President Trump Accused of Not Acting Fast on the Coronavirus

| April 14, 2020

…But the mainstream media didn’t initially take this virus seriously.

Many on the left are accusing President Trump of “not acting on time” or of “not taking this seriously in the beginning.” They’re trying to pin the coronavirus deaths and disruptions on the President’s “bad” judgment.

However, many, including journalists and politicians, didn’t initially take the coronavirus seriously. When the President took action to mitigate this threat, they verbally attacked him.

To counter leftist propaganda, President Trump played a video during one of his coronavirus briefings. The transcripts come first before the video.

Statement: The Media minimized the risk from the start.

Media segment: People should be more concerned right now with the flu in this country…

Doctor John Torres: A lot of people are concerned with the coronavirus because they’re hearing a lot of news about it right now; but the reality is comparing it to the flu for example, it is not even close to being at this stage…

Hannity: What if it is worse? Is this some moment where maybe countries put politics aside, a little bit of pride aside, and do we have US officials, should US professional such as yourself get involved?

CBS This Morning: How worried should Americans be about coronavirus?

Response: Coronavirus is not going to cause a major issue in the United States…

Statement: While President Trump took decisive action…

Screen roll:

  • January 7: CDC establishes COVID-19 response system to track cases in the US.
  • January 20: First reported case of COVID-19 in the US.
  • January 31:  President Trump announces travel restrictions from China.
  • February 6: CDC ships first testing kits.
  • March 2:  Pharmaceutical companies begin developing vaccine.

President Trump: What we’ve asked them to accelerate whatever they’re doing in terms of a vaccine.

  • March 11: President Trump announces travel restrictions from Europe.

President Trump: We will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days.

  • March 13: President Trump declares a national emergency.

President Trump: To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort today I am officially declaring a national emergency.

  • March 17: President Trump orders free telehealth screenings.

President Trump: Medicare patients can now visit any doctor by phone or video conference at no additional costs…

  • March 18: Department of Defense surges 1 million masks to hospitals.

Speaker: The first one million masks will be available immediately.

Video Statement: Even as partisans sniped and criticized…

Maggie Habberman. New York Times 3/25/20:

“As there were more cases, and it was clear that it was spreading out of China, where it originated…

“The President took this move that he was widely criticized for, by Democrats and even some Republicans at the time, which was he halted a number of flights from China into the US…

“The idea was to halt the spread of the disease. Keep transmissions to a minimum.

“He was accused of xenophobia. (Joe Biden 3/12/20)

“He was accused of making a racist move. (The Hill 1/31/20)

“At the end of the day, it was probably effective, because it did actually take a pretty aggressive measure against the spread of the virus.” — Maggie Habberman, New York Times, 3/25/20

Video statement: Bipartisan governors recognize the president’s support.

Governor Cuomo: His (President Trump) team is on it. They’ve been responsive, late at night, early in the morning, uh, and they’ve uh thus far been doing everything that they can do, and I want to say thank you. And I want to say that I appreciate it…

Governor Newsom: He returns calls, he reaches out, uh, he’s been proactive, uh we got that Mercy ship down here, in Los Angeles, that was directly because he sent it down here. Two thousand uh medical uh units came to this State of California, these FMS, these, these field medical stations, uh and that’s been very very helpful…

Governor Ron Desantis: What the president has been ah, ah, outstanding, ah, through all this, the vice president has been outstanding, members of the coronavirus task force very responsive.

Governor Phil Murphy: We had asked if we could have New Jersey could have access to a, piece of the beds that are on the USNS Comfort and the President came back, called me a short, few minutes before I walked in here to say indeed they would grant that to New Jersey. So that’s a big step for us in addition to all the other capacity. That news is really hot of the press and I thank the president and vice president who were on the call together.

Governor Doug Ducey: President Trump approved Arizona’s request for presidential major disaster declaration. I want to thank the president for a quick turnaround. We requested this on a Wednesday and we had approval by Saturday morning. And we are grateful to the administration for their continued support and responsiveness.

Interview segment: Well first of all, I want to thank, uh, the president and the vice president for doing a really good job of communicating with all the governors.

The Media Minimized the Risk From the Start, by YouTube channel Freedom News:

Category: COVID-19, Politics

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As Lars is all too happy to remind us near daily;




No matter what he does, why he does it, or the manner in which he does it it’s wrong because he exists.


Trump does everything bad. He’s the Democrats’ Emmanuel Goldstein.


Seriously, left/libtard Democrats and their pet media blame Trump for everything and act like idiots about him.


Unfortunately, Lars and his ilk don’t know who that is. But every time I see and hear them shrieking their Orange Man Bad mantra, I am reminded of the opening scene of the movie.


Hail to the Troll king!


Long Live the Troll King


I heard about this today (don’t watch much TV, myself). One of the best responses to the “Trump didn’t do stuff fast enough” trope was from Jessie Waters. He said:
“Look at what the media’s perfect scenario would have been,” Watters began. “They would have said Donald Trump, in the middle of a Senate impeachment trial, should have sent the senators home to their districts to shelter in place. Donald Trump would have told all the voters of the country, don’t go to the polls in South Carolina on Super Tuesday, stay home and shelter in place?”

“He would have said in February, before one person died, remember, first death March 1st, don’t go to Easter church services. You’re not going to be allowed to go,” Watters continued, asking, “Could you even imagine the reaction if Donald Trump would have done that in February? You can see the headline from the New York Times right now: ‘American Despotism.’ Right? And Donald Trump would have tweeted ‘Fake news’ and we will all would have had a big laugh about it.”

Spot on.


I would like to meet the person whos life I
am saving by staying home and doing nothing.


Look in the mirror.


Christon a crutch! I’m so sick of media and the left playing politics with this. With the information coming out of China (who we all know lied, and continues to lie) and the WHO about the virus, no one was truly taking it seriously, from the media to politicians, to even health care professionals. In fact, they chewed on the president for trying to stem the tide with his travel restrictions to and from China (it’s raciss and stuff!!!!).

A Proud Infidel®™

NO MATTER WHAT President Trump does right and succeeds at, the whorehouse mainstream media is going to put an “ORANGE MAN BAD” spin on it.


And that same mainstream media competed for the chance to give B.O. a tongue bath during his administration.

The cricket chorus is building on Creepy Joe and his sexual assault on a former campaign staffer. The NY Times changed a paragraph at the request of his political campaign that previously mentioned his creepy hair sniffing and unwanted touching behavior.

Crickets also for former Mayor Bloomberg killing an investigation back in 2012 into the wealth of Communist Party elites in China, fearful of financial repercussions by the Communist Chinese Government by firing a reporter and trying to silence his wife. NPR broke that story 2 days ago.


CNN reported on the Kavanaugh accuser ad nauseam and has yet to even mention the Biden accuser.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

ON AND ON AND ON IT GOES on the demorat merry go round. I can see the demorats starting an acted too slow impeachment.

5th/77th FA

The Sons of Bitches will never rest until they take down the Trump Administration or they destroy this country…whichever comes FIRST makes no never mind to them. The end result is the same.

Pitchfork? Torch? Rope?


First, Trump is racist, xenophobic and excessive for taking action; then, he didn’t do it hard/fast enough when he’s right– left/libtard media sucks ass.


And profiting from hydroxychloroquine!!
His hotels!
He bad!
MSM says so!


It is so weird his cult members keep trying to use imagery that portrays him as heroic. Even romanticizing him.

The guy is a fucking coward.

And portraying him as a WWII veteran is not something you would tolerate if it were a dem president.


Your crazy !!!!!
for god sake think and stop being a robot
He was on this one from the beginning
If this was Obama we would have
swine flu Part 2
Is it killing you that the Bern sold out again
To a dirty old nasty Perv with dementia
You have completely lost it
Wake the fuk up dude

A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it, Bernie didn’t even get himself a waterfront house for dropping out this time!


Yup, not even a reach-around (only a bunch of promises from Obama that Quid Pro Joe would go suitably Leftward).


You squawked about a pandemic for years. He was -way- out ahead of your side on the Wu Flu.

Yet you squawk he is the bad guy.

Your “socialist” Judas Goat did his scripted job, get the establishment insider Donk to win the delegate race, then step aside in a manner to throw “socialist” support to -Biden- of all people. “Socialism” is just fancy-named corruption, like all Marxism.

And -you- fell for it, again!

That’s gotta Bern.


And there it is!

They fall for it every time.

They will fall for it again next election cycle.

The leftists have no choice. They don’t want to work, don’t want to be held responsible or accountable for their actions, and have no capacity to moderate their behaviors to find community acceptance, so they are psychologically forced to advocate for and hope in some fellow deviant to “save” them.

After all, “it’s different this time”–amirite?

If doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is insanity, what is it when you allow the same grift to be run against you over and over again?

People who support the Bernies and AOCs of the world deserve the disappointment and butthurt they get when they get sold out.

Now…let the butthurt flow you, Lars…good…good….now take your place with the rest of the petulant brats and let your whining be heard!

Ayn Rand said it best, “Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter.”



We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.


When left/libtard progressives call everybody else Hitler, they’re projecting.


He and his fellow Bernie Bros are becoming like Charlie Brown with Lucy holding the football for the goal kick.


Nah. He -asked- to kick that football again.


And portraying him as a WWII veteran is not something you would tolerate if it were a dem president.

Really? I seem to remember a few photos that compared the previous Administration’s “glorious leader” – side by side – with Mussolini. And I rather enjoyed them.

I also think Bernie would look “fabulous” in Mao’s peasant jacket and pants. Or maybe Stalin’s Marshall’s uniform – though Cuomo might fit it better.

Biden? Dunno. Was Sad Sack a World War II vet? Maybe PVT Snafu instead. (Google the last two if you don’t recognize them, Poodle.)


“I also think Bernie would look “fabulous” in Mao’s peasant jacket and pants”

Mao and other commies don’t smile for official
state photos. They always seem neutral but Bernie
has an awesome scowl that needs to be captured
in oil on canvas.


Remember the “Hope” drawing… something right out of a page of old school Soviet Propaganda.





I wouldn’t go that far, but since we’re here ya jack wagon:
heroic adjective
he·​ro·​ic | \ hi-ˈrō-ik
2a : exhibiting or marked by courage and daring
b : supremely noble or self-sacrificing
3a : of impressive size, power, extent, or effect
b(1) : of great intensity : EXTREME
(2) : of a kind that is likely only to be undertaken to save a life

Yeah, it’s subjective but I’d say he’s ticked off a few of those boxes, but you stay classy.


The Left can’t meme. They can’t meme so bad that they now can’t even understand the meme’s of others. It’s like a meme-blindness.

Maybe it’s like one of those Magic Eye posters from the 90’s. After a leftist stares at the picture long enough, focusing in and out, eventually the meme will come through. When you hear a soy-boy suddenly say, “Ha! I can see it now!” you’ll soon hear the sound of two balls dropping, his voice lowering an octave, and the tink, tink, tink of chest hairs suddenly growing.


Der Kommisar’s in town..




Think of that picture showing him as piloting a German airplane. I am sure that will make you feel better.


Democrats have a long history of hating Americans.

From the time we elected Lincoln to today, they have hated us.


Because we took their gulags from them and freed their slaves.

They have been throwing a 160 temper tantrum since.


I saw a news story yesterday that Madeleine Albright “slammed” China on lack of transparency.

Imagine how bad the CCP fuxed this up if she came out to say negative things!

Later I saw a story where a representative in congress (Gaetz?) is calling for ending funding for research in China. WTF?! Why are we paying for research in China? What research in the US did not get funded to pay the Chinese?

The insanity and daily incompetence of our government blows my mind. Yet a vocal group of our fellow citizens believe that this same group of idiots could run everything for them.

I can only imagine them, sitting in the DMV for 5 hours waiting thinking, “this is fine”…



Frau Albright was ordered to genuflect in front of the great unwashed by feigning morals. Screw her and her puppet master(s), especially George ‘happy making’ Soros.
The reasons NIH/CDC/UNC moved the ‘research of infectious diseases’ overseas was they got their budgets cut when ‘gain of function’ fell out of favor. Just Incase you didn’t read that right, gain of function is another way of saying enhancing a biological weapon.


3.5 million of our tax dollars was paid to the Wuhan virology lab to research the ChiCom bat flu. Surprise, surprise, Sgt. Carter!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

thebesig: Here’s a good article that shows how Dr. Fauci was taken a bit out of context with respect to the moment he said a lag in testing was a failure and the news media pounced on it to proclaim Trump was failing.

Fauci was trying to explain how a committee without a named head might not be the best system to sort out logistical issues with things like test supply and masks etc…meaning it was a systemic failure as opposed to any single individual. I think, having run a few businesses, that he’s on point with this statement. Meaning, if you have several department heads on a committee and everyone is simply there to discuss planning, no one necessarily has the authority to discuss execution of those plans nor does anyone have the funding for those plans.

It’s not a bad article in my view…and somewhat relevant. If you disagree by all means delete my post. No harm no foul there…