EmoDouche strikes again!

| March 16, 2009

Here is that cowardly little catamite Chris Arendt again. I think I like him so much because he has all the intellectual heft of a bowl of creamed corn; the moral fiber of a turkey vulture; the rugged manliness of Judy Garland. And if the email I got from a “friend” of his is accurate, he’s also “a chain-smoking douche who smells like a garbage fill.”

There is not one part of this asshats “testimony” that furthers the dialogue or understanding of what happens at Gitmo. He offers no insight whatsoever, and his use of hyperbole and his emotional appeals leave his critique seriously wanting. For instance, apparently every one of the people at Gitmo is innocent. Really? What about the rate of recidivism? He talks about how detainees were released without “anything legislatively being brought against them.” This mental midget doesn’t even know the difference between judicial and legislative. He talks about a guy at Gitmo who fought against us because we “impeded on his soil.” Impeded? Really? We “interfere[d] with or slow the progress of” this guy’s soil? You villainous bastards you!

The first video is just money. He reads from a medical report prior to deployment. Apparently in HS he was the same pussy he is today. Did a lot of drugs, his step-dad didn’t like him because he was a mamsy-pamsy schoolgirl, he got teased a lot etc. Bathroom stall Jones here tried to kill himself with an overdose of Tylenol, the standard method of offing yourself when you have absolutely nothing going right in your life. Apparently his prolific reading never imbued him with the knowledge that Tylenol isn’t much of an agent for ending one’s life prematurely. Essentially, the one thing I wish he’d succeeded in he did in his typical half-assed fashion and screwed that up as well.

He’s fairly obviously a malingering asswipe who wanted out, and failing that, he figured he’d make the rest of us pay. And elements of the anti-war movement are all too eager to give him the forum. According to the report, “his judgment and insight appear limited.” Truer words were never written my friends.

I love the gratuitous shots at the National Guard. And the cannon cockers of the “king of battle.” This guy is a queen among the kings, no doubt about it. The National Guard, per this coward “is not very soldierly.” Chew on that one a while.

Why this clown hasn’t been charged with something is beyond me. In this video alone he admits to lying on his enlistment papers on numerous occasions. He joined only for the college money, and as soon as he feared being deployed, he went the malingerer route. Clearly this dude has some deep seated issues with anyone who isn’t a momma’s boy, and he figures that maligning all of us who did serve honorably will somehow make him cooler. That’s a tough road row to hoe. (*Although I also found references to “road to hoe”, grammaratarian fascist Sniper convinced me to change to the proper agrarian reference.)

Arendt has nothing going in his favor. Seriously, long term prognosis for this guy is not good. A man who got shit canned from his job distributing toilet paper doesn’t really have a lot to look forward to in his sad life. Sooner or later he’ll be on some form of Federal handout, because he’s uniquely unqualified for anything other than possibly taking orders at the drive through. He creepily reminds me of the old pedophile on Family Guy, Herbert. I’m guessing his future involves a lot of time spent on the business end of a glory hole.

After the jump, watch 30+ minutes of this jackass talking out his ass.

Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

“Bathroom stall Jones here tried to kill himself with an overdose of Tylenol, the standard method of offing yourself when you have absolutely nothing going right in your life.”

He chose Tylenol cause his mommy had already locked up the Flintstones Chewables.

It is also good to see that they brought George Clinton out of retirement for the WS Europe.

The Sniper

I love how the facilitator says that he’s proud of the soldiers who have [taken a stand against] “the war on terror”. Yup buddy, you said it. It’s a war on terror, and you’re against it so that means you must be FOR terror. And then he goes on to praise the ones that protested World War II and goes further by calling our involvement in WWII a “war of aggression”?!?!?!

DoucheBag par excellence.

AS for Arendt… I got exactly to the point where he said he detained fake terrorists for the government before I shut it off. I would love to see that guy twist his ankle… not because I don’t wish worse upon him, but because I know he would react to it as if it were a sucking chest wound.

Just A Grunt

Hey, don’t sell this guy short. They still need help over at Treasury.


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. This was after my time in with the Army and they needed me to help the Marines at Gitmo, so I transferred over there. It was a hell hole. They had the freakin’ air conditioning set at 72 degrees, freezing those poor guys’ nuts off. Then there was the food. All of this high carb shit that was making these dudes fat…so fat that they could hardly pray to Maccow or whatever that holy place is. Then there was the torture. Reruns of Mama’s Family and Hogan’s Heroes…not to mention ESPN for soccer, or as it’s properly called, futbol…how can we call ourselves civilized if we can’t even friggin’ get the name of their national pasttime right, man? I mean for real! Them dudes weren’t no terrorists, man…we was. Every time we said ‘soccer’ it was cutting off their heads…it was so bad I swam to Miami and went over the wall. The weed and blow in Miami is premium, man. I highly suggest it. And the Cuban sandwiches.

CPL Jesse Joshua Christopher McEmo
44th Amphibian Prisoner Guard Brigade (mech)
Gitmo, Cuba


Off topic, but I had to vent after seeing this at JWF. Our new Homeland Security head in an interview with Der Spiegel:

” In my speech, although I did not use the word “terrorism,” I referred to “man-caused” disasters. That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for all risks that can occur.”

Man caused Disasters! More action less PC


You know, I understand the desire to grow your hair long once you get out of the service, but damn.


Why is it, that after 15 days of evaluation, a trained doctor said he shouldnt go, and yet someone who wasnt in the situation trumped that. It seems there are people who didnt know what they joined up for, who saw a way out of their horrible lives by using the military and after joining, see they do not fit. Have you all never tried something and later realized you didnt like it? He joined for college money, ok, take the college money back. Why waste time and resources on a soldier who doesnt want to be there, when that same time and money could be spent on preparing someone else who wants to go. You all say that the majority of people in hte military want to be there. If this is true, then a handful of people who do not, that are then dsicharged would not make a difference. Let the people go that dont want to be there, and leave the real soldiers there to fight. TSO Wrote: You could waste all day looking folks, but I highly doubt you will find something so retarded. Take the college money back, eh? What about the hundred thousand dollars we spent training this moron? And if we just let everyone drop who doesn’t want to be there, with no punishments, then why wouldn’t you just gamble and join, knowing you’d never go to war? He signed the contract, all this pissing his pants over potentially going into combat should have been done by this shitdick before he enlisted. I don’t know if you’ve watched the TV lately, but it’s generally accepted that if you join the military, you are going to be called on to kill people and break things. This kid didn’t want to do that, but he did want to take our money and spend it in college. What college would accept him is a mystery to me, but either way, he managed to abscond with our tax money by lying out his ass. And now he’s trying to paint us all as “brown hating” ignoramuses, and… Read more »

Smokey Behr

I sure hope he didn’t pay for that haircut. He looks like all of the other unwashed, left-wing, “anti-capitalist”, “anti-corporate” douchebags out there. I’m sure that he’ll make a nice bitch for some guy out there one day, with his unwashed, slightly-blemished, pale skin. Maybe he should have paid more attention in class, otherwise he would know the difference between “legislative” and “judicial”, and would know all about Protocol I, Part III, Section II, Articles 43-47 (especially Article 47) of the Geneva Convention.


PS –
“That’s a tough row to hoe. (*Although I also found references to “road to hoe”, grammaratarian fascist Sniper convinced me to change to the proper agrarian reference.)”

In a related event, Bayrack Obongo took the first Bimbo out yesterday for a rowboat ride in the reflecting pond. Struggling with the oars, he said,
“Man! She is one tough hoe to row!”
And PPS – Obongo himself, is a ‘man caused disaster’
In his next ‘olive branch of peace’ mission to iran, he plans to wear his Presidential Knee Pads.


J3, too funny… Christine Arendt is an emodouche first class. Reminds me of the ones I saw when I worked security at a high school, pink shirt, rarely clean, skin tight black jeans, and black or checkerboard canvas Converse shoes. And the hair is just too precious. Sorry, I couldn’t stomach the video, asshats like him just twist my stomach in knots, although they are good for laughs.
As TSO said, Arendt basically embezzled $100K from the taxpayers, not to mention the college money. He should be charged. Bet he used “college money” to get to Europe to “testify”.

Frankly Opinionated

What a pretty Bitchboy! Guess we know what his position will be when he makes the “Big Time”……
And, Guardsman—- How in the Phuck mixes up your Kool-Ade for you? Guardsman of what? Surely, with a mindset like that, you wouldn’t expect to be called on to actually Defend your Country, now, would you? What an absolutely, unpatriotic, un-military idea! Let the sissieboys in, train em and when they go back to bed wettin, just let them out with a brand new Hersey Bar, and tell em to have a good time on the block.
nuf sed
PS: C-130’s are coming out of emergency inspection and flying again here at Eglin. Go FlyGuys!

Frankly Opinionated

Good Grief, didn’t proof that one:
“And, Guardsman—- How in the Phuck mixes up your Kool-Ade for you?” Should have read, not “How”, but “Who”.
nuf sed


That chap looks tough to me.