Taliban captured in Arizona

| June 4, 2016

Fox News reports that Representative Duncan Hunter found evidence that a Taliban operative was captured by Border Patrol agents in Arizona last year along with five Pakistanis and two Mexican smugglers after they crawled under the border fence from Mexico. He told officers that he had traveled to Brazil, then to Peru and then up the Central American isthmus. He was stopped once in Panama and then released when his identity didn’t pop hot on any computers.

According to a letter sent Wednesday from Hunter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, all six were initially served with an “Expedited Removal.” The Afghan national “sought U.S. immigration benefits, and was processed as having credible fear after he stated his life was in danger,” Hunter wrote.

However, according to the letter, the individual was in fact identified in a separate database, the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), as having terror ties.

Hunter wrote that the individual was said to be “involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. and/or Canada and has family ties to members of the Taliban.”

For an unknown reason, the individual was not initially watch-listed in the separate Terrorist Screening Database, according to the letter – and so these associations were not initially noticed.

Officials apparently noticed the error in time, as the individual remains in U.S. custody in Arizona.

Hunter says that the location of other seven guys who were caught with him is unknown. So that’s reassuring.

Category: Illegal Immigrants, Terror War

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Hack Stone

He is just coming here to do the terrorism that Americans aren’t willing to do.


I still say the solution to the border problem, is line the damned thing with claymors!!!!


Thoroughly screened, huh?

Yeah, sure. Okay. (gigglesnort) Hey, if you believe that, I have a collapsing bridge I’m willing to sell. Nowhere near a major earthquake fault.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next we’ll be hearing about their being released on their own recognizance with an order to appear in Court like our wonderful Judicial System often does with illegal aliens that often magically forget to appear in Court, I don’t put it past our current administration!


Maybe he’ll say he is gay, like “John Calvin” the grandson of Hamas’ founder, and be allowed to remain in the United States.

“John Calvin” claimed asylum in Canada and was denied because they believed he posed a national security risk. After “John Calvin” learned he was going to be deported from Canada, he snuck across the border from Canada and into the United States. “John Calvin” was apprehended by Border Patrol and is now allowed to remain in the United States.



Thomas Huxton

And Trumps poll percentage rose four points overnight. New estimates expected to rise as the morning newspapers are delivered. Construction stocks rise as the southern border wall plans are “leaked”.

Dave Hardin

Some Muslim told me his wife never called him a pedophile.

I said, “Well, that’s a big word for a 9 year old to pronounce”

Bill M

Snort! Good one Dave! (And probably truer than we think.)


Spew alert, please? Good one, Dave.


Nailed it, Dave.




“Hunter says that the location of other seven guys who were caught with him is unknown.”

Hey, at least they were Pakis…our allies.

2/17 Air Cav

I am inserting my SOUTHSOM’s Adm. Tidd’s quote and my comment from the ‘Extremist Islamic movement’ thread of 2 June:

“I think we are beginning to see people coming into this hemisphere who have very, very questionable backgrounds….” Questionable backgrounds? Nothing like calling a spade a spade. Beginning? I know that he knows better. It has been happening for years. How about this: The porous border and directed-lax enforcement of that border allows terrorists to enter the US with relative ease. We are doing our best to intercept them well below the border, indeed, as far down as South America, but their numbers are increasing at such a pace that some are likely to get through. The oBaMa administration has advised that I raise the matter, naming specific countries, such as Brazil, so that when the US gets hit by one or more of these terrorists, we can point a finger other than at ourselves. Thank you.


The CBP agents on the line are still picking up everybody they can catch coming across, there’s nothing “lax” there despite official policies stating otherwise. Illegal aliens like these are getting their walking papers after they’ve been processed by ICE, basically released with a “promise to appear”. CBP and ICE lack access to the DHS database that could keep a lot of bad people off the streets. DHS is just too damn overgrown to keep itself organized.

2/17 Air Cav

The term I used was directed-lax enforcement, not simply lax enforcement. As for “everybody they can catch” that’s a significant issue. It’s more accurate to say as many as they can catch. Worse, the policy of catch and release should apply only to fishing, not a sovereign state’s border protection.


C’mon down to the border and observe for a while.

2/17 Air Cav

No thanks. I am sure that everyone is doing a fantastic job. Last summer, I had gnats in my house. I was killing them left and right. I set bottle traps. I sprayed. I squished them. Still, as hard as I worked, as many as I killed, the little bastards could not be eradicated. Then, one day, I realized that I had not taken the issue to the source: drains. So, out came the bleach and within a couple of days, no gnats.

Silentium Est Aureum

Why should they go to all that trouble? Just claim they’re Syrian and they’ll not only throw the doors wide open for them, they’ll get full welfare bennies to boot!


It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine all this as simply incompetence. If the intent was to see how may hard core criminals, to include terrorists, could be ushered secretly into the country could it be done any more masterfully than what is occurring?


You grossly underestimate the depths of the incompetence of the government, especially in an election year.



I’ve tried to discern the motivational underpinnings of Obama for years. Is it truly incompetent boobery, or carefully camouflaged and orchestrated malignant intent?

I keep coming back to two things:

1) Nobody can be this stupid, can they?
2) His mom, his alleged dad (the Kenyan), his step-dad, his so-called mentor in Hawaii, a foaming-at-the-mouth communist, his so-called pastor, the Very Reverend Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, the Weather Underground types he was homies with, those around him in his first term, were/are all far, far, far Left radicals be they Communists, Black Liberation Theology Zealots, Anarchists, etc, etc, etc.

That he was re-elected and still enjoys about 50% approval from the American public, does not, IMO, bode well for the Republic or reflect well on the American people.

Thomas Huxton

The Republic began to fall about 1995 with the collapse of the cocaine Cartel during the Detroit Mafia Trials. (haven’t heard— it is still under seal.) This led to massive bank collapse, the fall of Wall street, The GM fiasco, and impoverishment of GM retirees (who were heavily invested) and economic collapse. All due to the loss of the cocaine revenue, churning the economy.
Being under seal, those involved will die and have their convictions expunged, as they have not received final sentencing. Others have gone on to other vocations, taking their contacts and bad habits with them.

Weep for our Republic, and defend yourselves.


Where do they teach you to talk like this? In some Panama City “Sailor wanna hump-hump” bar, or is it getaway day and your last shot at his whiskey? Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.

Mr. C

That’s great. We have a lot of those so called in telltale people who have a very difficult time talking English. That gang bang bullshit is not understood in an intelligent conversation. How new that is. Better learn how to.talk correctly. Life’s coming up and it doesn’t take stupidity.


Don’t worry once terrorists successfully kill enough Americans and it’s found out they got in through the border the border patrol will stop every 4 year old white child and AARP card holder to protect the country.

Open Channel D

They were caught about 12 miles from my house (I live 16 miles from the border).

This is precisely why so many people here carry. The border patrol has essentially stood down and spend the vast majority of their time processing unaccompanied minors from Gautemala and El Salvador than patrolling the border.

B Woodman

Remember to apply at least three of the Four Esses when you come across any illegals:


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