Bill Maher is an America-Hating Prick!

| March 30, 2009

Do not watch this if you have been drinking too much or happen to be cleaning your weapon while a young prick is visiting your teenaged daughter.

While I do think that asses like Maher being allowed to spew their idiotic filth on public airwaves only validates my existence (as well as my daughter and son) I do think at some point it will be our demise.

Rome was not defeated, it collapsed from within. Assholes like this quicken that event.

Category: Politics

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What a classless, disgusting POS!


When i saw this, I forgot what site I was visiting and I thought, “The poor bastard who wrote this is fired..!” Thank God, it was TAH, where candor is appreciated.

Maher is and always has been a AHP.


Maher is just a typical democrat who thinks every thing he says is funny. No brains required to be a member of the anti-american party. I can’t understand the people around him. He wouldn’t dare go outside after dark or through an alley in most area’s of the country, someone would and should pound his sorry ass into the pavement daily.


Thanks for that…almost worth putting a round through my monitor.


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J Foster

I can’t even get angry at this shithead anymore. He knows who his audience are. ‘Edgy’ and ‘irreverent’ leftist children are the only reason he still has a show. If he did something remotely thoughtful or intelligent he’d have no one. He says this crap with the hopes that it will piss someone off enough to cause another stir and boost his ratings. I doubt that even the usual idiots care very much about what he has to say these days.

I suppose if he really wanted to do something provocative he could call Obama out as an incompetent Marxist stooge.

Southern Democrat

I dont see why you all are so upset. Maher did not say anything that was incorrect.

Perhaps if we did pull our troops out from all over the world, we would help to diminish the ill will that so many countries feel towards us. I believe the purpose of these bases was so that we would be able to respond quickly to threats to our allies, and to defend ourselves. With all the new airframes, ships, and rapidly deployable people and weapons we have, doesnt this remove the need to have Americans spread out all over? Also, if countries didnt have us there to protect them all the time, do you think they would appreciate us a bit more, rather then take us for granted?

Why not bring them home, where we can have them working for the good of our country. Hell, we can even put them on the borders!

Think of the money that is being dumped into taking care of our troops, running bases and equipment, and paying locals to work at these bases as well. How much money could we save if we just put these men and women in the bases that are in the US. Could this be a way of keeping US bases, and the towns around them from closing as well?

You all hate Maher, but not everything he says is an attack.


Oh wow, SD has been worshipping at the trough of John Murtha. We can deploy “from over the horizon”. And, who but a dimocrat cares who appreciates us and who doesn’t. It’s always about “saving some money”. Never mind what it might cost to “redeploy”.


It was called isolationism. It was tried back in the 1930’s. Didn’t work out so well. Forward deployments give us many opportunities to quickly respond to an emerging crisis anywhere in the world. And despite the amazing “wonder” weapons you think we have, we need land bases to support our operations.

What exactly will the troops do on the border? Stand there and watch as the illegal immigrants cross? What are you proposing, SD? Do we arm the border? Do we give the troops shoot to kill orders?

Have you ever served overseas? What the frak is Bill Maher talking about 150 countries? There are only like 193-201 nations on the globe. I guess he is talking about Embassy guards, attaches, and the like. Minus those types, the number of nations we are “deployed” in shrinks considerably. Off the top of my head, foreign nations with large contingents of American forces- A-Stan(35k), Iraq(140k), Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Japan(30K), Spain, Germany (50k- only the western part), South Korea (30k), Honduras(300), Sinai(800), Kosovo(4000), Italy, Cuba, Columbia(50), Belgium(SHAPE HQ), California, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Hungary (250), Turkey, and Djibouti.

When a nation has asked us to leave, we leave. Maybe that point was missed by our liberal fiends. France asked us to leave in the 1950’s. We have no troops based on Iwo Jima. Okinawa, but not Iwo Jima. Then again, all battlefields where Americans bleed and died look alike to liberals as they only see the battlefields in pictures. When ever the USG proposes pulling our troops out of a foreign land, the host nations put up quite a fight, resisting our drawdown.

Have you ever been to a large CONUS military base? Not exactly in the best places. More like the a-holes and armpits of America. Stop by Forts Sill, Polk, Irwin, Hood, Jackson, Benning, Riley, Bragg, Huachucha, etc. Ask the locals what they think of the GIs. You will be surprised by the answers. Very similar to the same complaints made by our foreign hosts.


There are only 13 countries that have more than 1000 troops stationed.

United Kingdom
South Korea

Southern Democrat

Why are we part of a United Nations, when it seems it is the US that is the tip of the spear, and the rest of the world just sits and talks about how we do it wrong.

Why are we in charge of keeping South Korea safe? I know we have treaty w/ Japan that says they cannot have a large standing military and we will protect them, why not repeal that.

And to say that the bases in the US arent up to snuff for our troops, well its the military that lets them fall into that condition. Maybe if the world didnt have us there to protect them, they wouldnt take us for granted, and wouldnt be so quick to dump on us.

Lets see how the world would react if we pulled out and took care of ourselves and left the world to take care of themselves.


“With all the new airframes, ships, and rapidly deployable people and weapons we have, doesnt this remove the need to have Americans spread out all over?”
Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu, read about them and become educated.
“Why are we part of a United Nations, when it seems it is the US that is the tip of the spear, and the rest of the world just sits and talks about how we do it wrong.”

SD, the roots of the UN go back to Pres.Woodrow Wilson, Democrat and the Progressive concept of Internationalism. I refer to Internationalism as left winged imperialism because it involves “civilizing” brown people with UN bayonets. Woodrow Wilson was a backer of the UN’s predecessor, the League of Nations. The Democrat party has a hard on for the “Useless Nations.”

“Why are we in charge of keeping South Korea safe?” More ammo for you:Despite the fact that they have 40% of the GDP of North Korea and are capable of defending themselves.

“It was called isolationism. It was tried back in the 1930’s. Didn’t work out so well.” Isolationism failed because we were weak. Side note, Japan had no desire to invade the Continental U.S. due the the 2nd Amendment. “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

Want to avoid wars & genocide? Every free man should be armed. Every nation ought to maintain a militia based national defense like Switzerland. Any invader should know the citizens would make an invader’s life a misery of insurgency. Any nation who’s citizens would not resist an invader to the death deserves to be swept into the ash heap of history, period, end of story.


“And to say that the bases in the US arent up to snuff for our troops, well its the military that lets them fall into that condition.”

The military is not a revenue generating enterprise. Budget is set by the Congress “We the People” elect.

Southern Democrat

Just seems to me, that we need to fix our house up before volunteering to fix the neighbors.

The world makes enough money off of us from our excessive importing, that we should not have to give them our economy and our military.

Lets bring them home, take care of ourselves, and keep soldiers with their families on American soldiers. How much would that save????


“Just seems to me, that we need to fix our house up before volunteering to fix the neighbors.” Agreed, you can start on your end by getting “Internationalism” out of the Democratic Party Platform and getting us out of the UN. “and keep soldiers with their families on American soldiers.” I’m thinking you meant the last word to be soil. I accept the fact that I’ll be separated from my family to go to war if deployed by the civilian leadership. I volunteered to be a Soldier, no one forced me and, being an Army brat who’s dad was a grunt in the 101st Airborne in Vietnam I had a deeper understanding of what joining the Army meant, sacrifice wise. SD, we expect to be paid on time, treated if injured in the line of duty, paid our educational benefits stipulated in our enlistment contracts (which we pay into), cared for by the VA if disabled, and for our spouses/families to be compensated with our SGLI, which we pay into if we die on duty. In short, we expect the contract we voluntarily signed to be honored, nothing more. We serve 24/7 sans overtime. Yes, we have put in honest to God 24 hour days and we get zilch overtime for it. Ooops, that machinegun position is in the wrong place, fill it in and dig it there. Sorry boys, ruck up, the Capt. wants this platoon on that hill 10 klicks away to block a possible counter attack there… We expect to be sent into combat, where we will have to shoot people toting AK-47s. We can expect to see friends get wounded, or die and the same can happen to us. We understand that we will meet the physical requirements of professional athletes and not get paid what they do. Yet, we volunteered for this. You are probably asking yourself why all the obedience? Isn’t this behavior nazi like? WRONG! With an Army, you have either no obedience and discipline, which results in rape-pillage-and burn fests against the civilians, proper discipline and obedience to lawful orders, which means… Read more »

airborne injun

Well said,JuniorAG,Well said…Respect!

The Sniper

You know, I saw this video on live leak a couple days ago and almost posted it, but I couldn’t stomach it. Seriously. I just want to beat that guy with a pillow case full of tuna cans.


You might hurt the cans. And only if the tuna is dolphin safe.

sane person

Does no one realize he’s just making a comment about how vastly enormous this country’s military spending has become? He’s not insulting the troops. He’s suggesting we cut back in countries that no longer require our presence, and bring our brave men and women home.