A seriously sissified shooting story

| June 15, 2016

I’m an old guy who grew up playing rough-and-tumble from an early age, fighting when necessary to maintain my place in the upper-middle of the testosterone-fueled hierarchy in my small southern town, a kid who couldn’t wait to get his first gun and go hunting and was later equally eager to learn the professional use of many lethal military weapons in combat against a deadly enemy. So it’s really difficult for me to believe that any man could publicly and apparently proudly proclaim himself to be such a totally emasculated milquetoast, and an ill-informed one at that, as New York Daily News reporter Gersh Kuntzmann has done with this error-filled hit piece on the AR-15 rifle – which was, of course, timed to take advantage of the atrocity in Orlando.

If Kuntzmann has masochistic tendencies, then today he must be basking resplendently in the utter contempt and ridicule being directed his way from millions of American gun owners who read his article, opening with this sentence: “It feels like a bazooka – and sounds like a cannon,” about a lightweight sporting rifle that is so easy to handle that it is popular enough with teenage female shooters to be manufactured in hot pink Barbie versions. But an admittedly “terrified” Kuntzmann goes on to proudly parade his ignorance by inferring that such a weapon can fire a forty-round “clip” in less than five seconds.

Barbie AR

Right here I’ll wager Kuntzmann any amount he chooses that he can’t possibly fire forty rounds from an AR-15 in less than five seconds, because an AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, which requires the trigger to be pulled back fully to firing position for every individual round fired. Even with his pinky finger fully extended, Gersh just ain’t that good a gunner. He simply can’t operate that trigger that fast. By the way, you can always tell a liberal writer expounding on firearms because they invariably use the term “clip” rather than the correct term “magazine.” And, Kuntzmann, magazines are typically configured for 20 or 30 rounds, not 40, as anyone with minimal knowledge of firearms knows.

But it is in the actual firing of the weapon that Gersh seriously sissifies himself:

The recoil bruised my shoulder. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions – loud like a bomb – gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

I gotta tell you, Kuntzmann, you had millions of American gun owners guffawing with that bit of hissy-fit histrionics. Thousands of teenage girls fire the AR-15 routinely, and they can tell you, the recoil is minimal compared to most sporting rifles. And those unbruised young ladies have the presence of mind not to let themselves become disoriented by those absolutely icky brass shell casings flying past as they steel themselves not to be overcome by the smell of destruction, whatever the hell that is, and the bomb-like muzzle blasts that gave you temporary PTSD, whatever the hell that is, and made you anxious and irritable for at least an hour.

Good grief, Kuntzmann, don’t you have a clue what a complete pantywaist you have described yourself to be? It’s not just real men who are laughing at you – it’s real women as well.

If there is a lesson to be learned from this silly bit of reporting it is that editors should not send silly twits to cover issues of which they have no knowledge or experience. Being the old politically incorrect dinosaur I am, I’d just say, “Don’t send a girl to do a man’s job.”

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Politics

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Combat Historian

“…The recoil bruised my shoulder…” … BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!


If the recoil from an AR bruised his dainty widdle shoulder, I would like to take him out to the range with my Remington 870 and make him shoot buckshot and slugs until he collapses into a quivering puddle of sweat, tears, and piss.


Like I said yesterday, he could of pulled out his tampon or panty liner and used them to pad his shoulder from the massive recoil from the 5.56 round.

This same pantywaist probably has no problem getting a bikini wax and/or his eyebrows plucked so he can hang out with the other metrosexual “guys”.


That would take less than one round. He would rack the slide and it would be enough.


Nah, just give him a taste of some old black powder rifles and see how he likes the diff. The reload should be slow enough for him but, the recoil & “sulfuric smell” would probably put him to vapors bemoaning the appearance of the devil or some such.


Really though. My wife, 5’1″ 135 lbs., fires magazine after magazine of my SCAR-17s with no trouble and no bruising. In fact, she enjoys it immensely, almost as much as her AR-15.

With that said, My wife is a kidney transplant “survivor”(?) and has more “testicular” (nee Vaginal) fortitude than this dried up cum bubble.

Hes a fucking pussy.


Just got through reading this at American Thinker, still snickering. Thanks, PT!

Semper Idem

Well, if this sissy-boy is too intimidated by the glorious roar of freedom from the barrel of a good American-made shootin’ iron, perhaps he’d be happier in a place with no freedom?

Hey, Kuntzmann…Air Koryo is ready when you are.

Get your heart in America or get your azz OUT!


“you had millions of American gun owners guffawing with that bit of hissy-fit histrionics.”

But his drama queen-bit wasn’t aimed at the knowledgeable or experienced. It was aimed at inducing more fear and targets an ignorant crowd. The mere fact that someone read this piece of pulp b.s. prostituting to some overly flamboyant group of dimwits is a goofy manner of free advertisement. This doucebag and his gaudy attempt at minor journalism doesn’t rate a spot on this or any other site. Let alone 2 whole threads.

Semper Idem



Yeah, but, yocouch, the MORE GERSH KUNTZMAN gets exposed and laughed at for his attention whoring ignorance, the better.
The only way to silence fools is to let them run it loud and clear until the raucous laughter and finger-pointing derision have their effect, and he shuts up, goes away and sticks to subjects he really knows, like how much whipped fat free soy milk should go into his morning latte.


I truly hope you are correct. I only meant that these types of assholes require attention. Good or bad, it doesn’t matter. You’ve seen his material. It’s not like he is writing it for people look for facts, realism, or authenticity. He wrote a “horror whore story” for hippies. Who is he going to be embarrassed in front of after writing this garbage? It, in itself, is an embarrassment. Not trying to ruffle feathers. Just bringing out the fact that this d-bag isn’t wired like most logical humans.


Good question, but give him enough attention and ridicule and keep his name at the top of the Google sphere search, and what will come up first? His article, or response like ours?

Most people are willing to listen to reason. Rebuttal backed up with facts instead of hyperbole and panicky rhetoric will do more good than you know.


Rebuttal backed by facts. Agreed. That’s what this whole situation needs. Not just the article by this hyper-lib half wit. But facts that remind his audience (which seems to be a closed off group of “you wrote a STORY. Yay!-types) that this Goober cobbler’s perspective-based fiction is nothing but bias.


That’s what happens when you put the wrong caliber round in a gun. You get hurt.


And yet our 13 year old, 98 pound daughter, was able to put all 30 rounds into the silhouette at 100 yards with one of my AR-15s that she had never fired before. No bruises, no “PTSD” (imagined or otherwise), no problem.

This “guy” was either so hysterical from the get go or so focused on a preconceived narrative that he has no objectivity.

At the end of the day, if guns are not your thing (or jumping out of planes or SCUBA diving) then that is fine, but don’t tell me to stay off the range, in the plane, or on the boat because I enjoy these things.

A Proud Infidel®™

He SO showed his true colors as a pus-nutted candyassed cream puff of a metrosexual mega-WUSS that faints at the slightest whiff of testosterone.

B Woodman

Don’t hold back! Tell us how you REALLY feel!


It comes in hot pink Barbie?!?!?


i think I just had a gungasm.

Thomas Huxton

yep yer basic pink. you can nail them as hey are disabled by laughter upon seeing your colors.

pink, useless as a scope in a bamboo thicket


Oh, yes, with pink camouflage accessories! I visited this little gun shop near Schertz, Texas….


I really want one since my favorite color is pink ^_^ but hubs laughs whenever I bring it up


Tell him he doesn’t have to shoot it.


Aysel, just buy it yourself and tell him he CAN’T shoot it.

Joseph Williams

Also in Dirty Pink camo. Either black or brown camo on the PINK SAR rifle. My Daughter wants her Semi Auto Rifle in Purple with a collaphible stock.(short armed she is) Joe


Must really suck to be man bun, glitter beard KuntMan. regards, Alemaster


“The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick.”

Somebody should tell that beta cuck that is the smell of victory. He obviously has no clue.


That was actually his own farts, breath and armpit sweat, you know.


I’m just going to drop this in for your amusement and edification. The ONLY rifle that uses a clip is the rifle approved for winter biathlon competition.

At this link, there is a clear photo of the set up.


The rounds go into a clip, which goes into a magazine. The rifle uses low-velocity .22 calibre ammunition. It is specifically low velocity so that it will not damage the target set at 50 meters away from the firing line. It is, in fact, useless as anything other that a winter biathlon target rifle.

The shooter is require to shoot 5 rounds in 10 seconds. If you watch the video, you’ll see how it works. There are four clips stocked in the rifle barrel, with each clip holding 5 rounds. The low amount is for the purpose of reducing wind drag on the competitor.

The usual price for one of these beasts runs from $1500+ to over $5,000+, depending on what brand you buy. Anschutz is one of the more popular brands.

The US does have an Olympic team, and the Army (I think) has a team in competition in the winter. The sport is cross-country skiing and shooting on a timed basis.

Since this is a target rifle, it is useless in hunting or anything else. But because of hysteria over GUNNNZZZ! and ignorance about the same, and a desperate need to get attention and let us all know what control freaks do to trample us, winter biathlon competition may become history as a sport.

But not if I can do anything about it.


I beg to differ…. numerous weapons are loaded directly with clips (M1, 6.5 Carcano, M1903 Springfield, M98 Mauser and variants.
That’s what that funny-looking inlet at the top rear of the receiver is for on real rifles (the kind with bolts that reach out and touch someone.) Open the bolt, put the clip in the slot, push down on the rounds to zap the rounds into the magazine – the original speedloader.
And I still remember duly loading M16 magazines by the bushel load – put the adapter on top of the magazine, grab two stripper clips loaded with 5.56, zing-zot, next mag. Before the tragic accident in which all my guns fell overboard I had quite a few clips to fit M96, M98, and AR.
The problem is not in the word clip – it’s misused by ignorami.


Okay, I stand corrected, but the biathlon rifle is the only rifle I’ve heard referred to as using clips.

It’s just that you guys go all apeshit and sweaty palms when someone uses the word ‘clip’ with GUNNZZ!


Yup, the ol’ clip vs. magazine thing is always a crowd-pleaser.

We react like that because it makes us absolutely insane when self-proclaimed liberal “gun control experts” try to lecture us authoritatively about firearms and they don’t even know the basic nomenclature or operation of the weapons that they are attempting to talk about.

While I was in the Marine Corps, just uttering the word “gun” when referring to a rifle or pistol was enough to cause complete mayhem to erupt. The only time that we were allowed to say “gun” was when we were referring to artillery pieces, or the large caliber weapons mounted on U.S. Navy vessels.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of media libtard moonbats, who was the one that bawled about “30 clip magazines” a year or so ago? I still LMAO at the thought of that!


When I was in Army Basic Training one of the male platoon DIs had an interesting way of breaking the guys of saying gun instead of rifle. He would have them stand at Right Shoulder Arms. Then they had to say “This is my rifle, this is my gun, one is for shooting, one is for fun.” During this left hand went from the butt of the rifle to between the legs and repeat. He’d have them do it for about ten minutes usually when we (the female recruits) were going to or from the dining facility (yes it was for the added humiliation). And yes, there were guys who ended up doing it multiple times before it sunk in.


Sounds like you haven’t seen “Full Metal Jacket” yet. Netflix yourself, immediately!

Joseph Williams

Mick be very careful using that G-word. I think that there is a Hat on the blog.Is right Msgt Eric? Joe


never shoulda said “the ONLY” about a device which was the preferred method of quick reloading for 50 years…. my apologies if I offended, but if I referred to the focal length as an f-stop, I suspect you would be as quick?


Actually, I would simply say one involves distance, the other involves size of opening.

However, since technical details are of paramount importance to camera bugs, I have to tell you that unless it appears on the metadata file in their Bridge software, they themselves couldn’t tell you what either of those means. 🙂

And anyway, I sometimes just let such stuff go. I’m not that persnickety.

B Woodman

But then again, people who may use the terms “f-stop” and “focal length” interchangeably and incorrectly, aren’t trying to get laws passed to take your cameras away from you.


And you remember that dimbulbocrat congress critter that said that they should ban all the 30 round magazines because when they were all used up nobody would be able to shoot 30 rounds anymore…
Like they were M&M’s or some damn thing…
These idiots never cease to amaze me with their stupidity…


22LR is no joke. 30+ grain bullet zips along at 1200 to 1600 FPS, and accurate within 100 yds or so. IIRC Hinkley shot Pres Reagan w/ a 22LR revolver.


But the low-velocity ammo is specifically mandated for competitions so that the metal target discs won’t be damaged by it. And they stand 50 meters from both the prone and standing shooters. It just seems to me that would make it only good for bird shots in hunting.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

One of my old girlfriends from many moons ago shot her previous boyfriend in the neck with a .22 lr from a rifle. She showed me the x-ray of his neck, and wound track looked like a birdnest. He was out of the hospital the same night, but only because he was fortunate that the bullet hit nothing vital. I seriously could not believ that bullet travelled that far inside his neck. It looked like worm trails in mud. He was a junkie, so I guess he did not feel anything. I never did underestimate the deadliness of a .22 LR, and after seeing that x-ray I still do not.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

She shot him through a chair also.


I guess your break-up with her was the nicest break-up ever.

ThAt or your balls are so big you can’t zip up your wranglers.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Ha, our break-up. I realised she was also a junkie, so I quit going to her place. Her roommate stole her dope & she blamed it on me. She called me, and asked me to come over for something (this was in 1977). When I got there, she started flipping out on me but never said what the problem was. Unbeknownst to me she had her other roommate jump the back fence and call the law saying I was there starting shit. The cops showed up, and she told them I stole her dope and I have a gun on me. They searched me, found no gun or dope. I told the cops my side, and that I did not steal her dope etc… They thought it was hilarious that she called them. They asked me what I was going to do. I said I was going to avoid that crazy whore. I did after that. Not balls, just no sense, and being a horny nineteen year-old. That is how I learned a life lesson about junkies & other dopeheads.


Lucky you and lucky it was 1977. Times have changed a lot since then.


A friend of mine with the Sheriff’s Office was killed with one 26 Feb of 96. Bastard shot him in the right ear and neck with a .22 pistol.

Roger in Republic

Didn’t the japs go all weak kneed during the Nagano olympics a few years back when the bi-athletes showed up with real live gunnzz? There was talk of confiscation and lockup storage for these death dealing smoke sticks. I say that they weren’t nuked enough.


GERSH KUNTZMAN sports a pair of roast beef looking meat curtains under that beard.


Damn it man, I just had a mouthful of Makers Mark go through my nose.


(in Foghorn Leghorn’s voice)

This guy ain’t nothin’ but a namby pamby, panty waist, ‘fraid to breathe, chicken-chokin’ muthah!

If he’s even got a “chicken” to “choke”, that is. Maybe he turned that in along with his ManCard.


Vienna sausage.


The only thing Gerkin smelled was the shit running down the back of his leg….


comment image


Sulfur!? Does Kuntzgirl think we’re still using black powder?


I wondered about that, too. Sulfur has an unmistakable smell, at least as bad as intestinal gas. It’s sulfur, charcoal (black powder) and saltpeter (dried urine) that go into gunpowder, right?

It also goes into fireworks, along with specific chemicals to color the fireworks. If he finds the smell of gunpowder offensive, what does he do on the 4th of July?

Oh! I know: he stays indoors on his couch and watches the highlights on TV.

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s a thought. You find yourself with Herr Kuntzmeir/KuntzHetchup/Whatever and the two of you are accosted by two thugs. Does Kuntzsniffer:

A) Freeze solid until she shakes and cries;

B) Throw her wallet and run;

C) Drop to her knees and offer free BJs if the two won’t harm her; or

D) Stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you and fight the SOBs.

If you answered D, you haven’t been paying attention.


Probably been posted before but there is always the William Shatner method.


Heehee! L! M! A! O!


It’s at this point I have to question the legitimacy of that article. I mean, surely this was a duffelblog or onion piece crossed over, right? At the very best, this only underscores what a very small, niche audience feels is the truth, at the worst, he has done more to hurt the gun control cause by showing the absolutely astounding ignorance displayed by liberal gun-grabbers. This fucktard could not possibly be this dainty and idiotic, can he? Even a bare minimum of research would have at least propelled that article to your typical ‘guns are bad, m’kay?’ type of hit piece. Thankfully, it’s only morons who attempt to propagate this type of ignorant bile.

The Other Whitey

I grew up in rural southern California in the ’90s. I was in second grade the first time I joined my friends in the neighbor’s pasture armed with my dinky little spring-operated “shoot your eye out” BB gun. We re-enacted John Wayne movies, Indiana Jones, every classic Western rerun on TV, and a bit of Star Wars here and there. BBs flying everywhere with enough velocity to sting like a motherfucker if you got hit, though it wouldn’t break the skin. Some engagements ended in close combat, quickly devolving into dogpile wrestling. No PPE except our tshirts and jeans, and the one kid who had an old steel GI helmet that was way too big for him. The first time I cried to my Mom about being hit, she told me I better learn the difference between cover and concealment (Mom was raised by WWII vets, plus the family is Irish). So I did. Hell, my little sister even got in on the fun. Nobody lost an eye. Then I got a hand-pumped Daisy .177 BB/pellet rifle. Ten cranks of that pump lever and you could punch that BB through 8 inches of live oak at 50 yards. I became a better shot, able to tag those fucking ground squirrels (quite possibly the most destructive rodent on the planet) with regularity. From there I graduated to Dad’s .30/30 Winchester, which taught me about recoil. My shoulder got bruised the first time, but I didn’t puss out. And when I was a strapping lad of 14, Dad took me to Big5 and had me pick an M1 Garand off the rack–my first love, still in my safe to this day, and my all-time favorite rifle. When I was in high school (still in southern California), I was one of many kids who’d go out after class to the Forest Service land behind the school to shoot up the NO SHOOTINGS signs. Also learned how to drive off-road that way. Ironically, most of them now work for the Forest Service. I have dramatically increased my collection since then, and am now looking… Read more »


Rossi makes a cool little 22/410 combo gun for kids with interchangeable barrels.

I always thought it would be a good starter gun.


T.O.W. – your post reminds me of my first rifle, still in my safe – a Springfield Arms M1A. Draws blood at both ends, but insanely accurate.

If Mr. Milquetoast fired this he would disintegrate into a pile of glitter.


I have two options re this:

His was a big nasty black gun, which would be much more powerful/loud/recoil than the pictured pink gun. We all know black guns are the worst.


He’s a lying SoS who is preaching to his equally uneducated wussies.

Yeah, my money is on #2. Hey, #2, see what I did there?

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Recoil shmecoil, what a dipshit. My Dad had my brother, and I out shooting his Mauser 98 & twelve gauge double barrel when we were 8 &9 years old. He taught me sight alignment trigger control & breathing control with my daisy BB gun. I found out later, he was taught how to shoot by the SS at the end of WW2 when he was 14. His Drill Sergeants were real impressed with his shooting skills, and his crew served skills. He said they kind of looked funny when he told them were he got that training.

Roger in Republic

I have only one thing to say to Ms. Cuntsman. Yippie Ki Yo, Mother F#ckker.

Open Channel D

If he gets that butt hurt from shooting an AR-15, just think how wrecked he’ll be when his balls drop.


And to think that the NY Times used to have reporters that traveled with the troops on battlefields during WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
They would go with them on missions, on landings on tiny Pacific Islands that killed more Marines than the total of D-Day.
They told the tales of war as they were experienced by the real reporters of their day.
And this sissy jammy boi puke calls himself a reporter.
Edward R Murrow would bitch slap this pussy into next year for crying out loud…
My God, this pussification of men has happened in less than a generation.
The problem with the press is that they believe everything they write….

Ol Tanker

You really shouldn’t denigrate girls by referring to that waste of oxygen as a “girl”. At best it is a nebbish (look it up) and deserves only pity and contempt. Pity that it is alive and contempt that i’s parents actually spent effort to conceive and raise this poor excuse for protoplasm.


One of my favorite remarks from Col. Cooper:

“Naturally anyone is free to use any term he wants for anything he chooses, but those who call magazines “clips” and cartridges “bullets” ought not to be taken seriously”

Cpl/Major Mike

It’s going to get tougher to tell the libs now, thanks to your comment on a magazine and a clip.


Just another sad case of the pussification of liberal pole smokers. Please move to France!


[…] Citizens The Political Hat: Braid Hair? Go To Jail! The Quinton Report: This Ain’t Hell: A Seriously Sissified Shooting Story/Kuntzman Part II Weasel Zippers: Anonymous Hacks ISIS Twitter – Accounts Made Fabulously Gay […]