Our neighbors to the north and south and elsewhere….
Last night, a report of an attack in the evening on a mosque in Quebec City, Quebec caught my eye.
At the time, the report said 5 dead, several injured. That was updated this morning to 6 dead and 8 injured. The Prime Minister did use the term ‘terrorist attack’ in his response to the news.
Since we’ve been discussing immigration, our unfortunately porous borders, and the fact that both our neighbors to the north (Canada) and south (Mexico) have strict immigration policies, I think it’s fair to ask why we should be expected to simply throw the doors wide open and endure a swarm unchecked. Ellis Island, which was the clearing place for incoming emigrants from other countries, was closed some time ago. It was the Checkpoint Charlie of its time. Things have changed substantially in the last 100 years, making a single way station less efficient.
Frankly, the Central American country of Belize is even more strict about immigration than either Mexico or Canada, and New Zealand is so tight-assed about it that you can visit, but if you really do want to emigrate permanently to Kiwiland, you have to meet their financial requirements ahead of everything else or they will tell you ‘N-O, NO’ and show you the door.
No one is addressing this at all. The Eurozone countries are finding that following the imbecilic open doors policy promulgated by Angela Merkel has become a financial and political disaster. She herself admitted last fall that it was a mistake on her part. This nonsensical notion, that everyone – every single person – running from a war zone is only a refugee looking for a place to squat has sent the political pendulum swinging back in the other direction. The Brexit vote was the Brits saying, bluntly ‘we want OUR country back’. The same rumblings have been popping up everywhere in the Eurozone.
Like nearly everyone else here, I’m a descendant of many generations of people who emigrated from Europe and England and Scotland in search of a better life, and who found it through hard work and contributing something tangible. None of those people were leeches looking for freebies.
Ergo, I will ask again and a again until I get a sensible answer: if other countries, including Mexico and Canada, have such tight-assed requirements for immigrants and no one is complaining about it, why is it NOT okay for the USA and its citizens to expect the same thing?
I’d like to repeat what has been said in several other places: Pres. Obama did the same thing in 2011. He also capped the incoming volume at 50,000 before he dropped the limits.
Obama’s order stood for six (6) months. Trump’s EO has a duration of 120 days, a considerably lower number.
The nonsense that is rising out of this effort by the media to poison the apple can only be smacked down when they learn to stop lying. They feed into the hysterics of the left because it gets ‘clickbait’ and raised viewer numbers for them. They’re worse than 12-year-olds who sneaked out to go to a party they weren’t supposed to go to. There is no end to their obnoxious behavior and won’t be until they grow up. The only way they will grow up is when the surging masses they weep for run over them roughshod, as has been happening in the Eurozone. I’m just waiting for that shoe to drop, if you must know. Their cocoon of protection needs to be stripped away for good.
So I will ask again, and I expect some answers: why must WE be expected to have an open door for anyone who sees this country as a free ride, when other countries such as those I’ve mentioned are far more strict?
Category: Foreign Policy, Illegal Immigrants
I believe that since the advent of the progressives, there has been a segment of our population that objects to our position in the world. They would see us taken down a peg or more to assuage their sense of guilt. The best way to do that is to destroy us slowly from within. Not unlike the frog in the teapot. A massive influx of people who do not share american values is one way to accomplish that. Countries like New Zealand appreciate who they are, and have no desire to commit cultural suicide.
You know, they can take their guilt and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
Because WE have been a nation of saps for so long that it is expected of WE.
Merkel admits the open doors policy is a failure, then criticizes us for not copying it.
Bitch, please.
And, because the left and their sycophants in the media see immigration as a cultural suicide pact. I watched, with amusement, as the chattering nabobs demonstrated at our local airport. Even though it calls itself an “international airport”, there are no flights originating or departing internationally, unless one counts Newark or Chicago as a “foreign” destination. But they were out there, chanting, and some jerk was beating on a drum.
The spokesperson had more metal in his face than any scrap yard around.
This would be that “segment of our population that objects to our position in the world”, that Sea Dragon described.
Morons at the Boise airport were loud as hell on the local news. Boise, FFS!!! Not anywhere near international. I don’t know the numbers, but there are already PLENTY of refugees here who don’t have jobs- we don’t need any more. Every time I see a dumbass with a “refugees welcome” sticker in their car, my head about explodes…
Lurker Curt, I only caught the tail end of that broadcast thankfully! I was wondering when Boise had truly become an “International” airport. It looked like there was only a handful of people there, but still that is a “news worthy” event LOL. I’m glad I don’t live in Boise.
One thing I noticed about the Terrorist Attack in Quebec is that they had the perps but did not say their names. That sent a big red flag a wavin’. I just read on Fox that one of them is a Moroccan. So, I am now of the opinion that this is probably a Sunni/Shiite conflict. ISIS is a Sunni organization and they hate the Shiite more than they hate the west. So that particular bird is coming to roost.
It is funny that I have become so jaded that when the media leaves something out I can usually read what they are not saying. If they were non-muslims this would have been all over the media, terrible, evil white people killing poor defenseless muslims.
My personal feeling is, worship the way you want, just don’t force me to believe what you believe.
“So, I am now of the opinion that this is probably a Sunni/Shiite conflict.” W/o benefit of that info, I had a similar reaction when I saw the report. And the only reason the Head Hockey Player called it a terrorist attack was because he said it was one “against Muslims.” If it had been an attack against some other group, he would have called it an unfortunate incident that is being investigated and cautioned Canadia not to jump to hasty conclusions.
The Head Hockey Player offered his thoughts to the victims and their families. Pa-lease. He also said he stands in solidarity with them, whatever the hell that means. Reuters is calling it islamaphobia and most outlets are mentioning a pig’s head left at the mosque some time ago. Yeah, there you go. Meanwhile, quick police work led to the capture of two suspects. The quick police work amounted to answering a phone call. One of the two called and said he wanted to surrender.
Thoughts? He has ‘thoughts’?
Oh, I imagine the Snowflake Liberation Front have already convinced themselves that this incident in Canada was surely perpetrated by a white Christian heterosexual American male wearing a Trump campaign tshirt. It doesn’t need to make sense or fit any of the available evidence as long as it matches with their narrative.
One as it turns out so far was Moroccan
Bet he wasn’t Amish or Mormon, either.
I’m betting he was neither Mennonite or Jehovah’s Witness as well.
Strangely enough, it now appears the Moroccan was actually helping the victims and the sole suspect is Alexandre Bissonnette.. a loner who apparently liked to troll and harass refugee and feminist groups online. We’ll probably know more soon:
And Canada and Mexico both require ID to vote in elections…
Why aren’t they called racist?
That was rhetorical, right?
To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 28, 2017
“The Quebec authorities have not identified the suspects, but Radio Canada quoted a source close to the investigation as saying that they were students at Laval University in Quebec City and one was of Moroccan origin.”
“An eyewitness told the radio station that two hooded people had burst into the mosque. One opened fire on those praying and shouted “Allahu Akbar”, Arabic for “God is Great.”
Which means that what little news coverage this has gotten so far will be all that it gets.
Aloha Snackbar!
I’m sure the lefties were salivating heavy with revenge in their eyes waiting for the suspects to be white males of European descent.
Well Hardee-har-har. One from morocco, and the other most likely a recent convert.
Still waiting for an excuse.
While the leftist will put a big spin on it so it will be the “White man’s” fault.
One just id’d as of Moroccan descent, the other French Canadian…but want to bet a covert?
Something along the lines of “Jean-Paul Robichaud AKA Mohammed Al-Fillintheblank.”
Democrats just read the book of Revelation and thought “Hmmm…God hates Babylon? Lets make the world like Babylon”!
I don’t personally know of any liberals who think we should just throw the doors open and let anyone into the country. Maybe some of those exist, but I’m inclined to think they’re a minority. Plenty of liberals do think we should be more friendly to immigrants who want to come here and build a better life, though.
And that’s the key – building a better life. I have no desire to take on freeloaders either, but people who are hard workers and contributing to society? I don’t care where you’re from, I’m all for that. And I think most people are. I’m also for that even if those people originally got here illegally. That’s clearly a gray area for a lot of people because we don’t want to encourage people to come here illegally, but at the same time, I think if their contributions outweigh their faults, well, they’ve earned their position.
We don’t have to have an open door for anyone who sees this country as a free ride, but we should welcome people who see it as an opportunity and are willing to contribute to our society rather than simply take from it. That helps us grow stronger. And being able to do that is one of the many reasons that makes us better than other countries – being a ‘land of opportunity’ as opposed to just another land.
When I look at the current mess that we are in regarding our immigration policy, I don’t blame conservatives or progressives… I blame extant government policy and the massive unaccountable uncaring bureaucracy. I also find it counter-intuitive to think that the same thing that created this mess (see above) can be relied upon to fix it. For what it’s worth, I think the same thing about many of the “crisis” issues that we face as a country…not limited to immigration.
Okay, I don’t know what you’re seeing in the news, but I see demonstrations, a/k/a loud, noisy protests, at a major commercial airport over a brief ban like this, and the media distorting what is actually happening as much as they can to get a story.
This is saying, bluntly, that we let everyone in, regardless of the consequences to public safety, and the financial impact on us, the taxpayers.
If you did not see the hordes being blocked last year and earlier while they were ‘fleeing’ the fighting in the Middle East, and did not pay attention to the way they trashed everything they touched and every place they went, you weren’t paying attention. If you have ignored or not seen the repeated reports of violent attacks on women in Europe, including gang rape and beatings for simply existing, you are living in a closet.
I suggest that, before you go off on another prosaic bit of discourse, you dig up some of those reports and read them. They will turn your stomach.
THAT is what we are facing with no immigration controls, and THAT is what I was addressing. If you haven’t already seen it happen here, you must not have been aware of the mass shooting at a civic center in San Bernardino, CA, last year.
Now what does it take to stir your stumps and get you to understand that there is NO reasoning with a mob, whether it’s a bunch of pink-hatted wannabe feminazis or a line of illegal immigrants several thousand in number, flooding across our border to the south?
If you don’t understand that it is exactly what we may be facing, you are not paying attention.
I think people are protesting the ban because, unlike the separate discussion of the border wall, this is people doing exactly what they’re supposed to do to get to the US. Apply for a visa, fill out all the paperwork, etc., and now we’re turning them away? And along with them, we (originally) turned away terps who helped us in Iraq? People who’ve risked their lives for this country, and we said, without any lead up, “Oh, you’re mid-air and coming here? Tough shit.” The usual channels weren’t consulted. People who have lived here for years, doing productive things, and have spouses here can’t even come in if they’re from certain places.
You can, fairly, argue that stopping refugees from dangerous places until we can reduce the risk is a good move. That’s what President Obama did with the Iraq ban – they collected additional data with which to vet people. This? This is a mess. There’s a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things, and this was pretty surely the wrong way.
But hey, I’m considered a naive liberal here, so let me turn to the conservative Daily Mail quoting noted pink-communist Charles Koch: “[The] travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive.'” (Link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4171232/Tea-Party-founder-Charles-Koch-condemns-Donald-Trump-s-ban.html )
Not every one who identifies as a conservative, or in my case a bit more libertarian perhaps, thinks the ban will achieve anything.
I do not, however, have an issue with any nation deciding it’s had enough potential threats from certain foreign nations to suspend immigration and visas from those nations for a 90-120 period while they adjust their vetting procedure.
That’s what this is, a short term ban not a permanent ban. According to the president it’s what’s required to get the system up to speed to correct some deficiencies. We’ll see if that’s true or not as we move forward.
What’s interesting is that not a single news source has mentioned that the Nobel Prize winner might have had a hand in creating a lot of these refugees as he bombed them out of their homes by dropping a million pounds of ordnance on 7 different countries last year.
I didn’t notice a single anti-war protest sign last year displayed anywhere on the national mall, or any public space. I might have missed a few demonstrations I suppose but nothing of a national level. Perhaps the idea that bombing people out of their homes might not enamor them our national ideas was lost on the previous President and his supporters. Perhaps not…who knows. It does make for an interesting observation though….
One president bombs the shit out of the middle east for 8 years after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize and not a fucking word, not a massive million man march for peace or a million women marching in solidarity for the innocents we’ve been killing for almost a decade under Obama….but the new guy says, “Let’s suspend immigration for a quarter while we fix the vetting process” and he’s the one identified as anti-muslim…not the guy actually killing muslims…it’s really quite entertaining to watch as an unaffiliated voter.
Nor do I. But I do take issue with how this was done – people who have had green cards for years, with family or jobs here, suddenly stranded at airports, sometimes cuffed as criminals, simply for returning to their home? It’s one thing to say, “Hmm, we need to improve our vetting, and some new applicants for visas are a bit of a concern, so let’s hold off on granting them” and another thing to say, “We know you’ve worked here for years, have no criminal background, passed all the usual checks we asked of you, but we’re still gonna strand you in an airport, and possibly cuff you, because you flew from a place that has some bad people.”
As for the lack of protests over Obama’s bombings, I think it’s largely ‘NIMBY’ mentality – that’s ‘over there’, whereas this is affecting people who live, work and have family here. I’m not saying that’s a good reason for a lack of protests, but I think that explains most of it nonetheless.
And for the record, I’m also unaffiliated – I find plenty disagreeable with the Democrats, too, but the way this was done -DHS out of the loop and all!- was just so … amateurish. That’s the biggest problem. I’m hoping TAH will post something today about the changes to the NSC since I’m really curious to hear what people think about that too. I’m not anti-Trump, I’m anti-stupidity. This was done without much thought and discussion, and we should be better than that.
It was definitely amateur hour, but so was most of Obama’s presidency…I mean a guy who served four years in the senate and never ran a thing…he just got a lot more leeway because of the historic nature of his presidency…Trump could have done everything right with respect to the ban and it would still be criticized….the Democrats are even whining now about the nuclear option they implemented….it’s as if they just figured out it might be used against them…and they don’t like it.
There’s enough stupid to go around on both sides of the aisle. Trump’s going to make some serious mis-steps I think in the first 100 days, but he has the right to do so. He won’t be the first and he won’t be the last.
I certainly don’t think Obama got everything right, but I think we’re in a whole new class of ‘getting things wrong’. I mean, from arguing crowd sizes to twitter fights at 3am to not discussing a change in immigration policy with your own pick for DHS to removing the god damn DNI and CJCS as principals to the NSC, it’s hard to think Obama’s early days were this bad. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I just don’t remember them. That’s possible. But it seems unlikely to be at this sort of scale.
Which isn’t to say the Democrats are shining examples of intelligence either. They lost this election because they’re idiots who sought to sway their own democratic primaries in favor of their least-liked candidate ever. Plenty of stupid to go around, sure, but it’s piling up pretty fast at the White House right now.
And when people in power do stupid things, they deserve to be called out on it, no matter which side of the aisle they’re on.
You are a moron if you think King Putt was a better president. He has set this country back 20 years worth of damage, in my opinion. Who cares if Trump wants to argue crowd size. Obama lied to us repeatedly and his flunkeys have admitted they were deliberately lying to us to get their agenda accomplished. Or didn’t you bother to listen to what Gruber said or that failed 25 something fiction writer, Ben Rhodes. You know, the WH guy who put the bullshit stories out to the media to sell the Iran Nuke deal.
“The usual channels weren’t consulted. People who have lived here for years, doing productive things, and have spouses here can’t even come in if they’re from certain places.”
This pre-supposes that prior to Trumps ban, the system worked. Newsflash, it didn’t. I worked with a guy that came here from Russia seeking political asylum. He has lived and worked here (legally) for over 10 years, but he could not leave the US and return. When his mother died, tough shit. As I recall, when this happened to him, Trump was not president.
As far as Iraqi terps, Trump was not president then either. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/499/transcript
“The usual channels weren’t consulted.” Good. The usual channels f’ed everything up to begin with.
By ‘usual channels’, I meant even John Kelly, Trump’s own DHS pick, wasn’t aware of it until just before it was signed. If you’re going to suddenly change policy, you should probably have the people in charge of the department that implement that policy aware.
This lead to considerable unnecessary confusion. How does it help us to have doctors, researchers, whatever who are working legally in this country turned away or detained in confusion?
Much ado about nothing. It’s a temporary bar on “refugees” and citizens from Muslim countries from coming here, buying the time needed for the affected agencies to get their shit together, write new rules and give their people guidance and instructions. Cripes. One would think President Trump just sealed the borders permanently.
“People who’ve risked their lives for this country, and we said, without any lead up, ‘“Oh, you’re mid-air and coming here? Tough shit.”'” Really? Is that a Larsfact or do you have a name or source to back that up? I know of two, both of whom were from Iraq, were detained at the airport, and were released. You must be talking about others.
I’ll wait.
Still waiting. It’s okay. I know the answer. But it really is for you to provide it.
Well, absent your answer, I’ll provide the one you didn’t. No one who, as you say, who risked his life for our country was told, while flying here, tough shit. The problems with such folks dates to the administration of the guy who was president before President Trump. Those stories I do recall and can trace one of them to source, if need be. The Left likes to make shit up. What one imagines COULD happen is given as what DID happen and then the story is off and running with people repeating the lies because they want to believe the lies.
I would’ve replied earlier but I had to work.
The two I was referring to are the same you are – do you not find needless, fear-based detainment of people for whom there is no evidence of threat somewhat worrisome?
Sure, ok, they were released. Great. If every time a military veteran goes to a public park, police detain them and cuff them until someone can vouch that they aren’t going to shoot people, would you be okay with that? After all, more military veterans have committed mass shootings in this country than Iraqis have.
I mean, that sounds pretty damn incendiary, doesn’t it? But it’s literally true. Now, we know the reason why those people shot others isn’t because they were veterans, and we shouldn’t just round up veterans out of fear that they might do something, right? So why do that to Iraqis coming here on visas?
Now, I’ll concede the threat is non-zero even if the current number of attacks by Iraqis here is zero. But at what point do you say, “You know what? We’ll make a mockery of due process and innocent until proven guilty because there’s a chance -an incredibly, incredible small one, but a chance!- that this person, who passed all the current requirements to come here, is actually bad.”
It’s hard to be the ‘home of the brave’ when we’re fearing everything. What about kids? Is a 4-month old Iraqi baby girl a threat to us?
“After all, more military veterans have committed mass shootings in this country than Iraqis have.”
Sandy Hook?
San Bernadino?
Yeah, Fort hood where a Muslim Shrink went apeshit in a cowardly way.
C’mon, tell us just how many, give us examples!
Iraqis have committed zero (to my knowledge; feel free to correct me!), and this summer Micah Johnson, a veteran, killed five cops. Isn’t that more?
I don’t honestly believe we’re under threat from military veterans, of course. Nor do I think that’s the defining characteristic of Micah Johnson. But I also don’t think ‘being born in Iraq’ is the defining characteristic of whether an Iraqi represents a threat, either.
The point was, it was a true statement of zero value. Judging someone to be a threat based off where they’re from or what they do isn’t terribly sound given the enormous numbers of counter-examples.
Okay, I’m not saying the ban will achieve anything, because I do not think it was written correctly or well thought through. People already in the pipeline should stay in the pipeline. People coming home from a country like Lebanon should not be suspect, but I can understand why they’d be stopped at the airport, even if they have a US passport.
I’m focusing on the lack of controls on not just illegal immigrants, but on the wholesale export from the Middle East TO the US and Eurozone/Canada, etc., and blindly accepting them as if they were born here, which they were not. The entire immigrant entry process has become a bungled mess, which means that people who do mean harm are going to slip through the cracks if not stopped ahead of time.
That is what has happened in Europe, and we’ve now seen it in Canada.
It is the epitome of naivete and foolishness to think that they are simply guests who will do no harm.
I see this as a safety standown…a chance for evaluation and learning.
I could be wrong
“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” Fed Immigration Law, Section 1182(f)
That is President Trump’s legal authority, in part. Additionally, unlike others here, apparently, I have read the executive order and I find it quite clear, well reasoned, and well written. There is no blanket ban but case-by-case exceptions may be made. The problem is, as usual, the half-cocked approach to these newsy events. People respond to what others’ interpretations, however errant, are and not what the (in this case) executive order provides.
Here’s a link to the order if anyone is interested.
The numbers actually stopped so far, per the mid-day news, were 109 people out of 325,000 travelers.
I think the problem is the delays caused by the order.
LC. Don’t I rate a response? And speaking of the UK, I see that the Muslim terrorists win again. The changing-of-the-guard ceremony, a tourist magnet at Windsor Castle, has been cancelled for FEAR that a truck bomber will ruin the event.
Issue live ammo to the guards.
Post a javalin team and sniper team, discretely, on a rooftop.
Put out those extra large “potted plants” that stop trucks.
Keep calm, and carry on.
And I’m totally fine with enhancing our controls on people – my main issue with the ban seems similar to yours : it was done poorly.
I agree that if the vetting of travelers is not done well, some will aim to do harm. But how far do we go to protect against that? Should we close our borders entirely? We don’t ban people from France, yet French ISIS sympathizers abound, so where we do draw the line?
For me, that’s when we implement something without much thought, causing chaos, frustration and inconvenience to thousands and thousands without any specific intelligence indicating it’s worth it. In effect, we’ve achieved nothing positive while reaping negatives in international prestige, market value, etc. That doesn’t help anyone.
All the French ISIS/Daesh sympathizers have been from Africa, e.g., Algeria, or the Middle East. They aren’t French, they are immigrants to France. The French have for several years had real trouble with so-called disenfranchized Algerian ‘youths’ who can’t find work because they have no skills and won’t learn any. THOSE people engaged in torching cars and neighborhoods in Paris a few years ago, just ahead of the 2011 riot fires in London.
They are NOT French people. Froggies are too laid back to do things like that.
IMHO if one wants to immigrate into a Country to work and contribute, I see no issue with that, but if one comes into a Country seeking an easy free ride while refusing to assimilate I believe that the receiving nation has every right to kick them the hell out yesterday!
LC has assumed the moral high ground. The problem with that is that it was already occupied. By. Us. Who opposes legal immigration here? I have read no comment opposing that. Who is in favor of trusting that the official documents from certain countries are worth as much as the bribe given to obtain them? This is about, ‘Whoa. Slow down. Let’s do this right for the safety of Americans.’ Objections to that?
The objection comes from two things – my primary one is simply that this was done in such a short-sighted, amateurish way. We barred green-card holders. Then we didn’t. Then we did. Nobody knew, it was chaos. That’s the point – nobody knew. Suddenly telling people that have lived here for years that they’re not welcome if they’re currently out of the country, but totally fine if they’re currently in the country, is just idiotic.
The secondary objection is something I think people can reasonable disagree on – where do you draw the line with vetting people from places that represent instability and fanaticism? You argue we should slow down and do it right, and I get that. I disagree -though not as vehemently as above- because I think we’re already doing it pretty well. The vetting process is pretty long and complicated. It isn’t perfect, but it won’t be three months from now either. If it catches one bad guy who, for whatever reason, waited the many months for the current processing only to be caught by whatever additional method the Trump administration comes up with, is that worth the hit to our prestige, the economy, the inconveniencing of thousands? Is it worth it if it catches none?
Please explain the president’s constitutional duty to act in the best interests of potential immigrants.
The President has no duty to act in the best interests of immigrants, but he does have a duty to act in the best interest of the country.
My view is that a blanket ban, implemented poorly, diminishes our standing and security in the world. Schools and businesses will have a harder time getting the best and brightest here, and our forces overseas will have a harder time recruiting allies and assets.
Banning specific people based off intelligence? I have no problem. Hell, I probably don’t have a problem banning military-aged males without solid references. But a blanket ban that catches people desperate to find a safe haven from the horrors they’re facing in their homeland, that’s harder to swallow as being ‘good for this country’. It makes us look weak and scared in addition to the problems above.
@LC Okay. I thought your only problem with it was how it was rolled out. I think “what is in the best interests of the country” is debatable and the stuff elections are made of. The downside that I see, is that I fail to see at the surface level how this provides incentive for host countries to be forthright with us in regards to background, criminal history, etc. of potential immigrants and refugees. On the surface, it would seem to provide incentive for them to be less than forthright. But, I can only see the surface. At the end of the day, inconvenience to non-citizens matters not to me. ICE has been fucking them over for decades. This is just a matter of scale IMHO. And I say that as someone who has sponsored and abetted 3 legal immigrants.
“People who’ve risked their lives for this country”
No, they risked their lives for their own country.
Just like American service members risked their lives for the terps country.
He shoots….He scores!
Pretty sure it’s both. Without them, our mission would’ve been more difficult and we’d have lost more American lives.
I consider risking their lives in a way that helps protect American lives to be risking their life for our country. Even if their primary goal is to secure their own country.
I talked with a young Iraqi national last month, he is here working while his wife goes to college, he stated his goal is to stay here with his family after she finishes her degree. I told him that his country will never improve if Iraqi citizens don’t fight to make it so, stability will never be accepted if it is only the U.S. fighting for it. It was lost on him, all he said is he would consider going back if it was stabilized. Which means he wants someone else to do it for him.
Immigrants are going to have to pick up the slack on their own end or they are going to have a long way to fall, there are only so many that can run to other nations before the host nations start taking an insurmountable economic hit.
It was the same with many of the South Vietnamese. They did not want to fight for their own country. They wanted us to do it for them. The South Vietnamese Ranger battalions were about their only effective fighting force. Although, our Congress did a pretty good job of double crossing them in the end when the North blatantly violated the so-called peace treaty.
rgr, Your comment is echoed by my brother in law, who served with the ROK Tiger division in Vietnam. When I ask him if the South Vietnamese were good fighters, his reply was (through my wife as he speaks no english) would always be ” No,they do not love there country”.
“People who have lived here for years, doing productive things, and have spouses here can’t even come in if they’re from certain places”. Would that be people like Sayed Farook, who welcomed his immigrant wife. You know, the wonderful couple who shot up his work place, where he’d been “doing productive things”.
Ouch! That hit dead center.
Another ‘Slamonazi who was not vetted properly by the Regime of King Putt. If anyone had checked out the phony address his wife put in her visa app or her social media they would have seen she was an Islamist and supported ‘Slamo terrorism. Contrary to current libtard memes, she did not have a constitutional right to come here. And if she had been blocked 14 families might not have lost relatives to her and her husband’s gunfire.
How about booting out Foreigners if they fail to renew their Visa as well? A number of the 9/11 Hijackers were in the US illegally with them.
There are many who come to this country, promise to follow the rules and time limitations regarding their visits, and then disappear into a city near you. Smarties go to sanctuary cities where the local police are forbidden from asking about nationality and visa/immigration status. Addressing this is part of President Trump’s program. Too many student visas have lapsed with the visitor, the foreign national, not attending school. Too many getting arrested, prosecuted or not, and allowed to walk out w/o anyone checking their status. It’s bullshit and it’s going to stop.
well, here is one who favors unlimited immigration…and thinks we should all not have guns, either.
Well, they can all just move into his house and stay there. Then we’ll find out just how much he approves of it, won’t we?
My great-great-grandfather changed the family name long ago due to anti-Irish discrimination. Sometimes I consider that sad. Chris Murphy, dickhead that he is, makes me reconsider that regret.
“Ergo, I will ask again and a again until I get a sensible answer: if other countries, including Mexico and Canada, have such tight-assed requirements for immigrants and no one is complaining about it, why is it NOT okay for the USA and its citizens to expect the same thing?”
Ditto that, and Mexico has a wall all along their Southern Border with Guatemala while they bawl and screech about how “evil, vile and racist” our desire to build a wall along our Border with their Country. Weapons grade hypocrisy!
Indocrination for a Liberal voter base.
Yes, but they DO need endocrination, don’t they?
ABSOLUTELY, and I’m positive that’s what the political left wants. look at CA Governor Moonbat’s signing of a bill into law allowing illegal aliens the right to vote in that State, I’m positive he signed that while silently gloating about it guaranteeing his party a never-ending stream of votes!
API. I don’t give a rat’s ass what Mexico or any other half-assed country does. To me, that’s playing into the one-size-fits-all, we are one world community horse shit. Besides, it’s a reasonable question but you know what the answer will be: “We’re better than that. Let’s lead the world in kindness.” Here, let me buy you a coke.
I couldn’t give two hoots of a rat shit myself about what they say either, I just wanted to highlight their hypocrisy.
I just heard the newly appointed “professional Mexican” AG of the state of Mexifornia, Becerra, screeching over the airwaves that he is joining in some frivolous lawsuit to protect the “constitutional rights” of all citizens of the world to come to the US. This mofo is clearly to stupid to have passed a bar exam without assistance; he prolly had someone else take it for him.
Constitutional rights? Oh, that’s the epitome of Da Stoopid.
Perhaps Americans should exercise their constitutional rights and go invade Mexico.
If the USA is as bad as the harebrained SJW moonbat liberals say it is, then I suggest THEY barge into Mexico and as soon as they are there they ought to immediately demand subsidized housing, medical care, the right to vote there a stipend to live on and see just what the Mexican Government hands them in return! OH, and one of the conditions is that upon their arrival in Mexico they have to renounce their US Citizenship in front of US Consular Officials.
Just looked him up on the Cali State Bar website. Until this month, this Dhimmicrat professional politician has not had an active license as an attorney since 1991. He just reinstated his license on 1/1/2017 so Moonbeam could appoint him to replace Kamala Harris as AG. This violates a Government Code section that said an attorney had to have actively practiced law for the five years immediately preceding becoming AG. But of course, Moonbeam and the Legislature prolly quietly repealed that statute, which Moonbeam himself violated when he was elected AG. Remember folks the basic rule of the Party line and its propaganda: “When I say a word, it means only what I say it means, nothing more and nothing less.”
What that means is that the Attorney General of the State of California has not practiced law for about 25 years. According to the State Bar website itself only “active members” may legally practice law as an attorney. I might also note he was only an active member of about 5 years before he went inactive in 1991.
I am shocked, really?
Democrats sidelining law to accommodate party line appointments? Surely the California State Legislature had two rounds of questions for him.
Holy fucking shit, I just searched Fox News and CNN and there is no mention of this.
Since this ass-clown came from the Legislature, I think the only thing his colleagues had to say to him was: Congratulations, Comrade Becerra.
The Domed Whorehouse of Sacramento at its finest!
Yeah, Constitutional rights only apply to US citizens.
Unfortunately, our Supreme Court has ruled some of the apply to “persons” who reside here, including legal resident aliens.
Them not the.
Here is the latest news about the two people arrested. One was the gunman. The other was a witness who called police.
That’s as clear as mud. A witness who called 911 was arrested? Cripes. Maybe by Wednesday, we’ll get reliable reports. So far, they have been a mess.
I have something interesting to say: when I went to get the mail this afternoon, I found three envelopes with tax documents enclosed addressed to three different people who do not live at my house. They all have the same last name.
But that’s not all.
When I called the company that sent them to my house and said I’ve been living in my house for 12 years and none of these people have ever lived here, the person on the other end of the line said “Oh? Well, then mark them ‘return to sender’, and we’ll find out what’s going on.”
That should have some interesting results. It could be that they simply got the house number wrong, but you’d think that people would know what their address is, wouldn’t you?
Heh. Yeah.
Perhaps they weren’t expecting a tax form that reflects their wages for the year.
Maybe they are hoping you will pay their taxes for them?
If they’re W-2s, shouldn’t they go to the correct address?????? 😉
If they are not using a correct address, how can they be trusted to be using their real name or even a real social security number?
Exactly. And while I did what the company rep asked me to do, mark those envelopes ‘return to sender’, it did occur to me that they may be using stolen SSNs and other things, too.
At the heart of the matter, is a desperate attempt to prevent Mr Trump from making a simple positive change in the rules.
Which would invalidate the blather of the past admin, and make them look both ineffective and stupid.
The more I see leftie moonbat snowflakes going apeshit and having meltdowns, the happier i get!!!
We’ve called them barking moonbats for years – never more appropriately than now.
Note: there were about 8 (counted ’em) protesters at O’Hare and six law’ers. Not getting many customers there, and the video was live.
That’s about the proper distribution of law’ers to protesters.