Obama-bots get their marching orders

| March 14, 2009

Your neighbors are about to get a whole lot more irritating;

That last paragraph really bothers me;

We know this fight won’t be easy. But important battles never are. Together, we have the opportunity to shape our country’s future. We believed in the power of people to win an improbable election victory. And we believe in the power of people to drown out the cynics and entrenched interests in Washington to bring lasting, meaningful change we can all be proud we played a role in.

What fight? The one they’re having against common sense? Does this mean they’re going to be knocking on my door every few hours? Are they going to hold me in headlock until I say “uncle”? This isn’t an election – what can they accomplish? Well, here are their choices for pledging support;

Who do they think they’re going to be convincing? Any one who can make any sort of decision? I guess it’s just to keep them all in the habit of doing what they’re told.

And that “entrenched interests in Washington” line is sounding more like Chavez’ “oligarchy” phantoms every time they use it.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects

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please knock on my door


Mine too, please? Most of the Obamabots around me are busy cooking meth and throwing more trash in the yard in front of their double wide, I doubt they do much “networking”.

AW1 Tim


During the past election, they gave up on the folks on my street. Every time they’d come to my door, or those of my neighbors, we’d inform them that ours was a “democrat-free neighborhood”. They finally stopped coming by. 🙂

Speaking of coming by, I’m sorry I haven’t dropped by in awhile. I’ve had business to deal with, and family has always got to be top billing.



The President’s ideas for my future prosperity? What ideas? I guess they can’t tell us or they’d have to shoot us……all of us.


Perhaps the ones going door-to-door should be called Obama’s Witnesses. You know they’re going to have the same catatonic expression and zombified patter–except in Phili and Chicago where they’ll all be Black Panthers and ACORN leeches: “What do you mean you don’t agree with Obama?!? We’re taking over your house!”


He’s still campaigning.

That’s all he’s good at.

Remember when asked about “experience” – he pointed to the great way he ran a campaign. Since he’s floundering miserably at the job – he’s decided to go back to the campaign.

The Teleprompter In Chief stinks worse than even I thought he would, but then I always had trouble envisioning infinity…


Uh….They ain’t gonna be knocking on my door anytime soon. I has put the fear of Mossberg in ’em….*giggle*


And we believe in the power of people to drown out the cynics

In other words, silence dissent and free speech!

Over my dead body!

We’re fighting back!

April 15 Tax Day Rochester Tea Party

BTW Jonn, thanks to your heads-up to Michelle about this past Wednesday’s Rochester Tea Party, several folks have come forward, ready to participate in the one on April 15!


When the “Watchtower” type descended on my neighborhood, after the second and third of their visits, I started answering the door in the nude. That stopped ’em.
How ’bout answering the door on a Obamabot in a T shirt with Rush or Ronnie’s graven image. You could always confront then with Facts.


I presume this is supposed to be intimidating, since the Obots, by the very fact that they’ve knocked on your door, are informing you that they know where you live. If you get too uppity, they can always bring in their William Ayers’ acolytes to fire bomb your house at night.


Ahem… you ain’t seen nothing yet.


I wonder if I’m gonna be drafted!


I’ll bet that the insignia of the “volunteers” will be a stylized O on a sea of blues and reds. Gotta get that Red color in there. I read that Ponsdorf, these people are downright frightening.


UpNorth said: I read that Ponsdorf, these people are downright frightening.

Yeah but… Can’t we find someplace other than Canada to skip the draft. You do know that just wearing a dress won’t work this time.


I couldn’t help myself.. I went over to the website and left them a message that they were freaking fascist morons, that I would oppose them in every legal way I could.

Can hardly wait until they publicly post the names and their messages…

April 1st came early!


Maybe we can just claim to be radicals, thereby being excused from the excesses of the revolution? Or, just adopt the glazed, far off look and mumble “hope, change”?


Just go back to one of Jonn’s earlier columns and read the screen shot that has been taken off the Obama site…he will require everyone to do it.

And I refuse. I will not let him have more of my tax dollars AND force me to do what he thinks is necessary. Don’t worry, though. You gotta know the dems are gonna vote this one down or at least have more discussion on it than they did the porkulus!! Because they don’t have the kind of time it takes to volunteer, after all!! What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander in this case. Ahem.


[…] This ain’t Hell…Obama-bots get their marching orders […]


Please knock on my door. The majority of Americans now are hoping and wishing you come knock. We’ll have some tea with you on the front porch, but yours will be rammed down your throat!