Nathan Phillips Post

| January 24, 2019


The Nathan Phillips post was pulled due the TAH policy of not posting Stolen Valor articles unless the documentation confirming SV is in the possession of TAH leadership. The post will be back up for comments when the FOIA results and any other documents are in the hands of TAH.

I am seriously sorry for any confusion, but this is for the best for TAH. If you think about the legal ramifications of posting SV without documentation you will see why this is so.

The story has broken anyway; Breitbart cites Shipley and his problematic video. I was going to post it up, but under current circumstances will refrain.

I hope this answers any questions.

Category: Administrative, Legal, Media

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Yeah it makes sense in terms of the potential legal issues so it is true that you should always have the paperwork in possession, no doubt about that. However, what’s wrong with Ship’s video (ie: “problematic”)? Just watched it and it seems fine and lines up with everything we thought already.

NR Pax

As humiliating as Nathan is as a member of a tribe? Asking for a friend.


Was it Russian Vodka?


If so, that will really set off the Trump haters and never-Trump conspiro Muh Russia wackos.


We honestly have to stop playing their game. I get it if a person wants to not deal with the drama but in my opinion, and excuse me for this rant, but fuck them. Seriously fuck them. What are they going to do? “Dox us”? Who gives a shit, the only people who care about that are either cowardly pussies or people with something to hide. What else are they going to do? Say we’re mean? Say we’re are ewwwwww “racist”? Who gives a shit, fuck them, we have the track record to say otherwise where as they have track records of causing more harm and damage (both physical and mental) to citizens of this country than can likely be quantified due to their race baiting, fabrications, lies, attacks on people based on the color of their skin (ie: white male is guilty for all to the MSM) and so on. Fuck them. We simply can’t allow them to get away with using that card for random bullshit and we have to pound them monumentally for it when they toss it around as their super duper get out of jail card. It starts with us to help expose and embarrass the shit out of them and their drooling NPC turds and their tactics, fuck them. Seriously what can they do? Get mad, pop a tampon, have a libout? Who cares, they can’t do anything, nobody takes them seriously except morons and the mere fact they haven’t gone nuclear to wipe the floor with Chief Bullshit LiarPants makes it abundantly clear that they legitimately are an enemy party to this country. Sick of their bullshit, slander and attempts to destroy this nation based on complete and total horseshit. The sad truth is that not a single one of them are actual research capable/investigative journalists but are, quite literally, paid lobbyists. That is all they do, make a “report”, speak a narrative, condemn one group, condemn one political party, hide massive amounts of shit that make the other groups/party look bad, try to stir shit up, log off, wait until they receive… Read more »


CM, once more you are sitting on the fence. Please come down on one side or another and let us know how you really ‘feelz’.


First off, apologies CM, its early and I hit the report button instead of reply.

Admin please take care of that.

Secondly, I agree with you 100%


When the report button was new, we were told that it took Qty 3 “reports” to trigger an alert to the admin. One accidental “report” does nothing (I think). Just FYI.

Slow Joe

That’s good to know. I wondered what I was doing wrong.

*presses report button for GD Contractor 3 times*


This is why we can’t have a likey button.


dunno why I thought that was so damn funny, simple things for simple minds, I guess…but thanks for that.


If we give Joe a 6 inch piece of double-sided tape, he’d be entertained for hours.


CM, as a person who has been doxxed, sued, and harassed by the DRG here (and they also tried to get me fired) believe me, it’s not a situation you want to go through, and shit like that affects not only you but your entire family.

And what I went through is but a taste of what Jonn and several others endured, mostly no thanks to Bernath, et al.


Some of us may doubt that doing things legally and that make good sense is the game that they (whoever “they” may be) play. Doing the right thing no matter how badly we might want to get down in the mud with “them” is a much more mature thing to do.

In other words, if you want to be treated like an adult, acting like an adult is a good start. But, I can certainly sympathize with sometimes just wanting to punch out folks who play games and throw tantrums as they demand respect.

Dan Johnson

And? Was that “triggering” enough to call the documents into question? SMH


Scroll down in the photos on the Native Youth Alliance facebook page. There is a warrior certificate for Nathan and the next photo posted the same day is a Vietnam War Veteran medal. This makes what he stated on the Today Show just another lie (he stated he never misrepresented his service). Screen shot it before it disappears.


Nathan Phillips January 3, 2018: “Be honest, I got a Section 8 home because I’m a veteran, a wartime veteran like that, honorable, in theater.”


Nathan Phillips January 3, 2018: “Be honest, I got a Section 8 home because I’m a veteran, a wartime veteran like that, honorable, in theater.”

From a video on the same Facebook page.

2/17 Air Cav

Gary. What you wrote is precisely what is to be avoided. There are many photos on the page and the medal is altogether unassociated with Phillips. Every photo is next to another photo on the separate lines of photos. Because two people are standing beside each other in a line, does that mean the two are related or even know one another? You are filling in gaps and drawing a conclusion that he lied. When someone is accused of lying, the burden is on the accused. What you offered proves absolutely nothing. And this is why the original post was removed from the site. Sorry to sound so harsh but I don’t want to sugarcoat this shit.

2/17 Air Cav

“…the burden is on the accuser.”


So true, you have to be in possession of the evidence and then know exactly how to call someone a rotting mollusk, liar, thief, fraud and or criminal.

In short, there is a dance and if one does not have the tools and resources to go to the dance, they should not!

Forest Green

Just start the thread with the title;


That will provide all the deniability you need. Works for the Fake News outlets.


“unnamed sources”




New video surfaces that has Nathan Phillips say he was a Vietnam vet and had a box checked on his papers saying he was in the theater of Vietnam.

“I’m a Vietnam Vet. I served in Marine Corps 72 to 76. I got discharged May 5, 1976. I got honorable discharge and one of the boxes shows peacetime or, what my box says is that I was **in theater**. I don’t talk much about my Vietnam times.”

(SOURCE: Phil Kerpen on Twitter)


I think he meant to check the box that says “I was in a theater watching a movie about Vietnam”.


A few of us saw this coming.

Mr. Pete

More than a few, I think


The correct call. Don’t like it, and don’t have to like it, but doing the right thing is what we should do. Period. Doing otherwise makes us look as hypocrtial as those we oppose.

5th/77th FA

^This^^Word^^Ditto^ all of the above. Do wish I could figure out where CM stands on the issue. He really needs to lean how to express himself more clearly and quit waffling around on issues.


Concur 100%. Just saw an article on how Nathan Phillips “forgives” Nick Sandmann. Forgives him for what, failure to engage?


Well, since forgiving someone is more for the benefit of the forgiver instead of the forgiven, it really doesn’t matter much just what action, or lack thereof, he is forgiving him. It’s all about Phillips, right? And it appears it has been that way for a very long time. Maybe that is what defines someone as a professional victim – no need to take responsibility for anything that way because everything is someone else’s fault.

Slow Joe

Is Extra Admin at the reins again?

Extra Admin

Nope. Not at the reins.

Down in the bowels, fixing things, making sure the show goes on.

Slow Joe

I want to see the lyric’s of the song Nathan Phillips was singing with his drum.

I strongly suspect he doesn’t speak Indian, and was just making up fake words that sounded indian.

Not that it matters….


I doubt that he was using any of the Siouxan group of languages, which include Biloxi, Lakota and Mandan.

I’m waiting to see how this plays out.


Owa ti-jer kayam… or words to that effect?


Here ya go:

“Well you’re dirty and sweet, clad in black
Don’t look back and I love you
You’re dirty and sweet, oh yeah
Well you’re slim and you’re weak
You’ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you
You’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl.
Get it on, bang the gong, get it on
Get it on, bang the gong, get it on
You’re built like a car, you’ve got a hub cap diamond star halo
You’re built like a car, oh yeah
You’re an untamed youth that’s the truth with your cloak full of eagles
You’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl”

Put it to music:

2/17 Air Cav

The way this is now shaping up, there is no question but it was the correct thing to do. The WaPo has an article that lays out how one source piggy-backed on another to attribute to the drum banger that which he has not said about himself regarding being a Vietnam Veteran. Right now, even the “recon Ranger” claim is being distanced from military association.

That unique “Vietnam times” belonging to Phillips certainly didn’t help matters. If there is proof positive that he never set foot in Vietnam or was in the territorial waters of Vietnam or flew into or over Vietnam while in a US military uniform between certain years, one can say he was not a Vietnam Veteran and be 100% correct. BUT, saying that he claimed to be a Vietnam Veteran and lied is an entirely different matter which must be avoided. The best thing to do right now is qualify everything with words such, “If it is true that….” Stay away from conclusions and accusations regarding SV. It’s a hornet’s nest right now.


He says on video he was a Vietnam Veteran (not Vietnam times/ Vietnam Era) and that he was “in theater”. Pretty sure that qualifies as him lying. In on his Facebook page

2/17 Air Cav

During WW II, there was one war but four theaters of war. How many were there in SE Asia? Like I said, the guy is either brilliant or the luckiest SOB in the word. As for Vietnam Veteran, visit Vietnam Veterans of America, an outfit that requires only that one have served during the Vietnam War’s official years. That and a cleared check makes a member a Vietnam Veteran. Is that bullshit? In my view, absolutely. Is it a lie? No.


I’d hate to tell you this but, page 84414 is still available and have Steve’s name on it.
It’s at least of the landing page but it still there.


So many typos…
I’m going to smoke myself and have a coffee…or 5.

Whoopsie, still there… 🙂


CNN’s correction:


Correction: This video states that Nathan Phillips is a Vietnam veteran. Phillips told CNN he is a “Vietnam-era veteran.” Phillips told the New York Times that though he did serve in the military during the Vietnam War, he was not deployed to Vietnam. CNN requested his service records from the Pentagon but was told those records are part of an archive not easily accessible during the government shutdown.”


pffft….just a matter of time and all we have is time. tick tock bizznitch


Aww, lawyers take the fun out of everything…


Check out Phillips’ videos on the Native Youth Alliance Facebook page. He’s making direct claims himself, including.

Nathan Phillips January 3, 2018: “Be honest, I got a Section 8 home because I’m a veteran, a wartime veteran like that, honorable, in theater.”


Gosh, I didn’t realize it was so rough– can’t wait for the FOIA info.

2/17 Air Cav

Phillips is either brilliant or the luckiest SOB in the world. If I say that was at Harvard in 1980, would you think that I was a student or professor at Harvard? Probably. So, you check and learn I was neither and you call me a liar. I sue you. You see, I was at Harvard in 1980. I stopped in on my way by to look at the campus and to take a leak.


I was airborne in Vietnam (true)
I was Airborne in Vietnam (not true)

2/17 Air Cav

Zactly. It’s a game.


I have 5 Bronze Service Stars (true)
I have 5 Bronze Stars (not true)

2/17 Air Cav

I was honored to receive the medal. It was, therefore, a medal of honor.

2/17 Air Cav

‘I was in-country during the war. I spent too many days and too many nights in theater.’ The country was the USA. I was working as a prop guy on Broadway.

2/17 Air Cav

See, anyone can play this game. It’s easy.


I was trained in combat.

Basic at Ft Dix


By “theater” he could mean one showing Debbie Does Dallas there, too.


Hey, if he landed and changed military planes at Da Nang, Tan Son Nhut, U-Tapao or even Clark AB, he was “in theater”…


All those comments just gone? Do we mean nothing to you guys? 😉

Rick Leone

“Some” professional veterans look for any excuse to use their power of the press to settle personal scores. A MAN knows who and what he is! I haven’t found too many truck drivers or cooks that served in country, but plenty of force recon and lrrps!!! I was an armorer and a door gunner but my guys knew their weapons were going to work like they should because of me. I ate because of the mess cooks. Those resupplies were welcomed with joy thanks to the helicopter crews not to mention the medevacs.
We all did our jobs in a hellhole, to the best of our ability! That is what makes me proud!

BlueCord Dad

Why all the hoohaw? He’ll still be a lying sack of shit when you get the FOIA. More time to stockpile the popcorn & beer.


So the damning info from the navy isn’t already enough
We need more….. OK


A “coded” discharge for something embarrassingly lame or some such would add to the entertainment value, hypothetically speaking… we must have the legitimate public record to know for sure.


A guy I watch on youtube posted a great video. I would suggest that 1) you not be drinking anything while watching this and 2) you check out his other postings, too.


Phillips is now on record as claiming to be a Vietnam vet.

Dave Hardin

I pulled the blog because I had to. We did not have permission to use the FOIA results.

We asked for permission to use the FOIA and were ignored.

No FOIA No post. Simple as that.

It is not fair for us to use the work of someone else without their permission.

I do not care what someone else does on their own site that they pay for and worked for years to develop.

Not my circus, not my monkies.

I will not beg anyone for anything. I will do without.

Carry on.