Our foreign policy is a joke, a very bad joke
.@JohnKerry brings James Taylor to Paris news conference to play "You've Got a Friend" – message to French after U.S no-shows last week
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) January 16, 2015
Yeah, John Kerry took James Taylor to Paris with him to sing “You’ve got a friend” because that’s how we roll;
All’s better now. Take that, ISIS. That’s what happens when 60s stank-ass hippies run our halls of government.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit, John Kerry
Are you fucking kidding me?
You took the words right out of my mouth!
W. T. F. over?
Spot on.
What in the ever loving fuck was Kerry thinking?!?!
Sorry, this is Kerry… he wasn’t thinking. He never thinks.
Very true! Conceited, narcissistic Northeastern blue-blood silver-spoon-up-the-ass liberals like him do as they please expecting everyone else to slobber and grovel at their feet in gratitude no matter what they do. “Lurch” Kerry is also an outstanding example of a “Do as I say, not as I do” hypocrite and what I consider to be “Self-Coronated Royalty”.
My bad. I forgot that he’s paralyzed from the neck up.
Wait – what?
We have a foreign policy now?
When did that happen?
I think he picked one up at the White House gift shop. You know, the same place he got the DVD set for the Prime Minister of Great Brittan.
Id it true John F’n Kerry first perfected saying je suis charlie when he was in Vietnam?
f’in brilliant
Congratulations sir. Close the internet down everyone, we have a winner.
How much did this ASSime action cost us in dollars? Forget about the goodwill between the US and France. Did Mooch think this one up as a goodwill gesture? Joe
Nope, if it’d been Mooch, all she’d have done is come up with a hashtag.
That’s it….fuck it…..I’m OUT!! (not really)
He could have at least hauled Jerry Lewis over there.
He could have at least presented France with Sean Penn “sculpture”.
Well fuck me. What an idiot.
James Taylor, stank ass hippie scumbag:
What the actual fuck, over?
You know that president mom-jeans and his clown-car posse administration have become an international joke when the frikkin’ FRENCH are laughing at you.
It’s gonna take at least a generation to repair the damage that these jackwagons have caused these United States.
“clown-car posse”:
I was just thinking that the State Department needs clown cars instead of limos. This is the stuff that teeny tiny 3rd world countries might come up with.
We are the laughing stock of the thinking world.
Probably longer than that. We’re still dealing with the shitpile left from the Carter administration.
Fuck. Me. Running.
Carter? Shit now I have a headache. He needs to go away and build houses and keep his mouth shut. What a dumb ass.
Yeah, now they’re telling us to lay off the french fries and go back to freedom fries, until we grow a pair and earn the right to use the term “french” again. That, and now they call us hamburger eating surrender monkies!
Kerry shoulda taken the Reverand Sharpton along, so that after the Taylor kumbaya songfest, Reverand Al can berate the French about the lack of Mozzie participation in the Cannes Film Festival. Kinda like a good cop/bad cop routine…
In case there is anyone left who was wondering – this is one of several good reasons why he was NOT elected prez.
Could this administration be a bigger joke? Where it isn’t filled with old 60’s hippies, it’s filled with the ideals the espoused. I’m surprised Kerry didn’t try to get them to all sit around in a drum circle singing kumbaya.
I though it not possible, but this surpasses Clinton’s “reset button” she handed to her Russian counterpart. Amateur hour at the top diplomatic rung is unforgivable for any “serious” country…
The above comment was my first thought as well. The “reset button” mess was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen at diplomatic levels until this. I never thought anyone could outdo the reset button. I pride myself on not being embarrassed for my country no matter how much or how often our government makes a fool of itself, but in this case I’m really struggling. Imagine what we’d think of France if they sent some inbred idiot diplomat and some old liberal fart musician to sing us “Je t’aime, mon ami” after a terrorist incident on our soil. I’ll be spending the morning e-mailing everyone I know in France and telling them that I don’t know a single person in America who approved of this embarrassment.
I heard this when I first woke up this morning on WISN with Jay Weber on iHeart Radio.
These idiots continue to define stupid down, and down, and down…
I mean, they make Forrest Gump look like a friggin’ genius.
The President was busy meeting with Boy Scouts or something. The Vice President was busy doing who knows what. The Secretary of State was busy in meetings. The Attorney General was busy traveling to the airport in FRANCE to come home.
But, as long as we sing you a song, it’s all good. U mad bro?
The President was busy making his caddie walk behind the cart.
The First Lady was busy flying one of the VC-25s to Paris for her morning shopping trip in preparation for tomorrow’s vacation to Tahiti.
The Vice President was getting drunk(er) while hiding from his wife.
The Secretary of Defense was drafting a proposal to disband the US Military and outsource our national defense to foreign contractors.
The Joint Chiefs were busy polishing the Glorious Leader’s golf shoes and ordering three weeks mandatory of mandatory death by PowerPoint for all troops because somebody told a joke, while taking turns getting blowjobs from E8 Moerk.
The Attorney General was making sure the bribes he received from Jesse Jackson were well-spent.
Valerie Jarrett was busy slaughtering a small child as a blood offering to Lucifer.
Did I miss anybody?
Afterward, they had everyone rehearse singing “Kum-ba-yah” to be sung while serving freshly made Kool-Aid at their next schmooze session!
I think you’ve about covered it, with the exception of Eric Holder.
TOW, I think you covered it quite nicely.
If you were thinking about firing a second salvo please consider that the Sec Def is thinking about hiring Hessians (same as those hired by George III during the Revolutionary War) and the Joint Chiefs are polishing his balls, not his shoes. And yes, you filthy minded cretins, I did not say “polishing his golf balls”.
There is a rule about holes. When you discover that you are in one, stop digging. I can only assume that the short bus clown crew currently in charge of the country (“in charge” is not the same as “running”) has not yet recognized that small spot of sky way up there is trying to tell them something.
And they wonder why the other world governments laugh to tears about U.S. Foreign Policy. Putin just belly laughs as he watches videos like these, especially starring John “The Lurch” Kerry. Da hell is wrong with the clowns running this circus in Washington? If their intent is to completely destroy all credibility with everyone they come into contact with…mission accomplished. I take back my first comment. They don’t wonder why they’re laughing stock. They have no clue they are. They truly think the world holds them in awe as they did the America of decades gone by. Little do they know and they have NO clue about the reality of life in the world of diplomacy.
If the strategic plan is for ISIS to die laughing.
I guess the shock and awe phase has begun.
I wonder why Commissar (related to James?) hasn’t come in here to tell us how we’re racist wingnuts for criticizing this brilliant bit of statecraft. Maybe it’s too early in the morning in Berkeley.
This is more of that smart diplomacy they’ve been cackling about for the last 6 years.
If they mean to say that smart diplomacy looks alot like a sing-a-long on Sesame St.; then yeah, they’re fucking geniuses.
Larsie-poo probably hasn’t indulged in enough of VWPissant’s airplane glue and Kool-Aid yet!!
Jonn: yesterday (16 Jan) was a Friday. I don’t think professors at Berkeley teach too many classes on Fridays. They simply must get away for those long weekends partaking of the produce of the Napa Valley – or perhaps communing with the redwoods a bit farther north.
Plus, Monday is one of those Federal holidays favored by the Berkeley set, so I’m sure it’s observed by the CA university system. That means it’s an extra-long weekend.
This bunch makes Carter look good.
True, but I never thought it would be possible to do that.
Me, too.
Obama and those with him make Jimmah the Peanut look like Napoleon come back.
Iowahawk is killing this on Twitter. Just a sample below:
“Dear Terrorists: please accept this lovely wind chime fashioned from our testicles.”
“Don’t bring a Gibson Hummingbird to an AK-47 fight. #JamesTaylor”
If I were France I’d be pissed and insulted. Their citizens were just murdered and this fucking clown brings this side show over there. What a complete fucking embarrassment. Way to keep your eye on the ball Kerry, you dumbass shitstain.
I’ve never agreed more strongly with an Internet post than I do with this one.
Thank God Mr Taylor was available to go to France! What would France think if Kerry showed up alone?
They should feel free to use him doing a live-fire check on a guillotine!
It could have been worse – he could have brought Cat Stevens (aka: Yusuf Islam) to play Peace Train.
I’m severely disappointed that sKerry didn’t take all of his anti-war pals with him. In fact, why didn’t he take his skank friend, Jane Fonda. She coulda taught ’em crap like mental masturbation or something and still sung Kumbayaw or whatever the fuck it is.
Gee whiz, I wonder where Larsie-poo and cc are with their wisdom and wit? I’m betting they’re probably sniffing glue before they go into their next “Dutch Rudder” session wearing their Che Guevara t-shirts!! Cc sure likes to bag on real SEALS like Daniel A. Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld do on real Vets, especially real CPO’s, I bet they’re kinfolk!!
Holy shit. Stop the fucking planet, I want off.
Wait a few years. Once NASA ‘establishes’ Mars Colony I, the wagon trains will start to build.
Some time in the next 5 years, an exact twin for Earth will be discovered.
Wow, it reminds me of this by not doing the right thing and attending the march.