“Your Tax Dollars At Work”
Food insecurity stipend coming to aid troops
We talked about what “food insecurity” means a while back, and it became the latest political ploy for Congress to “help” out the enlisted troops. If you don’t recall, food insecurity doesn’t mean you didn’t have food to eat. It means you didn’t get to eat what you want, when you wanted it. I was […]
New Army AFCT set in stone. Again.
Remember when the Army announced (several years ago now) that they were revamping the annual PT test? The goal was to create a gender and age-neutral test. A soldier would be tested not against some chart, but against the needs of their MOS. There would be a physical standard for an MOS. You met it […]
Disgraced AF major spends years working the stolen valor con
ninja sends in the story of this former US Air Force officer, Brandon Bailey. The medical officer was drummed out of the service after stealing and selling drugs while in Iraq. Since then, he’s made the rounds talking about how he was a 20 year retired, totally and permanently disabled from combat injuries, and was […]
Another Aide Bails on Kamala
Vice President Kamala The exodus from The Office of the Vice President continues unabated. The latest staffer to depart is her National Security Adviser Nancy McEldowney. That makes what, ten advisors finding employment elsewhere thus far? McEldowney has some 30 years experience in the foreign diplomatic service, including an ambassador-ship. Yet just over a year […]
With friends like these…
An arms embargo of Russia went into effect back in 2015. A loophole allowed countries to continue arms shipments agreed to prior to that date. The two biggest users of said loophole were Germany and France. Together they sent nearly €275,000,000 worth of military equipment to Russia from 2015 to 2020. From The Telegraph; France […]
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Five years ago if you’d said we were funding foreign biological research, I’d have thought you a conspiracy theorist. Then the Chinese unleashed (accidentally or on purpose, not sure which is worse) COVID-19 from their American-sponsored bio research lab in Wuhan. Then we learned about the other appalling research conducted with US grant money (feeding […]
Polish MiGs going to Ukraine? Nobody knows
Last week it was reported that Ukraine said they would be receiving fighters from nearby countries. Those countries are part of NATO, who is trying hard to officially stay out of the Russia-Ukraine War. Poland told the media it was “fake news” that they were considering the move. Our Secretary of State said, hours later, […]
Biden’s gas prices soar
Over the weekend, the Poles said that it was “fake news” that they were considering sending Soviet-era fighter jets they still operate to Ukraine. Hours later, Secretary of State Blinkin was on the news shows saying that we’re in talks with the Polish to have them send their Soviet aircraft to Ukraine and we’d back […]
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