Tag: Claymore

Maybe the Curse of the Bambino was justified

| June 7, 2009 | 6 Comments
Maybe the Curse of the Bambino was justified

Bosox fans…I’m not exactly sure what your official position is on the following, but I’d imagine there might have been a news conference or perhaps a public event disavowing the persons responsible for the crime against baseball that I’m about to relate.  Allow me to explain…no…it is too much, allow me to sum up: It […]

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Thank you, please drive through…

| June 3, 2009 | 13 Comments
Thank you, please drive through…

Through the use of delicate internet technology NOT pioneered by Algore, and in common use with all of the major VRWC cells in operation throughout the US, I’ve intercepted the following planning session held yesterday.  I offer it here for your perusal, unedited or redacted.

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Raised White Letter Liars

| May 31, 2009 | 17 Comments
Raised White Letter Liars

My dad has a little problem with the truth. Always has. Not exactly sure why or what caused this colossal break in basic human interaction, but of all his flaws, I think I’d put this one at the very top…above wearing polyester coaches shorts over the top of sweatpants…above him wearing a “Vietnam Veteran And […]

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I’ve lost Artoo!

| May 23, 2009 | 6 Comments
I’ve lost Artoo!

The new Terminator movie premiered Friday. Yeah…I sort of figured that whole thing had played out around the time Linda Hamilton turned into Mickey Rourke with breasts. But apparently, in keeping with Hollywood’s penchant for recycling old plots by hiring the cast of Hannah Montana and throwing an Obama-load of money into CGI, killer robots […]

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The Battle Of Miramar Drive

| April 25, 2009 | 14 Comments
The Battle Of Miramar Drive

I remember it like it was yesterday, man.  No…really…I mean it this time.  It truly seems like it was yesterday for me, when  I, like most red-blooded American males who weren’t into showtunes and poetry, enjoyed wargames, elaborately planned and executed within the confines of our backyard.  In almost all cases, these were recreations of […]

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