Navy quietly ends climate change task force, reversing Obama initiative

| August 27, 2019

Naval Aircrewman (Helicopter) 2nd Class Brandon Larnard, assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 22, carries an evacuee off an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter following the landfall of Hurricane Maria on the island of Dominica in 2017. The Navy recently did away with a task force dedicated to the effects of climate change, reversing an initiative by the Obama administration. (Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Sean Galbreath/Navy)

AW1 Rod sends us the link to this article, which describes the ending of the Navy’s Task Force Climate Change. It was a money pit that served no real military purpose, but was touted to “…plan and develop future public, strategic, and policy discussions” on Climate Change.

Policy discussions like “the Green Hornet” biofuel F/A-18? A cool 2.7M USD for 40,000 gallons of Mother Nature. That’s about $68 per gallon, when JP was a bit over $4. Our tax dollars at work.

By: J.D. Simkins

When he took office as secretary of defense, retired Marine Gen. Jim Mattis urged the armed forces to battle the effects of global climate change.

The order by Mattis was backed by a slew of scientific studies — including those commissioned by the Pentagon — and concerns expressed by a growing number of past and present military leaders.

“Climate change is impacting stability in areas of the world where our troops are operating today,” Mattis indicated in written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2017.

“It is appropriate for the Combatant Commands to incorporate drivers of instability that impact the security environment in their areas into their planning.”
But the Navy quietly shut down its specialized U.S. Navy Task Force Climate Change in March, reversing an Obama-era initiative designed to prepare naval leadership for global shifts in sea levels, melting ice sheets and ocean temperatures.

Navy officials told E&E News, which initially reported the termination of the program, that the task force’s mission was one that was “no longer needed.”

The rest of the article may be viewed here: Navy Times

Category: Global Warming, Guest Link, Navy

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Hopefully other Obama’s initiatives will be reversed as well.


Almost a stupid as the NASA muslim outreach.

Slow Joe



Climate change with a potential rise of “mean” temperature by 0.03C over the next 100 years may be reversed since the Sun is in a solar minimum and has been since 2006.

AW1Rod? I thought you AW1s were few and far between.


Y’know, it’s almost like 0bummers’ “legacy” is dissolving before our eyes.

Never mind, he don’t care. He has a home in Martha’s Vineyard so he can snub is snout at us plebes.


If the ocean is rising at such an alarming rate, why would any True Believer drop $15 mill on BEACHFRONT?

5th/77th FA

Wasn’t his 15 mill. that was dropped.

At one point in time Colorado and Wyoming was ocean front property cause Nebraska and the Dakotas were under the ocean.


I was stationed in Fort Riley, KS. The topography in that area, along with the parts of Kansas that I saw, was similar to what I’ve seen of the seafloor in the tropics, or on hydrographic charts.


Once the icecap melted, and the weight removed, the land rebounded upwards. The resultant uplift raised the terrain enough for a fast-growing river to form the Grand Canyon, on what was once the floor of a shallow sea when, before the icecap, the sea level was much higher.

That uplift continues, although much slower than previous.

The ice age cycle produces dramatic terrain change on fairly short geological time. In a few millennia, the ocean level can change by 200 feet as the massive icecaps form. This pushed the land down as the semi-molten mantle is displaced by the massively-ice-weighted crust. The melt cycle is also swift, flooding the de-iced coastal regions, which then rebound and rise.

Massive change occurs, and swiftly, at the transition points.

Not a slow creeping weather change, either. The meta-stable climate may tip to massively cold/wet in less than a century, possibly in a decade or two. The fields can grow dozens, even hundreds, of miles as the permafreeze line moves rapidly south and snow just piles up endlessly.

One year, a bunch of snow never melts. Widely and unusually further south.

That proto-icecap grows -up- not south.

Last time, it ended around mid to southern Pennsylvania. A prior one ended south of Savannah. One or two may have iced almost to the equator, although that was -way- back when.

We can survive unusually warm periods. We are hot-climate critters. It is very dicey surviving Pleistocene 2.0. Canada doesn’t exist in that scenario, for example.

The Other Whitey

The Anasazi had a thriving agricultural empire in Arizona. Then one day, around 1,000 years before the first internal-combustion engine fired up, it stopped raining there. That empire whose cities were a wonder of the world disappeared off the face of the Earth in less than a decade.

Climate changes. We don’t cause it, we don’t affect it. It just does it’s thing with nary a fuck given for us transient creatures upon this mortal coil.


Farming in New England is mostly
rearranging rocks that keep rising
from the soil.
They rise due to the freeze thaw cycle each year. Sorta like a mini
version of the ice age.

Either that or China is pushing them
through from the other side.


Bunk, long past due to be deep-sixed.

It’s not “a Global Force for Good”. It is part of the US Armed Forces, which makes it “Part of the biggest baddest can of whoop-ass ever deployed on the face of the Earth”.


I remember that one. Now the Navy’s motto in ads is the much better “Forged By The Sea”. (Reminds me of Dad, who without the Navy in his young life, would be pushing daisies in Chicago and I wouldn’t be here).

Daisy Cutter

Wait a second.

You mean we won’t be seeing sails on our aircraft carriers or our destroyers being run on salad oil anytime soon?


Dammit man. I just created a veteran woman owned disabled native American business entity so I could get the contract to provide all the used fryer oil from McDonald’s!

5th/77th FA

Can we get the fries with that too? And some BBQ Dipping Sauce? Give me a side order of chilli…to go!


When I first heard about this “green” fuel for the Navy, I thought it was a world class stoopid idea. At only $68 per gallon, brilliant. Meanwhile, China and India and the rest of the 3rd world shitholes continue to spew pollutants into the air and the oceans. Only 0bama’s bootlickers would come up with something like that. Sad to hear Mattis was a proponent.


I will call it what it was:


Slow Joe

The 5th column is raising our operational costs to make our enemies more competitive against us.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If I can get my home made time machine to go back in time, I can check out the changes of the climate through a billion years. Right now the machine can take me 4 hours into the future in 240 minutes.


“Climate change is impacting stability in areas of the world where our troops are operating today,” Mattis indicated in written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2017”

I think he was reffering to the fact that it is a
hoax and getting in the way of our military
objectives. Hoax’s cost money that can be better
spent on bullets and beans.
Yeah, that’s what he meant.


The climate change issue was always something I had difficulty in reconciling in my otherwise admiration of Mattis. But then that whole “Warrior Monk” shtick always carried with it a bit of the mystic, not always the most practical of intellects.

Does anyone here know what he’s doing now?


I think Obama was worried that
the sea level would rise so much it would wash over the decks of our aircraft carriers.