Weekend Open Thread – NY Mets Honor Tom Seaver
Running the WOT a bit early this week because I strongly suspect that many readers will be observing a 4-day holiday weekend, starting this afternoon (if not already). So here we go.
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Many TAH readers are baseball fans. And the MLB All Star Game is next week – so today’s WOT has a baseball theme.
Most baseball fans have heard the news that Mets Hall of Famer Tom Seaver was recently diagnosed with dementia. He’s no longer making any public appearances due to that fact.
The Mets retired Seaver’s number in 1988. However, the Mets recently announced that they have arranged to have the street near Citi Field – formerly 126th Street – renamed. It is now named “Seaver Way”. The field’s address is now 41 Seaver Way. The Mets have also announced plans to erect a statue of Seaver outside the field.
Citi Field’s new street number wasn’t chosen by accident. If you guessed (or remembered) that Seaver’s number with the Mets was 41, give yourself a gold star.
It’s good to see the Mets do this. But in a way, it’s also sad.
You see, the Mets honored their 1969 World Series Championship team at a Citi Field last Saturday. The announcement regarding the renamed street and the statue was made a couple of days before that. But due to his illness Seaver wasn’t in attendance for either.
Still: better late than never, I guess.
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OK, that’s all the baseball talk for today. Have a great WOT, everyone – and a great 4th of July weekend.
Category: Baseball, Open thread
Rats to the Cong for Fyrfighter. Lord over and bask in your FIRSTNESS. And dahell? to Hondo the Spartacus. How much did The Stranger and ChipNASA pay you to drop this early? The Stranger cause he’s upset that his little red legged step chile has proven that the King of Battle Rules, and ChipNASA throwing the impediments out to slow down the race to the Holy Grail of FIRSTS. The ever elusive 5 pete.
If anything, Hondo, there should be more commenting thru out the weekend cause work won’t be getting in the way… Oops my bad. Forget that most folks, unlike me lately, have a life outside of TAH.
Happy Birthday America! There is still a bunch of us that Love You!
Whaddaya mean “dahell”?
Today’s the day before a long holiday weekend – one of the oldest and most traditional of them all. Thus ya get a WOT.
Remember: when there’s a holiday involved, the long weekend doesn’t always start on Friday. (smile)
This ain’t “dahell”
But you can see it from here.
Thanks KoB… I was a 91B once upon a time, I know they changed it to something.. 14 whiskey or something like that…but i’d never dis my red leg brothers!
Just remember King of Battle, the Rook is just as adept as Supply when it comes to trading in favors. Especially in hot and miserable places…who makes the power, water, AC, and hooches?
This Guy!
And I claim the coveted Twordy Twooff position !!!!!
Neener, neener, neener !!!
Congrats to Fyrfighter!
Thanks MrBill
Holy crap! I actually was first! I figured three people at least would get in before mine went up… WOOT!
Congrats. Ya never know.
Thanks Limabeans!
The Mets should have done this a lot sooner then they did. Here’s a little backstory on why he was traded from the Mets to the Reds:
I”m just going to say “have a nice 4th of July” to all you dorky dickweeds in TAH land.
Thanks Ex! right back at ya! Planning some celebratory gunfire, and maybe even a bit of tannerite here on the ranch… Hope the rest of you have fun as well!
Tomorrow (July 4th) marks the 80th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s “luckiest man on the face of this earth” speech at Yankee Stadium (The House That Ruth Built). Currently, the Yankees are in first place in the AL East with the best record in the American League. Our 28th world series championship is in sight as the All Star Break approaches.
No disrespect to Tom Terrific however, remember that Mets is not a shortened form of Metropolitans, but instead an acronym for Must End The Season.
Present! Happy Independence day to one and all! D’s Cantina will be flying the Betsy Ross flag as a personal tribute to the poo-flinging social justice warrior howler monkeys everywhere (h/t to Nicki). ‘Murica!
Those flags flew at Obama’s second inaugural.
MinTru says “down the memory hole”
No Betsy Ross flag avail here at the ranch, so a thin red/blue line flag will have to suffice.. ooh, and F^#K Crapperdick, and all the other SJZ’s!
Happy birth of the Best Damn Nation on earth!
I read that and read that and read that and still didn’t realize it was WOT vice MOT.
Oh well, I’m here.
I’ll be having my own little fireworks display in the front yard like I always do each year.
See you all back on Friday.
Let’s call the whole thing off…
I gladly help myself to Honorary First once again.
Well, heck. I should’ve realized the WOT would be early this weekend. That being said, I missed being first by a couple of hours … so here’s this week’s trivia column instead. May you all enjoy a wonderful holiday weekend!! DID YOU KNOW…? Does North Korea have a “propaganda town” where nobody lives? By Commissioner Wretched One thing I like to do in this space in my column each week is tell you a little about myself. (Not that you care, of course, but it’s my column, so I get to do this.) I don’t watch very much television these days. And there are a couple of good reasons for that. One is, I don’t have a lot of time for just sitting around, vegetating on the couch, losing myself in the old TV set. I work too much, apparently, and thus have little time for anything so frivolous. Another reason is, there just isn’t all that much worth watching. No, I have never seen an episode of Game of Thrones. Even though The Walking Dead is filmed in the county next to mine, I’ve not seen it once. And when it was a big network hit, I always missed out on discussions of The Office, because I never watched it. What will I watch, in those rare moments when I have time for television? Jeopardy!, reruns of Star Trek and M*A*S*H, and – of course – a Chicago Cubs baseball game. How about you? I also love trivia … as do you, or you wouldn’t be here. Let’s watch some trivia! Did you know … … “The Poky Little Puppy” is the best-selling Little Golden Book of all time? You remember Little Golden Books, don’t you? They fall on the reading spectrum just above Dick and Jane and just below romance novels. “The Poky Little Puppy” was the eighth book in the series, which started in 1942. (It’s actually a pretty good read – it grabs you and doesn’t let you go until all five puppies are – oops, I almost gave the ending away.) … koalas have fingerprints?… Read more »
It is reported that the multiple story buildings in that Nork Potemkin town don’t even have any floors in them. They are just empty shells.
With better electrical service than the rest of Norkie-land.
And a restaurant that serves real food not just grass and tree leaves…
Among US troops the common name of Kijong-Dong is – or was, at least in the 1980s – “Propaganda Village”. It was called that in large part because of Korean-language (Hangul) audio propaganda broadcast continuously (24/7/365) by NK using huge loudspeaker systems located near there pointed towards South Korea.
That NK audio was audible at a number of US compounds north of the Imjin River. I can personally attest that the audio broadcasts took place and were audible south of the DMZ. When I had duty requirements that took me north of the Imjin while stationed in South Korea, I heard them myself.
Screw Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, and Kim Jong-Un.
The agitprop didn’t cause you to immediately drop your arms and run into the welcoming embrace of the communist paradise of North Korea? Weird.
No. Of course, I don’t speak Hangul – so I really don’t have a clue how effective the NorKs were at propaganda.
The audio didn’t seem to cause any of the South Korean troops/civilians in the area to head north, though. So I’m guessing it wasn’t exactly great propaganda. (smile)
Al Sharpton with a megaphone on steriods?
Just for the gun-nutz here: In case you haven’t heard yet, K. Harris (D-rat and half Jamaican/half-Indian), and Willie Brown’s ex-side piece, has announced she is coming for your guns if she is elected. She says she will give Congress 100 days to pass massive gun control laws (likely banning and confiscating all AR variant semi-autos) or she will use her “pen and phone” to do so.
(Side note: Willie predicts she can’t beat Trump)
I’m still waiting to find out how much she owes in reparations due to her ancestors owning and buying/selling slaves…
A tad of Fido fornication there…
What I love is that her Jamaican daddy first broke the story. That is quite a burn from the only one in her family of any African descent, even if many generations removed.
I’d bet she can “beat” Trump the same way she used to “beat” Willie.. just saying.. OOH, and Molon Labe Bitch!
On this date in 1913 there was a large Civil War reunion in Gettysburg, PA, commemorating the battle. The camaraderie of the veterans of both sides is quite apparent in the photos of the event. I doubt we will ever see that again in these polarized times, or even in 60 years, if the nation lasts that much longer.
RIP Mad Magazine, which is ceasing newsstand sales later this year, going to a subscription and comic book store model, and essentially being in reruns.
I clicked on the Wiki link and read up on Tom Terrific. I remember well that he won his 300th game wearing the uniform of my beloved White Sox. I’m assuming Carlton Fisk was the catcher…have to do some further research on that. However, one thing that stuck out was that Tom is a veteran, serving in the Marine Corps Reserve prior to his professional career. Semper Fi, Mr. Seaver.