Hey Tyra, kiss my fat ass

| March 22, 2009

God I hate Tyra Banks.  Seriously.  I challenge you to find a more vapid idiot.  First off, she decided to honor Black History Month by recreating a great moment in African-American History, her photo shoot for Sports Illustrated.  Um, are you effen serious?  That’s one of the great moments of Black History?  Ridiculous.

Then she had a show where she faced her greatest fear. Dolphins. Yes, her greatest fear of dolphins. You know, what with all those crazy stories you hear of dolphins just mugging people on the street, and stealing their tuna fish. Dumbass, and ridiculous.

And now, her apparel pisses me off to.

It’s pretty simple: Don’t wear ribbons and medals you didn’t earn, and if you didn’t serve in the Air Force, don’t wear their uniforms. That isn’t a fashion statement, it is ridiculous.

Actually, this whole post is ridiculous, but it is a slow news day, and I am getting beat like a drum in my NCAA pool.

Category: Politics

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Southern Democrat

Tso, you’re a buffoon. No one thinks she is in the military. Are you telling me that when people go to the surplus store to buy camo to go hunt in, they should require a military Id card??

Frankly Opinionated

Within 15 seconds after the staged applause ended, I knew again why I don’t watch this wench. And why I don’t own a TV. Good grief, Dolphins? WTF?,O! She must not believe in the Jolly Mon. Not Cancer? Not, as TSO said- Muggers? Not addiction to the belief that your liberal life is purposeful? Bwaaaaahahahahaha.
nuf sed

Go O's

Two things for a slow newsday.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjGenS4pdbM – didn’t earn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf8FQYv9lD4 – hilarity.


Stupid Dipshit, that isn’t Advantage or RealTree, as far as I can tell, so it’ ain’t hunting camo. And none of the hunting brands carry the USAF tape on them. And she is a buffoon, afraid of dolphins? Maybe she meant the Miami Dolphins?



You’re in trouble now.

When SD calls you a buffon, it’s serious.

It’s an expert opinion!


I read this post a couple of times (watching the vid once) because I just knew I must be missing something. I’ve always found you guys to be concise in your research and presentation of facts. I was stunned at what I was reading. So, I took Tyra’s “advice” and I meditated knowing that would bring clarity to what could not possible be true – that TSO had presented incorrect information.

So then I did a little research of my own hoping to dispell my own questioning of the facts. I looked at information from The USO Girls, Uncle Jimbo, my own files and even TSO’s partner in crime, Jonn. Sure enough – TSO is WRONG!

His ass is NOT FAT. Kissable? Perhaps.

Jonn wrote: I took this picture of TSO as he left the protest yesterday;

Southern Democrat

Tankerbabe, that’s disgusting….

airborne injun

tankerbabe…How do you live with yourself…You just totally ruined Southern Dildos fantasy about TSO,rainbows,unicorns,and Rim Jobs on real hairy assed men.
The Shame,The Shame !!!
Run TSO,Run


So…if I had a jacket like Tyra’s that may have worn all the time in high school, would you hate me as much as you hate her?

Southern Democrat

Airborne, you forgot that I want him in a leather breechcloth, and beating a drum for me!


Nuh uh Jonn….this is from personal collection:


Hey, don’t laugh – Syph Drip has a point! I knew a guy whose grandma was raped by a dolphin wearing camo; she was never satisifed with a human again after that. You know what they say.


I chalked this post up to the beating you were getting at that silly NCAA pool.
Lesson learned: stay away from TSO when he is losing, even in something silly like that silly NCAA pool :o)