Facebook Asked to Cut Down on Fakes
An article in the Tonica News reports that Rep. Adam Kinzinger has formally asked Facebook’s Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg to provide an update on Facebook’s efforts to improve the safety and security of the platform.
According to a New York Times article, Kinzinger was moved to take action after reading an article about swindlers impersonating service members online, luring victims into false relationships and stealing their savings.
“As a combat veteran currently serving as a lieutenant colonel in the Air National Guard, I am particularly concerned with the pernicious efforts to impersonate current or former military personnel to gain the trust of unsuspecting users and ultimately convince them to transfer money,” Kinzinger wrote in the letter dated July 31 and published Aug. 1 by the New York Times.
Kinzinger was also moved by a story of a woman in India coming to the U.S. to meet someone she thought was Kinzinger.
This is also heightened by the introduction of Libra, a new cryptocurrency being adopted by Facebook.
A Facebook spokeswoman told the New York Times that the company was reviewing Kinzinger’s letter and that it looked forward to answering his questions.
Category: Politics
Zuck the cuck doesn’t give a damn about the “safety and security” of the book of face… it’s all about the data and benjamins to the cuckerburg.
Zuck (Cuck First Class) is busy living large in his six lot walled compound in Palo Alto; he doesn’t give a shit about the peasants who are staring at his electronic crack pages. For the proles Fakebook is their Soma (the drug for the masses in Huxley’s “Brave New World”). Whether some of them are swindled by fraudsters is of no moment to him or his prog employees.
“A Facebook spokeswoman told the New York Times that the company was reviewing Kinzinger’s letter and that it looked forward to answering his questions.”
Translation: They will do exactly dick all. They’re far too busy deplatforming anyone who doesn’t promote far-left politics.
If in your Face page Fake Book took out the Fakes, would that mean 3/4ths of their poser/posters would go away? I don’t have it but Sister and Daughter and everybody else in the family does. I think that myself and a handful of the TAHellions are the only people in the world that aren’t on the Book of the Fake.
When a coupla phony baloney “war heros” found out I was lurking around on Sister’s page, they started dialing back and deleting some claims of derring do, ‘specially when she started linking stolen valor stories to her pages.
I despise a liar, even worse than a thief.
At least thieves are sometimes honest when they admit, “yeah, I stole your stuff cuz I needed it” (or the money it would generate).
Never been on face book and never will. Hey zuke, don’t be a shnook and try and get your site squared away.
One of these days, someone who doesn’t give a rat’s tiny little ass about Zuckie’s prima donna nonsense is going to sue the pants off Zuckie himself.
They’re doing cryptocurrency now? Gee, don’t they know that’s another form of gambling, and they are suckers because the House always wins?
Let’s see: Suckie Zuckie + Libra crypto$$ = some greedy soul will – yes! – sue his bony, pillow-puffed butt into the ground… and win.
Zuckie’s real problem, as evidenced by his having to sit on pillows at his Congressional hearing, is that he has Short Man Syndrome, a problem probably not part of USAAF Snuffy Smith’s venue, because being a Short Guy was an advantage go ball turret gunners.
Cut down on Facebook fakes? A good start would be to purge Left Low Ball Jimmy Walls’ Huey page.
But as I look into the all-seeing crystal ball, a thought comes to mind that 20 years from now, a commercial will say:
Ever been offended on Face Book? You may be entitled to financial compensation. Call 1-800-GetFreeShitNow for complete details./s
ha ha yeah, Claw. the mesothelioma of the millenial set. totally can see that.
This will never happen. In the world of AI and machine learning, even fake profiles are valuable data sources.
Facebook is nothing but the monetization of machine learning and first generation AI. There is no way that Fuckerberg is going to:
1. Stop fake accounts
2. Stop fraud and larceny on FB
3. Stop censoring ideas that do not support his vision of utopia
4. Stop supporting pedos, predators, and progtards.
His very position of wealth and power are due to these things.
This also goes for all of the alphabet companies like google, youtube, etc, Microsoft, Twitter, General Electrics, Cable channels, media companies, congress, the senate, and China (the real power behind all of this).
This is why congressional calls for action always result in precisely dick getting done.
forgot to mention crApple…the grandaddy of all tech cults…
The closest Miz Poe has ever come to not outliving me was the day she blithely announced, “Honey, I just set you up with your very own Facebook page.”
Why would anyone fall for the old “I’m a poor GI and I need to borrow your money so I can move to Germany, or I can move stateside from Germany. I hate to sound cold blooded but those people kind of deserve it.