Troops in Afghanistan heartbroken after Speaker Pelosi’s visit cancelled
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan —
Service members currently deployed to Afghanistan were devastated when they learned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her entourage of congressmen had cancelled their planned visit this past weekend, sources confirmed today.
President Donald Trump halted the congressional delegation’s trip seemingly in response to Pelosi suggesting the president cancel or delay his State of the Union address, citing security concerns. The bus filled with congressman was stopped at the way to Joint Base Andrews where military aircraft were prepared to carry the representatives to Afghanistan.
“It’s terrible,” Staff Sgt. Paul Morin said. “They were going to cancel the vehicle inspection so we could all go shake her hand for six seconds, but then we had to clean all the vehicles three times.”
“It’s a shame,” Sgt. 1st Class Mark Klages said. “Morale has gotten get pretty low around here with the holidays being over, the awful weather, the ANA’s incompetence and our confusing strategy, but it would have helped a lot to be talked at by an old lady from San Francisco.”
Some service members seemed confused as to who the current House speaker actually is.
“Pelosi? Of course I’m upset she didn’t come,” Sgt. Frank Lauer said. “She’s the hot Puerto-Rican one right?”
“They were going to get an exhaustive, in depth tour of Afghanistan too,” Capt. Christopher Yu said of the oncoming delegation. “The air field, the chow hall, the hangar where we keep the drones we still have control over, the briefing room, the other chow hall. They were going to get to talk to soldiers and airmen who aren’t allowed to leave the wire and the seven Afghans who still have the clearance to come in here. I don’t know how they’re going to be able to make any decisions about a country we have been in for seventeen years without that experience.”
The outrage over the canceled trip extended to the top of the chain of command.
“I’ll be honest,” the commander of Operation Resolute Support, Army Gen. Austin S. Miller, said. “I am upset. I was looking forward to giving all those congressmen my assessment of the situation and my guidance moving forward but now I suppose I’ll have to do a video conference … or send it in an e-mail.”
Congressional delegation fact-finding missions to wartime theaters have a long tradition of effectiveness. The trajectory of the Vietnam War was changed in 1965 when Sen. George Romney was brainwashed by the Phoenix Program, and in 2006, the Iraq Study Group certified the country as a stable democracy after a layover at Al Asad Air Base.
Source: Troops in Afghanistan heartbroken after Speaker Pelosi’s visit cancelled
Category: Politics
Somewhere on a golf course Bob Hope is laughing his ass off.
Oddly enough, when the grapevine suggested “someone” from San Fran may possibly be coming to this lovely vacation spot, we had an awful lot of folks volunteer to be outside the wire on patrol during that time.
You know…for, uh…security purposes.
What? People would rather face death than Skeletor and Schiff for brains?
LOL. I’d be finding any reason whatsoever to get out of that formation. I’d hate to be a 1st Sgt at any of the places she goes, having to force people to attend and pretend to be happy about it.
Sign: Welcome Overlord Skeletor!
” But 1SG, you said you wanted a warm greeting!”
Including all support personnel.
1SG, I can’t attend. I have to inventory the Postage stamps.
Nice try slacker. This is a combat zone. They just write “free” on their mail.
1SG, zero is a countable number. You use it frequently when you drop me.
Point… I will assist!
Sorry. You don’t have a “get out of jail..” err… Mailclerk credential.
Crap. OK. You do the inventory in the field. At Skeletor’s welcome. I can supervise there.
Crap. Will do. (Begins loading a bunch of orange beverages into ruck.)
What are those?
Plan B, to share with the happy welcome wagon, 1SG. You said no to the sign.
Good answer. Carry on.
I told Mrs.AW1 the title of the post- unfortunately she had just sipped her tea and spewed it all over Dog-1 a vicious poodle-Bichon mix that was in her lap.
You, Sir, and I think this is a first, owe me a new dog.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there another congress critter, back about 1940 something that heroically flew in an airplane and earned hisself a Silver Star?
Granny Piglosi should get at least a Bronze Star for her attempt. Shouldn’t she? I mean, there is a Clear and Present Danger that she has pissed off the President and a good portion of the American Public. Not that the polls would reflect that.
And do not forget that other brave gubmint orficial that wide loaded herself thru the sniper fire to bravely meet with potential constituents.
They had planned to award her with one of those coveted medals but downgraded it to a more ordinary military participation award when they discovered that she was taking family members with her on the tour. Evidently her family misunderstood the destination and did not take it well when they discovered they were not going to Hawaii or Puerto Rico.
“With all the other democrats who went to Puerto Rico during the shutdown to hang out on a beach….”
That would be LBJ the Great, while strap hanging on a B-17 flight from Australia, IIRC.
Correcto mundo. And Army wins again!
What I really find sickening is the professional politicians who have been there for 30 + years. They ARE the problem with this country.
Piglosi ’87(?), Shumer(81)….And that’s just 2 examples.
And ‘lest we forget Teddy “The Murderer of The Senate”
AW1Ed thinks his English teachers are spinning. I wonder what the Founders are doing?
You must be referring to that swimming has been the Chappaquidic Kid.
Actually, the medal was for riding on a B-26 that aborted due to mechanical trouble without encountering the enemy.
The B-17 was a separate incident that he didn’t like to talk about, since he couldn’t spin it. Upon being told that they were lost over the outback, LBJ started nervously pacing the length of the plane, forcing the already-busy pilots to constantly adjust trim for his fat ass. When the radioman instructed him to sit down and stay put, LBJ pulled the “don’t you know who I am?” card. The 20-year-old corporal replied along the lines of, “Yeah. You’re the asshole who’s going out the window if you don’t sit the fuck down before you kill us all.”
To hear LBJ tell they were attacked by a Zero and he had to man one of the guns in defense of the aircraft.
Reminds me of ‘Tailgunner’ Joe
While ducking sniper fire…or was that someone else…
I hope that this news didn’t damage anyone’s psyche over there in Faroffistan.
Is it just me, or do those cheeks make her look sort of like a 13-line ground squirrel with a full mouth?
Aw…. don’t they make a sweet picture together?
They could be right out of ‘The Sound of Music’ or
The ‘Captain and Tennielle’ singing their famous
‘Muskrat Love’ !
Observations from The Heart of Dixie:
We Love,Love,Love the Nam Nurses’ Memorial!
Amazing work they did to save unknown numbers of lives! They are our heroes. God bless them always and grant them peace.
I adore you ladies and gents and believe you’re the the greatest ‘basketful of deplorables’ in world history! For God’s sake,keep up your good works!
PH: I think those puffy cheeks make her look like the asshole she is. She has to be fuming. Wonder how much that boondoggle would have cost us peons? I’m so sick of these assholes on each side of the aisle.
The thing that sucks bad about these grandstanding war zone tours is that all regular transport flights come to a screeching halt while VIP is in theater. If you’re rotating out on leave (think Leon Panetta needing to go home to “clear his mind”) tough shit. Pax terminal becomes a holding cell until the idiots have fed their ego enough to move on. I hate politicians. All of them.
Whew! That was a close one…but what about next time? Oh Damn !
I know if’m it’d been me over there, it would’ve broken my chickenshit little ol’ heart.
Sgt. Frank Lauer said. “She’s the hot Puerto-Rican one right?” He gets my vote for Solider of the Year.
They had crew rest scheduled for Brussels not that anyone planned to do any diamond shopping. I thought the flight route to those parts usually was Ramstein or maybe the Azores. Sounds like a boondoggle at tax payer expense.
Well they had to go reiterate our “ironclad commitment” to NATO. And look at their new billion dollar headquarters.
Ran into Wideload inside Al Faw Palace at Camp Victory as she was being led into GEN Casey’s office to be briefed by him. This was early 2007, and hildebeest was already in prezzie campaign mode, yucking it up with the troops and passing out trinkets to them. That close to Wideload and exchanging pleasantries with her, I was less than impressed by this political specimen…
I have talked to local LEO’s who have encountered her on security details; they invariably have said she comes across as a total phony or acts like she is seriously entitled.
That’s if she even talks to you. From what her SS protection has to say, she’s a stone cold bitch to those she considers below her. Which is everyone.
It strikes me as an outrage that the fewer than 300,000 San Francisco voters who put Pelosi in office have effectively handed the other 330 million of us the resulting congressional disaster. Here’s my own theory of what might have happened with the Afghanistan trip. Sorry if it sounds like an Alex Jones whack-a-doodle conspiracy: First of all, Pelosi had no intention of actually going to Afghanistan. She had just come back from a vacation in Hawaii over the holidays, and the timing for making another long trip seems doubtful. Particularly given the government shutdown, and that the Afghanistan trip was supposed to last seven days. What would have been her purpose for making the trip? She’s not on any congressional committees dealing with the DoD, so what would have been the point except as a junket to counter the positive press of the President and Melania’s trip to Iraq at Christmas? If memory serves, it’s never been published if the Pelosi trip was first approved and then rescinded, or if it had never been approved at all. It also seems apparent Pelosi and the rest of the Afghanistan junket could have known in advance the aircraft use wouldn’t be approved, but wanted to make a drama queen display with an Air Force bus farce at the last minute. Pelosi and the rest of her posse insist the reason she chose not to make the Afghanistan trip via commercial air is because of a security hazard caused by Trump. “We weren’t going to go because we had a report from Afghanistan that the President outing our trip had made the scene on the ground much more dangerous because it’s a signal to bad actors that we were coming,” Pelosi said. Which makes it sound like they were going to fly United or whatever. Here’s the thing: Pelosi is worth an estimated $100 million. Somehow its difficult to believe she couldn’t have found the money for a private jet charter behind the couch cushions. Which would have made the commercial air public-scheduling risk a non-starter. Personally, I’m betting this was a… Read more »
You damn Skippy. Preach it Perry. You da man!
She’s got the money alright, but she ain’t going to spend her money when she’s got so much of ours to spend instead.
“Pelosi is worth an estimated $100 million. Somehow its difficult to believe she couldn’t have found the money for a private jet charter behind the couch cushions.”
Why do you think she’s worth 100 million dollars? Because she goes out of her way to get taxpayers to pay for anything and everything for her, among other reasons.
BUTbutbut what about the eighty family members she was going to take with her on this junket, I mean, Codel, short for Congressional Delegation? Seriously, more often than not, Codels are just junkets that Congresscritters take on our dime in USG Jets to go shopping, get drunk (Remember Nanny Lugosi’s liquor tab?) and hit the whorehouses!
Wideload an Piglosi (I totally stole that from, I think, 5th/77th FA, but I am going to claim ownership. Being FIRST in the WOT conveys certain privileges. ) can suck major sausage. I am totally sick of damn near all pols from both sides of the aisle. The only thing separating them is their claimed party affiliation.
Two sides on the same coin.
Will you gentlemen please list for us the Republican senators and/or representatives engaged in such junkets while our government is shut down?
I’m sure as hell not saying that Republican politicians are blame free or above criticism, but when you mindlessly equate them with these Democrat sleaze bags you do us all a disservice.
The moral equivalence argument is the product of a lazy intellect.
If you’re referring to something I said as being mindless, I would like to specifically know what it is. I didn’t say shit about the Republicans being on a junket. I said both sides suck. Is that what you are referring to, Poet? If so, then I reiterate what I said. I said they suck sausage, I’m tired of them and the only difference is CLAIMED party affiliation. You find fault with what I said, if you are in fact referring to my post, and then you agree with me by saying Republicans are not blame free or above criticism. So which is it? So tell me where I said shit about junkets by the Republicans during the government shut down. That was a cheap shot but not surprising. Lazy intellect? That, too, is a crock of shit and a cheap shot. Please let me know how to forward my future posts to you for your approval. I’ll speak my mind and I don’t give a shit if you agree or not.
I’m sure the senior officers are not happy. All that ass kissing they had planned and the chapstick they bought will go to waste. Oh well save it for later.
If Pelosi’s intent was to embarrass the President, I’m thinking she failed. Sure, the liberals will consider this a coup and evidence of the President not wanting Democrats to learn what is ‘really’ going on in the ME. That is bullshit as they can pretty much learn all they want to know via email. /sarc IMO it backfired b/c the public, those with at least four functioning brain cells capable of synapse, are pissed with ‘politics as usual’ and don’t believe a million dollar + boondoggle benefits the country. Personally I’m tired to the dog and pony shows that pass as leadership. They ALL suck.
I want two things for my country:
3-4 year obligation after high school. It need not be in the military. The length of the commitment would vary depending on the type of undertaking. Have kids buy into the substance of the country. I know … probably ain’t gonna ever happen. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it won’t.
Term limits for all. If eight years is considered adequate for the Presidency, I’m thinking eight years is sufficient for members of the HOR and twelve years for members of the Senate.
There is no politician of such value that we need them to represent us until they die. I would leave the SCOTUS as it is. I use the word ‘represent’ cautiously as I’m not certain that is what is taking place. I think it’s more along the lines of penetration by a foreign object. They ALL suck.
^^This^^ Well said, HMC. I like the idea of the obligation – there’s a lot of things other than the armed forces that could benefit from a new workforce, and maybe, just maybe they would learn that the world doesn’t care if their feelings are hurt. I also agree about the term limits – and while we are at it, they need to have to join the same FEHB that they pushed off onto the rest of the system, and have to have the same retirement benefits as well.
I think 12 years is fair. That’s 6 terms for Representatives and 2 terms for Senators.
But, I would also say, screw a retirement/pension system. Why the hell do they become eligible for a retirement check (even a small one) for only doing 5 years?
And make it apply to anyone there currently. If they’ve been in for 50 years like some of these dirtbags? Guess what! Next year you’re leaving and an election is happening to put someone new in!
If there is any government shutdown at any time, both Houses, the President, and all of their staff lose 6 months’ pay. More than a week, they all lose a year’s pay. Oh, and if they fail to pass a budget, no pay till they do.
AND repeal the 17th!
Duffel Blog posted this on facebook. Really Good!!
Nanny Lugosi has NEVER gone out of her way to visit Deployed Military in her entire time in Office, thus I’m sure she meant that trip be a free trip for her family and friends on our money.
My guess is that they were going to Europe for harass NATO and when it was time to go on east, all of a sudden it would become “extremely important for members of the delegation to return to Washington immediately. They had no intention of finishing the scheduled trip.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re forgetting the biggest victims in all of this, the Afghans at the Bagram Souk. Who will now buy their rugs and mold-infested army belts, left over from their “defeat” of the Russians? Mohammed and his brother Mohammed are now stuck with 2k “Nancy Wuz Hear 2019” morale patches. The horror.
This here is some funny stuff
I just wonder if the AF spent a lot of money stocking the plane with liquor and food. Nancy, in her previous term as Speaker, had a history of expensive taste in the USAF flights to and from her district, per Judicial Watch.
I’ve heard of some extravagance associated with these boondoggles. I don’t believe they deserve anything more than what a cattle car of enlisted troops would get either on the bus or in the air. Yeah, I know, they are our elected representatives and all that crap. Well, folks, they are no better than Airman Snuffy and if they were truly men and women of character, they would act accordingly. Yeah, I’m pissing up a rope. I get it. I don’t care. They suck … ALL OF THEM. And if the American public doesn’t recognize that fact, then we have the representation we deserve.
Couldn’t agree more. Box lunch and a sling seat on a C-17 and I was a happy camper. Which is the image people have in their head when they hear these dignitaries are flying USAF.
The reality is they eat well, have a fully stocked bar, and fly on a C-32 (nicely appointed private 757). So they’re not even flying coach, business class, or first class. It’s better than any commercial flight.
During her last term as Speaker of the House, it was said that Nanny Lugosi demanded a USG Jet every weekend to fly back to San Foo-foo whether she used it or not and not JUST any USG Jet, but one that would make the entire trip without having to be refueled, she is pure scum to her rotten core!
I recall that but had forgotten the culprit. I saw some rather large $ amounts associated with the boondoggle. If these assholes genuinely cared about this country, they would not pull stands such as this. But … the American public is asleep at the wheel.
“Beginning in 2009, after the media failed to follow up on concerns raised about Nancy Pelosi’s use of luxury Air Force jets to travel between her congressional district and DC, Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information act requests exposed her abuse of this travel perk. Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.”
Source: Daily Caller