Pat McGee; Come Back Home

| March 16, 2009

The folks at Rock Ridge Music thought you guys would like this video. I did. Stick around for the background at the end;

In case you missed the story at the end;

The story behind the song is tragic, inspiring and is best told by Pat himself…

“Come Back Home was written in the wake of me losing my longtime drummer and former Army soldier John C. Williams. But the song started off as a reflection of how a military couple deals with separation. After the release of Come Back Home, Johns little brother was killed by an IED in Iraq. His name was Blake Williams. His platoon used this track as the audio to a memorial slide show presentation they did in March of 2008. It was for all the courageous men and women they had lost in the month of March.

I am humbled by their service to our great country and I hope this song brings them some peace. My father served in Vietnam and I truly appreciate their dedication and bravery.”
Pat McGee

After sitting through that trash in the Winter Soldier post, I figured you guys deserved this.

Category: Support the troops

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Now THAT was a tearjerker of a tribute. ye-owch!


Thank you for posting this video.


A very nice song, I posted it in my blog.


This is great. Thanks for posting this. A keeper for sure.