Locations in Iraq Hit with Rocket Attacks

Meme creators are going nuts with their creations. (r/The_Donald)
Could the Iranians, or their proxies, have retaliated recently? Rockets hit some targets in Iraq, no US service member injured as of the reporting. This should develop as the weekend progresses. The entire initial report is quoted:
From Reuters:
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Several rockets fell on Saturday inside Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, its Jadriya neighborhood, and the Balad air base housing U.S. troops, the Iraqi military said, adding that there were no deaths.
“Several rockets targeting Celebration Square and the Jadriya area in Baghdad, and the Balad air base in Salahuddin province, with no loss of life. Further details to come,” the military said in a statement.
Here’s the link.
General Soleimani Taunted President Trump
Here is a New York Post article where General Soleimani talked as if his Army would defeat the US:
“Come, we are waiting for you. We are the real men on the scene, as far as you are concerned. You know that a war would mean the loss of all your capabilities. You may start the war, but we will be the ones to determine its end,” Qassem Soleimani said in a fiery July 2018 speech directed at Trump.
Eighteen months later, his death wish was granted when he was killed Friday in a missile attack near the Baghdad Airport, in the most significant military move in the Middle East of Trump’s tenure, one the President said was intended to stop Soleimani’s plots to kill more Americans.

They were warned. (r/The_Donald/@realDoanldTrump)
Soleimani’s Replacement Appointed
The Iranian leadership has appointed a replacement for the general that was killed. Esmail Ghaani will oversee operations over the Quds Force and take over the current operations.
A key driver of that influence comes from the elite Quds Force, which works across the region with allied groups to offer an asymmetrical threat to counter the advanced weaponry wielded by the U.S. and its regional allies. Those partners include Iraqi militiamen, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Yemen’s Houthi rebels.
In announcing Ghaani as Soleimani’s replacement, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the new leader “one of the most prominent commanders” in service to Iran.
The Quds Force “will be unchanged from the time of his predecessor,” Khamenei said, according to IRNA.
Soleimani long has been the face of the Quds Force. His fame surged after American officials began blaming him for deadly roadside bombs targeting U.S. troops in Iraq. Images of him, long a feature of hard-line Instagram accounts and mobile phone lockscreens, now plaster billboards calling for Iran to avenge his death.
The Associated Press has more details here.
Guess we will have to take out a few more of their leaders until they get the hint that no one is putting up with their shit anymore
No need to memorize the chain of command, by the time that they learn all of those names with multiple Q’s and no U’s, it has been overtaken by events.
The Lame stream media and the holly weird left are apoliging to iran over the killing of this reveared shit bird. These are the same peeps that think Mao, Castro and Che were the greatest peeps since sex, drugs and rock and roll. Ever see the che and Mao tee shirts. osama obama never went to congress to do the couple of thousand drone strikes and his peeps said zip but of course when our POTUS does it, It’s WW 111. Fox showed some LSMFT (msnbc) contributer whom is a retired general and said that we had the right to do the operation but the person (Trump) that ordered it was not or something to that effect.
What one of their talking heads said was that this was the right decision/result but that the wrong president did it. I thought that was quite revealing about the levels of TDS infection at the Fake News Media.
Every now and then bits of the facade crack and they let out some truth.
That the Democrat party and MSM have let their hatred of Trump manifest itself so completely that they are decrying the death of Iran’s top terrorist is mystifying.
Trump, in three years, has outed the DNC as the party of illegal aliens, crooked politicians, voting felons, anti-Semitism, racist, terrorist-embracing, anti-American party that the “far right” couldn’t have dreamed up.
Thanks rgr769, you saw the same general as I did talk shit but I forgot how it went. I never watch msnbc and cnn and I wonder how these fake cable stations hire these ex mil generals.
I only saw it in a clip on Fox News. Like you I could never stomach watching CNN or the Madcow station. I couldn’t believe my ears. Mason is right, every now and then they let their masks slip, and we see what traitorous, anti-American assholes they are.
She came out in a new book talking about how depressed she is.
Well, if I was as stupid as that klowne is I would be pretty depressed too !!!
There is a bit of difference though, she’s so stupid she doesn’t have a clue just how stupid she really is !!!
Just like the entire d-rat party.
Obama sent them pallets of cash.
Trump sent them hellfire.
Nuff said.
I wonder how soon the replacement will get smoked like a generic cigarette?
A bunch of senior IRGC Quds Force commanders are suddenly dropping retirement packets.
Just wondering if those senior Iranian military officers will be landing gigs at CNN and MSNBC.
Seems like I remember another Republican Guards Corps that was supposed to be RaggyHeaded Badasses. 100 hours later they were smoked camel jockeys too.
The whole world is pissed cause the USA has a real Leader now. They were warned.
BOTH TIMES we headed to Iraq the screeching bedwetting paste-eating Elmer’s Glue-drinking milquetoasts in the mainstream DNC Pravda media were screeching that we were walking into our own bloodbath. the first time they said that we were going to get our asses handed to us because the Iraqi Army was supposedly hardened by eight years of war with Iran and the second time they said the same because they had supposedly learned how to deal with us the first time. As for me, I’ll never get tired of WINNING and having a POTUS that puts AMERICA FIRST!
Ain’t it grand !!!
Just fucking grand !!!!
The funniest meme I’ve seen was something about Sean Connery being killed. Still, I think that we should target the maddest mullah ànd smoke him as well as all around him. That should give the others pause to think about their actions.
Qassim Solimani, YOUR FIRED!
“You’re HellFired!”
Fixed it for you…
Yes, exactly! Thanks.
” Esmail Ghaani? There’s a Hellfire Missile here to see you.”
General Soleimani didn’t kill himself, ditto with Epstein.