This explains the black Crown Vic parked out front

| March 26, 2009

Ever wonder who else reads This Ain’t Hell? Well, thanks to one of Michelle Malkin‘s readers who forwarded her some military email about the discussion about the “Overseas Contingency Operations” dustup this week, we discover that folks at the Pentagon read us, too;

So those of you who are lurking out there, they’re reading our comments, too. Join in and let your opinions be heard. Yeah, I know, shameless horn tooting here, but you guys make us what we are – so thanks to y’all for making This Ain’t Hell the one of the biggest bunch of opinionated assholes who must be heard on the internet.

Category: Pointless blather, Terror War

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Why is it that the farther up a person gets in the chain, the more words they feel it is necessary to use to try to make a simple point? We’re at war, with people who are trying to kill us. We aren’t engaged in an “overseas contingency op”, we’re trying to kill them before they kill us. And they’re engaged in warfare and terrorism, not “man-caused disasters”.
I have serious doubts about the safety of this country, in the hands of these neophytes.


Actually – only if there are still any Bush-era people at the Pentagon could they be atively reading TAH.
If we are talking Obongo-era staff, they will have to have someone else read it TO them.
Oh, and UpNorth – they aren’t really trying to kill us;
our mooslime friends are merely trying to “hasten our voyage to corporeally assuming room temperature”.

Blackjack Pershing would puke on these people’s black patent boots.


Lt Col Tadd,

And they are no longer “Enemy Combatants”.

They are to be called “International Community Organizers”.


And no “bomb graffitti!!!

We can kill them but we don’t want to upset them.

Mr Wolf

Man up. We’re at war. Get over it, and get it on.

That is such a bunch of pansy-ness from a PAO.

Figures he’s USAF 🙂



Go Jonn…Keep them on it. They’re screwing up and they don’t care.

Got that, Sir? Thanks.


George Orwell wrote the book, and the current administration is implementing it – not that they’re the first.

It’s not even anti-Bush in detail. It’s rather more systemic.

Less the analysis:

I honestly dunno if the bill went anywhere, but there it is. A clear sign o’ the times.


“ire of critics who insists we are war”?!
So it is the critics who try to put our country at war, not the islamists who are hellbent on destroying our country and our way of life?!
I guess it is now ok for America to be at the mall shopping because according to you, sir, we are not at war anymore…
and this ‘pearl’ is coming out of the Pentagon?!
I am speechless

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

Global War on Terror seems to be the correct description. I use it in correspondence with my senators and representative. If the black Crown Vic or Suburban parks near my house, there is a metal Louisville Slugger in the garage that will do nicely.

Dave Thul

Oh God. Suddenly it all becomes so clear. This blog isn’t just monitored, it has been infiltrated!

I should have known that there is no such thing as a moderate IVAW member. Army Sergeant, she calls herself. Clearly an alias for some DOD civilian who didn’t meet ht/wt standards to join the service! She’s an agent provocateur!

Just kidding AS, no seriousness intended. But it is interesting to see a PAO reference a blog in a negative way in an email.

As long as you have live ammo and you have a round in the chamber, it’s a war, no matter what the brass may want to call it.


It was referred to the various committees, the last one on 3/23/09 to the one on the Early Childhood Education.
What’s scary is that it has 65 co-sponsors…


This is satire, right? You can’t tell me a LtCol referred to this site as critics, who insist we remain at war. Yea, good way too refer to a bunch of veterans that do things to support the mission as well as the troops. If this is an actual e-mail; this LtCol needs to resign or retire. He does not understand this is a long war and it’s the extremists that are keeping us at it. Geez, no wonder we’re losing the information war with PAO’s like him.


Pentagon? I thought they had changed the name to Pantygon since all the generals now wear pink panties. They’re biggest war now is who can get on their knees the fastest when O’Dumbo unzip’s.


“ire of critics who insist we remain at war”

Yeah, and my grandfather almost died in a ‘police action’. And his Colonel would probably have some choice words about this Colonel’s thoughts on such things. But Chesty was like that.

MAJ Arkay

Chill, gang. The LTC was not the Pentagon’s official spokesman — he’s just an AF PAO wanker. The Office of the Secretary of Defense’s PAO spokesman had another thing to say about this little issue:

If you can’t read that, the OSD official spokesman said “he’d “never received such a directive” and would still use GWOT “if it’s appropriate,” and he noted that the OMB explained that one of its staff members “may have been a little overexuberant.””

Inbred Redneck

Hey, if they’re monitoring this site I want to be sure they don’t miss me.
If they need to find me to tell me I’m a bad boy for calling it the GWOT, they can start looking for: Robert Jones former 11Bravo, AlphaCo, 4th/47th, 9th InfDiv. RVN ’68.
I ain’t all that hard to find, but I’ll be awfully hard to train in PC speech.


Fucking Air Force!