Tanks For the Tanker Crews
It is again Tanks on Tuesdays. Get comfy, grab some snacks and your favorite beverage and Armor Up!!!
Thebesig sends this video, narrated by a Commissar Binkov:
The tank video below shows some of the newer tanks for all militaries. I think the Russian tank is the one I reviewed a while back, the one that has no bathroom facilities. We never see the Norks On Parade any more. I wonder if they’ve given up.
And then, there is this video of an M-2 Bradley vs a bunch of T-72s during the Gulf War.
As always, anyone who has armored equipment/tank videos from his/her sordid past is welcome to post them.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Historical
I’ll pour some brew in a TANKard and watch.
Nice of you to post up videos for our Nautically Challenged friends, Ex.
Tanks Ex!. Lubs me some mobile Artillery.
My pleasure!
Much like Military Aircraft and Shipping it takes a shitload of engineering and manufacturing infrastructure to produce a tank.
Most Countries simply buy from the powers ( Russians, US, British. France or Germany)
India tried to design and field one but it was pretty much a costly disaster.
The Iraqis tried to make a Copy of a T-72 but they wound up with a POS with mostly T-72 parts anyway.
We would have cut them to ribbons.
I would have