Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Congressional GOP-Learn to Govern

| March 24, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez by Photographer Callaghan. (O’Hare/Bloomberg)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reacted to an effort to bring a procedural vote to the floor for the Green New Deal. Would she be happy now that one of her favorite initiatives is being considered? Under certain conditions.

From AOC’s twitter:

Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern. Our jobs aren’t for campaigning, & that’s exactly what these bluff-votes are for.

She’s addressing her colleagues in Congress. From our understanding, Congress, as a legislative body, legislates. The President “governs”. One could see this at the state level, where “legislature” is one of the terms used for the legislative branch, and governor is used for the executive branch.

At issue here is a move, that both sides have used, as a way of conducting political theater… Or for political strategy. Both sides use this tactic to “shine the light” on certain politicians, or on a group of them.

Didn’t Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez happily join with others with rolling the Green New Deal out? If she’s not excited about it now, then perhaps she’s as guilty of political theater, and of campaigning on the job, as those that she tells to “learn to govern”.

Onto one of the strategies for bringing the Green New Deal up. The Republicans are seeing how far the Democrats are willing to support those, within their party, who are farthest to the left .

From Fox News:

By pushing for a vote, McConnell hopes to see how far Democrats are willing to go to align themselves with the party’s new progressive wing.

“Just a good old-fashioned, state-planned economy. Garden-variety 20th-century socialism,” McConnell said in a recent speech. “Our Democratic colleagues have taken all the debunked philosophies of the last hundred years, rolled them into one giant package, and thrown a little ‘green’ paint on them to make them look new.”

Some of the push-back from the Democrats could include a vote of “present”. The explanation they give is that they’re going to protest the GOP’s move. However, their actions suggest another reality.

The Green New Deal isn’t workable if you’re looking at improving the economy in an environmentally friendly way. If you want to destroy the economy and reduce the population, this is your plan.

For those who have little to no knowledge of history, economy, human nature, etc., who think the government could transform the country into their utopia, the Green New Deal provides political and likability capital.

You could read more here.

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I guess I’ll have to re learn street roller skating. I threw away my skates and key many years ago.


Are you trying to drive me completely to madness, Gary? It’ll be a good three days that’ll be stuck in my head.


Wow. Again, I say “wow”. Don’t believe I have ever heard of Melanie. Hoping I don’t ever again.

‘Scuse me while I put on some Alice in Chains really loud until I can’t here that chorus in my head any more.


I drove my brother’s girlfriend from Bloomington, IL to Fort Dix so that she could visit him and that was one of three songs played all night long on every freaking radio station AM or FM on that road trip.

You think YOU hate that song?


That’s pretty horrid. Hope you’re having a satisfactory recovery! Thanks to 90 minute cassettes, a Sony Discman or two, MP3 players and my iPhone, I haven’t had to listen to car radio since I got my first car in 1988!


It was 1971. DJs had Melanie and other birdbrains to broadcast.

It’s the reason I listen to and support classical stations now.

Perry Gaskill

Poor Melanie. Things might have been different on the East Coast. My own view is that 1971 was close to the high water mark of rock ‘n’ roll radio before Clear Channel Inc. decided to trash the medium by buying up every station in North America.

I had a friend who once sold ads for an indie FM station in the SF Bay Area. When there weren’t a lot of ads sold, the station had a motley crew of late-night DJs who all sounded like stoners and would run commercial-free tapes for hours. The AM side was also good. Stations such as KFRC and others were, to this day, an example of how to do a music radio station when you want to do it right.

And last, who can possibly forget Wolfman Jack flipping off the FCC by blasting hyper megawatts from a pirate station somewhere south-of-the-border? Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, Baby…

A Proud Infidel®™

Wolfman Jack, oh MAN, I still remember begging my Parents to be allowed to stay up till midnight on Saturdays so we could watch him on “Midnight Special”!


Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern.

Well sumbitch. Something out of her yap I can agree with. Oh well. Even the blind chipmunk finds the occasional acorn.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Not politically correct AW1Ed, it is “visually impaired” chipmunk. Sailors just got no kouth, sheesh.


It’s a talent we have. At least I didn’t say “striped-ass blind tree rat.”

MSG Eric

Can always count on the squids to provide Non-PC remarks.

George V

Yup, another stopped Congress-critter clock. My first thought when I read her words was about the unmpty-jillion “show votes” the Repubs in Congress took to repeal Obamacare that they knew would be vetoed. Total waste of time. Then it took Congress how many months to produce a repeal act – which we know failed. Why wasn’t there something fully formed, with all the concerns addressed, ready to go, a few microseconds after Trump took office?
I guess that was an off-topic rant. Sorry.
/rant off


Nope, not off topic, one more example of politician / swamp critters not doing their freaking jobs!


there was…and party leadership did not let it come up for vote.

In fact, two replace bills passed the house in 2017.

Neither was voted on in the Senate.

Why? Can you say “never Trump”.

AOC is an idiot, but she is right about one thing. Both parties would rather maintain the status quo than risk their own positions.


“The Green New Deal isn’t workable…”

Formulating that abstract piece of garbage requires delusion as does agreeing with it. You can’t reason with that you can medicate it or just ignore it and let it burn itself out.

Confrontation, making someone face their own beliefs, is a valid therapeutic tactic. Bringing it up for a vote could make them face their delusion…..but the behavior won’t likely change.

Since it has no authority or application it could also be nothing but trolling at the taxpayer’s expense. It’s easier to sit and type fiction while basking in notoriety than to actually work.

5th/77th FA

“It is easier to sit and type fiction while basking in notoriety than to actually work.” Durn IDC SARC is you talking about Commissar or AOC here, cause that damn sure describes his nasty, ignorant, obnoxious seagull self?

Iffen you were to go ahead, take one for the Team TAH, and properly hit that thang, I mean really grudge ef it, make it squawl like a smashed cat, knock the bottom out, turn it inside out, she may calm down, chill, or realize what she has been missing. A massive multiple Big O. Ask not what a congress critter can do for you, DO what the congress critter NEEDS you to do. It’s all for the good of the Country….Thank you for your Service.


Instead of learning to “govern,” this stupid Demi-scrunt need to #learn to code, as she is not long for this occupation. Either that, or she will have to return to her career as a barista.

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet you she wasn’t worth a damn at that job either, she seems like the type of dumbass who would serve you a Shirley Temple when you ordered a Martini because she thought it would be better for you and still expect a tip!


This is the same socialist that couldn’t name the 3 branches of government. Her foot isn’t in her mouth any longer either, she’s eaten it and it now working on her leg. What a massive idiot the youngest voted into Congress turned out to be. New York voters should seppuku themselves at this point.


Why isn’t she being asked about the $3 billion she thinks she saved NY and NYC? I think she a pass on this and sites like Snopes isn’t going there in the name of silent support.

Her position on Amazon amount to her belief that the rich doesn’t deserve 10% off if they can afford an item without the discount.

Why did she ignore the fact the Amazon was expected to bring in 29.5 billion dollars? If she has an economics degree, then her college transcripts needs to be examined.

Unfortunately a lack of the full story is wait helps her get support from her base.


Dammit!! I was looking for the 7 pound service dog.


C’mon, dickweeds, that was kinda funny…


The dog ran off out of fear of those teeth.


Thanks, Ex-PH2.


If she ever gets to the debates the questions will be all about bartending, tips, minimum wage etc.
She is after all educated in economics.
Been there done that sort of thing.

Make mine a double..


I hate that politicians play such games. She puts forward this pie-in-the-sky legislation, knowing it’ll never pass. That’s part of the game, cause she’s the new AlGore screaming at us to save the Earth.

Then the Republicans put up the legislation for a vote, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, right? Vote on legislation and decide if it’s good. Doing their job.

Then the Democrats cry out that this is political gamesmanship because the Republicans know it’ll never pass. Da fuq?

Don’t propose bills you don’t want to debate and vote on if you don’t want them to be voted on and debated. Seems like something covered in Legislation 101, which she probably missed while she was on a jet headed to Hollywood for one of her media appearances.


“Don’t propose bills you don’t want to debate and vote on if you don’t want them to be voted on and debated.” Knocked that out of the park, Mason. Imagine, Congress limited to 5 days a year if they couldn’t propose stuff that just sounded good to their base.


Maybe she can bring her vast experience and professional knowledge and put it all together in a ten minute presentation to give the GOP some pointers?


Sounds good in THEORY, just too bad that 8 minutes of the powerpoint will be “Ya Know” and “Like”.

MSG Eric

The amount of Irony she produces on a weekly basis could power the entire earth if we found a way to convert it into a power source.


“How dare they hold a vote on my brilliant initiative!”

Wyle-E-Coyote takes extensive note of her comments.


I adore this airhead..!!!


i hope she runs for president in 2024…I could run against her and probably win. (Note – she might not be old enough until 2028…)


Neither party can effectively govern. Democrats won’t permit Republicans because Republicans are seen as regressive, stupid an oppressive. Republicans wont permit Democrats to govern because Democrats view Republicans as regressive, stupid and oppressive. Democrats consider Republicans motives to be hateful whenever they conflict with Democrats values. They don’t want to accept that there is another reason to disagree on social issues, since Democrats are always correct, compassionate and understanding. It is hate that motivates Republicans to want a barrier along our southern border. Hate that questions wholesale immigration from the countries responsible for most of the terrorism globally. Hate for Palestinians for no reason at all except to support the racist Israeli government. There is no bridge in existence that can connect Democrats with Republicans. The hate has been and continues to be mostly the province of Democrats. Dont believe in gay marriage? You are a hater. Hateful conservative speakers on college campuses? Shut down the venue. The behavior is like that of a child.


Dafuq was that? You taking writing lessons from Outcast and Lars?


Maybe it’s just me, but did anyone else notice that long-looking thang running horizontal under her skirt just above and between her legs? Hmmmmm. Nah, surely not! Then again, the name Alex might have some meaning after all. Just sayin’.


Nope. That’s a spandex underskirt that lets girls with big jiggly butts wear tight skirts and not jiggle. Might even have something like what used to be called a girdle included in it.

It just keeps her ass from bouncing too much.


Ex-PH2……Thanks for the update and reminder. As passe as that is, if she still wears a girdle, bet she still has pin up posters of Betty Grable and Jane Russel adorring her bedroom walls. You just gave away a big secret my friend. That is, if a girdle would keep her ass from bouncing too much, that woman needs a face and mouth girdle!


Try to picture her in your mind when she’s 50 years older than she is now, and still has those frog-eyed eyeballs and TEETH.

That should spoil anyone’s day.

A Proud Infidel®™

She could sell herself to a Freak Show by then, wait, never mind, liberal do-gooders had those banned.


“Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern.”

Says a member of the party that just spent over $25 million on a 2 year witch hunt

Slow Joe

“Just a good old-fashioned, state-planned economy. Garden-variety 20th-century socialism,” McConnell said in a recent speech. “Our Democratic colleagues have taken all the debunked philosophies of the last hundred years, rolled them into one giant package, and thrown a little ‘green’ paint on them to make them look new.”

Wow. Did the turtle actually say that?
Mitch Mouse is slowly, very slowly, gaining my respect. I wish I could say the same for all the other never-Trumper Republitards in Congress.


Oh my gawd, the Jewditionary branch of the government needs less Jewditionaries on it. Says AOC, over heard over a meal at McDonald’s with her vegan handlers.


Further evidence that you simply cannot satisfy them no matter what you do or do not do. Give them what they say they want? Nope. That’s not it.

They seem to want us to all just disappear. But, who would then pay for their pipe dreams? They really want us to let them howl and destroy things, then quietly fix the damage they do. Somehow, we are supposed to correctly anticipate what they want and provide it for them.

Then they wonder why we treat them like the petulant children they emulate every day.