Friday short takes – Kamala adviser, Kochul adviser, HPE, and the running dirtbag

| September 6, 2024

Kamala has hire a new senior advisor, Rev. Jennifer Butler, to court people of faith onto the Harris-Walz ticket. But:

“The many-headed beasts reveal the corruption of the imperial system around us. The imperial cult of the United States of America, whose stock market booms while unemployment skyrockets, had numbed many of us to our own reality,” she wrote.

Christians need to “‘come out of the closet’ and witness to the word of justice in the face of a brutal empire asserting its control. They are to resist the temptation to go with the temptation to go with the flow of the imperial… military status quo.”

“A large percentage of White Christians is marching to the drumbeat of White nationalism,” she said. “Given all this, nothing could be more important than reclaiming this radical book called the Bible and acting to make its vision for radical justice, equality and liberation a reality.”

Another portion claims that Christians are weaponizing their religious freedom.

“Rather than using religious freedom as a shield, Christians are using it as a sword,” Butler wrote.

Reminds me of why I haven’t darkened the door of the Presbyterian church I was raised in since high school. Doesn’t she remind you of the surgeon general dude?

Linda Sun, former deputy Chief of Staff to NY Governor Kathy Hochul and aide to former Governor Cuomo, has been charged as an unauthorized agent of the Chinese government.

Sun was charged on Tuesday with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registrations Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy, according to an unsealed copy of the indictment. Her husband and co-defendant, Chris Hu, was also charged with money laundering conspiracy and conspiracy to commit bank fraud as well as misusing means of identification, prosecutors said.

The couple allegedly received “substantial economic and other benefits” from the Chinese government – including facilitating millions of dollars in business transactions – none of which were disclosed to New York state, according to the indictment.  CNN

Well, as long as it’s nothing serious…. We used to say in sales that there was no shame in being a whore, just in being a cheap whore. Millions in business ain’t cheap.

Sucking up to the boss…AW1Ed likes boats powered by renewable resources sailboats. And this was a good sized one – 56 meters long with a 72 meter mast.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is showing its human and humane side. No doubt you all saw the news about that luxury super yacht that went down faster than Kamala at a Willie Brown fundraiser in a storm off Sicily, killing about a third of those aboard. One of the dead was billionaire Mike Lynch, who was celebrating being acquitted of fraud charges in the sale of his company to HPE.

The claims were made against Lynch and Sushovan Hussain, the former chief financial officer of Autonomy, a business software company Lynch founded, which was sold to Hewlett Packard in 2011 for $11 billion.

Gets confusing – he was acquitted in the US, but a UK court ruled against him.

“It is HPE’s intention to follow the proceedings through to their conclusion,” the statement continued.

Angela Bacares, Lynch’s widow  — who was rescued after the sinking, which also resulted in the death of the couple’s 18-year-old daughter Hannah — could be liable for the damages, per the Associated Press.   People

Psst, HPE:  Bad optics. REALLY bad optics shaking down a new widow.

And in closing – Pvt. Travis King hit the news last July running into North Korea to avoid a military trial.

Frank Rosenblatt, the attorney, told in an emailed statement that King will plead guilty to five of the 14 offenses that he was charged with under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. One of the five charges King will plead guilty to is desertion, he said.

I suspect his military career is over… assuming he doesn’t wind up in Eastern Kansas. Not the most salubrious climate in winter. Gotta wonder how screwed up his life was that North Korea looked like a better alternative… and worse, that they threw him back.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", 2024 Election, Kamala, Money, None, North Korea

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USMC Steve

In King’s case it is a simple answer – he is a dumbass.


Dear PVT King,
comment image


“Those who beat their swords into plowshares may one day find themselves under the yoke of those that kept their swords!” A good way to…Prepare…is to beat your plowshares into swords…or if need be, sell your cloak and buy a sword. “Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and He in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.” Psalms 144:1 & 2 KJV A favorite passage of Gnrl RE Lee. Onward, Christian Soldiers!

$11 billion for some software? Hack Stone…weeps.

Mr King to become the king of making gravel out of boulders? Or will he become the queen of Cell Block D? Stay tuned!

Hack Stone

You can buy a lot of mailbox doors with $11 billion, and have some leftover to purchase a mortal coil for a 1980’s vintage Jaguar.


She brings up a great point, I’m in.

I hear that he hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword. That the hero born of woman was crushing the serpent beneath his heel. While Christ died to make men holy, we will die to make men free.

Of course “the serpent” was the Democrats…. but hey it wasn’t my idea.


“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.”


TdA talkin’ sh*t and bustin’ caps in Chicago:

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
RGR 4-78

I am pretty sure I heard a Glock switch activated.


Giggleswitch, on!


Local gangbangers be like:


Travis King will be going to the big house for at least a dime. He could have his own good idea/ bad idea 1 hour special.

Democrats just aren’t happy unless they have at least one Chinese handler… Infiltrator on their staff. This started way back with slick willy.

For “the large percentage of white Christians marching to the beat of white nationalism” I wonder how large that percentage is since I am white, Christian and love what is left of my country yet have yet to meet a White Nationalist. If somebody could point me to the clubhouse I’d like to take a peek at it.

RGR 4-78

I actually met one in 12th Group back in the early 80’s, and, as you would guess, he was a total loser/shitbag.


Closest I’ve ever met (knowingly) was a kid in 1999, young PFC. Had an official KKK membership card. I’m pretty sure they didn’t issue those, being a secret society and all. He didn’t show any kind of sign of being racist or supremist of any of the other ists and isms. Pretty sure it was just for shock value.

RGR 4-78

The shitbag I met must have gotten hold of the unit mailing list because shortly after he showed up, I started getting the white supremist newsletters and crap in the mail. I found out it was him and I told him to quit sending his crap to me and I stopped getting it in the mail.


I did run into one at my unit in Germany in 1990. He wasn’t the worst troop but He started banging some other dude’s wife on the side and got found out. The next week someone loosened the lug nuts on the front passenger wheel of his car and it went flying off on the Autobahn while he was doing about 90mph. He lived long enough to ETS and went home to Chicago where he was shot to death about a month later.

Zero surprises on all that.


Sometimes, subsciption cards fell out of publications in the mailbag. Occasionally, they even offer free sample issues. Some mailclerks, bored and or vindictive, played “home the strays”.

“Hey Jackson!”
“‘Sup, top?”
“Mailclerk just dropped of your copy of The Thunderbolt. Care to explain?”

“Say what now?”

Those “advertising interest” fliers could be seriously misused. Simply add the title “Mrs” to any name, tick a few sample interest boxes, and watch as some schlub gets a box of tampons while out on an FTX.

Or so it was rumored….

Forest Bondurant

Jennifer Butler = religious dipshit
Linda Sun = Chinese spy dipshit
HPE = corporate dipshits
Travis King = soon to be formal military dipshit


Travis King is a future SMA! DEI will win!


Here in 2019 the Rev Jennifer comes out in favor of you buying dick loping operations for tranny’s, including boys as young as 13. She says opposing this on religious grounds is hate speech.

The Democratic Party went full retard long ago.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Loping”, as in, a slow gallop?
Or did you mean to say “lopping”, as in, cutting off short?
Inquiring minds. We report, you decide.
(this is why I don’t trust auto (mis)correct, it can give you a correct spelling, but a wrong definition per the context)

I’d go either way, but yeah, I said Lopping but it definitely put up loping. So maybe it is a little of both? After the kiddies are castrated and no longer able to breed they can get a large nose shackle and be made into animals of labor for the new world order leaders.


“I’d go either way,…”

Aww, jeez. You, too?


Since she likes quoting bible verses I would refer her to Matthew 7—–
“15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

I believe that circumcision is prescribed (for males) somewhere in the Bible, but I think that is limited to the foreskin. Further surgical procedures are not mentioned. Perhaps, being a Rev. , she has more knowledge of scripture than I.

Skivvy Stacker

I believe it was God his own self who told Abraham that he had to circumcise himself, his male children, and his man servants so that they would be recognized as being of the tribe of Israel.
I was circumcised when I was born and had no say in the matter, so basically, I’ve been an amputee my whole life.

Damn doctors.


Why the sad face Rev.?

Skivvy Stacker

Her daddy was named Mr Ed….I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

BlueCord Dad


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Well, as the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Rev” Butler and John (s)Kerry must have had the same horse-faced mother. (shudder)

Don’t forget Rachel Levine, lurches sister that is another brother.


Yep, that’s who I thought the rev looked like.

Green Thumb

I am not even sure “Phony” Phil Monkess and All-Points Logistics would hire this clown.

And that is …..BAD!