Tag: Joe Biden

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Unity Platform-Helps Illegal Aliens

| July 11, 2020 | 18 Comments
Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders Unity Platform-Helps Illegal Aliens

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders came together with a unity platform. This platform includes provisions for free healthcare for illegal aliens. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be restarted. Illegal aliens would be able to enroll for subsidized healthcare plans. From Breitbart: “To ensure that people living and working across the country […]

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Joseph Biden Landslide Possible According to Pollster

| June 23, 2020 | 30 Comments
Joseph Biden Landslide Possible  According to Pollster

Nate Silver, polling guru, sees that although President Trump has a chance of winning re-election, he has his work cut out for him. He stated that President Trump has some issues to deal with… To the point that Joe Biden could wind by a landslide. But plenty could change in the coming weeks. From the […]

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Michael Moore: Don’t be Overconfident With Joe Biden Victory

| May 24, 2020 | 30 Comments
Michael Moore: Don’t be Overconfident With Joe Biden Victory

Michael Moore warns the Democrats not to be overconfident with a Joe Biden victory in November. He tells them that President Trump is going to succeed in getting his base to vote. He also warns them that Republicans that didn’t vote in the last election could be persuaded to come out to vote for Trump. […]

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Joe Biden gets Grilled on Sex Assault Accusation

| May 1, 2020 | 33 Comments
Joe Biden gets Grilled on Sex Assault Accusation

Remember when many Democrats demanded that we “believe the woman” when it comes to sexual assaults? Even Joe Biden put his two cents into the fray, insinuating that truth should be assumed on the woman’s part. Joe Biden tuned in as a guest to an interview on Morning Joe. He received the kinds of questions […]

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Joseph Biden Launches Campaign and Calls for Unity

| May 18, 2019 | 15 Comments
Joseph Biden Launches Campaign and Calls for Unity

Joseph Biden launched his campaign with a rally. As a part of the speech he gave, he talked about angry Democrats, and how it appeared that angry Democrats may have traction with regards to standing among voters. From Fox News: “Our politics has become so mean, so petty, so negative, so partisan, so angry and […]

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Joe Biden Launches Presidential Bid

| April 25, 2019 | 39 Comments
Joe Biden Launches Presidential Bid

Joseph Biden officially launches his bid for the presidency. Initial polls show him ahead of the other Democrat candidates, and also show him leading President Trump in the national race. From NBC News: Biden noted that President Donald Trump said there were some “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville, where the white nationalists […]

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Uncle Joe and the problem with touching….

| April 9, 2019 | 23 Comments
Uncle Joe and the problem with touching….

…or How in the hell am I defending Joe Biden? Here’s our own Veritas Omnia Vincit, and his thoughts on who may well be the next Democrat Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden. I’m sure you all have your opinions of Uncle Joe, as do I. Here’s V: Veritas Omnia Vincit: The Politics of Division, or How […]

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