But they support the troops

| December 13, 2006

For some reason, the Democrats got it in their empty heads that their puny win in last month’s election has given them some sort of mandate for immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Dennis Kuchinich, the man-child of the Democrat Party has announced his run for President in 2008  by declaring that he’s the only peace candidate.

Mr. Kucinich said the Democratic takeover of Congress in last month’s elections suggests the American people want serious change in Iraq.
    “They voted for the Democrats because they expected us to … bring our troops home,” he said. “What kind of credibility will our party have if we say we are opposed to the war but continue to fund it?”

First of all, mentioning credibility and the Democrat party in the same sentence shows how Little Denny is out-of-touch. But, besides that, does Kucinich realize that a vast number of Americans voted for Republicans and that the average American would prefer to fight Islamic extremism in Iraq than in our country?

But Kucinich isn’t the only one. Iowa’s Tom Vilsack is also running for President on a peace platform. His website declares that the President needs to adopt the ISG’s recommendations immediately in a press release last week;

The President’s reaction will send a loud and clear message on whether he’s listening to the American people’s call for a change in policy for Iraq.

Where was this call? How could the American voter choose to vote against the war when the Democrats never told us what their strategy was before the election?

Are these guys listening to the American troops? Check out Flopping Aces for the video of Sean Hannity’s interview with the troops who love their country and want to protect us from Islamofacists.

Someone please tell Vilsack and Kuscinich that Americans apparently understand the threat better than what they want to give us credit for. And our troops are apparently willing to give it all for us. As long as those two events happen simultaneously, we’re golden.

Category: Politics

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