Wednesday Feel Good Stories

| January 23, 2019


Lucky this time. He could have called the Coroner.

WATCH: Homeowner holds potential intruder at gunpoint until police arrive

A husband and father says he held a man at gunpoint who was trying to get inside his house in Colorado Springs. He says the guy came to his back patio door and tried to get inside, so he grabbed his gun and called police.

Watch the video here: KKTV

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Like this.
Woman shoots, kills intruder in northwest Atlanta, police say

By Chelsea Prince
A woman shot and killed an armed intruder who tried to rob her inside her northwest Atlanta apartment, Channel 2 Action News reported.

According to police, the woman called 911 just before 11 p.m. Monday to report the shooting on Harwell Road off Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.

“The preliminary investigation revealed that the deceased male and a second male were both armed when they entered an apartment at that location and attempted to rob the occupants,” Atlanta police Officer Jarius Daugherty said in a statement. “At that time, an occupant of the apartment shot one of the intruders.”

The second intruder fled the scene, according to police.

Read the rest of the article here: AJC News

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She chose to be judged by twelve.
Jury finds Foristell woman not guilty of murder of estranged husband

FORISTELL, Mo. – Ashley Hunter of Foristell has been found not guilty in the murder of her husband.

According to our partners at the Post Dispatch, a Warren County jury found her not guilty of shooting her husband at their home in 2015.

She claimed the shooting was in self-defense after he physically attacked her during an argument.

Police say, Ashley Hunter, 27, called 911 on January 15th and told dispatchers that she shot her husband during a fight. An investigation revealed evidence that led to the charges.

Police found Nicholas Hunter’s body with seven gunshot wounds to his chest.

The rest of the article may be found here: Fox 2 Now

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So for today we have two bagged and tagged, one inconvenienced but making new friends, and one in the wind. Each category populated, not shabby at all.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Deplorable B Woodman

“seven gunshot wounds to his chest”

Good shooting. Remind me to stay on your good side.


“Shoot until the threat is nullified.” in practice, it appears.

5th/77th FA

And that, Ladies, is how it is done. You do not have to be a victim, or become a statistic.

Homeboy in Colorado Springs showed a lot of heads up and restraint. I’d prolly just went ahead and shot the SOB, several times.


I emphasize that to MRS D, “center mass, repeat until the threat is stopped”.


Any info on group size?

Deplorable B Woodman

Who cares? Seven shots, to the chest/torso, good enough.


Very nice, tight pattern I’m sure.

If this doesn’t make you feel good all over, you have a heart of stone.

Hack Stone

A Woman Shoots Her Husband For Stepping On The Clean Floor…

A police officer jumps into his squad car and calls the station.
“I have an interesting case here,” he says. “A woman shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped.”

“Have you arrested her?” asks the sergeant.

“No, not yet. The floor’s still wet.”

Deplorable B Woodman

What happened to the concept of a speedy trial? Hunter shooting happened in January 2015, and she’s just now getting a verdict?


For current US jurisprudence, that is as “speedy” as it gets.

Between court dockets, lawyers’ schedules, the process of discovery, the time it takes to get reports from labs and LEO agencies, it drags out. Unfortunately.


The story out of Foristell, Mo. – “…a jury found her not guilty of shooting her husband…” Well, that is some kind of jury that finds a woman not guilty of something she said she did – “…she told dispatchers that she shot her husband…” Another reporter who cannot read a police report nor write accurately. Why is it we don’t trust organized news?

Herbert J Messkit

Very little follow up on the 3 Houston home invaders shot Saturday morning. Still no names or pictures. A Brit paper today said the homeowner was 20, knew some of them and thinks they were after jewelry. But 4 days to release info seems excessive