A Clintoon “Private” Email Update
Well, it’s time for a long-overdue periodic update on the Neverending Saga of the Clintoon Private Email Server. And for anyone who’s a Hillary “fanboy”, well . . . things ain’t lookin’ so good these days.
Why? Well, let’s just look at the current “biggies”:
• Over 1300 emails containing classified information were sent to Clintoon at her “private” email address. At least two were indeed classified Top Secret.
• New email has been discovered that appears to show Clintoon “encouraging” subordinates to strip classification markings from documents and send them to her on her unsecure system anyway.
• Oh, and did I mention that the FBI is now looking hard at the confluence of DoS and Clintoon Foundation business exhibited by Ms. Clintoon while SECSTATE? Looking hard, as in “with an eye towards possible public corruption charges”? Corruption, as in possible evidence of “pay for play” quid pro quo?
And, on the non-email side: it seems the Department of State recently found a rather large cache of unreviewed documents from the time Clintoon was SECSTATE. They’re under court order to provide those to Judicial Watch if relevant to an ongoing lawsuit – and it appears many of those newly-discovered documents will be relevant.
Yeah, it seems things aren’t going too well for Team Clintoon these days. As the elder President Bush’s wife Barbara might have put it, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer witch.”
Das Hildebeast once said “What does it matter now?. Well, it obviously still matters quite a bit. After all, sending classified material via unsecured means WOULD put any and all of us lesser peasant serfs in Federal Prison! There is another rumor circulating that an AC-130 Gunship was available the night of the Benghazi attacks and its crew was ordered to stand down, it wouldn’t surprise me if that was true. “Blowjob Willie” himself always chose someone other than Hitlery and I think everyone else should!
The only thing that I’ll be surprised about in all of this is if the Justice Department actually charges her with anything before Nov 2016.
Considering Barry hates her I would guess they would do it right before the nomination, or at least announce that there are going to be charges.
That and the DNC Pravda media’s dedication to keeping this under wraps as best they can never ceases to nauseate me.
If she keeps sliding in the polls like she has of late, it won’t matter, as she won’t be the nominee.
Yeah, I know. Ain’t happening, but seriously, I think the DNC way underestimates how much she’s hated in flyover country, and Sanders is just the batshit crazy uncle every family has, and ignores.
I think they should wait until after the election. If not Barry will be giving out pardons like Bill CLinton gives out STDs
SPEAKING OF POLITICS:…does anyone know anything about a Ryan Zinke? He is supposed to be a retired Navy Seal and is running for congress…he is soliciting donations and I don’t donate unless I know something about the candidate! If you know him or know of him, I would appreciate some input!
“New email has been discovered that appears to show Clintoon “encouraging” subordinates to strip classification markings from documents and send them to her on her unsecure system anyway.”
THIS is the smoking gun. I’ve worked in the intel world for over 30 years. If I had done what Clinton did, I would be writing this from a prison cell.
Before this, Clinton could deny that she ever knowingly sent or received classified material on her unclassified network. On many intel reports, if you remove the banner and portion markings, the text will read like a think tank report or a magazine article. Really.
But now we have her telling subordinates to just cut off the markings and send it. Once again, the bitch is caught in a bold faced lie.
Does that mean anything? Not in my book. I fully expect Comey to forward a recommendation to indict Clinton and I fully expect Lynch to do nothing. When this first came out, I could almost hear the sound of the elites circling the wagons to protect her.
I’m absolutely certain that Hitlery and her cronies have spent decades getting all the dirt they can on everyone they can and they use it to blackmail others into covering for them. Since when has that monster EVER told the truth about anything at all? I bet she uses more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker every day to cover up the “666” on her forehead.
Any of us who have worked in a SCIF know exactly what she meant when she suggested that he staff strip the classification codes and send it unsecured. I’m sure that that’s what happened with the imagery that they found earlier that anyone with an SCI and has seen that kind of product at least once would know that there is no way that it was UNCLASS.
Unfortunately, being the scummy lawyer that she is, she knows that it will come down to the Medina defense in My Lai, claiming that the minion completely misunderstood the intent of the order.
Supposedly there is a revolt bubbling in the FBI from those that routinely handle classified document cases. They realize that if they don’t prosecute her for her crimes they will never be able to prosecute anyone else and many old cases could be tossed if they meet the same criteria.
Here’s hoping a strong revolt happens, it’s way past time real crimes were prosecuted.
God, I hope you’re right, but “doing the right thing” is a beast only rarely seen inside the Beltway.
Bill always had an “Aw, shucks,” quality about him which contributed significantly to his Teflon persona. He was likeable. At times he also had the capacity to appear presidential. In other words, he knew how to comport himself.
She has no clue. She acts like a spoiled brat (which she probably was), entitled to the largess others provide for her. There’s nothing there to respect, like, or wish to support simply because she demands it.
Can only hope that Bill’s “help” is as effective this go around as it was last time.
AMEN to that! Let’s not forget that there have been past elections where every candidate endorsed by “Blowjob Willie” lost, Hitlery is being regarded as an establishment type during an election year when there are tsunamis of anti-establishment sentiment AND people are getting “Clinton Fatigue”, something I’m sure that contributed to B. Hussein 0bama getting the nod over her.
Yup. Hillary has all of Bill’s negative and NONE of his positives.
Plus State is releasing Huma’s emails. Probably some nuggets of info in that pile.
There’s already that “Hillary is easily confused” nugget from Huma out there. I’m sure there’ll be further gems from her emails.
So… looking like the Democrats will be feeling the “Bern” by default next year.
She should be in an orange jumper, along with her former boss, as well as numerous others in that morally corrupt and “most transparent administration ever”.
I’ve sad this before, and I’ll say it again, she won’t spend one day behind bars. in fact Obummer has his pen on the ready to pardon her. and the globalist republicans are ready to turn a blind eye.
in other news thousands of leftist turds are being hired at the DOJ, STATE, and other federal agencies
that won’t be fired because there union won’t allow it to happen to keep this bad dream going for many years to come.
Thank You… that’s all
How right you are…on all counts. I work in the fed govt…and I am working hard to get the fuck out as quickly as is good for me.
I’ve read this before but it’s worth re-writing: There will only be justice when this hag is flanked by two U.S. Marshals in handcuffs and paraded in front of the media that adores her while on her way to prison.
With any luck, prison orange jumpsuits will suit her instead of those pantsuits she wears.
I think we have it all wrong. This is just another vast right wing conspiracy. /sarc
When or if this gets into TV or video media viewing, watch her face. The ‘deer in the headlights’ look – wide open eyes, raised eyebrows – is usually indicative of fear of something. In this case, I’d guess that it’s the fear of being found out. She’s done a lot of that ‘caught in the cookie jar’ stuff lately. This will add to it. I agree, she doesn’t have the likable personality that Slick Willie has.
Whether or not she gets whacked for it – well, this IS 40++ years after Watergate, isn’t it? Just sayin’. We’ll just have to wait and see. It may be that this is all piling up for after the next election. 🙂
The relevant statute makes it a crime to release or distribute classified material “without proper authority.”
I wonder if she’ll try to argue that as SECSTATE she had such authority (or to put it in legal-ese, “reasonably believed” that she had such authority) either explicitly or implicitly?
It’s a “defense” that wouldn’t work for anyone else but it might give the DOJ enough of a “fig leaf” that they could shrug their shoulders and say “we aren’t going to prosecute because this is a legal gray area.”
And before somene says it, yes, I know, it’s nothing of the kind, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the case was closed with exactly this justification.
After all, what are you going to do? Vote Obama out of office? Lynch knows her tenure as AG is coming to an end in a year anyway. The only thing she might “lose” is the respect of her subordinates but I think it might be a stretch to assume she has much of that anyway.
think if it as “The Replacements” – they are dangerous because they have nothing to lose.
This is when politics get fascinating… Obama would love to fuck Clinton any way but physically, she would chew her ow leg off to become President, State and Justice will do anything to protect themselves and their senior bureaucracy (of which Clinton is no longer a part, so she’s gonna look like Bart’s father in Blazing Saddles circling HER wagon) and the alternatives in the wings are crazy old Bernie (whi inexplicably has a huge Ron Paulist following amongst otherwise semi-sane X’ers) and Drunkle Joe just begging to be drafted over his crocodile-teared protests. The only sad part is that in the endgame – if Clinton is elected DOJ will back off in a fit of self-preservation, and if she loses the DNC will make sure no scandal is prosecutable.
The really sad part is that the Republican circus with Trump as a born-again truther vs. ‘what-loans’ Cruz against a background of “lookee me lookee ME” Rubio and Jeb-who? is just as bad.
“The Crazy Years” are upon is…who will be Nehemiah Scudder?
Well, I guess I’m available. But I’m not a preacher, and I’m pretty sure my IQ’s a bit higher than 90. And besides, I detest lies, liars, and hypocrites. So I guess I don’t qualify. (smile)
you mean “politicians” – same thing
Ahhh, the obligatory Heinlein quote. Hondo, no sure Scudder’s IQ even approached 90, i.e. about Oduma level.
It would appear that the language of Executive Order 13526, Section 3.1, does not give her such authority except over classified information originating within the State Department. However, the EO also says that anything that originated within the IC falls under DNI for declassification authority; presumably that includes those portions of the State Department that are considered a part of the IC.
That EO was in effect while Clintoon was SECSTATE (I believe it still is in effect today as well), so it should be the last word on who does and does not have declassification authority. However, you could be correct that Lynch might decide to “punt” this one anyway and give Clintoon a pass, even if the law and/or implementing regulations are clear and unambiguous.
Any idea when the statute of limitations clock starts/started on her?
In general, the Federal statute of limitations for non-capital Federal crimes appears to be 5 years.
Can’t speak to whether this one would fall under the circumstances allowing an extension.
Thanks, Hondo. It was rude of me to ask that way, but had gotten distracted. Will check further in a bit. There could well be some prosecutorial wiggle room built into this sort of national security issue.
Maybe TSO can answer this one:
Federal Law: Title 18. Section 2071
“Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”
I’m assuming a conviction of this is required before its effect does?