Rep Dan Crenshaw Owns Maher

| April 18, 2020

Representative Dan Crenshhaw (R-Tex)

In a home interview, wounded Vet and former SEAL Dan Crenshaw dissects Bill Maher’s Democrat talking points in a calm, reasoned and rational manner. Facts trump* propaganda every time. Glad to see Maher is back to his usual smug, small “L” liberal self.


Category: Democrats, Media, Navy

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“Dissect”… more like pimp slaps Maher.

BTW, What’s Maher’s claim to fame? “D.C. Cab”?

Slow Joe

That was…Amazing!!!

Slow Joe

So, those rumors than Dan Crenshaw was anti 2A, are they true?


Maher is such a smug jackass. At the end he has nothing to come back with to all of Crenshaw’s excellent (and correct) answer, so he just laughs him off. Actually just laughs his answer away. Unfortunately this dismissive, condescending attitude is what far too many on the left always do when they get out argued.

5th/77th FA

Bwwwahahahaher to old bill Maher. Gave him hell didn’t he?

Did a quick Google Foo on Dan, mainly to make sure he might be eligible to run for The Donald’s job come 2024. He will be. And his wife Tara is a hammer. A real Sister Golden Haired Surprise. Didn’t 100% agree with all of his Wiki reported stands on issues, but would be open to supporting him. I really like the way he has no problem with telling talking heads types to go commit self inflicted carnal relations to themselves…in a nice, polite, concise manner. Right now he would be my FIRST choice for 2024.


You’re right, KOB, she’s a hammer–reminds ol’ Poe a lot of young Miz Poe–long blonde hair, very pretty face with a sexy, toothy smile. Young Poe was a very lucky man–still is, fifty years later.

Not sure about Crenshaw for prez–need to research him more…

Slow Joe

Poe, I will be looking forward to your prez candidate pick.

You influence a lot more people than you think you do.


‘Bill Maher is a true liberal’

That’s fair enough. He’s a ranter for sure, but the man debates. He is an erudite dude, is open-minded and has little time for PC culture. That’s why progressives are eating him alive right now. He was soundly beaten in this discussion, but doesn’t screech.


Mahr, at one point seemed “taken aback”.
I mean like for real, not as a feint.
He actually believes his own bullshit.


President Trump showing optimism and hoping for the best, making statements for the best, but planing and taking actions for the worst… This is precisely what we do in the military.

I pointed this out on my Facebook when people were criticizing President Trump for his optimism… Called those people out as potentially not having any substantive leadership experience in an operational environment.


Yup. If Trump had come out in January or early February saying that this virus will kill millions and we need to shut down all schools, shopping centers, and most businesses he’d have been vilified (rightfully I might add) for being in a panic.

The Democrats and the MSM (I repeat myself) are judging him with the benefit of hindsight. There’s a standard in court when it comes to judging the actions of a police officer known as the reasonableness standard. Are the officer’s actions objectively reasonable given the officer’s available information at the time?

Judging Trump by that reasonableness standard, he did excellently. So did most of the nation’s governors and other politicians (notable exceptions being Cuomo, Pelosi, and de Blasio).

At the time, he was heeding the advice of all the “experts”. The actions he did take (limiting Chinese travel) were argued against as unnecessary and reactionary.


As has been noted elsewhere, Trump could discover a cure for cancer, and they would still invent something to vilify him with.


Wash, rinse, hang out to dry….
It’s hard to realize that you are a ton less smart than your adversary, but it’s truly apparent in this clip !!!


The thing with Maher, is he usually picks folks he can easily outwit. Those who do not think out or speak their firmly held beliefs well. But this time, he tangled with someone as quick and on the spot as him and in fact, far ahead of him.


Plus he has prepared questions/accusations. He was reading from his notes, and knew in advance what he was going to say and ask, an advantage I doubt he allows his guests.

Prior Service

If Maher had any ability, whatsoever, to be introspective, he would hang up his liberalism after that interview. Alas, like most libs, he does not.

The Other Whitey

Big Boss for President 2024!

See how many get the reference…


Iroquois Pliskin*.

The Other Whitey

That would make the 1911 the official Presidential Sidearm!

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

“The smarm is strong with this one.”
Coincidence that his initials are “BM”? I think not.


Crenshaw is a warrior, Maher’s a twerp. Always has been.


Saw this guy for the first time on Fox when he was running for Congress. His calm, reasoned responses convinced me on the spot to send some shekels in support.

Everything I’ve heard and seen from him since then only supports the correctness of that decision.

We need more like him.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Congressman Dan Crenshaw, former USN SEAL applied the truth to Bill Maher like Electric Chair Executioners in the past applied 2,000+ Volts A.C. current to Condemned Inmates!