Israeli children attacked by axe-wielding Palestinian
So as the world and the media discuss what terrorism means, a Palestinian terrorist provides us with an excellent example on the West Bank (Fox News/AP link);
An ax-wielding Palestinian militant went on a rampage in a West Bank settlement Thursday, killing an Israeli 13-year-old and wounding a 7-year-old boy before fleeing the area.
The attack posed an important test for Israel’s new prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has promised a firm hand against militants and expressed skepticism about prospects for peace. Government spokesman Mark Regev called it a “senseless act of brutality against innocents.”
So I’m just waiting for some ANSWER clown to defend this as a legitimate response to Israeli apartheid. Brian Becker?
A murky militant group calling itself the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh claimed responsibility for the attack in an e-mail sent to the AP.
The group is named for a Hezbollah mastermind killed in Syria last year in what is believed to have been an assassination by Israeli intelligence.
Oh, well, that justifies it completely.
Category: Terror War
From the Washington Al Jazeera Slime –
” A member of the Religion of Peace was fraudulently charged by the Zionist conspirators and capitalist lackey pigs, of committing a minor assault on two Zionist children who were taunting him, urinating on his camel spouse and throwing huge stones at him.
“I would never hurt these children, no matter how filthy and despicable they are, being descended from apes as they are. Rather, I detected the deadly Hebrew Jichima Wasp hovering over the poor, diseased infidel swine and tried to kill the wasp before it could harm them. Unfortunately, they moved, misinterpreting my humanitarian gestures, and they suffered a few minor cuts due to their preconceived notions of the Holy Warriors of Islam!”
American attorney Eric Holder, flown in at Obama’s request to represent the accused, released a statement:
“It is a sad state in which one oppressed Muslim man’s efforts to save lives and do good works, can be so distorted by the press as to villify him, rather than praising his courageous and selfless efforts. It is only because our country, the USA, has for so long been dominated by Jews and ultra right wing Christians,that the press is so right-leaning and prints such scurrilous attacks on fine young men like my client.
“On behalf of the President, I pledge the full strength and monetary resources of the USA to clearing this man of the false accusations against him, and perhaps bringing hate-crime charges against his detractors, the surviving family members of the unfortunate child..”
Barney Frank was asked to comment on this unfolding international scenario, but indicated that he could not speak with his mouth full.
Main Stream Media: “Nothing to see here. Move along. An isolated incident. Nothing to see.”
Another rotten effin Islamist coward — this is what they do, attack innocence and then run.
When are we going to say enough is enough — kill these terrorists once and for all.
Another day in paradise.