Shooting Victim’s Widow Fighting Red Flag Laws

| December 28, 2019

Guns aren’t the problem. People intending to do harm are. (r/The_Donald)

Nikki Goeser had her life turned upside down when someone, she identified as a stalker, pulled out a handgun and shot her husband. The shooter shot the husband in the head and then shot him again after he fell to the ground.

Naturally, this caused panic in the bar and people reacted in response to this danger. The shooter, Hank Wise, walked towards the exit as if nothing out of the ordinary occurred. Others in the establishment detained him. He showed no interest in fighting them back.

Hank Wise had some issues to deal with. He believed that his ex-girlfriend, and the shooting victim, were playing roles in making his life harder. He had an “above normal” interest in Nikki Goeser.

The establishment, where the shooting took place, was a “gun-free zone”. Nikki Goeser had a concealed carry permit. However, she could not take her weapon into the establishment. She argues that red flag laws, had they been in place, risked eroding her ability to protect herself in the aftermath of the shooting.

From The Washington Times:

If a judge had ordered police to take away her firearm, deeming her a risk to herself or others, “for someone like me, that would have been trauma on top of trauma.”

“Here I’m scared to death, I’m already concerned for my safety, and then to go and take my basic human right of self-defense away from me with no due process?” she said. “It’s pretty scary.”

Since her husband’s death in 2009, Ms. Goeser has become a vocal Second Amendment advocate, working with John Lott Jr. at the Crime Prevention Research Center and writing two books. Her latest, “Stalked and Defenseless: How Gun Control Helped My Stalker Murder My Husband in Front of Me,” was released in November.

Nikki Goeser was a part of the effort that resulted in the state loosening its gun-free zone laws. Hank Wise constructed a “chain of events” that reads like the thought process of a Dean Koontz novel character. This Tennessee Courts document details testimony related to the events leading up to, and including, the shooting.

In this video, Hank Wise is convicted of second-degree murder:

Fox 17 Nashville did a story on Nikki Goeser and on her experiences:

The Washington Times has one of the stories here.

Category: Guns, Politics

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It’s classic progressive to disarm or no allow gun purchasing to anyone who’s been attacked because “they might seek vengeance” or some such hooey. (They “aww, they’re depressed after losing family to violent crime, let’s take their guns away” comes a close second.)


They never learn, and they don’t listen. Dr. Suzanna Hupp’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 12, 2013.

5th/77th FA

“…and desire for control.” Yep, that’s it. Never about gunz control, it all boils down to control of the people. As I’ve commented in the past the final ex Mrs, with her trumped up charges, tried very hard with her fakery to have my CCW pulled. She also tried to have the popo collect my weapons while the case was pending. This was in ’06, well before any Red Flag Laws. I had to prove that I didn’t have any in my possession. The tragedy of the boating accident while camping on the island across the lake. My permit did expire while the case was dragging thru the courts and I had to jump thru the hoops to get the dismissal of the charges to the Sheriff’s dprt in order to renew my permit. It was a royal PIA.

When attending high school in the 60s, nearly every vehicle in the parking lot had a firearm of some sort hanging on the rack in the back window. Strange how there never was a school shooting then.


That is because back then high schools and jr. highs weren’t full of little psycho retards who had been on mind altering drugs since they were five or six. Nowadays, the average high schooler has also been smoking weed and/or huffing paint since the seventh grade.


Possibly detention-suspension-expulsion had an impact on willful mayhem. Act out enough and you were -gone-.


I read that in Commiefornia, a new law will prohibit kids being expelled for misbehavior and defiance of staff.


They apparently cannot be punished, at all, for defying a Teacher.

That won’t end well.


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A Proud Infidel®™️

When was the last time anyone heard of a criminal turning away from a declared gun-free zone in fear of breaking the law?


If it only saves ONE life…


But kills a hundred others.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I carry in gun free zones except in Hospitals and Govt/ offices. I also carry in the bar areas in restaurants which is a no no in Florida where we sit down for a dinner and we never sit at the bar, but either at the bar or a table it is still a no no. The gun never jumped out of the holster and shot up the place by itself over an on and off 12 year period eating in restaurants.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

I carry in “gun free” zones (restaurants, movie theaters, hospitals, schools) except those with magnetic gates (airports, Gooberment buildings).
And I concur with your last sentence.
“I aim to misbehave”, but my gun is perfectly well behaved.