RSSJohn Kerry

ROE loosened in regards to ISIS in Afghanistan

| January 22, 2016 | 12 Comments
ROE loosened in regards to ISIS in Afghanistan

Fox News and the Wall Street Journal report that the Pentagon has loosened the rules of engagement restrictions formerly placed on US troops in Afghanistan thanks to the State department declaring the “ISIL-K,” or Khorasan as the organization is known, a foreign terrorist organization; The new authorization now puts ISIS in the same category as […]

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Kerry: remove Syria’s Assad

| December 4, 2015 | 23 Comments
Kerry: remove Syria’s Assad

In contradiction to what his stance on Syria’s president Assad during the Bush Administration, John Kerry has told folks that we need to remove Assad from Syria in order to beat ISIS, according to the New York Times; Yet while American officials say they want to see Mr. Assad leave office, they clearly do not […]

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Sinking CNN refloats the swift boats

| July 22, 2015 | 71 Comments
Sinking CNN refloats the swift boats

In the media kerfuffle regarding Donald Trump’s stupid remarks about John McCain’s Vietnam service, the ratings-sinking CNN noted that while Jeb Bush had condemned Trump’s boorishness, he had long ago defended the swift boat veterans’ attacks against John Kerry. Had CNN been content to leave their news article with a passing reference to political history, […]

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Surprised? Nah, Me Neither.

| April 3, 2015 | 20 Comments
Surprised?  Nah, Me Neither.

Well, our good SECSTATE has been at it again. It seems that the good John Forbes Kerry has been running his yap again – this time about “global climate change”. And here’s what he had to say: “Climate change is an issue that is personal to me, and it has been since the 1980s, when […]

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Our foreign policy is a joke, a very bad joke

| January 16, 2015 | 63 Comments
Our foreign policy is a joke, a very bad joke

.@JohnKerry brings James Taylor to Paris news conference to play "You've Got a Friend" – message to French after U.S no-shows last week — Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) January 16, 2015 Yeah, John Kerry took James Taylor to Paris with him to sing “You’ve got a friend” because that’s how we roll; All’s better now. Take […]

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Iran talks fail once again

| November 25, 2014 | 5 Comments
Iran talks fail once again

So, you may not have noticed, but there was supposed to be a deadline for an agreement on Iran’s nuclear ambitions yesterday, instead, after a few days of scurrying around trying to put together an agreement of sorts, the negotiating parties decided instead to extend the deadline for seven months. Needless to say, John Kerry, […]

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Kerry’s credibility problems

| September 22, 2014 | 16 Comments
Kerry’s credibility problems

As they say, the bloom is off the rose at the Washington Post when they let Marc Thiessen, former Bush speechwriter beat up John Kerry like this; When John Kerry ran for president in 2004, he dismissed the allies fighting alongside the United States in Iraq as a “trumped-up, so-called coalition of the bribed, the […]

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NATO Nations vow to join in fight against ISIS

| September 15, 2014 | 13 Comments
NATO Nations vow to join in fight against ISIS

From the Christian Science Monitor comes the news that 26 nations pledged to join the fight against ISIS during a summit in Paris, if that’s not ironic; “It shows a political will to tackle [the extremists] collectively,” says Yves Boyer, associate director of the French think tank Foundation for Strategic Research, which he says is […]

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