defense Department to do a better job reporting and tracking extremist behavior among troops. The first public release of available statistics […]
Pentagon Stands Up New Aerial Phenomena Group
The federal government is embarking on another attempt to explain the unexplainable. Go figure. The Department of Defense is launching the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), a unit that will be charged with finding and identifying UFOs in Special Use Airspace, spox said Tuesday. The new group replaces the U.S. Navy’s Unidentified […]
The latest COVID madness, forcing small children to eat outside where it’s freezing
This one combines COVIDiocy and child torture, the hallmark of a proper public education these days. From KSTP; Pictures of Normandale Elementary School in Edina [Minnesota] show students eating their lunch outside with hats, coats and mittens on. “Since the beginning of school, I learned that essentially if you brought a lunch from home, you were eating […]
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