Iran and Jimmy Carter open up second front against Israel [Jonn]

| January 8, 2009

The first thing I read this morning while perusing last night’s news on the Moronosphere BlogNetNews was a post at The Jawa Report about rockets striking Israel from Lebanon.

The Washington Times confirms the attack from Lebanon;

Lebanese militants fired barrages of rockets into northern Israel early Thursday, striking a nursing home and threatening to open a second front for the Jewish state as it pushed forward with its offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Two people were injured, and the rockets on Israel’s north raised the specter of renewed hostilities with Hezbollah, just 2 years after Israel battled the guerrilla group to a 34-day stalemate. Hezbollah started the 2006 war as Israel was battling Palestinian militants in Gaza.

A nursing home? Shouldn’t that piss of the international community? I mean, really. Well, in the Washington Post, Jimmy Carter is explaining how easily Israel could’ve avoided the whole Gaza thing;

Hamas leaders also agreed to accept any peace agreement that might be negotiated between the Israelis and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who also heads the PLO, provided it was approved by a majority vote of Palestinians in a referendum or by an elected unity government.


After about a month, the Egyptians and Hamas informed us that all military action by both sides and all rocket firing would stop on June 19, for a period of six months, and that humanitarian supplies would be restored to the normal level that had existed before Israel’s withdrawal in 2005 (about 700 trucks daily).


And this fragile truce was partially broken on Nov. 4, when Israel launched an attack in Gaza to destroy a defensive tunnel being dug by Hamas inside the wall that encloses Gaza.

A “defensive tunnel”? The tunnel was dug so Hamas could kidnap Israeli soldiers and that’s a defensive tunnel? Good old Jimmy Carter the world’s most famous anti-Semite. On the up-side, as long as he’s writing for the Post, he’s not building death-traps for Habitat for Humanity.

In another article in the Post, the Red Cross accuses Israel of starving children;

The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday that it had found at least 15 bodies and several children — emaciated but alive — in a row of shattered houses in the Gaza Strip and accused the Israeli military of preventing ambulances from reaching the site for four days.

Emaciated? After four days? I think if anyone was emaciated, their starvation started long before the response by Israel. Well, Michelle Malkin writes that Joe the Plumber is enroute to Gaza, so maybe he can us the straight answer.

Category: Foreign Policy, Jimmy Carter, Liberals suck, Terror War

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Winter Soldier

yea cause jimmy was out there with a pic an shovel u turd? the fu*ks a politician believe nothing he says anyways…

Winter Soldier

hahaha see noone wants to comment about your shitty bullshit

Winter Soldier

because the only shred of truth in your statement is….?

tel u i did my research on the battle of norfolk before i blogged about it… and watch ANY wideo without knowing if its EVEN real.

and how come you couldnt stnd right up and announce to the world you were in the Battle of Norfolk and you know the names of the 2 soldiers to be KIA out of how many? do u remember or u wanna read your facts again??

Winter Soldier

or even battle of 73 easting

Winter Soldier

moderate you fool


yep jonn. i had to rant today on the same wapo article. shameful comments (and behavior) on carter’s part. much like the shameful comments (and behavior) of this person who calls himself ‘winter soldier’ pffffffft!


I still cannot belive that Carter keeps spewing such anti-semitic crap…
plus the Newsweek article asking Obama to become tough with Israel every time Israel ‘crosses the line’ in its response to Palestinian terrorists, if Obama ‘really’ wants to create Middle Eastern peace…
Can’t we do something with this troll??


Even when he was in the Oval Office, Carter never met a dictator he didn’t like.

He’s gone from building ‘Crack Houses for Humanity’,to being a self-appointed ‘diplomat’ to the world’s worst malefactors.

He’s hit bottom, but he keeps digging. What a disgrace.

AW1 Tim

GI Jane,

What’s worse is whatever credibility he might have had went out the window once it was revealed that the JC Library has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from the Saudis. No wonder he acts as he does. His mouth maybe making sounds, but it’s a Saudi hand up his butt that’s making his lips move.

I served through his disaster of a presidency, and I lost two close friends to accidents that I could fairly and reasonably point to his administration’s policies as being contributing factors in their deaths.

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who considers Carter’s policies as anything but the lunatic ramblings of an anti-semitic terrorist enabler ought to have their right to vote taken away, and restricted from ever being able to serve in any elected capacity or in any government job.

That’s just the tip of the ice burg about how I feel towards him and his scum sucking, bottom dwelling administration.


AW1 Tim ,
I enlisted in February 1976, when Ford was still in office. I suffered through that stupid peanut farmer, as well.