The Army, in Need of Recruits, Turns Focus to Liberal-Leaning Cities

| January 2, 2019

Army RecruitingArmy recruiters Sgt. Dira An, left, and Sgt. Julio Diaz, manned a table at a job fair in Seattle. Enlistment rates in liberal-leaning cities have tended to be low, especially when jobs are plentiful. C. Bates for The New York Times

By Dave Philipps
SEATTLE — Army recruiters in Seattle can earn a Friday off for each new soldier they enlist. But in a city with a thriving tech industry and a long history of antiwar protests, the recruiters haven’t gotten many long weekends.

“It’s no secret we’re a little behind,” Sgt. First Class Jeremiah Vargas, who heads the city’s recruiting station, told four recruiters at a recent morning pep talk. With a week left in the month, he wrote the station’s goal — five recruits — on a white board, and then the current tally: two.

“What do we need to make mission?” he asked.

One recruiter responded with a shrug, “A miracle.”

The Army is not quite counting on miracles, but after falling 6,500 soldiers short of its goal nationwide in 2018, it is trying a new strategy that might seem almost as unlikely.

Rather than focus on more conservative regions of the country that traditionally fill the ranks, the Army plans a big push in 22 left-leaning cities, like Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle, where relatively few recruits have signed up.

“We want to go into Boston, Pittsburgh, Kansas City,” Maj. Gen. Frank Muth, the head of Army Recruiting Command, said. “These are places with a large number of youth who just don’t know what the military is about.”

The approach may seem like hunting for snow in Miami. But Army leaders say that all they need to attract enlistees in those cities are a surge of recruiters and the right sales pitch.

The pitch they have used for years, playing down combat and emphasizing job training and education benefits, can work well when civilian opportunities are scarce. But it is a tough sell these days in a place like Seattle, where jobs are plentiful and the local minimum wage of $15 an hour beats the base pay for privates, corporals or specialists.

Instead, General Muth said, the Army wants to frame enlistment as a patriotic detour for motivated young adults who might otherwise be bound for a corporate cubicle — a detour that promises a chance for public service, travel and adventure.

Hey, it may even work. Read the rest of the article here: NYT Link

Tip of the chapeau to Poetrooper for the link. Thanks, buddy- keep ’em coming.

Category: Army News

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As I said to Ed when I sent him the link, this is a sure-fire way of filling the ranks.



Wow, there’s something you don’t see much of anymore. Actually chipping paint and removing rust stains.


I feel bad for these recruiters. They’re getting told to milk the bull.

5th/77th FA

And these bulls got horns. None of this bodes well for either the recruiters or the DS that has to train up any potential recruits they get.

As SSG Kane posts below; Do more to keep some of the good ones we already have.


Oh, the recruiters will salute smartly and milk the bull. The interesting point comes with semen in-processing at boot.


Even in a so-so economy recruiting in heavily liberal and/or affluent areas is dammed near impossible.

I felt sorry for they guys who were in places like Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, etc. And the horror stories I heard from NRD SD (which had Orange County) made me glad I never had to go there.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Damn, talk about getting a shitty hand of cards, that’s got to be like trying to sell Jane Fonda videos at a Biker Rally! I can picture some of the snowflakes asking if they’ll get coloring books and Play-Doh in Basic!


How come none of these snowflakes want to get into something that will get them away from their parents?\

Oh, that’s right – I forgot.They eat detergent pods and can’t figure out how a stove works. And I was cooking when I was six.

A Proud Infidel®™

Most of them can’t figure out which restroom to use as well!


This is the group that the Seattle Recruiters have to deal with:

Veterans For Peace (VFP), Greater Seattle, Chapter 92:

“VFP members continue their presence in Seattle area schools with presentations showing students information on the reality of war, combat, PTSD, and the value of military training. We also highlight the ongoing national disgrace that 30-40% of service members (mostly women, but also men) who are sexually abused in the military.”

“The purpose of this effort will be to counter weight the pervasive and well funded effort of the Department of Defense to recruit soldiers from high schools into the U.S. military. Currently the U.S. spends over $4 billion and uses over 14,000 recruiters to enlist students into the military using information that is full of half truths and omissions.”

“Often recruiters use threats and intimidation to keep student signed up in the Delayed Entry Program from exercising their right to exit this program. Using incomplete information of the GI Bill, bonuses, inflated claims of training and phony appeals to patriotism, recruiters continue to enlist young and uninformed students into the military.”

“This action team will bring a VFP presence into the schools to provide information about the military, war and militarism to students who could soon be in literally a kill or be killed situation.”


Holy shite. There’s a lot of butthurt going on there.

I still don’t know how anyone could have volunteered (which includes everyone since ’73) without understanding what a military does. It’s willful ignorance.


Do the idiots for peace tell their audiences about the high percentage among their ranks of posers, embellishers, and otherwise misfits?

Didn’t think so.

MSG Eric

30-40% of service members are sexually abused?

So they’re saying that roughly 10 million service members and veterans are/were abused sexually in the military? Yeah, okay.

I wonder who’s butt they pulled that bullshit number out of. Maybe IAVA’s dirtbag leaders’ when they were looking for his brain?


Malarkey! Horse hockey!

2/17 Air Cav

If the stats include self abuse, then 100% of service members have been sexually abused.

Trapper Frank

Once again the good idea fairy landed on someone’s shoulder at USAREC.


I had a troop from Seattle when he ETSed it was not a lose to the nation.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There’s some solid people out there in those areas…

The Other Whitey

Yet another true classic that could never be made today…

SSG Kane

How about we focus on retaining quality soldiers rather than replacing them newbies.

How about we try that for a bit and see how that works out.

And yeah, after losing two good soldiers (one who was the best PSYOP soldier I’ve ever seen) due to bullshit and stupidity I’m a little bitter.


Going to leftist cesspools for “patriots”.

What dumbasses.


Then again, any conversions to our side have greater effect, eye?


How about a one time emergency draft to close the books? Do it every year.
Might get some good people but the entertainment alone would be worth it.


One time… every year? Unclear on one of those concepts?


Once per year. One time per year. Once every 365 days. Just once.
Call it a continuing resolution.


Ahhh, I like that one LB!

Every December 31 at 2350 there would be one of those info bars at the bottom of the screen as the “ball” drops in Times Square reading something like:

The US Army needs X,XXX recruits to meet their recruiting goals for this year! 🙂 The numbers would then follow; and the announcer would say for those of you who were just selected to serve your country; DRINK UP MOFO’s Reporting date to your local MEPS station is 15 January!

That’s the one time, every year.

I enlisted in the WA Army Guard in 1978 at the Olympia Armory. When I reported to Ft Knox for Basic and AIT, I was the only dude from WA in my company. There were more Californians in A-1-1 then there were guys from WA, OR, or ID combined.

My advice to those poor recruiters in Seattle is to get the hell out of there ASAP.


Nah. No draftees please.

How about a new years day lottery:

for a Doubling of GI bill benefits for anyone who enlisted in the prior calender year and completes 4+ of satisfactory service? Secondary picks for one year Doubling, from the last three years.

Alternate items might be a choice of guaranteed duty assignment, tough-to-get school slot, or a stripe.

Politically, if we set red-line-clear victory goals, and worked at achieving them followed by being – done-, that might help with recruiting even more.


The first words I heard after disembarking from the bus, at Ft. Knox, for recruit training were, “boy, you done fucked up now!”.

Ah shucks, you had to have a sense of humor to get through that sort of stuff.

Demographics be damned, there will be some able bodied recruits in Seattle who are just waiting to hear the siren call.

Hell, “it’s not just a job…” That’s a fact, Jack!


I worked for a 1LT who was from Washington state and was a West Point grad. She was good to work with and also on the Army 10 mile (or 10K?) team. Her brother went ROTC and was on active duty at the same time. I don’t think she was from Seattle, but it’s been awhile.

Just saying that if the yard is big enough, you ought to be able to find a few acorns in it somewhere. I mean, in the whole city of Seattle there ought to be a few patriots who are willing to roll the dice on not getting shot.

Perry Gaskill

It strikes me that Army recruiting might have a couple of factors against it in Seattle other that just liberal voting patterns. For one thing, it’s always been pretty much a Navy town with proximity to the shipyard in Bremerton, Whidbey Island AS, and so forth. Another issue is that housing costs in Seattle run an estimated 80 percent higher than the national average. It wouldn’t be a surprise if wealthier people are more inclined to send their kids to college, where they might emerge from ROTC, instead of directly entering the enlisted ranks out of high school.

A focus on Army recruitment in Seattle might be similar to the idea of putting a recruiting office on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, and expecting a bunch of chicks wearing Prada to break down the doors wanting to sign up for infantry.


No, no they’re off to see USAF recruiters to become Combat Controllers and Pararescue dontcha know.

Mike W.

Air Force makes VERY VERY few guaranteed job contracts with TONS of 3A’s ready to go with no place to go to in the tiny AF. So……..tons of great quality goes to waste. They aren’t smart enough though to figure out they can contract for the EXACT job they might want in the Army, so fuck them !
Recruiting SUCKS as a job too.
My station in shithole neighborhood in Brooklyn NY was next to the HIGHEST producing station in the REGION. Differences? GOOD recruiters years ago convinced school administrators that leaving the shithole neighborhood would SAVE the kid’s lives. My area? Libtard school officials blocking recruiting as much as they could.


Yup. Most counselors and administrators were incredibly anti-military.

Of course, it didn’t help that some of the recruiters were lazy as fuck, too. I pulled one folder that hadn’t been changed in at least five years and went to the school. One guy had moved on, one had retired, one died.

But I was the bad guy for updating that stuff. Fucking CRFers.

MSG Eric

When I was stationed at Ft Lewis, it seemed a decent area to gain recruits from, both reserve and active. Granted, there are some rural Washington State areas that suck for recruiting, but we shall see how it goes in Seattle.

Ft Lewis is less than an hour away from Seattle, same as McChord, which are connected now in one of those dopey “joint” bases. As if “Joint” makes them any more efficient or better. The AF still does AF shit and the Army still does Army shit and they don’t really cross the streams.

Perry Gaskill

I thought about including Ft. Lewis in my comment, but decided it might confuse things. The problem, at least it seems to me, is that Seattle and the Tacoma area are very different. From a demographic standpoint, it would likely be a lot like comparing Manhattan to Newark, New Jersey.


Funny you should mention that, but the NRD LA HQ and MEPS was located on Rodeo Road.

However, it wasn’t close to Rodeo Drive. There was a chicken place next door. Granddaughter of former LAPD Chief was murdered in the drive thru one evening. That should give you an idea of the quality of the neighborhood.

And in certain neighborhoods, you never wore Winter Working Blues (aka, “Johnny Cash”) EVER. Looked too much like a cop uniform.


Just what the Army needs more man-bun wearing sparkle-ponies from proglodyte/D-rat controlled cities. What could go wrong when they are uncomfortable and feelz bad at BCT?

Comm Center Rat

A mangina in BCT need simply raise his Time Out Card and the drill sergeant will provide suitable comfort and gentle encouragement. After all being a Soldier is kind of like being a Starbucks barista, right?


What percentage of lefty kids are converted to reality by the realities of military service? Could be a net gain, possibly large if done right.


No Starbucks, No Smart Phones, No “Safe Spaces”…Just sacrifice. These were Patriots of the first order. I wonder if Seattle and Portland could produce such men?


*Laughs in DD214*


With apologies to Harrison Ford and George Lucas: “I got a bad feeling about this.”


Bring back Westy’s suds machines. The Army wants to join YOU !


$.25 a can, cold and tasty.


after watching the decline in the SOF pipeline training over the last 15 years can’t even imagine what kind of fresh hell recruiting must be…don’t even get me started

ahmma go drink some whiskey


Did anyone ever hear of quality over quantity?


Quantity has a quality all of it’s own.


Pump versus filter. Don’t even get me started on that shit.

MSG Eric

I know quite a few troops who were kicked to the curb by job-secured bureaucratic dirtbags during the last regime’s watch.

I wonder how many are being asked “would you please come back? We’re sorry you were kicked out like that.” Nah, won’t happen since the Army never makes mistakes and never apologizes. Even when its bureaucrats and politicians do whatever is best for them.


Maybe if the last Commander in Chief hadn’t kicked the few people that wanted to stay in with his “reduction in numbers” stance they wouldn’t be having this problem.

I got told we dont need warfighters anymore we need thinkers, 10 yrs in the Corp and 5 deployments later got told to move along. What did they think was going to happen?
Now they are trying to recruit sub-standard individuals to replace seasoned knowledgeable veterans they screwed over years passed.


A good friend of mine, Sgt Major USMC, was the head enlisted of an MCD. I was a Senior Chief (SCPO) at the time.

Went to his office on a Friday afternoon. Everyone knew me as I walked in and down the Command passageway. I didn’t get too far when I could hear the rumbling roar of my friends voice. Right thru the walls and closed door.

Immediately did an about face and went back to the reception area. All there had their heads down & shoulders hunched.

A couple of minutes later it quieted down the passageway and a red faced Gunnery Sgt came walking out and left the building.

I went down to my buddy’s office, he grabbed his gear & we left. A short time later I asked him about the “issue” he’d had earlier.

Short story – the Gunny was top dog at an RS. They failed to make quota for two quarters. The Gunny was getting the boot having 16-17 years in. I was in disbelief.

The Gunny’s RS, you might ask? Downtown berzerklie, ca. I’m telling you, I was both dumbfounded and sorry for the Gunny and any Marine who has to attempt to meet quota in a lib-ville city.


It’s funny how around 2008 time frame of the economic collapse we had droves of paycheck seekers just appear in the unit. As soon as they heard Iraq “Hell na we just wanted a check”. They instantly were broken or had other issues.

Now they can’t make quotas. The Military has been vilified by the media, Hollywood and shit even by some veterans themselves. But that is this simple Motor T Marines’ opinion.


Those two look lonely. I could send them some cookies. Or maybe a cookie-making kit. Or knitting yarn and crochet hooks.


Oh, I found something on and thought of you, Ex-PH2:


YEAH! More Lars’eses. It’s going to be awesome.


Or Chitlin-Hulu or whatever the hell it is he goes by now.


Easy solution.
Just bar chicks, fags, ethnically challenged and anyone similar from joining.
The courts will be filled with young patriots willing to go. Some may be of use.
There. Fixed it for you.
In the worthwhile bits of ‘Merica we need to get the military involved in schools from a young age. PT & civics classes for example.


Why should women be denied the opportunity to serve in the military? They should not be denied the opportunity. Yes, I believe there are certain jobs they are incapable of performing satisfactorily, but there are literally dozens of jobs in the military that women can perform just as well as men can. Jobs in the medical field, my area of expertise, come to mind.


Frank: Are you suggesting that if women are barred from military service, they will then challenge that ruling and there will be a rush by women to join? Is that your point? Was this sarcasm? If so, then I retract my above statement. If not sarcasm, then my statement stands as written. Let me know …


This will not work. I served in Seattle Recruting Battalion and can tell you that it has been over a decade since they have made an annual mission for both the Active and Reserve components. Recruiting Battalions like this are over-missioned to fail purposefullly. This is part of Usarec’s justice program. They distract you with high accolishment rates in prt if the country while certain regions are set up to fail. Don’t believe me? Check they facts and then go fuck yourself.


“Check they facts and then go fuck yourself.”

Cute. Is there a reason for the anger? Does it come naturally or is it necessary for you to work at it?

LCpl Rhodes

We waste a tremendous amount of money and time voluntarily recruiting people. I don’t know why we don’t have a fucking draft. Add women, exempt NO ONE except extreme, clear medical conditions, and done.

And I don’t give a shit about the fact that the quality of recruits will decrease. Just up the punishments for fuck ups and fast track their asses out with a swift kick in the ass.


STFU and put your drunken ass to bed.


“…the quality of recruits will decrease”

What? No more heroic figures like Bradley Manning or Bowe Bergdahl?

Just An Old Dog

Why reinforce failure? Simpy put more RS and time in Patriotic areas.
They haven’t purged the ranks of the Clintonistas and Obamites yet.

2/17 Air Cav

Some perspective on this matter is needed. The NYT attributes the Army’s failure to hit its annual recruiting goal to the fact that civilian jobs are plentiful. Okay. So why, then, did the Navy, Air Force, and Marines meet their goals? The Army missed by 6500 bodies and has missed its goal in other years. I don’t see that this is a problem. The fewer undesirables in the ranks, the better. The Army can do without former Occupy this and that participants and those who prefer show tunes over rock or country.


How about shaming?
Uncle Sam posters were well received in the past so how about a bit of finger pointing and shining the light on the slackers.

“Uncle Sam wants YOU to stop being a pussy!”

2/17 Air Cav

I lubs it.

Guard Bum

I am ever so glad I never got tapped for recruiting duty but I have some suggestions. Make a concerted effort to go after retreds, not the sole focus mind you but do some outreach and streamline the process. Second, young men and women want adventure and often to get away from present circumstances so focus on the travel and adventure of military service more.

I treach ABE and work out 3 times a week with a couple of young guys hoping to get into the Army but I have to tell you its a struggle because of the lack of PE in the schools and sometimes it takes the extra attention to get these young people up to a certain level where they can even think about joining. Maybe bring in some retirees to help with the recruiting effort? I bet quite a few from all branches would be willing to help even on a volunteer basis.


“Maybe bring in some retirees to help with the recruiting effort? I bet quite a few from all branches would be willing to help even on a volunteer basis.”

Not a bad idea.


I almost reenlisted once. I was bored with civvie life, and thought I might like to go back to Germany. Passed the physical and all the tests, finished all the processing, and was told to take a seat in a waiting room for a few minutes until the oathtaking. As I sat there I looked around at all the other guys waiting to take the oath. Nobody spoke. Nobody smiled. Everybody just sat there looking depressed. I thought to myself, “these are the guys I will be spending the next few years with”. I stood up and walked out, never looked back, never said a word. I have never regretted that decision, in spite of the occasional nostalgia for the “good old days”.

I have often wondered what the recruiting staff did, or if I was the only one.


Just think, Timactual, how different would be your life had you reenlisted. I enjoy doing ‘what if’ scenarios. I can’t explain it, but I felt certain in boot that I was a career Sailor. So, Tim, what is it you went back to after not reenlisting?


“what is it you went back to”

I spent a few years “wasting my substance in riotous living” mastering the art of drinking. then the usual, school, jobs, travel, lots of time to read. Pretty quiet, actually.

I, too, have done a few ‘what if’ scenarios about various decisions I have made. All things considered, not reenlisting was probably the right decision for me.

2/17 Air Cav

I suggest that the recruiters use a pic of Lars with the caption, “You will not have to work for this guy!” I believe I did see Lars’ pic in the Illustrated Military Courtesy Manual with the comment, “This is an axample of why the rank–not the person–is saluted.”


Are they allowed to sit down or just stand there gripping the chairs?
And what about a potential recruit. Do they have to stand there as well? Where’s their chair?