Joe Biden Launches Presidential Bid

| April 25, 2019

Joseph Biden announces bid for presidency. (ABC News)

Joseph Biden officially launches his bid for the presidency. Initial polls show him ahead of the other Democrat candidates, and also show him leading President Trump in the national race.

From NBC News:

Biden noted that President Donald Trump said there were some “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville, where the white nationalists were protesting the city’s plan to take down a statue of Robert E. Lee, a Confederate general.

“In that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d seen in my lifetime,” Biden said, adding that he believes “history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time.”

“But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation,” Biden continued. “Who we are. And I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”

President Trump argued that people from both sides of the issue committed violence during the Charlottesville protest. He made this argument when the mainstream media wanted President Trump to condemn the acts of one side… Despite the fact that both sides were involved with violence.

When Joe Biden, and many Democrats, lament that President Trump will “forever and fundamentally alter the character of the nation”, they’re not speaking for critical thinking Americans… Or for the United States that the Founding Fathers intended to be in existence.

Instead, they’re speaking on behalf of the United States that they want to bring into existence. Remember President Obama’s statements about fundamental changes. President Trump is a threat to those plans. Even Joe Biden recognizes that if President Trump succeeds over eight years of presidency, it would be much harder for the Democrats to make their changes a reality.

You can read more here.


Category: Politics

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The Other Whitey

“Initial polls show him ahead of the other Democrat candidates, and also show him leading President Trump in the national race.”

Just like Hillary Clinton was heading for a landslide victory…


And there’s bridge for sale, cheap, in Brooklyn…


Time for Biden to look at himself in the mirror:

“In that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d seen in my lifetime,” Biden said, adding that he believes “history will look back on four years of this president and all he embraces as an aberrant moment in time.”

“But if we give Obama eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation,” Biden continued. “Who we are. And I cannot stand by and watch that happen.”

There. Fixed it for ya (swap Trump’s name with BHO’s name).



Get a grip, Joe.


Gropin’ Joe. WTF is he going to run on- not being Trump?


Three letters J-O-B-S


He actually grabbed ’em by the pussy, not just talked about it, by gum!


What is going to run on?

“And just like that, my running days were ovah”…



“Ocasio-Cortez-Aligned Group Attacks Biden, Says He’s ‘Out-Of-Touch’ with Democratic Party”

“A progressive political group that boosted New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s bid for Congress last year vowed to oppose former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, blasting him as part of the “old guard” and accusing him of standing in opposition to the “center of energy” in the Democratic Party.”

“While we’re going to support the Democratic nominee, we can’t let a so-called ‘centrist’ like Joe Biden divide the Democratic Party and turn it into the party of ‘No, we can’t,’” the group Justice Democrats said Thursday.”


She’s a little thorn in every Democrats side ain’t she. I bet they’re thinking, “let’s do an oldie but goodie Clinton style. It’s time to find her on a park bench with the revolver in her hand.”


They better make it a double action.
No one will believe she knew enough to cock a single.

cc senor

Biden today sounds a lot like Jeb Bush four years ago.


Or Trump:

“America’s coming back like we used to be: ethical, straight, tell ’em the truth… supporting our allies, all those good things,” –Biden

MAGA– it’s okay when Joe Biden says it!

A Proud Infidel®™️

Are you sure that “Hairplugs” Biden wasn’t saying “Make America GROPE Again “?


Hey, could be…


Once a plagiarist, always a plagiarist.


And once a perv, always a perv.


Joe “Grabby Hands” Biden… it’s okay ’cause he’s a Democrat, you know.


Of the now, 21 (I believe) candidates, I can’t imagine who is going to end up taking on Trump.
and whoever it is, is going to lose BIGLY!!


He recommended against schwacking Bin Laden, too:


Stock up on whatever keeps your amusement factor fed. This is gonna be a bumpy ride….

And I don’t mean for dTrump, eithe.

Slow Joe

Uncle Joe is so creepy….

How can Me Too’ers vote for him?

A Proud Infidel®™️

They are herd animals who will say either “MOO” or “B-A-A-A-A” as they vote D-rat.

Slow Joe

By the way, the last Evanescence album is horrible. Its just Amy Lee vocalizing with very little actual music.



Perhaps this comment belongs on Midweek Open Thread or on Weekend Open Thread..

Just a recommendation…



That could be a twitter twat meme: #justbuffthefloor. To be used on twatter for those from whom we don’t want any opinions about anything.






Well he’s gotten the endorsement of one of the Democrat’s shining stars; Michael Avenatti. LOL

Biden’s also got this great, catchy, easy to say three times fast slogan, ‘America’s Coming Back Like We Used To Be’.

Combine all this with his former boss NOT endorsing him out of the gate and you’ve got a great big fart of a candidate. One who likes to touch kids, sniff womens’ hair, and kiss the backs of heads.


“‘America’s Coming Back Like We Used To Be’”

ACBLWUTB will look stupid on a hat.


Biden has sewn up the critical Michael Avenatti endorsement. That ought to be worth something, or not.

Can’t wait for his Antifa fanboys to start knocking on doors for him. “Honey? There is a group of masked individuals dressed in black on our doorbell camera!”


Well, finally. I was wondering when Delaware was going to lose its premier village idiot to the perpetual presidential campaign.

Remember everyone, ol’ Slow Joe has mighty steady hands. He is who the D-rats who are not secret commies want at the tiller of the ship of state. Hillary is likely already weighing which cabinet position will bring in the most Clinton cash.


“Hillary is likely already weighing which cabinet position will bring in the most Clinton cash”

Her and Kerry are gonna fight for Sec State.
The have debts to pay, not the good kind.


Hillary is likely already weighing which cabinet position will bring in the most Clinton cash.

This is truly frightening.

5th/77th FA

Groping Joe has been in the swamp for what nearly 50 years now? He is the epitome of what is wrong with the government in this Country. Let them demon rats chew one another alive. Glad he thinks the snowflakes will vote for an old white geezer over a socialist white geezer v a known lying white female geezer v a bunch of free sh^t promisers that look like them.

dTrumpster 2020


Good ol’ Creepy Uncle Joe ‘Double-barrel blast” Biden.
Polls put him at the top of the sh*theap that is 20 turds high at this point.
Anyway you cut it, we’ll be winners come debate time, if they happen.
Cue Entry of the Gladiators


Joe “The Groper” Biden is running? Bet that will get all those Proggie wimmens all wet and worked up knowing that Uncle Joe just may grab them by their “lady parts”.


And the thing about Handy Handsy Joe is he doesn’t just talk about it; he starts grabbing and sniffing.


If Plugs runs with Butt as VP the yard signs would become collector items.


I’m assuming they are running Biden because reanimating Lyndon Johnson’s corpse isn’t a viable option (yet?)