White House targets citizens in attacks
I’m feeling a bit nervous here. We were accused of stifling dissent during the last eight years. What’s-his-face-Mr.-Sarandon complained that there was a chill wind blowing that kept him silent – from the podium at the National Press Club. Those poor Dixie Chicks only made several million dollars on their tour because of the evil Republicans. But all the while, the White House was actually silent about the controversies that surrounded all of the cranks who claimed they were being persecuted by the Bush/Cheney cabal.
But now we get a new administration, and they specifically target private citizens, attacking them in their public forum, from the White House bully pulpit. First, they went after Rick Santelli of CNBC a week or so ago. Last weekend, they decided to go after Rush Limbaugh. This morning Dave Poof (or whatever the hell his name is) Obama’s campaign manager, has an uncontested piece in the Washington Post singling out Limbaugh and stapling all kinds of false interpretations of Limbaugh’s speeches to Republicans and Conservatives.
Today we read that the White House has decided to take on CNBC’s Jim Cramer, a lifelong Democrat for saying this (the best part begins at about 3 minutes into the video);
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So here comes Gibbs again (at about 2:50 into the video);
Gibbs calls investors “a small audience” – 50% of Americans are invested in stocks or mutual funds. I’d hardly call that a small audience.
This is unprecedented in our history – the president, through his staff, attacking private citizens for expressing their opinions. I feel a chill wind so where’s Mr. Sarandon now? Where’s my news conference at the National Press Club?
Added: I guess Democrats are taking their cue from Hugo Chavez, who announced a media war this weekend.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Media, Politics, Usual Suspects
Gibbs is a village idiot. Gaw-D!!
Obama and his administration are displaying their total lack of class with these attacks on private citizens. Remember the way they treated Gov. Palin and Joe the Plumber. How about the digital brownshirts of Obama’s Truth Squads and his proposed Civilian Defense Corp. These are ominous signs as to who we’re dealing with here. Obama and his crew think they’re above the rest of us and that we need to shut up and put up with his BS. He’s a narcissist that cannot tolerate criticism and it’s been only 40 some days in office for the dude.
I wonder when Obama and his thugs will come after websites and blogs such as ours. I’m not stopping until they pry my cold dead hands from my keyboard! 😈
Jonn: I kinda hate keep beating this particular dead horse, but: http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/obama_declares_war_on_conserva.html
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
Every Blog, every alternative news source, is controlled by the FCC via their ISP/host.
To paraphrase an old song:
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and takes your server away
Before any here dismiss this as the ravings of a paranoid (certified) nut case, isn’t Obama pushing for universal broadband? Would YOUR ISP cave with that on the line?