Coupla things
I’m sorry I’ve been kind of hands-off the last few days, I’ve been pre-occupied a bit. But here’s some things some of our friends think you’d be interested in;
No Sheeples Here writes that There Is A Deadly Cold Shiver Running Down America’s Spine.
Global News sends that Vulnerable supply lines put US mission at risk.
There’s a new blog on the block. Jonathan wrote me a nice email and tells me that he just moved here from that country that tries to speak English, Great Britain. But he’s started a new conservative blog named Track-a-‘Crat and he wants y’all to check it out
Rurik sens us these photos of Spetsnaz training and some of their weapons. He also sent this article the other day about someone in St Petersburg blowing Lenin’s ass off.
And our buddy Charles Ryder at Age of Hooper (The) explains why he’s no longer a hot Air affiliate.
Ace of Spades writes about the stupidest jury to walk the earth giving fake-professor Ward Churchill another shot at getting his job back.
Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive writes about our troops getting screwed in the special New York election last week. And then the Democrats complain that the troops don’t vote for their stupid asses. Our buddy, DanNY at GOE NY has more on the Tedesco/Murphy race.
I’m working on some stuff that might go up this morning, but I’m feeling lethargic ahead of the weekend, so bear with me OK?
this spetznaz is a police force, not a military one.
and the Lenin statue is the famous one in front of the Finland Rail Station… I haven’t heard about this, let me check the newspapers…
I have posted on the tax tips you need to know for 2009, as our slippery Congress has set up where and household making over $30,000 a year, will pay dearly for the extra few dollars on our paychecks! Please check it out so you will know what to do to keep from getting hit with penalties and fines next year!