Elizabeth Warren apology; better late than never?

| February 7, 2019

I must admit that I enjoy watching leftist loons eat each other.   This is not even an apology, it is nothing more than damage control.

“Family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship,” Warren said Wednesday, “and this is why I have apologized.  What revolations are next for Dizzy Lizzy?


Any story will do if it gains these people some kind of special status.  How could she possibly know is her claim to be American Indian was a determining factor in getting hired?  I submit that she thought it might help or she would not have used the claim to begin with.  I gleefully await her portrait in blackface coming to the surface at some point.

I personally could care less if she identifies as Native American, I do not care if people identify in any manner they choose.   I will not be compelled to identify them in any manner other than how I see them.  She wanted to play the victim card when it served her to do so, that’s my opinion.  I do not identify her as an Indian of any kind and most certainly will never identify her as a Beer Drinker.

I identify her for what I see her as… A Socialist that is actually more Fascist than anyone cares to admit.

Some women don’t hold back when they know what they want and they never apologize … nor should they.   Lizzy better stay away from the Soviet when she is drinking Irish Car Bombs.

Category: I hate hippies, Liberals suck, Pointless blather, Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™️

Here Fakeahontas goes yet again , I wonder what they’ll dig up next on her? She’s a commie liberal D-rat, thus I’m sure that the liberal snowflake media will do all they can to censor this and sweep it under the rug!

Comm Center Rat

“It’s sad that governments are chiefed by the double-tongues.” ~ Ten Bears in The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)


“I wonder what they’ll dig up next on her?”

A commenter over at American Thinker suggested that someone should investigate her dozen or more real estate dealings in Oklahoma to see if she claimed minority status to obtain preferential financing. Lizzie was a big foreclosure flipper–yep that Lizzie–the same hypocrite who was so critical of the banking and mortgage industries for their cruel foreclosure policies.


This bitch is rotten to her core–the perfect Democrat presidential candidate.


What’s funny is if there was a video of her at a Braves game making the Tomahawk Chop she’d be a racist, but claim to be something you’re not for decades to get ahead in academia and you’re not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2/17 Air Cav

“Family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship.”

Translation #1. Lies are not the same as truth.

Translation #2. Getting caught lying is not the same as getting away with lying.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Or, 1/1024th doth not a Cherokee make…


I want to know if Pokerhauntass’ brothers ever used Native American or American Indian claim.

She has now pulled the brothers into the story.


Excellent point, MCPO

Comm Center Rat





“Believe” if a leftist is telling it. “Disregard and move right on a long, nothing to see here” if discovered to be a lie. 🙄


Yet, she persisted.

2/17 Air Cav

Until Cub Reporter Jimmy Olsen filed under the Texas public records act for her bar application. And–ouch! There is it, signed by Warren as fact.


You Reap What You Sow.


2/17 Air Cav

I identify as half Chinese dwarf and half Zulu.


I identify her as low life rat fucking scum. Those are her good points.


There is a Star Trek bridge crew joke lurking there.

warp 7 Mr Zulu!


If a liar admits to lying, does that make him/her/it more of a liar?

She still hasn’t admitted that she lied. The correct response to her statements is “Shut up, slut!”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Perhaps Dick Blumenthal can remind Granny Warren that, <b."Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"


Perhaps the POTUS could remind both of them of that fact. Very publicly.


Audio is in the article:

“Audio: In 2012, Elizabeth Warren Couldn’t ‘Recall’ Native American Claim”:


“U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said she could not “recall” listing herself as Native American on “other applications” for college or a job, she told Boston Herald Radio seven years ago.”

“That statement, made in 2012 during her successful run for Senate against incumbent Republican Scott Brown, apparently doesn’t hold water. Warren jotted down “American Indian” on a State Bar of Texas registration card on the line asking for race.”

“In 2012, Herald reporter Hillary Chabot asked Warren if she had listed herself as Native American elsewhere, other than on a Harvard Law School register. “Not that I recall,” Warren responded. (Listen to the audio)..”



Don’t recall? BULLSH!T, lady.

Here it is, in buff yellow, black, and blue, in her own handwriting:

Addendum: I wonder what her 1977 NJ application might show. Anyone know if NJ has an open records law, and if that covers law license applications of that era?


Her signature appears to say “warrior” at first glance.


Yep…just as Virginia Governor Ralph Northam claimed he did not know how those photos ended up on his page in the EVMS Yearbook:

“Yearbook Staffer Questions Northam’s Blackface Photo Claim”:


“A former staffer on Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook cast doubts on his claim of not knowing how a photo showing a man in KKK garb and another in blackface ended up on his page.”

“Dr. William Elwood, who was a page designer for the Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook in 1984, told CNN that photos for personal pages “were chosen by the individual student…”


She is not lying to herself:



Now that she’s apologized she’ll go into Hillary mode and say how it’s in the past, it’s been settled, and ignore it.

“Go get me a beer”

2/17 Air Cav

You mean, “What difference does it make now, senator?”

Still makes me want to kick the crap out of something.

5th/77th FA

“Still makes me want to kick the crap out of something”

Still makes me want to kick the crap out of that lying skanky scrunt whore bitch from hell. FIFY


Full Hillary mode would be for her to say next:

“What difference does it make!”

Just wondering out loud:
I wonder if her face could be stretched and made into a “false-etto” tone Tom-Tom? 😉

Daisy Cutter

If you say it in the woods and nobody’s around to hear it – is it still a lie?

If you self-identify as a Native American and no other Native American applied to law school that year so that slot did not go to waste – who is it hurting?

It is like taking a handicapped parking space when it is open – shame to let it go to waste.

I guess the trick is to never see dishonor in what you do. There’s always a way to spin it for the greater good.


I posted this link last night about Lizzie and her problem.



From that article: For Warren, putting this chapter behind her is key to calming the nerves of Democrats who want a nominee who can move beyond any problems in their past and present a strong challenge to President Trump.

No, you can’t just “put this behind you” and expect it to go away. It will follow that stupid broad to the end of her days.


Maybe some day she will self-identify as a sport plane lawer pilot.

There’s always room for another Lawn Dart lawer. (smile)

5th/77th FA

Terrain, Terrain, pull up, pulsplat


I identify as a 25 ton hydraulic log splitter powered by a 10 hp Briggs and Stratton engine.

Daisy Cutter

Much better choice than a Ditch Witch!


Well this is INTERESTING. Article is from 2012. Looks as if she handled a case in Massachusetts without having a license to practice law in that State. “Elizabeth Warren’s Law License Problem” https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/09/elizabeth-warrens-law-license-problem/ “The debate last Thursday night between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren covered ground mostly known to voters.But there was one subject most people watching probably did not know about, Elizabeth Warren’s private legal representation of The Travelers Insurance Company in an asbestos-related case.Brown brought the point up late in the debate, and hammered it:Warren attempted to deny her role, and referred to a Boston Globe article, but the Globe article supports Brown’s account. The Globe article indicated the representation was for a period of three years and Warren was paid $212,000. The case resulted in a Supreme Court victory for Travelers arising out of a bankruptcy case in New York.” “Whatever the political implications of the exchange, Warren’s representation of Travelers raises another big potential problem for Warren.Warren represented not just Travelers, but numerous other companies starting in the late 1990s working out of and using her Harvard Law School office in Cambridge, which she listed as her office of record on briefs filed with various courts. Warren, however, never has been licensed to practice law in Massachusetts.” “As detailed below, there are at least two provisions of Massachusetts law Warren may have violated. First, on a regular and continuing basis she used her Cambridge office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts. Second, in addition to operating an office for the practice of law without being licensed in Massachusetts, Warren actually practiced law in Massachusetts without being licensed.” “Warren refused to disclose the full extent of her private law practice when asked by The Boston Globe. If Warren denies that she has practiced law in Massachusetts without a license, Warren should disclose the full extent of her private law practice. The public has a right to assess whether Warren has failed to comply with the most basic requirement imposed on others, the need to become a member of the Bar of the Commonwealth… Read more »

5th/77th FA

Well, well, well, now isn’t that interesting. Rocked her lies all the way from OK, thru TX, to MA.

Is it me or does anyone else see the irony in the difference between the men from MA, and others, who met in PA back in 1776. Those men pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

The professional politicians now pledge to lie, make a fortune for themselves, and to make a sacrilege of honor.

Tanks for the post/linky thingy AP. rtr gabn hbtd


Screw this Bozo. I’ve got more Indian blood (maternal great-grams was Comanche – according to an uncle) than this liar ever had.

I learned, at an early age, about the consequences of lying. Some folks never do, I guess.

Truth, no matter how shot torn and powder burnt it is, will ALWAYS be better than a lie.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m just hoping that this somehow causes her to leave the PRoM and go elsewhere to retire quietly in disgrace.



You kept sending a MURDERER back to the Senate.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can assure you it wasn’t me, my state is a classic example of why the electoral college was such a brilliant idea.

We have six million people in the the PRoM, but 5.5 million of them are living from Worcester east, the other half a million occupy the western, far more conservative (all but a few towns west of Worcester voted for Trump). Our voices and votes in the western part of the state carry zero weight and zero influence.

That’s why the cocksuckers in Boston can steal the land out from four towns worth of people, flood those four towns and then steal the fucking water for Boston…not enough votes out here to impact any of that negatively so fuck the folks in Western Mass.


Someone with more creativity than me needs to come up with a parody song to the tune of the old Paul Revere & the Raiders number “Cherokee People.”

I’ll give you the first two lines for free:

She tried to fool the entire nation
On her state bar application


For those too young to remember:



A Cherokee wearing “Blackface”? 😉


If she had said Mahican or Passamaquoddy or even Pequot – something like that, it might have been more believable. Even Odawa might have been acceptable.
But she had to use that tired ol’ slapper Cherokee. So instead of any Indian/NA attachment, she’s part of the Beeyatch-She-Wish-be-But-She-Not-Be group.

Can we get a Stolen Valor drum roll please?


She was born and raised in Oklahoma, Ex-PH2. And some of her family had been there for a couple of generations, minimum.

OK is where the Cherokee ended up after Andrew Jackson had them expelled from their ancestral lands. Given where she was raised Cherokee is thus one of the more plausible sources of NA ancestry.


Yeah, but she chose the cliche, Hondo. If she had chosen something less well-used like Navajo or Hopi, it would be a lot less lame, in my view. That’s all.


Watching the great Virginia Circular Firing Squad is fun.

If the Germans haven’t coined “schadenfreude” we would need a cool word for this.


You guys have pretty much nailed Lizard breath to the wall.

The bigger question is……

“How many times did you watch the “Girls Eating Watermelon” video above?”

/I admit like, 5. It was quick.


Warren is also backing up AOC’s latest “Green New Deal” plan to include making air travel obsolete.

“Green New Deal: Ocasio-Cortez Aims To Make Air Travel Obsolete, Aid Those ‘Unwilling’ To Work”



And to defund DHS and abolish ICE because “we are a nation of laws.”

I’m beginning to think English is not her first language, because a lot of what she says make no sense.


And her obsession with cow farts…


I love how they asked that stoopid bint from HI how banning fossil fuels was going to work for people in HI. Last I heard, ships and planes all run on fossil fuels.


Make air travel obsolete?

So we go back to the days of sail, crossing the world’s oceans in full-rigged schooners and brigantines?

I am more and more convinced that she needs professional help with her problem Reality is not one of her strong points.



If you have the time, perhaps you can do a write up on this so that we may comment?

You are so right that she needs professional help. She has lost it completely.


If I can get through it without falling off my chair, laughing myself silly, I just might do that.
But lost it? I don’t think she ever had “it” in the first place.

Commissioner Wretched

So Pocahonky got caught lying on official forms … and she’s backing Occasional-Cortex’s silly new deal.

And Spartacus likes it.

Meanwhile, in Virginia, the Democratic party is committing slow suicide.

Karma … a bitch and a half, ain’t she?



So stealing that.


Don’t forget to add “(AKA Liawatha)” afterwards. (smile)


Tack on “Fauxcahontas” as well.


Can we call her Fauxcohontas?

That’s way more clever and funny.


That has been used for many years, even before Liawatha.