USSC restores most of travel ban
Fox News reports that the Supreme Court has restored most of President Trump’s second executive-ordered travel ban after lower courts struck the measure down;
“An American individual or entity that has a bona fide relationship with a particular person seeking to enter the country as a refugee can legitimately claim concrete hardship if that person is excluded,” the Court wrote. “As to these individuals and entities, we do not disturb the injunction. But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government’s compelling need to provide for the Nation’s security.”
The justices decided to review the broader constitutional issues over executive authority on immigration with oral arguments to be held in the Fall.
I guess the USSC will completely review the issue in their next session in the Fall, but for now, the Left can act triggered. Since the executive order was originally slated to last only 90 days, it might be a moot issue before the next session.
Category: Who knows
The Lefties will see this as proof positive that SCOTUS has been corrupted by Constitutionalists.
Strict Constitutionalists are the only ones qualified to sit on the SCOTUS.
We know that, but it violated the Lefties’ Creed.
Not really because we live in a democracy and differing opinions on who should serve on the bench is up to all of us.
Really what does the Constitution say about the Internet and it’s neutrality.
Police spying with infrared optics into your house?
Actually, per the Constitution who gets appointed to the SCOTUS is up to the POTUS (who nominates Federal judges) and the Senate (who confirms/rejects their appointments). Public opinion has at best a limited effect.
Public Opinion based on the ballot box. My point is that Eden is not the grand poobah of what makes a SCJ, but you already knew what my point was Hondo.
The law is quite clear on this. The Circuit Courts that stepped in did it for purely political reasons. The opinions they gave are laughable in the extreme. I’m glad SCOTUS stepped in to stop this nonsense until they can hear the case if it comes to that. Those AG’s that want to argue this before SCOTUS are in for a rough ride. It is seldom that SCOTUS rebukes a Circuit 9-0. That should serve as a warning. If you can’t even swing Ginsberg your in deep trouble
wait, what, leftist, activist judges ding something for purely political reasons??? Say it ain’t so…..
…and there was much gnashing of teeth and rending of garments
Sweet schendfraude
BARTENDER, another round of shots of Liberal Tears with a Schadenfreude chaser!! 😀😄😎
I’ll buy the next round!
And there was much rejoicing.
None here. I mean, the original form of the ban was horribly designed; there’s virtually zero national security justification for banning people from those countries who were here legally, but now suddenly weren’t. A tech professional from Iran, for example, who has worked here for years, legally, after passing earlier security checks, shouldn’t suddenly be subjected to a ban without any particular reason… even if, by a literal interpretation of the law, that’s the President’s prerogative. I seem to remember there even being a little baby in need of medical attention who was held up. Last I checked, two-year old kids weren’t a threat to us.
But banning potentially dangerous types? I personally think the threat is overstated (but non-zero), and is outweighed by the benefits and existing vetting we already do,.. but I recognize that I’m not President and there’s a case to be made that that balance tips the other way, in favor of a ban. And that the President is in his right to issue it.
No gnashing of teeth, just the recognition that, to me, the President chose an option with I feel is 45% good, 55% bad, as opposed to 55% good, 45% bad. And now SCOTUS has said ..well, not that it’s his right (yet), but that it isn’t clear the lower courts have the right to stop it. I expect it’ll hold up in September, too, but we’ll see.
Just for clarification LC, based on the exceptions to the EO that SCOTUS put into their statement, both of your examples would now be allowed to come in.
Agreed – I didn’t mean to imply they weren’t. I was speaking of the initial ‘ban’ – which regardless of how one perceives the ban itself, was an unmitigated clusterfuck of legislation. DHS wasn’t in the loop, airports were caught off guard, and the types of people in my examples -I knew of one, via a friend- were very much caught in limbo.
The refined EO did things a lot better, but we probably wouldn’t have gotten there without the legal challenges. And SCOTUS has, for now, added further clarification. So, one can feel it’s within the President’s authority, and even feel there’s some merit in the notion, but still be quite thankful the courts were able to put a hold on the initial EO’s chaos.
I will agree, the initial implementation was done very poorly, and that all involved agencies should have been read in, with a detailed plan to implement it smoothly.
That being said, the usual suspects would have still complained loudly, and did there best to block it, because no matter how they include the implementation, it has nothing to with their true intent, to block anything and everything this President tries to do. Not saying you’re one of em, but you know who i’m talking about
The question, LC, is not whether or not it meets some nebulous question of fairness, but does the POTUS have the legal authority to ban people from certain areas from entering the US until a proper vetting process can be established.
And the answer, quite clearly, if one reads the text of the law, is “Yes.”
It doesn’t matter whether or not you (or anyone else) thinks it is “fair” – it is legal. It doesn’t matter whether or not you (or anyone else) thinks it is necessary. It doesn’t matter whether or not you (or anyone else) thinks the danger is significant. The POTUS has that authority. Period. End of statement. He does not have to explain it to your satisfaction.
The court has made some accommodations for the interim until the full case can be argued. But the activist judges in the 9th Circus Ring were wrong in their activism.
I would argue there are multiple questions – there’s the legal question, and then there’s the question of what might cause gnashing of teeth and frustration.
Legally, I believe you’re right – though I’d argue the court didn’t say the 9th was wrong, they just said that it isn’t clear that the President doesn’t have that authority. I’m guessing, when they do examine the case, they’ll conclude that this is within the President’s power, but that’s not yet been decided.
As for the ‘fairness’, sure, that has no legal bearing on the case,.. but it’s why there’s a big fuss over this. If, to just spit-ball for a moment here, the President declared that for national security reasons -something I think is within his purview, but someone correct me if I’m wrong on this hypothetical- all ammunition was to be stockpiled, and thus nobody could purchase any for their guns, there’d be an outcry… even though he’s not technically infringing on the 2A because you can have your guns (just not ammo), and because it’s national security, which gives him broad powers. Imagine, for a moment, if Clinton were President and made such a decree. I somehow doubt it would be met with, “Oh well, it’s legal.. shucks, I guess that’s the end of it!” from conservatives?
The legality of something doesn’t always coincide with the popular sentiment about it. The discussion, and court cases, don’t simply end because the President has the (apparent) legal authority to do something.
If a law is not “fair”, the proper course of action is not to ignore the law. The proper course of action is for Congress to change the law – IF Congress agrees that the law should be changed.
What the various lower courts here did was say, “Ignore that part of the law because we don’t like the outcome.” That, LC, is just plain wrong. The SCOTUS ruling here largely ended that nonsense, at least in this particular case, until the full set of legal issues at hand can be considered.
LC, there have been many cases where courts have ruled against such situations as your ammo proposal: they have found that if the local law is intended to circumvent, like saying :”well, we can’t ban guns but we can make it so difficult to acquire them that most people will not” then that local regulation set is not legal due to that. Gun laws in Washington and Chicago have been scrutinized like that, in Heller and other decisions.
Yeah there was. Those states are designated Terrorist States by Obama no less and the governments can’t provide clear records as to who those people are. This makes it a danger to all Americans to import them. Considering that over 80% of “refugees” go immediately on welfare and don’t get off there is no benefit to having these leeches here.
I really don’t care who gets butthurt over this, unlike “President Of The World” Obama, Trump recognizes that The American People elected him President of this country. Our history should tell you what this means.
That should be the first change.. No welfare for 5 yrs for new immigrants.. what ever happened to proving you had means, or employment to support yourself before being allowed in? I know i’ve read that’s the way it used to be…
Proving that you have means? MEXICO requires that along with many other countries.
Not that I disagree with the ban, but: if the people are fleeing their home country and saying they do not want to be part of what has been designated a terrorist state: the conclusion is that they do not want to be part of a terrorist state, hence should not be called terrorists. (God, I love playing Devil’s advocate).
Actually I know someone who has been trying to find any good research on immigration vs. security – what has worked, what failed policies of the past like the Nisei imprisonment did, that sort of thing: and as far as she can tell no one has ever done a real study of what works and what doesn’t. What we do currently? There have been very few attacks by illegally entered terrorists. There have been quite a few by terrorists who either were home-radicalized or vetted and cleared to come in. Something is obviously wrong with that process, then… Historically the data is similar, as far back as she can determine (over 100 years. Should be interesting if she does her thesis on this.
David, you make good points about how difficult it is to determine intent (though checking a persons social media might be a start…) and the conclusion in your first paragraph makes sense.. if you assume they’re telling the truth, and therin lies the rub. They know what the obvious conclusion is, and they can play to that. And when you’re talking about failed states, that cannot provide squat in the way of verification, and have a long history of forged documents…
Ummm. It is important to remember that the Empire of Japan had a -very- well developed and -large- intelligence operation running in the USA prior to and during World War 2.
“Nisei” effectively means “second generation”, the ones born here. The -first- were often -very- loyal to the Japan. We tend to Americanize anything, so the latter generations broke increasingly American.
The statements elsewhere that there was no espionage by people of Japanese origin and citizenship is patently false. There were also cases of American born Nisei serving foreign interests, just as there were American-born German-heritage types that served the Reich against us.
The Empire of Japan was -highly- competent at the game of war, including intelligence gathering through HUMINT.
Gee. The SCOTUS ruled that the POTUS actually can do what Federal law says he can do in black and white.
What a concept!
And in the DNC we hear:
But they keep refusing to decide if “keep and bear arms” really means “keep and bear arms”.
It took fifty eight years to overturn the disasterous -wrong- of Plessy versus Ferguson and the resultant obscenity of “separate but equal”.
“Separate, but equal.”
A state to which ,ironically enough, many radical blacks want to return.
MLK cries.
And which they are demanding to do on college campi all over the country. Strange thing this is. Fight so hard to be equal then voluntarily segregate yourself from others that are not like you. Sounds like racism to me in the reverse kind
Some of them are still confused about the “militia” thing. Some of them are still confused about the “people” thing.
Most of us are not confused at all.
Sort of. They still put limits on something that is only for the President to decide. It is a step in the right direction but will hopefully be decided properly when they hear the case in the fall.
Don’t know how it happened but this was supposed to be a reply to Hondo’s post. My bad!
So the SCOTUS in so many words stated that Liberals “Look funny and don’t read good”. Which all of us “Deplorables” already knew. Way to go SCOTUS for actually allowing the President to lead and make decisions, something we hadn’t seen in the previous 8 years.
The D-rat party is sinking like Ted *HICCUP!* Kennedy’s Oldsmobile.
“But when it comes to refugees who lack any such connection to the United States, for the reasons we have set out, the balance tips in favor of the Government’s compelling need to provide for the Nation’s security.”
I don’t see anything that says someone with urgent medical needs, e.g., a toddler from Iran, cannot come here for treatment. It’s the relatives, whether direct or indirect, who may accompany the toddler that may be deemed as having a suspect connection.
How hard is that to understand?
For the dopes on the left who want to embrace everyone (except me, ‘cuz I’m not ‘of color’ and don’t have peculiar habits) –well, your reality is cloudsongs, dust bunnies and rainbow farts. I hope it doesn’t hurt when it falls on you.
Ex, not to overstate the obvious, but based on your love of cats, i’m not sure you can make the claim “don’t have peculiar habits”…
I think in the chaos of the initial EO, there was exactly that sort of confusion and a baby was, in fact, in limbo at JFK. That situation was fixed, and the subsequent changes to the ‘ban’ make it far better. The initial roll-out was downright embarrassing though.
If you don’t believe me on the toddler-in-need-of-medical issue, I’ll try to find the article.
I believe you, but then it was also on the evening news when it happened.
There was, in fact, a great deal of confusion over it, which resulted in people who had already immigrated here being barred re-entry when they came back from those specified areas after visits to family members.
I believe that was all straightened out.
Gorsuch made a great point on this though, in that the ban can create a great deal of litigation as people litigate over what constitutes a bona fide connection…he was for letting the ban stand as originally written as were Thomas and Alito
And yet the Supreme Court has declined to hear Peruta v. San Diego, though Gorsuch and Thomas protested.
Yeah, that is odd TOW.. guess it’ll have to wait for another justice to retire…(do I hear RGB or Kennedy???? Or could we dare to dream for both?)
Meanwhile the hostile anti immigrant political narrative and crackdown will result in tens of millions of dollars in crop losses due to crops rotting in the field and migrant labor no longer meets demand.
Perhaps there is a job in menial agriculture open for some of you now? Extra income.
Help offset the grocery costs as they outstrip inflation next year.
Meanwhile ISIS has a propaganda windfall as the Trump administration acknowledges what ISIS has been trying to convince Muslims of for years; that they are defending against the West’s war against Islam.
On a different note, I’m surprised you haven’t decided to educate us on how the reports that the $15 minimum wage in Seattle has been a complete failure, and has done most of the damage to the people it was supposed to help…
To follow up on what 11B said, I live on a small acreage, and am surrounded by others who do the same (generally on much bigger acreage) they raise crops, livestock etc. Not one of the ones I know would hire an illegal, or anyone from the countries in the ban. They all want hard working, LAW ABIDING people working for them. And as an aside, screw produce prices (not that i believe the leftist BS about prices going through the roof) I’ve got my own critters for meat and eggs (still buy milk) and a garden that feeds my family and then some.. I barter with neighbors for honey, and hunt when I can draw a tag. Seems to me stuff like this will effect city folk that can’t do squat for themselves much more than it will people like the ones I associate with… seems people around here call that culling the herd…
Maybe if the townies are too busy trying to get food they’ll quit wasting money on illicit drugs. 🙂
Babbles McButthead and his breed will be the FIRST ones to perish if the grid goes out. Hell, they can’t even handle it when their local Starbucks is closed!
ROFL.. too true… I just take comfort in the fact that we’ve got all we need, including plenty of ammo, and a 500 yd field of fire..
I live in a county that is still bucolic enough to allow for produce/egg farming and direct sales to local customers, pick-your-own farms, and no one has to get a permit to have a personal garden or have their own chickens for eggs. It would be nice if the squirrels would leave my tomato plants alone, but they don’t, so I gave up on that.
I spend a fair amount of my free time with folks who are farmers. I would very much be surprised if they have hired even -one- person form any of the countries covered under Trump’s order regarding suspension.
Yet you offered a comment on “crops rotting in the field”. Were you ignorant of who picks crops in the USA, the nation of origin of agricultural migrant workers, or was your intent to deceive?
You also keep referring to “anti immigrant” in regards to this forum. I do not see much here “anti immigrant”. There is much “anti crime” including the well-established crime prohibiting illegal entry, a crime well supported under US law and precedent, and repeatedly upheld as Constitutionally defined.
So, again, are you simply ignorant of the law, and of the tone of this forum, or is your intent to deceive?
I suppose “both” is a possibility.
Lars has said in the past that he is in favor of open borders as a matter of “labor arbitrage.” What that effectively means is he’s willing to piss on the graves of those who for more than 200 years spilled blood to protect the sovereignty of the place some of us call home.
Personally, I try to avoid getting caught up in the tarbaby of Lars’ insanity. YMMV.
He has delusions of himself as one of the people who rise to the top.
You know what they say: shit floats. It also goes down the drain with the rest of the sewage.
HEY Babbles McButthead, come over to the Bernie thread and try to tell us that the Sanders did nothing wrong with his wife’s harebrained mismanagement that shut a college down!as well as the current investigation!
The muzzie “refugees”‘are not interested in taking agricultural jobs, most are too damned lazy.
Crops rotting in the fields? That’s strange. Those fields are in Mexico Lindo and Chile. I have two lovely bags of tomatoes from Mexico in my cocina, ahora mismo and strawberries from Florida… or I can go pick my own at a farm about 30 miles away, if I feel the need. The sweet corn I had for dinner on Sunday came from a farm in Wisconsin, as do the potatoes I buy for potato salad.
That entire phrase ‘crops rotting in the fields’ is, in the words of Commissar THE BRAINDEAD, BORING, POODLEDICKED PIUPERDINK OF NO REAL IMPORTANCE, pure bullshit, but they ARE his words, so they must be true. Right?
On the other hand, we must take into account the sheer unadulterated ignorance of COMMISSAR Commissar THE BIRDWITTED IDIOT in regard to agriculture in general and veggie/fruit farming in particular.
Showing your ignorance again, as always, COMMISSAR Commissar, YOU DUMB, STUMPSUCKIING IGNORAMUS.
At least, he’s consistently ignorant and consistently lets the entire world know about it.
I’m certain that Babbles McButthead is VERY PROUD of his idiocy given the way he parades it here.
I have yet to see a single ‘immigrant’ from the banned countries out in the fields in the USA picking crops. Perhaps you could post pictures, and articles that link to those ‘immigrants’ doing such?
Oh, as for ISIS, they already hate us, dumb ass.
Did you know that the majority of illegals don’t work in agriculture? Most of them work in construction now, and if you talk to American construction workers they would tell you that the cheap labor undercuts their ability to earn a living.
“Perhaps there is a job in menial agriculture open for some of you now?:
All those millenials with degrees in Anime Design, Liberal Arts, Lesbian Dance Theory, etc need to get jobs somewhere.
So do those with advanced degrees from Berkeley. But the latter group probably would consider such work “beneath” them even if they were broke and hungry.
Commie, BULLSHIT on the crop losses, and as far as isis, the scum that’s gonna hate us already hates us.. the faster they get in line the faster they can be sent to their 72 virgin goats…
I second this.
Stop throwing the word “commie” around dipshit. You clearly have no idea what it means.
Employing workers and increasing the labor supply is not communist. How the fuck are you so clueless about this issue that you think it is.
And border controls are ANTI-CAPITALIST and ANTI-Free Market. The whole reason Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations is to argue against allowing borders to be barriers on trade.
Your whole worldview is anti-capitalist BUT You are too much of a dipshit to know.
Because you do not know a damn thing about capitalism, communism, or markets.
All you know are mindless propaganda identity narratives that cause you to assume everything you believe is capitalist and everything you do not like is communist.
“All you know are mindless propaganda identity narratives that cause you to assume everything you believe is capitalist and everything you do not like is communist.” – COMMISSAR Commissar
I believe that this attempt to cast aspersions on people who are such anathema to COMMISSAR Commissar’S PERSONAL AGENDA to install a socialist government that is one-half step away from Communism is actually COMMISSAR Commissar’S view of himself.
Pot, meet kettle.
Lars aka Babbles McButthead may have all kinds of book knowledge but without the common sense to put it to use he’ll never hold a job in the real world other than as a Government bureaucrat in a cubicle somewhere. Hey, he DID admit that his only civilian job experience was in a McGunk franchise and they’re ALWAYS hiring!
And…Lars is off his meds again.
Could we all chip in and get Commissar some meds, any kind of meds, just so he’ll step away from his keyboard?
Lars aka Babbles McButthead is full of impotent rage.
Is his lack of self control showing again? What a dope!
You stupid FUCK, i try to remain civil here, but you push the limits.. Commie was a direct reference to you and your chosen moniker, It had nothing to do with the anti-american, self destructive open borders bullshit you propose, other than the fact that both ideologies would lead to the destruction of this nation. You don’t have a fucking clue about me or my history. My family has fought in EVERY war this country has been in, including the French and Indian war, so maybe you better step the fuck off and buy a clue before you insult me and mine… I don’t give a shit what rank you managed to attain, as my father says ” cream may rise to the top, but shit floats too!” and you are a perfect example of that… any time you’re feeling froggy, come out to Colorado and jump you stupid inbred non-thinking brain-damaged commie loving shit sucking manning loving retard!
Stop calling yourself “Commi-ssar” and maybe people will stop calling you “commie”.
Too complex a concept?
Ok. How freaking -stupid- is it to tell a bunch of -military veterans- “don’t call me (anything)”? (And actually mean it)
Admit it. You -like- it. You -bask- in it, and the abuse heaped upon you.
As I said before, Lars comes here because its cheaper than hiring a Dominatrix to abuse him.
I wonder what his safe word is?
Damn fat fingers.. supposed to be Stalin
The other two big stories out of the Supreme Court was the decision that the state can’t deny funding to a church simply because they are a church and the funding doesn’t add or support the furtherance or hindrance of religion.
The big news is that a “you must bake this cake!” case was granted cert for the fall. A Colorado bakery refused to create a cake to celebrate a gay marriage on the basis of religious reasons. An administrative judge (really?) decided the bakery violated the law by not creating the cake. The owner claims First Amendment protection for freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
The first first case was a big win for religious freedom in this country and hopefully the bakery case will do the same thing.
any business which can’t figure out how to reward preferential customers and dissuade customers they don’t want should not be in business. Everyone knows “we don’t serve your kind” is not going to fly. But “well, that’s gonna be real expensive and we don’t have an opening until XXX – oh, is that too late?”
True… does seem he could have found an easier way out, but I’m guessing he felt the need to directly stand up for his beliefs…
In reality SCOTUS allowed a very limited travel ban. Basically if you have zero reason to travel to the US from the named countries the ban is in effect. students, business people, family members, official travel, visiting scholars etc are not covered. doesn’t leave many people in the ban pool.
All bullshit propaganda and grandstanding. Saudi Arabia, source of most of the 9/11 hijackers and who is the largest financial backer and exporter of Sunni Wahhabism is not on the list. Trump goes to Saudi Arabia, kisses their ass, and calls on the world to stop terrorist nations highlighting Iran specifically. Iran is a SHIA nation and was the first nation in the world to actual ground forces to fight ISIS and continues to fight ISIS today and was fighting ISIS when Trump called them out for being a terrorist nation while literally standing in the nation that is the largest financial backer of Sunni terrorism. SO MUCH FUCKING BULLSHIT! Muslims are our best allies against ISIS. Iran is more committed to fighting ISIS than LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD. More committed than the US, the rest of the West, and Russia, and sure as shit more committed than any Sunni governed state in the middle east. So entirely because of FINANCIAL interests we are acting like Saudi Arabia is our friend while condemning ISIS closest and most committed enemy; Iran. And this Muslim ban and constant anti-Muslim social and political narrative in the US will do almost nothing to protect the US but will be a huge windfall for ISIS and extremist recruitment. ISIS exists ENTIRELY do to propaganda narratives about an Islamic state under siege. A global war between Islam and the West. The worst thing we can do is validate that narrative. And all this bullshit about bans and the threat of Muslims does just that. American Sunni Muslims will be forced to choose a side. Their country or their religion. All we do is make it feel impossible for peaceful Muslims to stand on the sidelines. While the vast majority will put country first it does not take many being pushed toward this decision point to increase ISIS recruitment of American Muslims. the fact that we are simultaneously insisting on perpetuating a hostile posture toward Shia Muslims is just insane. Shia Muslims have more interest in stopping ISIS than ANY OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC. We… Read more »
Oh, we’ve got OUR shit straight, COMMISSAR Commissar, you imbecilic excuse for a semi-upright ambling simian primate.
You didn’t finish your sentence, IDIOTA! Not that anyone really gives a flying rectal noise in space what you spew out of that dormant organ you have for a brain. You, COMMISSAR Commissar, YOU AMBULATORY POTATO PEEL, are less informed than that rag in NYC that still has delusions of its importance in the scheme of things.
Get over yourself, PICKLEDICK. Sanders lost. Now he’s under investigation. You can’t stick your fat head up his ass any more.
Babbles McButthead, this is how I picture you:
That -never- gets old.
Iran? You invoke Iran is a great fighter of terrorism?
I want some of what you’re smoking bro.
Damn you’re a dumbass… if they are true muslims, and believe in what the koran teaches, and the preachings of mohammad their way of live and beliefs are directly in opposition to this country… you and fucks like you keep saying we can’t fight a religion, ie; every muslim.. I say BULLSHIT.. what you mean is pansies like you don’t have the will.. nuke every major city of every muslim nation, show em we mean busness.. if dearbornistan or other muslim enclaves in this country want to rise up, good en em, we’ll eradicate them too.. they all need to understand that as long as they follow a blood cult started by a pedophile, we wil hunt them down and kill them, and we have the capability to do just that! if we actually stand up, and do what’s needed to protect not only this nation, but humanity as a whole, we will win, limp-dicks like you not withstanding..
/rant off
All bullshit propaganda and grandstanding.
I agree.
But enough about your post……
Wow. You sure seem to like abuse, “Commissar – don’t call me ‘Commie'”. Are we to call you “Ayatollah” now? “Ayatollah Ass-a-hole-a” maybe?
Are you now pushing Ayatollah-level propaganda for yet another hostile foreign power? You remember, the folks that held our diplomats for 444 days? Assorted other mayhem? Major manufacturer of the fucking self-forging-projectile weapons that have been used to slaughter our people? Remember -them-?
But will you will now say it is somehow all -our- fault?
Yup. Shia and Sunni have been slaughtering each other for over 1361 years. BFD. None of them are “our best allies”. At most, they are occasionally-convenient co-belligerents. Until there is a major reformation of the followers of Mohammed, the slaughter will continue unabated.
Dumbass, the maniacs you seem to champion call you “The Great Satan”. They will express their gratitude for your help by either killing you or enslaving you. (Per their -stated- goals.)
You are -not- stupid enough to believe their bullshit, are you? They are still butt-hurt over getting their asses kicked by a bunch of Greeks.
You do apparently live for butt-hurt, though. That probably explains it.
Lars and Joe on suicide watch yet?
Someone should take their shoelaces.
Hell no, give em extras. with instructions.. (drawn in crayon of course)
probably out trying on vests
Well, I do wonder if COMMISSAR Commissar THE PICKLEDICKED PIUPERDINK would be quite so vehemently against this SCOTUS/POTUS result if the people included on that list were German Jews fleeing from Europe’s National Socialists aka Nationalsozialismus depredations. It was a DEMOCRATIC President (Roosevelt) who ignored their requests to immigrate and HIS State Department who refused their requests to disembark from the St. Louis when it entered the Port of Miami.
They were refused because they were German Jews, not because they were threats to the US in anyway.
My guess is that COMMISSAR Commissar THE SOCIAL MORON OF THE YEAR would approve THOSE people being refused entry… because that’s the way he thinks.
Kinda like George Takei who espouses the same political party that imprisoned him and his family during WWII.
Don’t forget all the commies Roosevelt allowed to infiltrate the govt… Rosenbergs, et al.. how else did Russia get the bomb… and never forget, while they use it as a slur, McCarthy was RIGHT!!!
and fuck you Commissar
Never forget. Ever.
Thanks Ex.. and my apologies to you and all the other ladies on TAH for my ungentlemanly comments in this thread.. I do my best to not loose my temper, but I’m afraid i did, just a bit today
Once in a while, it’s appropriate to truly speak your mind, no matter how vehemently you do so. I try to address the sheer ignorance of that mordant idiot as thoroughly as possible, and remain calm while I do it.
But sometimes, it’s best to just let ‘er fly.
Actually, the thing the Rosenburgs did that cause the most harm? Giving to the Russians a working model of a radar-proximity artillery fuse. (“VT” fuse)
It is an amazingly difficult engineering challenge to greate a reliable proximity fuse, sturdy enough to be fired from a high-velocity cannon. First used to shoot down aircraft, we quickly learned to use them for anti-personnel artillery missions. They were absolute game changers. (Redlegs chip in here) They were -so- closely-held-secret that we almost held them back from first land use at the he battle of the Bulge, to prevent compromise to the Germans. We did not, and our resultant order-of-magnitude increase in effectiveness broke the German war machine.
-That- is what those fuckheads gave the Russians. The russians had -no fucking clue- how to make them. They kinda had the know-how for Nukes, just not properly debugged ones. But the “VT” fuse? Nada.
But boy howdy, did they ever crank those VT fuses out once some idiot handed them a working model to copy.
Actually, the data stolen by the Rosenberg atomic spy ring is estimated to have advanced the Soviet fission bomb’s development by a number of years – probably 5 or more – and saved them the equivalent of $1T or so in development. It’s also an open question whether the Soviets would have been willing to let Kim Il Sung attempt to take over South Korea by force if the US still had a nuclear monopoly in 1950 (their first nuclear test was in mid-1949).
I’d say that’s more damage than giving them the VT fuse – which used much the same radar technology that we’d already given them overtly during World War II. Developing a VT fuse from that technology would have been far simpler than developing a working nuke w/o “assistance”.
Key difference
Accelerated nuke program (bad enough)
No clue how to make, no idea even fielded VT fuse. Working model.
One of the few failures of the military intel team of the USSR, was missing the VT fuse. They were all over the manhattan project .
Either way, The culprits got off light.
Yep, I didn’t mean to imply that nukes were the only thing, or even the most important thing they gave the Russians, just that the infiltration of govt by communists, and the betrayal of our country was allowed by the dims and that they howled when McCarty exposed their treason. I just saw a teaser for a show, i believe on AHC that showed some of the delusional naivete of Truman regarding Stalin et al.
Well, I see that Berkeley-boi was in rare form last night.
We should have expected that. He must be heartbroken to see that his beloved hero, the Vermont Commie, appears to have feet of clay and to be nothing but a damned hypocrite. He has to express his angst somewhere.
He just dropped in to dump his wroth (not wrath) on whoever was unfortunate enough to be present, Hondo. He does this simply to piss people off because he’s pissed off at the world.
How come no one mentions the MCarren Walter act of 1952 (National Immigration Act). pres carter used it during the iranian US Embassy take over back in 1979 to put the kabash on iranians using visa cards in this country and I believe there were also deportations. obama used the act or was going to use it at one point in time. Instead of a wall on the border, how about mine fields. Much cheaper. Any of you old time squids and Marine grunts remember the mine field outside of the fences separating the Cuban part of the island of Cuba from the American part (Gitmo) of the island as you walked the “BLOODY MILE” down to the landing to take you back to your anchored out ship. Mine sweeps and tin cans were pier side and larger ships Med Moored off of large buoys.