Fraternal Order of Police Member Responds to Beto’s Gun Proposal

| October 23, 2019

Reenacting Butt-Head on the political stage? (r/The_Donald)

You guys are familiar with Beto O’Rourke’s proposal. He suggested that all weapons not only be registered but that the “scary looking weapons” also be subject to the mandatory buyback. The Fraternal Order of Police responds, via its vice president, Joe Gamaldi.

This proposal would not only disarm certain law-abiding citizens, but it would also risk police officer safety. Beto O’Rourke is banking on Americans to see things his way… That they “don’t need” certain types of weapons to defend themselves. Thus, they would “willingly” part with their weapons courtesy of his program.

From Fox News:

O’Rourke added that he’s banking on the conscience of everyday Americans to understand that they don’t need assault weapons for self-defense and will turn in their weapons willingly, citing Australia as a prime example of a gun buyback program.

“My faith is in this country and in my fellow Americans following the law and listening to people who own AK-47s and AR-15s who acknowledge, who concede, they don’t need it for self-protection,” he said.

The video and article could be seen and read here.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics

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Doc Savage

Is the soi boi referring to the one or two peeps that wet themselves before turning in thier scary guns?

Did he have a tender, tear filled, soulful discussion ( followed by a post post PTSD hug) with Gersh Kuntzman?


For those wondering who Kuntzman is–here’s where I introduced him to TAH readers:

USMC Steve

As has often been said, there is no such thing as an “assault rifle” or an “assault weapon”. Assault is an action. A weapon is an inanimate object. Nor has any weapon or rifle ever been referred to as an assault weapon other than by uninformed people and the press, often one in the same. One can assault with a weapon though. It is always far easier for weak undisciplined people to blame something that cannot defend itself, rather than facing up to the fact that behavior needs to be modified, discipline and self control instilled, and accountability for actions held. That is hard.


Anything in your house can be used as an “assault weapon”, including the pots and pans in your cupboards.

A Proud Infidel®™️

People have been beaten to death with frozen fish, where are the calls to regulate that?

Toxic Deplorable Racist B Woodman

“Any chair in a bar fight”


…Nor has any weapon or rifle ever been referred to as an assault weapon…

With the exception of the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44).

Jan Koekepan


Although that translates directly as assaultgun. (Gewehr = gun).

The term “assault rife” did come into use to describe it and its spiritual offspring in military use subsequent to WWII, and it came to mean:

* a long arm (i.e. shoulder braced)
* firing an intermediate power cartridge (not a battle rifle cartridge, but also not a pistol cartridge)
* with select fire (so that it can be fully automatic, or semiautomatic)

This means that the SKS and AR15 are not assault rifles (no select fire), and “assault weapon” is anything down to a deep frozen potato you use to beat down the latest wannabe mass shooter.


“Sturmgewher” = “Stormrifle”

Goes with the “Sturmtruppen” = “stormtroopers”

The word was coined as a marketing ploy. Supposedly, Hitler canceled the rifle project as wasteful. The minions knew they were onto a winning concept, so they continued in secret. When they had it working, and well, they said “come see our new ‘stormrifle’!”. Sold.


Just one correction, if I may. There actually is a valid definition for the term “assault rifle.” It can be found in DIA Pub DST-1110H-394-76. “Assault rifles are short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachinegun and rifle cartridges. Assault rifles have mild recoil characteristics and, because of this, are capable of delivering effective full automatic fire at ranges up to 300 meters.”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

USMC Steve;
The name Assault weapon started during WW2 when the Germans developed the Sturmgewehr 44. (1944) Sturm in German means assault/storm,IE assault or storm a position, and Gewehr means rifle. Box fed, selective fire, intermediate sized cartridge and a pistol grip. That’s it in a nutshell. Easy to google.


“Assault -weapon-” does not appear until 1989, when anti-gun idiots needed a marketing ploy that was sufficiently scary to bolt the rubes, and sufficiently pliable to fit -anything-”

Assault weapon =
Too big
Too small
Too much
Too little
Too many
Too far
Too ugly
Too weird
Too useful
Too useless
Too bad!

One zing to disarm them, and in darkness bind them.

In the land of Mordor, where the Shadows lie.


Umm, “Mordor” is incorrect. It is “Mordant Idiots”, in this case. 🙂


Mordor on the Potomac.

Slow Joe

I got an assault weapon between my legs.
Should I register it?


Not unless you remove the blank adapter.

5th/77th FA

Assault weapon? Pee shooter, maybe!

Need a chain saw bayonet attachment for cutting thru the bush? Try not to let it get into the sh^t.

Sorry Slow Joe, but you leaving yo self wide open. I’ll let myself out.


Assault with a friendly weapon?


Assault with a dead weapon!

5th/77th FA

They would not be wanting to confiscate weapons unless their plan is to do something that would cause us to need to defend ourselves from them.

Again, their need is not to control the gunz, it is to control the citizens.

Molon Labe…Bitch!

A Proud Infidel®™️

Just look at how they treat us now and imagine what they’d do once we were disarmed, one look at places like China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela prove it!


What makes you think they can disarm us, API? There is a growing sanctuary movement in municipalities and counties nationwide. We aren’t going away. That’s what scares The Them.

A Proud Infidel®™

And cap that off with a multitude of Police and Sheriff Departments whose heads have publicly refused to enforce such draconian and Unconstitutional Laws!


The only reason they’d even bring it up is simple: they’re ALL afraid of you who can think for yourselves.


If I did not my BangBangs from the government I can not sell them back to the government.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

In addition, one couldn’t sell any of their firearms back to the government because it couldn’t pass a background check.


That’s for sure, USMCMsgt.


It couldn’t pass a background check because it is dishonest, corrupt, and employs people who commit felonies.


Would the money received have to be
reported as income on the 1040?

If I am paid more than the original price
do I have to go through capital gains?

A Proud Infidel®™️

“If you need a thirty round magazine then you suck at Hunting.”

If YOU NEED a disarmed populace then YOU SUCK at governing!!


That is very pithy, API–did you originate it and, if so, may I use it?

A Proud Infidel®™

I stole it myself so help yourself!!!


Bobby Francis has never been pig hunting in Texas apparently.

And I’m not talking about the sweaty liberal skanks he pursued during college either.


Didn’t this little butt-boy once try to use his car as an “assault weapon”?


Don’t worry. His daddy the judge took care of that for him. It was his first of many Kennedy-esque moments.


Beto, the drunk driving moron that he is, should look at just one recent AMERICAN example of a law being enacted and how it’s been basically ignored.

“A New Jersey State Police spokesman said not a single large-capacity magazine has been turned in since the law went into effect nearly nine months ago.”


Over one million large capacity magazines and not one has been turned over to the cops, for some reason.

It’s amazing, isn’t it? Just amazing how people find some rules unreasonable and don’t kowtow to them?

A Proud Infidel®™

Come to think of it, when was the last time anyone saw criminals lining up to turn THEIR guns in as soon as a new Law was passed?

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Yep. New York State tried the same thing when it passed the SAFE ACT in the middle of the night.

IIRC, that law prohibited magazines that exceeded 10 rounds, which meant every LEO in that state was in violation of the law. They had to amend it, but people still didn’t turn anything in.

The criminals certainly didn’t.

RGR 4-78

Bobby Francis “Butthead” O’Rourke does not have a clue about “everyday” Americans.


Looks like Butthead.

Drives like Teddy Kennedy.


Beta O’Dorkand his ilk miss the irony in sending people with guns to confiscate guns from citizens.

They are also left with another conundrum that they can’t square so simply ignore. Those police officers they want to use to confiscate guns are the same ones they call racist pigs who are murdering innocent black men, women, and children.

The left doesn’t like authority unless it’s authority they can use to trample and control people.

A Proud Infidel®™

Further proof that liberalism is a Mental Disorder.

Bill R.

If I wanted to turn it in to the government, I wouldn’t have bought the damn thing to begin with. F**K Beto and his ridiculous ideas. You want it, you come get it.


Noone who owns an AR or an AK “concedes” jack shit Bobby!

Go sit on a dick you soy boy!

A Proud Infidel®™

Any time the Government tells you that you don’t need a gun is when you need to get one!


“people who own AK-47s and AR-15s who acknowledge, who concede, they don’t need it for self-protection”… again they flip-flop – used to be they said guns should be banned unless for ‘sporting purposes’ or ‘hunting’. Now it’s ‘self-defense’.

He’s also an idiot who fails to understand that at a range up to 50 yards, few guns work better. No other gun offers the versatility, accuracy, range, and capacity all in one. It’s only weaknesses are lack of concealability and in extreme CQB like inside a car or possibly in a poorly constructed building (which can be mitigated with the correct ammo.) But if you have to have one gun for home defense, it’s hard to beat a shorter-barreled semi-auto rifle with a detachable magazine.


“hard to beat a shorter-barreled semi-auto rifle with a detachable magazine”

and a bayonet for that unexpected stoppage at
just the wrong moment.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I hope he doesn’t confiscate my 1897 large capacity Sears & Robuck catalogue reprint.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

My above comment should have read 1897 Sears & Robuck large capacity MAGAZINE catalogue. Sorry about that.



You outdid yourself this time with the picture comparison between Butthead and What’s His Face.



Next we need the “Beavis and Bobby-head for President” poster.


Since he likes to pretend to be Down with Latinos, perhaps the poster might be:

“Beavis y Robiblanco,
por El Presedente”

Robiblanco O’Rourke



In my view, comparing Beatoff O’Rourke to Butthead is an insult to Butthead and Beavis, both.