Illegal Immigrants
Our neighbors to the north and south and elsewhere….
Last night, a report of an attack in the evening on a mosque in Quebec City, Quebec caught my eye. At the time, the report said 5 dead, several injured. That was updated this morning to 6 dead and 8 injured. The Prime Minister did use the term ‘terrorist attack’ in his response to the […]
Tomas Martinez-Maldonado; rapist deported 19 times
The Associated Press reports that Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, an immigrant who raped a 13-year-old girl repeatedly on a bus ride through Kansas, had been deported ten times and voluntarily left the country nine other times. Records obtained by AP show Martinez-Maldonado had eight voluntary removals before his first deportation in 2010, which was followed by another […]
Border Security “Overemphasized”? Hardly.
Many people claim that the US is wasting money on border security operations. In fact, some go so far as to say that we should have open borders, advocating an utterly ridiculous and nonexistent “right to migrate” – and thus don’t need to control our border at all. Others say the threat from terrorism is […]
Hiding the Truth? Sure Looks Like It to Me.
The DHS claimed earlier this year that they prevent roughly 81% of adults trying to sneak into the US across the southwestern border from doing that. Specifically, they claimed an interdiction rate (defined as apprehension or forcing the individual to turn back) of 81.01%. Now, having lived in that part of the country for a […]
Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez; murderer deported six times
On Monday, Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez murdered three people and wounded another in Woodburn, Oregon, according to KTVC. Late Monday morning, Marion County sheriff’s deputies were summoned to the farm, and when they arrived they found two dead men, a wounded man and a wounded woman, the sheriff’s office said in a statement. The woman died at […]
About That Recent Fire in Los Angeles . . . .
Last Monday, a vacant building was intentionally torched in Los Angeles. Some homeless people were in it at the time. Five of them died. The police have a suspect in custody: Johnny Sanchez. Authorities believe he intentionally set the fire with intent to kill. Sanchez is a Honduran citizen. He’s 21 years old. Sanchez was […]
Taliban captured in Arizona
Fox News reports that Representative Duncan Hunter found evidence that a Taliban operative was captured by Border Patrol agents in Arizona last year along with five Pakistanis and two Mexican smugglers after they crawled under the border fence from Mexico. He told officers that he had traveled to Brazil, then to Peru and then up […]
Rene Quintana; Illegal alien steals vet’s ID for fun and profit
Instinct sends us a link to KGUN that tells the story of Rene Quintana, a man who has been in this country illegally for more than 50 years – he stole the identity of Ruben J. Gallardo, a veteran who has been dead since 1994, in order to get Social Security and Veterans Affairs’ benefits; […]
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