Who knows
USSC restores most of travel ban
Fox News reports that the Supreme Court has restored most of President Trump’s second executive-ordered travel ban after lower courts struck the measure down; “An American individual or entity that has a bona fide relationship with a particular person seeking to enter the country as a refugee can legitimately claim concrete hardship if that person […]
Westboro scum foiled in Clarksville, TN
The filthy scum of Westboro have again threatened to protest at the funerals of the three soldiers, Corporal Dillon C. Baldridge, Sgt. Eric M. Houck and Sgt. William M. Bays, who were killed in a recent “green-on-blue” attack in Afghanistan. Locals in Clarksville, Tennessee were able to foil the protests there for the memorial of […]
Inmates save guard
Just when I’ve given up on people, this happens; The prisoners were weeding and cleaning a local cemetery when the unidentified guard passed out, face-down, in hot and humid temperatures, authorities said. The inmates rushed to the man’s side, turned him over and removed his gun belt. Then the prisoners removed the officer’s bulletproof vest […]
Classified military records
This is from a case that was sent to us from someone. I’m not going to write about the person or the reason that some other person thought that we should expose him, but it’s good teaching point for the phonies out there who think that they can avoid our scrutiny by claiming that their […]
‘F*** you, I’m Millwall’ beer
11B-Mailclerk sends us a link to the UK’s Telegraph which reports on a new Sweden-brewed beer inspired by Roy Larner, the hero of the Black & Blue restaurant and bar where some terrorists attacked patrons and Larner attracted their attention from the rest with his now-iconic phrase “F*** you, I’m Millwall”. In a statement on […]
American Assassin
The folks at CBS Films and Lionsgate wanted me to tell you about their new film, American Assassin, due out in September; AMERICAN ASSASSIN follows the rise of Mitch Rapp (Dylan O’Brien), a CIA black ops recruit under the instruction of Cold War veteran Stan Hurley (Michael Keaton). The pair is then enlisted by CIA […]
Actor Scott Levy is not a Desert Storm veteran
A few weeks ago we talked about Travis Wade, an actor who had claimed to be a USMC sniper. During the discussion afterward, another actor, Scott Levy, emailed us and because he misread my email signature block, accused me of stealing valor, because he thought I was claiming to be a retired Army Specialist (SPC) […]
Charles Clymer’s records
You probably remember that a few weeks ago we had the big national discussion about Sheriff David Clarke’s uniform that was started by Charles Clymer, who stated that he didn’t like Clarke’s uniform, based on Clymer’s time in the military. So we decided to look into his military career. Well, he had six years of […]
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