VetVoice makes it a point to tell us that Obama actually attended an MOH event

| March 26, 2009

The above pictured dork wants to start a blog war with This Ain’t Hell, and I’m up for it. Really. I am.
Brandon Friedman writes at VetVoice, the blog of VoteVets, the Democrat Party’s koolaid-drinking veteran “organization” of Jon “Motorpool Queen” Soltz. Friedman wrote this in today’s snot-blower;

President Obama attended the wreath-laying for Medal of Honor recipients at Arlington yesterday. And not only did he not blow off the event, but he even placed his hand on his heart. Uh oh. Looks like our anti-Obama friends will have to find something else to complain about now.

Of course the “anti-Obama friends” was linked to our report of Obama not attending the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball. This is the third time in three weeks Friedman has mischaracterized my posts in regards to the President.

First of all, Friedman, I have a long standing rule that I don’t have any friends that look like the Muppets’ Beaker so you don’t qualify.

Secondly, all I did was report that the President didn’t attend the event. I dare you to find one judgmental comment in that post. Thirdly, every time Obama actually does something to prove to vets that he likes us, are you going to write about it? It’s going to be a long four years for both of us in that case. Dingus.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers

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Jonn, this is the first post that I am sincerely disappointed in your behavior and portrayal. Seriously, man, what the hell do you have against Beaker?! That muppet can beatbox, too.

This is the guy to watch out for. Now, come to think of it, he resembles the Motor Pool Queen:

Jonn wrote: Good thing it isn’t wasn’t that other organization – I have a photo already and waiting for them, too.


Brandon will tell you that Obama’s BVDs taste like cotton candy.


Actually, when Obongo placed his hand on his chest it was a moment of confusion; he intended to grab his miniscule crotch, like his role model Michael Jackson.

The Sniper

I find this post highly insulting to Beaker.

Southern Democrat

Brandon, keep fighting the good fight! These people here dont realize that you are one of the real heros…one of the people getting the real word out about the great things that Obama is doing for our country.

We won assholes!!!


No man! Obama, if he had a comic bubble above his head, it would have said,(as he touched his chest, not hand over heart) “SOB, My smokes are at home, I gotta have one, this Wreath Laying shit’s gonna get old,@%#%!”


Southern Dem
Get on over to Vets Voice, you pansy. I cannot stand poor sports or sore losers. You seem to corner both markets.


defUSA – LMAO – you’re right.

And Syph Drip, or Sodded Dem – you’re right too – you said, “WE WON ASSHOLES!!!” … and you really did, you won a ton of them…. and the ones that ain’t in DC are in those blue areas on the political map.


What wiil the gay (I would say queer but no one allows it in the PC wirld) doves do when the figure out O’Dunbo is increasing manpower in Afghanistan to over 75,000? O’Dumbo wants the blood of thousands on his hands so he can fill in a hawk check mark on his resume. He made a gallows comment the other day that would get a honkie roasted. BWAHAHAHA


Soor for the mistypes, I was laughing too hard.


Sorry for the mistypes, I was laughing too hard.


We won assholes!!!

Aww, where is the love, peace and fruit filled rainbows, SD?

I’m beginning to hear the dulcet sounds of liberals with knickers a-twisting.

southen democrat

Skye, please go back to milking to amish


Ouch, a bit sensitive these days, SD?

O-withdrawal is a biatch – or so I am told.



Can I borrow the unicorn this weekend? One of the kids has a birthday party.

airborne injun

Is it this computer screen or does this Friedman douchebag have purple hair? Just curious…


I’m lousy at keeping track of dates, but a question came to mind when you mentioned Obama not attending the, “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball” in your article. Was the ball held before Obama learned how to salute properly? Remember Blackfive’s picture of his sloppy salute? If he hadn’t learned how to salute yet, maybe he felt it would be better not to salute them at all than to give them a lousy salute. If that is the case, he made the right decision. You ALL deserve a PROPER salute for your service. I SALUTE YOU NOW AND FOREVER.


[…] Brandon Friedman, dicksmith’s predecessor at VetVoice, known to TAH old timers as Beeker, currently employed at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, contributed to the MSNBC piece […]


[…] then there’s Brandon Friedman, known to my readers as Beeker from the days he wrked at VoteVets. I caught Friedman making excuses for the Obama Administration […]