Schiff to Trump: Quit Blaming China and WHO
Adam Schiff and other Democrats are calling on President Trump to quit blaming China and WHO for the coronavirus spread. Schiff pointed out that the states are doing everything that they could to get the supplies that they need. However, Schiff argues that this fact doesn’t substitute for national leadership.
From Townhall:
States are doing everything possible to acquire the materials, reagents, and protective gear to increase their own testing.
But that’s no substitute for national leadership.
Stop blaming China, the WHO, or the states.
Start acting like a President.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 17, 2020Schiff was responding to a tweet from Trump that called for state governors to step up their testing capabilities.
The States have to step up their TESTING!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020Similarly, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.
“The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did,” Murphy told CNN on Tuesday.
Democrats argue that President Trump should stop blaming major contributors to the current spread of the pandemic. However, they’re quick to point the finger to President Trump and to his alleged nonaction. This is consistent with the argument advanced by the Communist Party of China.
Townhall has the details here.
Category: Politics
1st. But it’s on a story about the idiot Schiff,
so it doesn’t really count.
Of course, don’t put the blame where it belongs. The CCP might get pissed and stop payments to the Dems. Hunter Biden might get fired from his cushy, do-nothing job.
You mean snorting cocaine off of strippers behinds, impregnating them and then denying the child support or fathership for years?
Another pile of sh^t from a POS. This mofo needs to be featured on the obit page too. I swear, I think we really do have more domestic enemies of our Republic than we do foreign enemies. Seems that way anyhow. The media is supposed to report what is happening, not promote one agenda over another.
5th/77th FA,
History will not be kind
to this current crop of Congressional Democrats.
Unfortunately, a congressional enema isn’t as quick as the squeeze bottle.
Schiff the balloon-headed pencil necked atomic snot weasel is merely parroting what his owners/ handlers told him to, his Masters in both the DNC and Chinese Communist Party as well as Soros!
Schiff-for-brains parrots the “Orange Man Bad” Dem talking points like the good little Bundist he is.
Be a real shame if the Dems lose the house this election in a shellacking, like 2010.
Do I need the /sarc?
Schiff wants the POTUS to quit blaming China because he can’t handle the truth. Plus, the truth undercuts his false claims.
I guess Murphy thinks that the fact that China withheld knowledge that the virus was spreading person-to-person for roughly a month (e.g., from about Christmas until OA 21 Jan, when they came clean on that matter) – and didn’t quarantine the pandemic’s epicenter (Wuhan) until a week after TET, allowing an estimated 5 million individuals to travel in/out of the area during the early stages of the pandemic – had nothing to do with it. Or the fact that it’s looking more and more like the virus was an accidental release from a Chinese lab studying bat-hosted coronaviruses.
News flash for ya, Murph: all of those did contribute to our problem. Collectively, they converted what should have been a local Chinese issue into a global pandemic. And the PRC government did all of them (except the accidental release) apparently to “save face”.
Quit denying reality, Murph. Deliberate actions – and deliberate inaction – by PRC officials are the primary reason we are in the middle of a global pandemic today that’s already claimed 150k+ lives worldwide.
It’s because of all the money he receives
From China
I’m stunned he’s still walking free after his involvement with the 2016 elections
Presenting the facts while explaining the concept of accountability and responsibility to the left… All of these are alien concepts to the left.
It’s emotions and feelings with them, as well as “what they want”. 🙄
Expecting them to embrace accountability, responsibility, judgment based on the facts, etc., would be like expecting Superman to hold kryptonite.
Dear Adam,
Eat a fat bag of dicks.
300 million quarantined Americans and 40,000 plus dead
It is really disturbing how high up and powerful complete and utter morons can get. I guess it’s a sign of just how great our country is that a mentally deficient buffoon can rise to the highest levels of government. He’s not the only one either. There’s a whole caucus-worth of dense, brainless, unthinking people in DC who’s biggest daily accomplishment is turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.
So, the Shiffhole is apparently a paid propaganda agent of the ChiCommies. He is obviously the one who needs to be investigated.
Hey, it’s hard making ends meet on measly Congressional pay. Adam wants a mansion, too.
He should run for president! Sanders was able to land two of them!
Sanders honeymooned in the USSR. He probably calls them his “dachas”.
Quit suckin’ China’s ass, Schiff.
This is definitely China’s Chernobyl
They definitely understand controlling
The story and are definitely throwing
A big sum of cash at it talk about getting sloppy
How much cash is Schiffty getting from the Chicoms fore making his PR statements?
I’d like to see the ledger pages related to his bank account deposits, including whatever he thinks is “hidden” from the public. 🙂 But that’s just me.
Always follow the money, people. Follow the money. Someone is paying him to do these things. He’s too stupid to come up with them on his own.
America’s Schiff stain is back.
How many chicom dicks did you suck today, schifty?
Not getting enough camera time these days, Shifty? Tough. You are not in the slightest way relevant to this tragedy. You know, the one China is responsible for with the collusion of the WHO.
Yeah. That’s the truth.
What Adam Schiff doesn’t know you just about squeeze into The Grand Canyon. Has that dumb ass ever been right?
I appreciate the Schiff article. It reminded me I need to schedule my septic tank to be pumped.
That photo screams “I DO like Cream of Sum Yung Guy soup!”
Schifty isnt the only representative of the democratic party that fails to act as if they belong in America. Pelosi, schifty and that cunt Schumer have each handled more meat than a butcher, the fact that they’ve attained the levels they have proves they are fairly good at it too. I’m afraid theyve taken too many shots to the chin tho because theyve forgotten where they come from and the people that once trusted them.
Don’t call Schumer a cunt. That is unfair to real cunts, like San Fran Nan. Chuck is a cuck. I like to call him Cucky Schemer, which is more accurate.