Chinese Consulate Asked Wisconsin State Senate to Praise CCP…

| April 18, 2020

…for ‘Sharing Key Information’ about Coronavirus

That went well. After receiving emails from the Chinese consulate asking him to pass a resolution praising China for its fight against the coronavirus, which originated in China, Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth (R-Appleton) wrote a resolution slamming China for lying about the coronavirus.


China push for COVID-19 praise backfires in US amid rising WHO criticism

A campaign by Chinese consular staff to press the legislature of the U.S. state of Wisconsin to pass a resolution praising China’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak – written by China – backfired spectacularly, inspiring a motion that says Beijing “deliberately and intentionally misled the world.”

Even before the U.S.-China spat intensified last month over the coronavirus outbreak that started in China in January, Chinese officials were pushing a counter-narrative from Beijing to weeks of reports about cover-ups and delayed sharing of vital information with the World Health Organization (WHO).

The request to sing China’s praises directly from Beijing’s script had the opposite effect on Wisconsin Senate President Roger Roth, who was so angered by e-mails on Feb. 26 and March 10 that he drafted a harsh resolution condemning China’s handling of COVID-19 and a litany of well-known human rights abuses.

“I was mad as hell,” Roth told RFA’s Mandarin Service.

“The awkward truth is, this request almost certainly didn’t only go to Wisconsin,” he said.

“The Chinese embassy felt completely comfortable doing this because it often works. Even when it doesn’t, people rarely go public, so there’s no downside to trying,” added Roth.

Roth’s resolution, which has yet to be voted on, records the Wisconsin Senate’s acknowledgment that “the Communist Party of China deliberately and intentionally misled the world on the Wuhan Coronavirus.”

This article was originally published by Radio Free Asia and is reprinted with permission.

Read the rest here: American Military News

How’s that again, Schiff?

Category: "Teh Stoopid", China

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I can now see the demorats trying to impeach Trump for his blaming china and the who for the virus spread.

5th/77th FA

Nothing that the Chinese Communist Government does surprises me in the least anymore. You hear me larsie boi. Yes I actually typed the words CHINESE COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT. The Chinese Communist Government is a domestic enemy of this Republic. They will do whatever they think that they have to do or can get away with doing to destroy, us, our Republic, and our way of life. If they do that, they will not need our markets.

I somewhat have sympathy and respect for the people of China. For the Communist Chinese Government, I have ZERO use.


Oh, please, kiss our ass like LeBron and the NBA do! … Hey, wait, why are you foreign devil peons offended? (Pound sand, Chicoms.)


China through 2nd and 3rd proxies are keeping
A lot of the hate America media going
Even though they are losing a ton of cash
Isn’t there a law against foreign influence in our politics and media ????
I’ve been screaming about this now for over 6 years
Why are we still asleep at the wheel ????


The Chinese have some of our Governors in their pocket..Due a tiny bit of digging to find out how…

The Other Whitey

And senators, like Feinstein.


Sheesh, you employ ONE Chinese spy for a period of years and suddenly you’re a tool of the communists.

Combat Historian

Best way for states to signify their contempt for Chicom lies and duplicity is to ramp up trade and commerce with the Free Chinese on Taiwan. States should dispatch more trade delegations and missions to Taiwan to build up commerce and trade at the state level, and invite the Taiwan Free Chinese to do the same. Treat the fucking chicoms like the pariahs they deserve to be…