Tanks For the Tanker Crews

| April 30, 2019

It is again Tanks on Tuesdays. Get comfy, grab some snacks and your favorite beverage and Armor Up!!!

Thebesig sends this video, narrated by a Commissar Binkov:

The tank video below shows some of the newer tanks for all militaries. I think the Russian tank is the one I reviewed a while back, the one that has no bathroom facilities. We never see the Norks On Parade any more. I wonder if they’ve given up.

And then, there is this video of an M-2 Bradley vs a bunch of T-72s during the Gulf War.


As always, anyone who has armored equipment/tank videos from his/her sordid past is welcome to post them.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Historical

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I’ll pour some brew in a TANKard and watch.


Nice of you to post up videos for our Nautically Challenged friends, Ex.

5th/77th FA

Tanks Ex!. Lubs me some mobile Artillery.

Just An Old Dog

Much like Military Aircraft and Shipping it takes a shitload of engineering and manufacturing infrastructure to produce a tank.
Most Countries simply buy from the powers ( Russians, US, British. France or Germany)
India tried to design and field one but it was pretty much a costly disaster.
The Iraqis tried to make a Copy of a T-72 but they wound up with a POS with mostly T-72 parts anyway.

Mr. Pete

We would have cut them to ribbons.

I would have