Midweek Open Thread
The photos for this post was taken by HMCS(FMF) ret. In his own words on the New Years Open Thread:
Originally posted by HMCS(FMF) ret:
Saw the King Tut exhibition at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) on Saturday — it was FREAKING AWESOME!!!! It’s there until January 27th (last stop on the North American tour).
Here’s a link to a brochure that is given to the museums that put it on — it includes a history of Howard Carter finding the tomb and some awesome photos of the pieces on display.
I took 19 photos of some of the items I saw — I’d like to forward them to one of the admins for use in a future Open Thread.
Here are additional photos:
The link in his post provides additional details to the King Tutankhamun exhibit.
Category: Open thread
Nice exibit
5th/77th FA: Those words will be spoken on 7 January 2019…😉
Sorry about the Dawgs. Was rooting for them. Especially after their mascot almost got ran over by Texas A&M’s mascot before the game.
The Dawgs still did well. 😊
Do appreciate those kind words my Brother. Did enjoy hearing the Tide Roll (Tide Roll) over Okie. Don’t do pay TV of any sort, long story but a good one as to why. Didn’t see my Dawgs play (?) either for the same reason. Finally turned the radio off, thinking I was jinxing the boys by just listening.
Feverently looking forward to RTR beating the pure cold pee turkey out of Clemson. Despise them almost as much as the Alabama Polytechnic Institute/Cow College. My dislike of Clemson and the gamecocks is another long, but good story.
I have told my baby girl, an Honor Graduate of the Dawg Pound, that at my funeral there needs to be pall bearers from UGA, Falcons, and Braves so they can all let me down just one more time. Sad…especially considering that I’m to be cremated and ashes fired out of cannons on various battlefields…….rtr… ps Mama and Daddy’s oldest son probably has tickets to the Championship and a good chance will sell them at a very tidy profit. He ’bout gave away the SEC ones if you remember my post on that.
No where near as prestigious as 1st on the real Friday WOT but it is still something to be the FIRST on the 1st Mid Week Open Thread of 2019.
Is there a prize? Scared to ask the TAH WW HQs. That’s a tough sell. I mean, after all the hahahahahahahahaha and AW1Ed going out of his way to piss off a Master Chief?
Looked at these pics when Chief sent the link the other day while I was playing catch up. Some really kool shots. Nat Geo did a magazine spread and then a TV shoot on his (Tut’s) history. Was it 26Lb of 2/17 AC that made the comment on the other discovery made in the tomb in the other thread?
Your award is found in the dictionary between “rations” and “venereal disease”. I can narrow the search parameters somewhat if necessary. (smile)
To be entered into my veteran organization calendar.
They had wheels back then?
Imagine what a more established, older Pharoah would have been sent to the afterlife with. Incredible to think all of that amazing, beautiful craftsmanship was done by hand during the bronze age.
I have often imagined an older, wiser Pharoah saying “why go to all that trouble… dead is dead. Besides, it’ll drive ’em all nuts looking!”
Grave robbers had similar ideas, and didn’t think that the dead needed all the stuff… Better to “benefit” the living…
Those are great pictures, HMCS(FMF).
Thank You & thebesig for sharing.
Shrimp scampi, no time to post!
Shrimp Jambalaya this evening.
Leftover turkey and ham…
Classic jambalaya here (shrimp, sausage, and chicken).
Leftover blackeye beans and cornbread with sweet tea. Put the beans over the cornbread and nuke. Freaking awesome.
I’ll pass on the sweet tea but love blackeye peas on cornbread. Cornbread can go either way, to your preference. I prefer it without sugar, with sugar is Ok. The essential trick is to have a very hot iron skillet to make a wonderful crust as fast as the batter hits the oil. The crust is what keeps the flavor and moisture locked in.
If you get a craving for some serious comfort food, try a tamale pie with Fritos or whatever corn chips you like, a can of chile, some cheese and bake of nuke it.
Tamale pie is sort of like a Mexican lasagna. I think it tastes even better as leftovers as the flavors all sort of meld together.
Hell, on a cold winter day you can almost watch your belly grow just thinking about it!
Yeah buddy! It’s crawfish season in Acadiana and I am stuck in NE Massachusetts.
I usually make my own roux but the stuff in the jar works well if you boil it long enough.
Spousal unit will not eat boudain so I just make a small amount for myself, with pig liver!
The field cooks prepared shrimp scampi every Thursday at one of the locations I was at in Iraq. They did real good; had that as a dinner entry every time it was served.
Saw this on that interweb thingy:
I read something a while back that the Navy was going back to the drawing board with ours..
That is bad ass. We probably going back to the drawing board to improve on the one we couldn’t make work cause the Chinese spies (read DiFi driver) got the specs for it.
I like cannons. Think I have F1 black powder blood instead of cholesterol.
During the defence of Macon GA July of 64 them Johnny Reb Militia Boys had a 32 pounder mounted on a flat bed rail car. They rolled it out to lob shells at Stoneman’s Cavalry & put them on the run.
And yes, Virginia, there is a difference between a “railgun” and a “rail car gun”. I’d like to have one, or a Battery, of each.
The US Navy’s rail gun program failed a key requirement in number of rounds per minute fired, needs huge amounts of electrical power, and would have to be retrofitted onto existing hulls.
The Navy is now looking at a hypervelocity projectile instead. While not as capable as far a speeds and ranges as the rail gun, it will fit into existing 5″ naval guns already in wide use, and is a generational improvement over conventional shells.
“Better is the enemy of good enough” was a saying attributed to a fellow named Sergey Georgiyevich Gorshkov, who happened to be Admiral of the Fleet in the bad old Soviet Union days. A sharp guy who understood that sometimes, quantity has a quality all its own.
Incremental improvements have utility. They also produced the Yamato class super battleships.
Versus the novel-tech research and wild-eyed visionaries that brought us the airplane and carrier.
Improve what we have, yes, but railguns and lasers, combined with next-gen reactors, are going to be a big part of the future. Particle-beam after that.
If we hadn’t gone for nukes, WW2 would have lasted rather longer, and been far, far bloodier.
Lauren DeBellis Appell, a freelance writer from Fairfax, VA, wrote this excellent Opinion for Fox News. It is worth the read:
“Democrats Flip-Flop On Border Security Has Everything To Do With 2020 And Nothing To Do With Immigration”:
Well just….dayuuuuum. Let me look around for my shocked face. This will affect your blood pressure readings.
Hey Major Malfunction aka Larsy boi, chuntapatooie, you and your type can just kiss my mofo nasty white ass. I may not live long enough to see it in person, by my Spirit, the Spirit of my Ancestors, and all of the Warrior Spirits will see you and yours to be the first into the camps, against the walls, or led into the showers.
Gun buybacks don’t work, Baltimore
The Baltimore Sun Link
No mention of a $500 fiberglass tube.
So if you buy a used gun and the city offers you more than you paid for it,that works, too, right?
I’d go for that.
I’ve heard of an NRA Rifle instructor who taught at a youth camp. He asked the kid’s parents for any old, clapped-out firearms they could donate. He took a wheel barrow full to a buy-back program in a city very near to you, Ex.
With the proceeds from the program he was able to purchase a dozen brand new rifles for the camp.
A VERY cool move on his part, Kudos to him!
And then there are the folks who seek out folks in line, paying a bit more for any decent items that are not stolen.
Depending on the jurisdiction, and who does the buying, there may not be much the cops can do about it.
If you come across an old Ruger firearm send it back to the factory for inspection.
They will likely offer to dispose of it and offer you a deep discount on a replacement.
I have some old Ruger three screws. Since they are worth more than double what they cost new, I will not be sending them back to the factory.
Here are some new laws across the US that became effective 1 January 2019 (Kudos on Ohio’s new law about cursive writing):
(1) “Fashion forward hunters in Illinois will now have another color option for their hunting wardrobe. The state becomes the seventh to expand the color options for hunting from the standard “blaze orange” to an equally bright “blaze pink.”
(2) “In an age of tweets and texts, the state of Ohio is going retro. Students there will now be required to learn how to write in cursive by the end of fifth grade.”
(3) “Just as the 2020 political season kicks off, next week the state of Florida will restore the voting rights of former felons upon the completion of their sentences excluding those convicted of murder and sexual offenses.”
(4) “Over in California, public-held corporations based in the state must have at least one woman on the board of directors by the end of the year. By the end of 2021, corporations must have at least two or three female board members depending on the size of the board of directors. Violations of this new law can be punishable by fines up to $300,000.”
(5) “The Golden State is also home to a new law that gives pets more rights. No longer will the family dog and cat to be treated by courts as physical property. Judges can now decide who gets custody of the family pet during divorce proceedings, based on what is in the best interests of the pets.”
(6) “Utah officially has the nation’s lowest blood alcohol content standard for drunk driving – now at 0.05 percent — that’s as little as one drink for most women and three drinks for most men to reach the new limit.”
No offense to Ohio but maybe it’s not the cursive writing that’s the problem and some attention to other standards would help elevate their educational ranking….according to US News and World Reports Ohio is one of the ten worst states for educational opportunities ranked at 41st of 50…
In my state the government finally caught up with the wishes of the public and licensed the recreational marijuana facilities only two initially although just before Christmas a third store opened. Recreational pot earned a half million dollars a day at the two stores that opened initially, with many out of state plates being noticed on the news. With a 20% tax on product the state should make out rather nicely.
When I drove to the brewery in Northampton the out of state plates were quite abundant still, although it was much easier to park than in recent weeks, which was a welcome change…every available parking space in town for the first few weeks was taken by stoners…including the parking garage. I wonder how many of those out-of-staters will end up in trouble in their home state should they be caught with product.
We didn’t add much in the way of new, but we did keep intact the public accommodation law for trannies and which shitters they can use. So there’s that.
Inquiring minds want to know whether Ex-PH2 will begin wearing blaze pink while testing recipes for her Thursdays Are For Cooking column.
Not me, but my small black cat has a blaze pink fuzzy blankie. She refuses to give it up.
“The state becomes the seventh to expand the color options for hunting from the standard “blaze orange” to an equally bright “blaze pink.””
Gonna be a lot of rustling of the bushes.
Terrain. Terrain. Pull up, Pull up. Terrain….
Bitchin’ Betty
Sink rate. Sink rate, Don’t sink. Pull up, Pull up. Caution Terrain….
My apologies if this has already been posted with the short embedded video:
“Lightning Strike On Fighter Jet Caught On Cockpit Video”
That’s what can happen when you fly through embedded thunder cells.
Don’t ask how I know this.
War story time!
“There I was, minding my own business, flying thru embedded thunder cells when….”
Sea stories always start with, “Now this ain’t no shit…”
NTANS, there I was at around 1500′ tracking a Russian nuclear submarine, in the Med, at night, in and around embedded thunder cells, and the Radar Operator went Tango Uniform trying to fill his helmet bag with everything he had eaten all week, when suddenly…
THAT’S how to start a Sea Story.
Pull Out! Pull Out!
That’s what Lars’ mom said.
Freakin’ tag team, youse guys.
Just want to say that I’m glad you guys have picked up the mantle and carried on with TAH after Jonn’s passing. But I can’t put my finger on it but somehow the blog seems to have changed. It’s not a bad thing just feels different than when Jonn was at the helm. I dunno if it’s the subject matter or writing style. I was looking at my LinkedIn acct and saw Jonn was still listed as a connection. Maybe it’s me missing him trying to get used to the change but not quite sure what the change is. Anyway thanks for keeping this up and running. Sure wouldn’t seem right if all you guys weren’t here. I just want to say I’m glad you are.
We do leave referring to people as dickweeds up to the 1st Sergeant or the Platoon Sergeant (whichever one is bigger), but some things change over time, anyway.
No problem. We discovered that Jonn was wearing some very big shoes. We gained a better appreciation for what he did. When we see comments like this, or active participation via responses, we’re encouraged to keep pushing on.
Every post that goes up on this site, and every comment that is posted to these responses, make members of the DRC come close to busting an aneurysm.
They expected this site to go away after Jonn. Our activities here deny them that wish.
Three more weeks until we commemorate the anniversary of LawnDartDanny’s emancipation proclamation.
Still waiting to see the NTSB’s report.
It’s been that long already? My, how times flies (but not Danny).
The Parkland shooting commisions report is out.
Arming teachers is recommended.
I was going to move to call this and threads like it “The Hoople” but then learned that MOT is spelled with two Ts. So, no The Hoople.
OK 2/17 AC, you are showing your age and causing the young’uns to say WHO? when you mention Mott The Hoople. Gonna make me pull out that 33 rpm poly vinyl carbon copy, crank up a direct drive turntable, and blow some dust off of some speakers. Carry the news, all the young dudes. Good times!
In defense of old bastards such as myself, I figure it’s only fair that since I have no clue who or what an Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Maroon 5, or a Twenty One Pilots is, I can drop Mott the Hoople on the youngsters. (BTW, I googled popular current bands/singers to get those names.)
So . . . are you trying to tell us that you’re a fan of “All The Young Dudes”, 2/17 AC? (smile)
Dang it Hondo, you owe me a screen cleaning, and a replacement for my busted gut….laughing.
And AC, I’m all over that who are these supposed singer/musicians now a days. My comprehension of what kinda world are we living in went to hell sometime in the mid to late ’90s when the #1 golfer was a black dude, the #1 rapper was a white dude, and Blow Job Willie went to Viet Nam. Do believe that’s when I followed charles w to the basement and started our drinking problem.
Bit of trivia about “Dudes”.
The song was written in 1972 by David Bowie. He’d heard that Mott the Hoople was on the verge of breaking up due to lack of commercial success, and offered them “Suffragette City” (Bowie hadn’t yet recorded that one; it later appeared on his Ziggy Stardust album).
MtH turned down Bowie’s offer. (No sh!t.) So Bowie wrote “All The Young Dudes” for them in short order – allegedly on the spot, while sitting on the floor in a room on London’s Regent Street in front of Ian Hunter (MtH’s lead singer).
Needless to say, it was a hit for MtH. (Bowie also performed it live during his “Ziggy Stardust” tour.) And that Bowie “throwaway” is today regarded as one of the most influential rock recordings of all time (it shows up in a couple of well-respected “top 500 rock & roll songs of all time” listings).
And for 2/17 AC and all of the other fans of “Young Dudes” out there (smile) . . . here ya go.
(+_+) Saw MtH live several times while in FRG. Good times.
I’ve read up on history related topics longer than I’ve read up on weather/climate related topics. I started in the late 1970s. A lot of what they’re discovering now overturned what was commonly accepted back in the ’70s/’80s.
But, as with with the climate, there’s resistance to research that suggests a reality different from what people commonly accept. I recognize some of the references, used in the video, as abstracts from scientific method research: