Kerry wants to recreate ’71

| April 21, 2009

Rurik and 1stCavRVN11B emailed this article from The Hill and the Free Republic today. It seems John Kerry wants to recreate his phony testimony at the so-called Winter Soldier hearings in Congress from 1971;

“One of the lessons that I learned a long time ago and lived out here was that it’s important to listen to the troops, it’s important to listen to the folks who are implementing these policies and putting their lives at risk,” Kerry told National Public Radio in an interview. “And they often have perspective that isn’t adequately heard.”

I guess Kerry hasn’t heard that’s all so last year. The IVAW tried to stage their version almost a year ago and like everything else it fizzled. And yes, it is important to listen to the troops. So why didn’t Kerry listen to general Petraeus?

General Petraeus was one of the troops, too.

Why doesn’t Kerry just say what he means – he wants to hear from the anti-war activists because that’s the only testimony he values.

“So I think it’s very important to have that kind of a hearing, and I guess that’s sort of one of the lessons from the past, if you will,” Kerry added.

Yeah, it’s lesson from the past if you’re blind to the REAL lessons you should have learned. See, I was at the Senate park in September 2004 when a few thousand veterans shouted “Kerry lied while good men died”. Is that what he wants to recreate?

Added: TSO finds the committee hearing.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Jonn, did you note our friend who is testifying?

I’ll check fire on her, the rest are fair game.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I already pissed her off once and she’s mean.


America is a strange country. Here we have a known traitor who should have been tried and shot, instead the retards make him a senator because they envy him and his money family/connections. All this even with the traitor and his facilitators being responsible for thousands of deaths. Anyone who works for O’Dumbo should be scared, very scared of the time when they will turn on you and you’ll take the fall for their criminal actions. Trust the biggest liar in the country if not the world. Have at it, you’ll pay for the stupidity.