Midweek Open Thread
Happy Hump Day This Aint Hell!
The Kavanaugh nomination period gave women something to ponder… “That could be my husband, son, brother, etc.” The Covington Kids and Native American drummer fiasco gave them something else to ponder… “Those could be my teenage kids.”
For an ideology that pride’s itself with “being the party of the women”, they’re certainly working hard to anger these same women. But again, those on the left are not ones known for exercising good judgement. Just look at their ideas for increasing our wealth as a country.
The above cartoon is apropos for what has been going on for decades. A few of us have been shaking our heads long before that phony Vietnam Veteran banged his drum near the Covington kid’s face.
I digress. Enjoy your midweek open thread.
Category: Open thread
First !!
2nd and you guys are asleep at the switch!!!
third and I’ll have Bourbon neat please.
Gawd that sounds misogynist.
Sorry Ex-PH2, it was not meant to be a reply to your comment.
Never apologize to her, she will think you are weak and vulnerable.
Hold your ground or hide … works best for me.
I know where your pink bathrobe is, Dave Hardin. I have pictures of it. I may hold it for ransom.
Gawd, I hate shoveling snow!!!
So don’t do it!
Simple, see?
I used to shovel all the snow around here, then I bought a snow blower and now my wife does it all.
I bought a $2400 professional model two years ago. The wheels slipped so I added chains.
The differential broke after the first storm. Then the friction disc started slipping.
I got maybe five hours total time out of it. The number one brand of Snowblower is a POS.
Made is USA. Now I use a bulldozer.
Not their fault. 😀 When I saw the pinned post, I debated about whether there should be a MOT for this week. The pinned post was kind of serving as an open thread. I thought, heck, I’ll go ahead and post a MOT to help catch the overflow from the thread on Nathan Phillips, aka Nathaniel Stanard, phony Vietnam Veteran.
With each passing new “issue of virtue” the Democrats are revealing how small their “big tent” politics really are these days.
Their attacks on AOC and Sanders (still) indicate how much they fear actual progressive elements of their own party. The Democrats have become nothing more than a corporately owned hack-fest of bought and paid for politicians.
Their attacks on Republicans are no longer over ideology, after all both parties love big budgets and love them some over arching government control of the wage slaves, no their current attacks are more about who gets to control the purse strings to benefit their corporate patrons and thus fill their war chests to maintain power on behalf of their corporate masters.
It’s surely getting a bit more interesting each day.
When Democrats call someone a “fascist,” they’re projecting.
“Their attacks on AOC and Sanders (still) indicate how much they fear actual progressive elements of their own party….”
I was a tiny bit surprised by how blunt they were about it, but not surprised that it happened. And Ms. Overbearingly Conniving is probably crying on Ol’ Bernie’s shoulders about it, too. This is not over yet.
Oddly enough that part just made me laugh, and my DNA has a bit more Native DNA than Warren’s does…
Rituals by liars should be mocked, but I understand that when it comes to mocking rituals by charlatans most people get pissed off because you’re attacking their core identity.
I had a feeling once, didn’t much care for it.
Can’t get media outlets to carry the story because of it.
10 times harder to get our side of the story out now.
Technical question. My ex was half Blackfoot. Does that make me Native American by injection?
Don’t know why not, MRS D claims to be Irish by injection.
Hi everyone. In one of my trips down the internet rabbit hole today, I found an obituary for the highest decorated Navy SEAL in existence (according to him).
Not sure if it was posted already, but here it is:
So long, shitbird. I hope the people you scammed got at least some of their money back.
FUNNY how there is absolutely NO mention of any Military Service whatsoever.
Not even a mention him by the people who left a note.
D’oh. Thanks, Dave.
It’s just like the teacher comments in my old report cards. “Bim participates well in class, but does not pay attention”.
Well shit, I musta missed that in all the holiday shit and such.
ChipNASA Get’s an “F” for this month.
And I posted there and forgot about that as well.
Well fuck it.
I must have brain damage.
(Really? I have to ask that question? 😀 )
He also got a visit from the USMS:
-Possession of a Firearm by a Person Convicted of a Felony
-Embezzlement and fraud where Dicken bilked investors out of more than $850,000
-Passed himself off as a highly decorated Navy SEAL, who had served in dozens of covert combat missions from the jungles of Vietnam to the caves of Afghanistan.
Two days ago, I had something for the next MOT, which is here now. The problem is that I made no written note of it and relied upon memory. Consequently, here it is:
Dave responds:
We discussed that at length and there were some comments made.
Here is the link:
You can’t insert a link. Here: Inserted Link
I’m very familiar with the subject. My opinion is
Thank you. That about covers it. Damn near coughed up a lung as I read through your insightful responses.
It was nothing.
And, probably my best content in a while, not to put too fine a point on it.
I inserted it into the above post. If you come up with another idea, post it on this thread and I’ll get it. Thanks for your input.
I don’t understand any of your posts, it’s like I’m blind to your logic.
I wrote my Master’s Thesis on the subject and am considered an expert. I travel the country giving speeches about it.
I am that too. It does suck sometimes.
As much as I would like to debate your subject matter with you, AirCav, i’m too torpid from shoveling snow.
Perhaps next month will do.
We have talked about this before. Can you explain why your opinion is what it is now and it used to be:
We can wait.
And that’s all she wrote….
Today is the anniversary of the illegal boarding and taking of the USS Pueblo. It’s a long but informative read: 51 YEARS AGO TODAY 23 JANUARY 1968! THE SEIZING OF THE USS PUEBLO! In January 1968, the US Navy electronic surveillance ship USS Pueblo was quietly lurking off the east coast of North Korea, its assorted antennae pricked to absorb any kind of interesting electronic transmissions. There was little doubt that the North Koreans would cease any intelligence-worthy communications if they learned that the “environmental research” ship was eavesdropping, so the Pueblo’s crew operated under radio silence to avoid detection. Nevertheless, there was surprisingly little for the sophisticated electronics to observe; in terms of signals, Soviet-friendly Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) was uncharacteristically quiet. With so little information to pore over, the only interruption in the monotony was the occasional task of chipping the thick frosting of ice from the deck. But on 22 January, something out of the ordinary happened. Two gray fishing trawlers spotted the Pueblo and circled her for a time, clearly agitated despite the fact that the US Navy ship was in international waters. There seemed to be little cause for concern, however, since such encounters were not unheard of. The trawlers departed without incident, so Commander Lloyd Bucher reported the episode and continued with his mission. Had the shore-side Navy personnel informed the Commander of the goings-on in Korea in the hours leading up to the event, he may have reconsidered his decision to remain so close to the edge of Korean territorial waters. The previous evening, thirty-one North Korean operatives had secretly crossed the the demilitarized zone (DMZ) into South Korea. Clad in South Korean military uniforms, the commandos were within a block of their target— the Presidential Palace— before being detected. In the ensuing gunfight, twenty-nine of the would-be assassins were killed and one committed suicide. The single surviving prisoner was questioned, where he revealed that his mission had been to murder President Park and other senior government officials. Unaware of the troubles onshore, the Pueblo began what was scheduled to be… Read more »
We should have bombed that ship into scrap the moment our folks were back.
And sunk the DPRK Navy, en toto.
Johnson sure acted tough, but oh what a farkopp -that- one was.
Oh and Time Magazine? Go ponk a porcupine.
… and take the rest of the lame stream media with you.
Other than the likes of the USS Constitution she holds a special place as a national treasure and commissioned US Navy ship.
USS Pueblo shall be returned under US Glag and Naval Jack flown from her mast.
US Flag …
I made the pilgrimage to the the USS Constitution. It was friggin cool.
Some eagle eye ID’d me in the crowd getting my ticket, next thing I know I’m getting a personal tour from the ship’s IDC and got Chief’s mess coins in hand.
It was humbling and an ego boost all at once.
I’m surprised they have their own IDC. Doesn’t Old Ironsides only leave dock once a year to turn around? Does every ship have at least an IDC?
I’m not sure. Being an IDC SARC, I was only assigned to Those billets vs a Surface Ship IDC/Sub IDC/Deep Sea Diving IDC.
The Surface IDCs have all sorts of variability…ships, clinics, SeaBees,FMF, Squadrons, etc.
I was just 5 when this occurred, dad was just about to retire from the Air Force, my uncle was somewhere off the coast of Viet Nam, and things were very tense in our house. I can remember it, didn’t understand it (my little head had WW2, Korea, and VietNam all wrapped up one big Asian war. I also thought “High Chapparal” was real.) but I knew things were bad. History classes skimmed over it. Never knew the whole story until well into adulthood.
Venezuela is happening now. A gazillion people are massing and Dictator Maduro has ordered US diplomats out. Stay tuned.
Shit just got real.
About friggin time.
I hope Maduro and his cronies wind up like Mussolini.
I’m not sure what the future of Venezuela holds (I’m not even sure about supper tonight) but I hope and pray for a better government next go-round.
Slobodan Milošević is unavailable for comment. Forever.
Same for Nicolae and the lovely Elena
Hear, hear!!
The problem I’m worried about is that they are just going to go back to the way they were. Socialism sounds a lot better when the new guy promises you it’ll be different with them in charge.
This just in …
Juan Guaidó, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, took an oath of office on Wednesday and was sworn in as the legitimate interim president of the country, replacing dictator Nicolás Maduro.
U.S. (friggin’ Democrat Leftist-loving) media isn’t saying much.
We still have diplomats there?
90 %
US Mil and Intel Involvement
National Security
Buy popcorn
I am hoping he get Ceaucescu’d along with all his commandantes.
Case # 23,472 on why socialism/communism never will work….
Today is the day we celebrate the birth of Brother John Moses Browning(January 23, 1855-November 26, 1926), Patron Saint and Creator of the holy 1911, the venerated M2, the accursedly heavy and brutal but well-loved BAR, and others far too numerous to mention. Join me now as we read from Revelations, 19:11…
Thank you for the introduction, Brother SFC D. Y’all be seated and attend to me, for tonight’s sermon is, The Gospel According To John As translated from the original ancient manuscripts by Fr. Frog. 1 In the beginning was the 1911, and the 1911 was THE pistol, and it was good. And behold the Lord said, “Thou shalt not muck with my disciple John’s design for it is good and it workith. For John made the 1911, and lo all of his weapons, from the designs which I, the Lord, gave him upon the mountain.” 2 “And shouldst thou muck with it, and hang all manner of foul implements upon it, and profane its internal parts, thou shalt surely have malfunctions, and in the midst of battle thou shalt surely come to harm.” 3 And as the ages passed men in their ignorance and arrogance didst forget the word of the Lord and began to profane the 1911. The tribe of the gamesman did place recoil spring guides and extended slide releases upon the 1911 and their metal smiths didst tighten the tolerances and alter parts to their liking, their clearness of mind being clouded by lust. 4 Their artisans did hang all manner of foul implements upon the 1911 and did so alter it that it became impractical to purchase. For lo, the artisans didst charge a great tax upon the purchasers of the 1911 so that the lowly field worker could not afford one. And the profaning of the internal parts didst render it unworkable when the dust of the land fell upon it, and these profaners didst try and fit more rounds of ammunition into the magazines than the holy number of seven, appointed for the .45. 5 And lo, they didst install adjustable sights, which are an abomination unto the Lord. For they doth break and lose their zero when thou dost need true aim. And those who have done so will be slain in great numbers by their enemies in the great battle. a 6 And it came to pass that the Lord didst see… Read more »
No HIgher POWER BARs thee.
Amen, and hallelujah! Brother RGR 4-78, if you would kindly dim the lights, we will present a short but informative film about the life of our benefactor.
God bless baby Jesus and the 1911.
Now lets get some fuchting ammo and go shootin’!
45 ACP. Because sometimes, short, fat, and slow is exactly what you need.
You call me?
Also of Ernie Kovacs (find someone older to explain who he was, youngsters.)
When I was in high school, PBS ran the Ernie Kovacs show for awhile. That’s some funny stuff right there! Percy Dovetonsils, The Nairobi Trio, the guy was a television comedy pioneer.
No problem.
Busy painting the bathroom. It’s too cold and windy to work outside.
The sun is approaching the horizon. Snow finally stopped, but that ‘red sky at night, sailors’ delight’ is supposed to mean ‘no mo’ snow’.
No, no mo’ snow, but cold instead. Real cold.
Ice fishing weather.
South Park predicted this last year.—https://youtu.be/y4B3SZYL52s
“and then he kissed me…..”
I blew the AMC 20 rear in my 1981 CJ7.
Any suggestions, as I need the CJ7 to be attached to a plow when it snows.
A sole source solution is what I need.
Thank you.
Dana 44. Front and rear.
Interesting. Apparently an updated 20 is as reliable and the gears are stronger than 44 rear.
I need that shop to build and ship me an updated 20.
Place called East Coast Gear down Carolina way does this type of work.
Anyone heard of them?
If not, send me money. Boxes of money. 20’s and 10’s … I will take fivers as well.
“an updated 20 is as reliable and the gears are stronger than 44 rear”
That is because the ring gear is a larger diameter however the housing tubes are weaker on the AMC and subject to bending.
The trouble with the AMC is the weak two piece axle shafts. One piece shafts are available at much cost.
Quick fix is a junkyard replacement.
1981 is a narrow track housing with either two piece or one piece axle shafts. Either will fit but the carrier is a special that only takes the 2.73:1 ring and pinion.
Nobody wants that ratio so should be plenty around.
Your front s/b a Dana 35 that has a carrier break at 3.53 but now has 2.73.
Find a 79 CJ5 with AMC 20 and Dana 35 axles and swap them out or swap the carriers etc.
Or Dana 44’s like the man said. Tough to find though.
Dude … Slow the hell down.
I need to absorb all this.
Geeze …
OK ready now.
Take Interstate whichever South to I-10 West. If you miss Frankie Cee’s you should hit SFC D’s a state or two over. No snow plows needed down here and you are still close to the salty water.
Easy peasy…problem…solution..results!
The older i get the more I like the idea of year round on my sailboat….seeing the boat under shrink wrap for six months is a definite disappointment…
Try the junkyard, gotta be a wrecked Rubicon somewhere.
Rubicons are wide track.
The wheels will stick out an inch or so.
Unless you want only the carrier and gears.
I observed a rather nicely done custom CJ recently, with a slogan painted on it.
“It’s a JEEP. If I wanted a hummer I’d call your sister.”
Classic line. Permission for copyright infringement, over;
I like this one too. Both stickers have been vetoed by MRS D.
My second Daughter is going under the knife tomorrow for her fourth surgery on the ankle that was fucked up by the DI’s at Ft Jackson SC when she was in Basic Training.
Her name is Shannon and she currently has a disability rating from the VA.
I am now working on getting her rating increased.
I paid for her life membership with the DAV. They assisted me helping to get me a decent rating from the VA.
I ask for some prayers, thoughts or just good feelings about my baby girl.
Quite honestly, I am terrified and pray that all of it works out for her this time.
She is a far better Soldier than I ever was. She served during the Iraq War in 2006-2007 and was given a medical discharge.
Please help her with some prayers, they are much appreciated.
Nothing for me, I’m fine and way beyond prayers…
This girl is a Trooper, a real Trooper…
Wishing good luck to your Daughter, Thunderstixx, and to you, and all of your family.
I was in Iraq during 2006-07. I was stationed at Camp Victory. I have just said a prayer for your daughter. It will be okay…
You got it, T. And a few more tomorrow.
My prayers and well wishes go out to Shannon and to her thoughtful father.
Consider it done
Done, partner.
Sorry she has to go through more surgery.
I’ll have a word with the big guy.
Press hard on the rating increase. Keep up the appeal process and you will eventually be successful.
Prayers up, and I hope this goes well for her.
Prayers for you and your daughter Thunderstixx
What happened to the story on Nathan Phillips, with the DD-214? It’s now gone.
AW and Dave: What happened to the recent Nathan Phillips post and all the comments? Get a lawer threat?
ReferRepair Jodies
Standin’ in the Mall, beating on my drum
Beat it so loud that the Media come
I said TV, TV, look at me
I’m a Recon-Ranger (but not, really)
I drank whiskey, I drank wine
I went AWOL all the time
Recon-Ranger raving mad
I’ve got the Tab he wished he had
Refer on the rooftop, full of piss
Coolant so hot you can hear it hiss
Forget this job! and get drunk instead
Now his career is plenty dead
AWOL, AWOL where you been
Downtown TJ drinkin’ gin
Whatcha gonna do when you get back
Spend time in the brig and lay in the sack
Since the most recent article and comments about Chief Shitting Bull have been pulled, for those still interested, you may want to wander over to AceofSpadesHQ website to read the latest on the continuing fake news stories about him. The comments are a scream; there are almost a thousand now. One wag has coined a new name for him: “Chief Reefer Madness.” Another has come up with some clever lyrics for Barry Sadler’s Ballad of the Green Beret (which many of us actually in SF groups hated).
So Russia is now the protector of Maduro?
Bring it on Ivan. Bears usually do not roam far from home. Just sayin.
Nathan Phillips video of the Native Youth Alliance FB page.
Nathan Phillips January 3, 2018: “Be honest, I got a Section 8 home because I’m a veteran, a wartime veteran like that, honorable, in theater.”
Yeah, it is really honorable to go UA (AWOL) three while you are serving less than two years on AD, but he could have spent some time hiding from his NCO’s in the base theater. Usually that gets one some brig time and NJP before one gets kicked to the curb as an E-1. But hey, maybe dickstepping was somebody’s war dance.
Have a feeling this was him in boot, too: