Supreme Court clears path for President Trumps Transgender Ban in the Armed Forces.
The usual caustic rantings of Leftist Loons is permeating the news again. It seems those who had intentions of joining the military as a means of paying for their sex change operations might have to end their enlistments with the same gender that they joined with. I still have not had anyone explain how men in dresses make us more lethal. The New York Times says:
The Supreme Court on Tuesday revived the Trump administration’s policy of barring most transgender people from serving in the military. In a brief, unsigned order, the justices temporarily allowed the ban to go into effect while cases challenging it move forward.
The vote was 5 to 4, with the court’s five conservative members in the majority and its four liberal members in dissent.
The administration had also asked the justices to hear immediate appeals from trial court rulings blocking the policy. The court turned down those requests without comment.
The policy, announced on Twitter by President Trump and refined by the defense secretary at the time, Jim Mattis, generally prohibits people identifying with a gender different from their biological sex from military service. It makes exceptions for several hundred transgender people already serving openly and for those willing to serve “in their biological sex.”
Of course, there are riveting opinions by all kinds of people … mostly by those who have never served. Some people find it necessary to Trump up this crescendo of hysterical banter:
Comment by Palm Center Director Aaron Belkin:
“While it is unfortunate that the Supreme Court has allowed military discrimination to be reinstated, it’s critical to understand that the military is not required, and has no need, to reinstate the transgender ban, which would cause destabilizing whipsaws in personnel policy. President Trump revoked his directive for a ban and has turned the issue over to the military’s discretion ‘to implement any appropriate policies concerning military service by transgender individuals.’
The Defense Department should not reinstate the transgender ban because it would undermine readiness, cause significant disruptions and uncertainty, deprive the military of much-needed talent, and wreak havoc with the lives and careers of the 14,700 transgender troops bravely protecting our nation’s security.”
I have been clutching to my pink bathrobe. They may take our lives … but they will never take my pink bathrobe. I think we will manage to kill the enemy without men prancing around in dresses.
Category: Breaking News, Dumbass Bullshit, Government Incompetence, Liberals suck
What’s unfortunate about this is, like virtually every point of contention nowadays, the primary opposition is that this is an Orange Man idea.
Nobody, not even the most outrageously leftist loon, can logically explain how people who require surgery coupled with lifelong medications enhance the readiness and lethality of the military force.
But, since the current administration supports it…it’s bad and must be opposed.
That’s how the Democratic Socialists and some other swamp denizens convince themselves that the American people oppose something we don’t or are in favor of something we aren’t. They personalize it to Trump. They are idiots. It’s not Trump. It’s the millions and millions of us who support many of his ideas and oppose theirs. (A good example of this can be found in the current village idiot’s comments in another thread. He and his want it to be all about Trump. It simply isn’t.)
They don’t bring any value whatsoever that one couldn’t equal or supersede with a non transgender candidate who doesn’t require a lifetime of care caused by pre-service health conditions.
I have no quarrel with anyone thinking they were born in the wrong body, that’s their shit to deal with and I can’t imagine how screwed up that must be. But there is no guarantee of access to military service only a guarantee that you can apply, acceptance has always been at the discretion of the government and should always continue to be at the discretion of the government.
Unless there’s some overwhelming need for a genius hacker who is currently a transgender computer expert that I’ve never heard of, I can imagine no scenario where a transgender person would be the better choice for the government.
Exactly, at one point the military medically disqualified people with flat feet. Some have naturally flat feet, not from fallen arches. But was everyone rejected for flat feet a “victim” of discrimination. What about all those rejected for being diabetic. Are we supposed to enlist the mentally ill. Somehow I don’t think putting schizophrenics in the ranks would be a good idea, even if their illness is effectively controlled by medication. How about people who are known to have HIV, should we enlist them, so they won’t feel stigmatized? Maybe the blind would like to serve, as well. What about deaf mutes? They are being discriminated against for enlistment, as well.
Everyone who was found to be 4F should now sue for discrimination. 😉
VOV, transgenderism is referred to medically as gender “dysphoria” and dysphoria is defined by the liberal leaning Wikipedia:
“A profound state of unease or dissatisfaction. In a psychiatric context, dysphoria may accompany depression, anxiety, or agitation. The term is often used to refer to gender dysphoria, experienced by people whose gender identity does not align with their sex assigned at birth, and who may undergo sex reassignment surgery. Common reactions to dysphoria include emotional distress; in some cases, even physical distress.”
Apparently Wikipedia hasn’t got around to a politically correct rewording of this page:,_suffixes_and_prefixes#D
Note the definition of the suffix “dys”:
“bad, difficult, defective, abnormal”
An honest medical definition pre-PC. Bet they’ll change that as soon as it’s brought to their attention.
Dysphoria is a psychiatric disorder. There’s also actual physical abnormalities that are very scarce but do exist. Those people refer to most of the dysphorics as “Transtrenders” who think it’s cool to be disabled.
That was Bradley Manning, who turned out to be not a genius hacker, not a man while still being technically male, and a stereotype of a whiny little bitch.
No, we don’t need anyone like that.
As for people with actual chromosome disorders (I know a couple), most of them are cognizant of not being able to serve.
It’s not just Orange Man Bad (though I won’t deny that that’s part of it). The people pushing the tranny soldiers have no actual investment in a working, efficient United States military. So if they get their way not only do they get social justice virtue points but they also get to make the United States military that much worse off both for the people who serve and as a whole.
“Hello. This is Sergeant Kizass at the Recruiting office. You failed to indicate your gender on the form you submitted.What’s your gender?”
“You can’t ask that, can you?”
“I just did. What’s your gender?”
“You mean now or when I was born?”
“Well it looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you’ve been cheated!” ~ Gunny Hartman – FMJ
I dunno…back in my college days the few trannies on campus were known to be vicious…they could easily clear a bunker swinging their stilettos
Next up: How A Military Transgender Ban Causes Climate Change
Omigod, Perry!!!
Don’t give ’em any ideas!
Why is that girl showing a 5:00 shadow?
This entire business is ridiculous – just more attention-seeking behavior. When you gonads are more important that what you do, there is something wrong you.
She’s a Marine veteran.
From what time? Vietnam time?
Soon to be a Marine dependepotamus…
Hey, at least there weren’t bicycle shorts involved.
Everywhere you fuckin go! Damned queers anyway.
Re-institute the draft, no deferements at all allowed, you serve in some capacity, doing something for 2 years. Watch the snowflakes beat feet North, and watch more taxpayer treasury get wasted on taking care of people who shouldn’t have been there to start with.
Dave, please use your pink bath robe to cover up that fugly picture. Tanks!
You really should post a shot of the Soviet so it will take this posted shot out of our minds. I’m out of eye and brain bleach.
There ya go! Let fucking Canada love them forever.
I self Identify as a 18 year old in perfectly good health who runs a 300 PFT.
I demand to be reinstated at my retirement pay grade with all pay and allowances and be allowed to work from home at a pace that fits my abilities.
I’ll pick up Sgt Major on the next board.
Just wait until this Peace craze blows over. Then do the contractor thing, its twice the pay and half the bullshit.
You even get your own Sat Phone.
Gender Identity Disorder, which about 75% of transitioning persons have, is a mental disorder which has a high rate of suicide. The U.S. Military is one of the most stressful workplaces in the world that cause people without mental disorders to contemplate and attempt suicide. Mix the two together and we understand why the military isn’t a social experiment.
I identify as a 25 ton log splitter powered by a 15 horsepower Briggs & Stratton gas engine.
I identify as a sssttttutering ssssspace cadet, does that mean I can become an astro-nut or a ddddoe-nut
That’s a really disgusting photo. My brain is scared. And that’s saying a lot
But unfortunately realistic… “she” might be waiting for hormone treatments to work.
I recall reading an article by actual mental health and regular health professionals about this some time back.
1. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder, meaning they are a little bit nuts. Period. You don’t let crazy people into the military. It will eventually cause problems for everyone else.
2. Once they get themselves transgendered/mutilated for real, they will spend the rest of their lives until they commit suicide, which is a significant occurrence in that crew, taking a buttload of meds to force their bodies to stop trying to correct them back to their real gender. This renders them unable to adequately function and they cannot deploy, making them useless to their units in the field.
3. NO ONE has any right whatsoever to enlist in the military. You conform to it, not it to you. Always been that way, except when socialist democrats are in control and want to play social experimentation games with the military because they hate it.
The main reason the left is losing their minds is simply because Trump is involved in this. If Obama did it they would jack off to his wisdom.
“The main reason the left is losing their minds is simply because Trump is involved in this. If Obama did it they would jack off to his wisdom.”
This is the common thread I’ve seen in commentary about this. It’s Trump, therefore it’s every *-ist under the fucking sun not to allow it.
Zero comprehension of the actual issue at hand. Just mindless repeating of common talking points.
Whoever came up with the NPC meme for the left fucking nailed it.
“Orange man bad” is their reason.
I read an article in the HuffPost where they interviewed a “Transmutey” complaining that their plans to receive a direct commission as a “Social worker” for the US Army were put on hold because of the ban on transgenders. Well, under the new Defense Health Agency which will be taking over all Medical Treatment Facilities, all military Providers will be pulled out of the hospitals and reassigned to MTOE units. Specialty Branches like Radiologists, Endocrinologists and yes Social Workers who are commissioned will have to make a decision. Convert to another specialty or get out. So it seems that “Reputa The Beautas” plan to serve was a non-starter for other reasons. Well I was gonna serve but…fill in the blank here like “my dick wouldn’t stay tucked into my pantyhose”.
“Next up: How A Military Transgender Ban Causes Climate Change”
Now that’s funny right there!
As OI read it, it not a ban on transgendered… just on those who feel they have to have the surgery. If they can serve as their birth sex on Uncle Sam’s time, they are still OK. Sounds to me like “no surgical freeloaders allowed”.
No big deal actually. There are plenty of other conditions that preclude military service. We don’t routinely allow folks to enlist who need extensive dental work either, do we? (Among other things.)
14,700 transgenders? That many?
I had thought we put that rediculous number to rest a few years ago when it was first thrown against the wall.
How is a tranny getting a sex change at the expense of Uncle Sugar so can not deploy helping this country in any way?
Just another bomb planted by Barry to explode after he was nowhere to be found
I cannot imagine serving in a conflict zone and having to deal with some squadmate having a mental breakdown because someone didn’t give a shit and used the wrong pronoun. I swear it is such an embarrassment that we are even discussing such a ridiculous concept.