Tomas Martinez-Maldonado; rapist deported 19 times

The Associated Press reports that Tomas Martinez-Maldonado, an immigrant who raped a 13-year-old girl repeatedly on a bus ride through Kansas, had been deported ten times and voluntarily left the country nine other times.
Records obtained by AP show Martinez-Maldonado had eight voluntary removals before his first deportation in 2010, which was followed by another voluntary removal that same year. He was deported five more times between 2011 and 2013.
In 2013, Martinez-Maldonado was charged with entering without legal permission, a misdemeanor, and subsequently deported in early 2014 after serving his sentence. He was deported again a few months later, as well as twice in 2015 — including the last one in October 2015 after he had served his second sentence, the records show.
So, I have complete confidence that the government will be able to weed out potential terrorists from the refugees seeking asylum here. Or not.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
Hillary, this truly is a deplorable, just thought you might like to know before your next speach.
And he probably voted for her too.
Several times.
And that’s just in CA, remember their moonbat Governor signed a bill into law allowing illegal aliens to vote!
I would ship the a.h.. back to mexico wearing the orginal rope around his neck, his eyes bulging out and his tongue hanging out….FEET FIRST!
She should spend a few “quality” hours with this fine young man behind closed doors of a soundproofed room.
There must be some mistake. Anyone who comes here “undocumented” is an innocent refugee just trying to make a better life. None of them commit any crimes or do anything wrong. They are all hard workers who can do any job and will.
I had a conversation a few months ago about the refugee screening process with someone. I kept getting told “dude, it is such a stringent process! They will be able to catch anyone doing anything wrong!” and then, you posted the report from DHS? in September about how the process isn’t doing what it is supposed to, etc etc. They stopped responding to me after that about it, for some reason.
Fuck this guy and the mule he snuck in on.
The political and cultural elite will regard the assault of the young women as unfortunate but one which is acceptable in order to reach a political objective.
Omelettes, eggs, etc…..
Not enough if he’s tried and convicted of repeatedly raping a 13 y/o. In that circumstance, hanging would be 100% apropos.
I’d add the caveat to hang him by his cock and balls until they fall off first. Then, if he’s still alive, hang him from the neck, slowly.
Nah… find an old barn nail his junk to the walls of it. Douse with flammable liquid… toss old, rusty knife into it. Light barn on fire… tell him he can burn or cut his junk off to get out.
Treat the animal like an animal… make him suffer the way his victims did.
Tie him to a brush pile and light it up!
Good Idea!!!
But, but, isn’t always the victims fault?
Here’s the kicker: “Cosme Lopez, spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Arizona, declined comment on why prosecutors twice dismissed felony re-entry after deportation charges against Martinez-Maldonado in 2013 and 2015 in exchange for guilty pleas on misdemeanor entry charges.” In other words, to avoid a hearing, a trial, the USAG–oBaMa boy and former judge John S. Leonardo–dealt the felonies away. Arizona? Isn’t that the state the oBaMa DOJ sued to STOP trying to enforce US immigration law?
No one is supposed to enforce any laws unless King Barry agrees with them. If you do, you’re racist.
Unfortunately plea deals are the grease that keeps the justice system moving. I’m not saying it’s right.
Yeah, that’s the familiar refrain, brought to us by those who elect not to try cases. When 97% of federal cases are disposed of through plea bargains, there’s something very wrong. As I have said before, I have no doubt that there are DOJ asst AGs who have spent years and years and years on the job w/o ever trying a case.
Ditto. When you are a gov’t employee attorney, you don’t get paid extra for working your ass off about 12 hours a day to put on a jury trial, as opposed to sitting on your ass in your office for 7 or 8 hours.
“…plea deals are the grease that keeps the justice system moving”
Maybe for the first time felony. The second time shows he doesn’t respect the ‘pass’ he got. Hangin’ seems about right, but I hear Mr. Tiny and the boys are lonely and need a new playmate. This turd seems just the ticket to ‘make their day…”.
I’m sure that Maldonado is only the scum on the surface of that cesspool.
He needs to be ass-raped by Lex Steele.
or Mandango.
friggen fingers, Mandingo
If Obama had a son…………
Would he look like you?
Just deport one more time…..across the US border, any border, north, south, left east, left west….using a trebeuchet…..
Pumpkin Chunkin, but with way more screaming.
With a flaming cactus jammed up his ass.
Memo to liberals, et al:
–This, among several other reasons, is why so many people voted for a weak GOP candidate in Trump. Not because he’ll necessarily build the wall (guess what? Congress sure as hell doesn’t want it) but that Hillary would have opened the floodgates and put the Obama policies on steroids.
Basically, we’re sick and tired of shit like this.
S.E.A. The wall was approved by Congress years ago. It’s the funding to build it that’s the only issue. The Republicans are rather up against that wall, so to speak.
If Congress wanted it, they would have funded it.
Now we have a GOP majority in Congress and a GOP President. No more excuses.
Zactly. That’s what I meant. The Repubs have the majority needed and can’t weasel out w/o being called out. In that way, they are up against the wall.
Despite shit like this we still have moonbat liberals telling us all they need is Green Card, a hug and a $15 an hour job, FUCK THEM ALL.
He can leave the country permanently this time when they throw his fucking ashes over the wall after sending him to the chair and cremating him along with a bill for the above made out to The Mexican Government
Solving this illegals problem is simple.. Wack off the dick he’s so proud of, stuff it in his mouth and watch him chock or bleed out….He’s been in our law enforcement and legal system for years AND SHAME ON THE PROSUCUTERS AND JUDGE FOR NOT PUTTING HIM AWAY YEARS AGO!
I hope the 13 year olds parents get a lawyer and sue the crap out of the people who failed to do their jobs.
Raped MULTIPLE TIMES? What were the other passengers doing?
It’s heartbreaking that the young girl may not have asked for help on the bus, and if she did, infuriating that no one would help her by beating the living shit out of this asshole.
unless it was only rape because of her age. It is highly possible that she “consented” because she was “in love” with this asshat. Not making an excuse just throwing out a possibility as kids are having sex earlier and earlier.
1. Rope.
2. Tree or Gallows.
3. Rapist, Pedophile or Murderer.
Some assembly required.
Seems to me that if you convicted this scumbag the first time and told him upon deportation that he would be executed if he came back and then carried through with it the cases of multiple entry by assholes like this would drop quite a bit. As it is no-one really cares because they get a few days of hot food and a ride for a week vacation in Mexico before coming right on back over the non-enforced border
Toby Keith had it right
Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son
A man had to answer for the wicked that he done
Take all the rope in Texas find a tall oak tree,
Round up all them bad boys hang them high in the street
For all the people to see
That justice is the one thing you should always find
You got to saddle up your boys, you got to draw a hard line
When the gun smoke settles we’ll sing a victory tune
And we’ll all meet back at the local saloon
We’ll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing
Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses
But in our effed up world, there will be those who defend this sh*tbag and blame the rest of us for his evil.
You mean the candyassed snotnosed liberals that refer to criminals as “Victims of Society” and shit like that? IMHO they’re just as fuxxed up as the criminals.
Y’all make it too complicated. Stick one in his ear and drop the body at any well traveled crossing point…pour
encourager les autres.
First offense as an illegal, deportation. Second offense or felony, deportation and hammer-smash a few toes. Third- kneecap. Fourth – see the first paragraph
Is it me or is his head mis-sharpen?
Let’s put it in a vice to straighten it up for him before we shoot his ass back across the border.
Damn it!
A SHITLOAD of illegals who are tossed back into their own country more than twice, should be banned, but, crossing over a river or desert, law enforcement has no clue until a illegal is arrested for a crime.
As for this punk, crossing over and caught over ten times, the Bad is on our law enforcement for allowing this to happen by not filing for arrest.
Although Trump promises a tall fence its a long journey to get those still here and hundreds that continue to cross. Why can’t retired law enforcement establish a agency to protect our borders.
We live far from the border but deal with illegals daily. I had to pack and put our stuff in a movers truck and hired a few Mexicans to do the job. I hired only the men that held a state drivers license and spoke English.