Judge: Bars are allowed to throw out Trump supporters

| January 1, 2019

A Manhattan judge ruled Wednesday that there’s nothing “outrageous” about throwing the president’s supporters out of bars — because the law doesn’t protect against political discrimination.

Philadelphia accountant Greg Piatek, 31, was bounced from a West Village watering hole in January 2017, just after Trump took the oath of office, for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, according to his lawsuit over the incident.

“Anyone who supports Trump — or believes in what you believe — is not welcome here! And you need to leave right now because we won’t serve you!” Piatek claims the staff of The Happiest Hour on West 10th Street told him after he and his pals complained about the rude service they were getting from a bartender.

So he sued in Manhattan Supreme Court, claiming the incident “offended his sense of being American.”

But on Wednesday, when the bar’s lawyer, Elizabeth Conway, pointed out that only religious, and not political, beliefs are protected under state and city discrimination laws, saying, “supporting Trump is not a religion” — Piatek pivoted.

“The purpose of the hat is that he wore it because he was visiting the 9/11 Memorial,” his attorney Paul Liggieri told Justice David Cohen in court Wednesday.

“He was paying spiritual tribute to the victims of 9/11. The Make American Great Again hat was part of his spiritual belief,” Liggieri claimed. Piatek and his pals had, in fact, visited the memorial before the bar.

“Rather than remove his hat, instead he held true to his spiritual belief and was forced from the bar,” Liggieri said.

When the judge asked how the bar employees were supposed to be aware of Piatek’s unusual religious beliefs, Liggieri answered, “They were aware he was wearing the hat.”

The judge pressed Liggieri on the idea of his client’s professed creed.

Piatek doing his best Trump impressionAngel Chevrestt

“How many members are in this spiritual program that your client is engaged in?” the judge asked.

“Your honor, we don’t allege the amount of individuals,” Liggieri said.

“So, it’s a creed of one?” the judge asked.

“Yes, your honor,” Liggieri replied.

After nearly an hour of argument the judge took a short break and then returned to the bench with his ruling.

“Plaintiff does not state any faith-based principle to which the hat relates,” Cohen said in tossing the case.

Piatek had sued for unspecified emotional damages, but the judge said the incident amounted to nothing more than a “petty” slight.

“Here the claim that plaintiff was not served and eventually escorted out of the bar because of his perceived support for President Trump is not outrageous conduct,” the judge ruled.

Liggieri said he plans to review the decision to determine whether or not to appeal.

I threw people out of my bars/restaurants for all kinds of reasons.  Mostly for becoming a disturbance to the rest of my patrons or being disrespectful to my staff.

Spiritual Trumpism is dubious at best and attempting to defend it in court is a waste of resources.

One day the concept of Mutual Respect may come back into fashion.  A citizens duty to defend people with whom they disagree is requisite in a free society.


Source: Judge: Bars are allowed to throw out Trump supporters

Category: Diversity, Dumbass Bullshit, I hate hippies, Liberals suck, Politics

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“One day the concept of Mutual Respect may come back into fashion.”

Shame on you, you Scumbag Optimist Blatherskite!!

How DARE you give people hope?!?!?


The shame of it all!!! Droids are next!!

Dave Hardin

What would have happened if the Womens March was canceled because there were too many “Blacks” attending?

Or, if an 11-year-old girl dances on stage in a strip club full of men?

Will perked coffee ever comeback? There is something about a slow drip that I find comforting.

MSG Eric

An 11-year old boy in drag danced in a gay strip club as I recall from the news and no one seemed to have an issue with that.

Can’t you just make perked coffee at home though?

Dave Hardin

Are you suggesting that I make coffee for myself? Hmmm…wouldn’t that set a bad precedence around here? Slippery slope brother, it could lead to me doing dishes or some other domestic thing.

If I do shit like that it could lead to wearing a dress one day. It’s best to nip that kind of thing in the bud.

The Other Whitey

I took the trash out once, and then BOOM! I was buying her a house.


You want percolated coffee, too.

There is no way to satisfy you any more.

Dave Hardin

Oh, since when did you develop a problem satisfying men?

The 6th Fleet never complained.


And I promised to not be vengeful for the New Year. Pffttt!


Did she really say ‘retired Navy corpseman’? As in dead man? Yes, yes she did. Actually had a Command Master Chief at an awards ceremony call us corpse men and pronounced the s in Illinois. He was a stump in uniform.


As I recall from a black & wyhite educational film shown at “A” school, the Navy used to have its own undertakers.

They could have legitimately been called ‘corpse men’.


There are still some morticians in the Navy as Hospital Corpsmen (NEC 8496). Usually assigned to the bigger hospitals and to the NAVMILPERSCOM, Dover AFB and Quantico as part of the Navy’s Decedent Affairs Program.


When I was on I&I duty with 4th Maint Bn, all of our food service dudes were retrained as mort affairs specialists and went over with 6th Civil Affairs group. They came back….messed up.


Actually knew a Navy mortician. Yes, at one time I believe that was a Navy NEC. Might only have been a job title and not an NEC, but this guy had been a mortician in the civilian world before enlisting in the Navy. He got out of the Navy with 12 years and two years later fell out of a tree and messed up his back. I talk with him occasionally and he regrets leaving the Navy. He would have retired in the mid-80s.


It is stupid that he got through of a bar for wearya Trump hat.

It is stupid he tried to make a spiritual/ religious connection to wearing a Trump hat.

So much stupid these days.

A Proud Infidel®™

If I were to get my patronage refused for wearing a MAGA hat, I would automatically consider that establishment completely and totally unworthy of it!


Equal Protection Clause. That’s all I got to say about that.

MSG Eric

But hey, ask a Muslim to drive a truck with alcohol in it and NOPE! He’ll get a six-figure settlement for being expected to do the job he was hired for.

1,000 bakeries in a city and if you’re gay and go to one that won’t make you a cake? Nope! You suck and we’re going to court because you are required to bake me a cake!

I recall there was even a Walmart that made someone a cake with the ISIS flag on it and that was acceptable.

I can’t believe this guy was dumb enough to try getting this resolved in any court. What a maroon…

A Proud Infidel®™️

The floofers looked for a Christian-owned Bakery to order at, so thus I ought to be able to go to a Muslim owned Deli, order a Bacon Sandwich, then sue and collect when I don’t get my way!

MI Ranger

That would be if there was such a thing! Muslim owned Deli…the closest you will get is a non-practicing Turk who doesn’t want to admit he denounced the faith and incurs the wraith of Jihad.

The Other Whitey

The bar is run by assholes, but I support the right to refuse service. However, this also means that nobody else better cry about not getting a gay wedding cake. Can’t have it both ways.




“offended his sense of being American”

Yeah, you can be compensated for that.


A lot of things offend my senses of being an American. Haven’t seen a dime yet.

5th/77th FA

It was his “white privilege” to be thrown out of a bar.

Only non-caucasian, non-Protestant, non-American, non-conservative, non-military, non-hetrosexual, non-male, non-patriotic, non-working, non-southern, need we non-more, are allowed to be offended.

You are only allowed to keep working and paying 35-40% of your income to support all the warm fuzzy feel good programs for all the nons that have the right to be offended by your offensiveness.

Resistance is futile…you will be assimilated.


I bring home 48-50 percent of my gross pay, on average.

And that doesn’t include what I’m compelled to fork over in state property taxes, sales taxes, etc.

5th/77th FA

Same here NHSparky, I went with a lower average cause of the folks with dependopatomouses get to keep a little more.

I kept copious notes one year, adding in the state, local, vehicle, property, and sales tax. Shocked face w palm and pearl clutch, the total came up to 63% of gross earnings.

Supposedly 47% of the population pays no or little tax, other than sales tax. That’s why they don’t mind if taxes go up. Sad!


I don’t know why anyone would of thought the ruling would turn out any other way. Bars have a right to refuse to serve to anyone for any reason other than on the basis of discrimination. Even though Trump supporters love to play the victim card and have created a political movement predicated on being victims: the fact is they are not victims and political ideology is regarded as a choice and is not a protected class under federal law. The government can’t discriminate against political ideology because of the 1st Amendment but private businesses can because political ideology is is not a protected class and the 1st Amedment restricts government power not the activities of private citizens. And before one fo you says gender identity or sexual orientation are “choices” and they are protected classes; while the science indicates it is not a “choice” these groups actually are not protected classes under federal law. Several stats have passed laws making sexual orientation or gender identity protected classes within those states and those states have become the battle ground for high profile cases regarding discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation. A handful of states have passed law making political ideology a protected class. In those states lawsuits about refusing service to a Trump supporter would have a different outcome. However, operators of websites that frequently discuss politics from a particularly political leaning should be careful about promoting the idea that political ideology should be a protected class. Because that is not a world most of you all would want to live in. If that were the case someone could sue a website for the websites efforts to moderate or ban users by arguing the methodology used to moderate is prejudicial against their political ideology. If the record of moderation or bans are shown to be disproportionally against those with political ideologies counter to the majority of users they could easily be found to be discriminatory: And this is true for most political websites that lean sharply one direction or another since those holding counter views are… Read more »


Blah, blah, blah. Blather, blah, de, blah.

Nonsense, lies, and more blather.

Would you just quit wasting band width with your hate speech already?


A Proud Infidel®™️

THAT BOY would get his ass kicked to Kingdom Come and back at least three times over in my neck of the woods!

A Proud Infidel®™️

I mean the screeching snowflake, the fellow in the Trump shirt would fit right in!

Keepin' It Real



Nice veiled threat against TAH!

What if the ban was not due to the political viewpoint, but rather the trolling for a fight, nasty attitude, name calling, etc?

I also like the way that you claim it’s the conservatives that are playing the victim card. I know now, without a doubt that you either live in a fantasy world or are just here to start trouble


I wounder how that would work out against blogs like HuffPo, DU or Daily Kos? Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black?


Yeah, there’s only one side of the current political climate that, when they encounter an opposing viewpoint, calls their opponents evil, Nazis, and racists.

I’ve found conservatives to be far and away more tolerant than leftists. I’ve never once heard a conservative suggest murdering all their political opponents, which I have heard from a fervent Democrat.


It would be a disaster for HuffPost and Breitbart and hundreds of others.

In fact it would most likely just result in them all removing comment sections entirely.

Which would reduce user engagement and revenue.


Fuck you Lars


Lars, just look at most, if not all of the newspapers that are online. Many have removed the ability to comment on articles that they put online, probably out of fear of the public telling them that they are wrong.


He’s just here to start trouble.

Throwing out a threat of some kind is NEVER EVER a good idea.

Maybe Ol’ Fukhuuchiicuuchii needs a timeout.


I didn’t threaten TAH. I pointed out that TAH is threatening itself by advocating that political ideology should be a protected class.

You would not want to live in that world and no blog with any political leaning would be safe from lawsuits.


You did, indeed, threaten TAH.

YOU brought this up. YOU are the only person here who has brought up threats of any kind. YOU are manufacturing evidence out of that dormant organ you have for a brain – that thin you use for a sofa cushion.

Lawsuits? Constantly threatened with them, by slackers who lie about their service or never served or thieves who scam the VA over being exposed to the light of day for what they do. I am so fed up with stank ass hippies claiming service or being in-country when they were fucking hippiec chicks at Woodstock or ran off to Canada, I could vomit copiously over it.’

Nobody here has brought up lawsuits or so-called protected classes except YOU, fuckstick. You blame others for what you start and then try to separate yourself from it. Doesn’t work that way.


That’s how utterly stupid you are.


Fuck you Lars

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY YOU fartknuckled assfurter of a butt nugget, I distinctly remember YOU calling me out and saying how you were going to track me down and fight me when I called you out on your ideological BS, remember that? I also recall that I had made NO threats to you whatsoever, but with your being brainwashed into such a liberal minion at UC Berzerkely you let yourself follow the herd mentality and be a good useful idiot to your handlers and masters!


Doorstep pooper

USMC Steve

I would then suspect Blaster, that that sort of information would have come to light in the litigation. And it most likely would have been mentioned. Which it wasn’t. Since it didn’t happen, or the bar and its attorney would sure as hell have made mention of it. You know? The behavior you mention is standard behavior for the fartsniffers who live in that shithole city anyway. No one would have thought it odd behavior.


You’ve been moderated for a number of reasons, your “political ideology” probably being the least of them. LC, who does lean left in his comments, has no problem with speaking his views – he doesn’t engage in personal attacks like you do, Lars.

LC strikes me as the type of person to sit down with and talk… and we’d probably walk away respecting each other more. You, on the other hand, would probably engage in your usual pontificating and postulating, with a little vitriol and bigotry thrown in. you’re an angry, bitter little person, Lars.

Plus, you made it a point of trying to ID a few people here, including me. Most other blogs would have dropped the banhammer on you just for that.


LC also isn’t the TAH seagull. Lars comes in here, shits on things, and leaves. He doesn’t engage in conversation. Which is a shame, because I’d like to try to understand some of his positions.


Taylor’s only purpose in showing up is to poke the bear and wait for the reactions.

Never a good idea to poke a sleeping bear.


I frequently forget how conservative minds are incapable if probalistic reasoning.

I am not talking about invividual bans or acts of moderation. And I am not talking about any action by even TAH.

I am talking about the aggregate effects of complaints and flags on any website that has a dominant political leaning among its user base and thus their record of moderation will be statistically biased against opposing political views because the flags, reports, and complaints by users will be predominantly against opposing viewpoints.

If I go on Breitbart and say something in support of the wall it is less likely to be flagged by users even if I use speech that violates Breitbart rules then if I use the same language to oppose the wall.



Your understanding of the internet and the world at large is more limited that anyone could possibly have imagined.

You are truly dumber than a box of bent screws.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO even trying to debate ‘ol Babbles McButthead is like trying to play Chess with a pigeon. The pigeon will knock the pieces over, defecate on the game board and then strut around like he actually won the game!


In other words, if they don’t agree with the Left, they must be silenced.

Didn’t your alma mater, riot and destroy things over the last couple of years to keep conservative speakers from speaking?

Using my conservative probalistic reasoning, I’m going to say that the left will continue to silence any differing viewpoints. If that can’t keep the speakers from speaking, they will silence them by accusing them of being racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-(fill in the blank). The Left controls the news media, the entertainment industry and the big tech industry. If they didn’t have a near monopoly on controlling what the masses are allowed to hear, I doubt that very many lobs would be winning offices.


I believe that his alma mater had to fork over $70,000 for infringing on the free speech rights of conservatives in regard to various occurrences, including venues and time of day.
$70,000 big ones – ain’t nothing to sneeze at. The next time, the penalty might be larger and more bold.


Fuck you Lars

Yep, this is my New Years Resolution..


Love trumping hate involves a lot more arson and assault than I would have expected.

Your turn, dipshit.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wholeheartedly concur. Not only that, let’s not forget that lefty snowflakes consider the environment to be one of their sacred cows, but what about them leaving protest sites looking like landfills along with their arson, looting and vandalism as well?

Denise Williams

Okay, that made me laugh out loud. Thanks NHSparky!


As I stated earlier, go look at the left sites and see if they don’t drop the banhammer on you if you don’t follow the party line. Dollars to donuts, you’d get banned ASAP the first time you disagreed with the owner or an admin.

Go over to Little Green Footballs – it was a conservative site (it was the site that disproved the memos on GWB back in the early days of the Internet). When the blog owner decided that he couldn’t support conservatives any longer, he did a housecleaning of posters over there that did not follow his beliefs. Anyone that spoke out, got banned… even the few admins that had privileges when ape shit crazy and banned long time posters. At one point there were close to 600 people that were banned.

Cameron Kingsley

That’s the first time I have ever heard of that site. Is it still around?


Yes it is… you may want to wear HAZMAT gear and hit a decon shower after going there.



Doorstep pooper

A Proud Infidel®™️

Nice try there assfurter, but you still bored the hell out of me!


The crypto-commie is a world class blatherskite.


He seems to think this is a political blog.

It is not.

It is a veterans’ blog, and if it reflects what is going on in today’s world – INCLUDING political stuff – that does not change the character of the blog.

Despite Fukhuuchiikoochii’s false assumptions, he is a guest, not an owner. Making false accusations is not a good idea, not here and not ever.


Your inability to comprehend what I wrote is the problem.


Fuck you Lars


Doorstep pooper


No, asshole, your lack of comprehensive skills is what got you bounced out of MI into a desk job at CA.

You are an imbecile. You refuse to see the other side’s viewpoint. You think your opinion is the only valid thing in the universe.

And now you’ve locked in on my comment that you are making false accusations and throwing “WARNING!” at TAHers, as if YOU have some authority when you do not, speak volumes about your bloated and unwarranted egocentricity.

You despise free speech because you hate your own freedom.

You are the same insidious slime that betrays his own countrymen to an enemy thinking he’ll be rewarded for it, when in fact, the enemy shoots that traitor as the reward for ratting out the patriots.

Stop warning us. You are wearing thin the space you’re given here.

And as I have said before, if you don’t like what goes on here, you can start your own damned blog.

Now shut up and go away.


“Bars have a right to refuse to serve to anyone for any reason other than on the basis of discrimination.”

All this victim status crap is BS, every last bit of it.

Let the market rule…let the vendors that are most accepting to the most clientele reap their rewards.


I have had all of your shit for one week that I can stomach, Taylor.

You are making yourself extremely unwelcome.

I’m sure that you do that everywhere you go.


I didn’t threaten anything. I said you do not want to live in a world where political ideology is a protected class so you shouldn’t advocate that political ideology should be a protected class.

You all have reading comprehension issues.


“You all have reading comprehension issues.”

I resent that, I do not have reaching prehensile marsupials.


You posted veiled threats, asshole. YOU did that, imbecile. You have ZERO understanding of how things work.

No one has reading comprehension issues except YOU>

Shut up and find the exit door.


Fuck you Lars you traitor!

(New and improved version)


Doorstep pooper

USMC Steve

Political ideology of the left IS a protected class in this country. This case proved it. Dude in a Trump hat thrown out of a bar because of something he WORE. Because the leftists didn’t like it, they actively discriminated against him. Case closed. But I am fine with it, since it happened in the grand shithole of New York City. Not in America.


Your comments are not moderated for your political views. They’re moderated because of your religion. You’re a practicing orthodox asshole.


There is a lot of assholes on this blog.

If my posts agreed with the rest of you and supported your ideological views even if I used the same tone in my posts you all would not be calling me a troublemaker and thinking I need to be moderated and I would just be another asshole like a dozen others here.


Fuck you Lars you traitor!


I’ll grant you that there are a lot of assholes on this blog.

We’re open minded assholes, we’re ok with opposing viewpoints, sometimes we change our view based on a good argument or discussion.

You, however, can’t see beyond your narrow view and liberal narrative. You’re a special little asshole. Anything outside your little box cannot be tolerated and must be destroyed.

It must be miserable to live life that way.


It takes an asshole to know an asshole, Lars.

As SFC D stated, “we’re open minded assholes”.

As for you, it’s your way or the highway.


Doorstep pooper


As someone else pointed out, very clearly, which Commissar DID NOT BOTHER TO READ, when LC, someone with opposing viewpoints, posts comments here frequently, he does so in a manner that is civilized, to say the least.

But LC, as prosaic and connected as he is, does not present himself as an antagonist, nor does he post what are clearly veiled threats toward the people who post comments here and who don’t agree with his viewpoint.

TAYLOR, on the other hand, distorts everything that he sees into a narrow channel and then lets us know that we are subject to removal from the internet, lawsuits, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum and ad infinitum, with no basis for any of it other than he has this notion that ‘IT IS IF I SAY IT IS’ comes from him, it is LAW.

And that, Commissar or SquishfishMcBubblebrain, is what puts you into moderation and makes you an unwelcome guest in someone else’s house.

Got that, you mordant imbecile? Or are you going to start with the epistemological analysis of internet ideological politics and bore the living defecatory byproducts out of us, especially when you don’t have a clue as to what you’re saying?

Since we are NOT your audience, and you are here by the grace of mods, you don’t have much of a leg to stand on.

Anyone besides me notice that this myopic blatherskite didn’t bother to take a look at or comment on Thomas Paine’s rather important message to Washington’s troops?

Perry Gaskill

Lars, it’s sometimes remarkable how you can reach one of your predetermined delusions by chaining together a series of straw men wielding faulty assumptions who then arrive at false conclusions. It’s almost like an idiot savant gift. To start with, you’re using a false definition of what it means to play the “victim card.” Here’s a Bay Area example you might be able to understand: If you’re sitting in a bar wearing a pair of Google Glasses, and I tell you to either take them off or I’m going to punch your stupid face, I’m not playing the victim card. At that point, I’m likely to be annoyed, and the potential victim is going to be you. Can you grasp the distinction? If, in the past, Jonn Lilyea decided to drop the ban hammer on you, it wasn’t because a bunch of whining little bitches were scared of what Lars had to say. The real reason was you continued, despite warnings, to be an annoying asshole about things, and Jonn decided that, at a certain level, your right to voice your opinion was not greater than his right to protect his weblog by tossing you out on your ass. It’s been evident the attitude and tone of what you have to say, more than the content, is usually a deciding factor in your comments. You also seem to have reached the false conclusion that TAH, a relatively complex entity, has gained the simple consensus that Mr. MAGA Hat was treated unfairly, and should have won his case in court. From a casual glance at the comments here, it’s probably more accurate to say that although the bartender was probably being a world-class jerk about it, he was within bounds when it came to 86ing Mr. MAGA Hat and his pals. Exactly the same thing would apply if some fool wearing a Kawasaki t-shirt walked into a Hells Angels bar in West Oakland and yelled, “All Harley riders are pussies!” Personally, it seems to me one of the missing parts of this discussion is about Mr. MAGA Hat’s goofy claim his… Read more »


If an asshole wearing a Burnie hat had been thrown out of a bar for it, they would have sued, and won, and you’d be cheering it.. and in the spirit of the new year, FUCK YOU Commissar, and all your ilk!


And if he had been a black Obama supporter in the deep South?

Go suck start a cannon already.

The Other Whitey

Hey Lars, whenever you take a break from fellating Slow Joe/Yef behind the dumpster, reread your own shit and try to comprehend how inane it is. Between that and your bouts of illiteracy, I seriously wonder if you’re lying every time you claim a Berkeley education. Either that, or the UC system’s academic standards are pathetically low.



I fully and firmly believe he is/was educated at that insane asylum.


And I thought that having a a beer or three before finals helped me received stress – I usually did good on finals (and advancement exams) with a little ETOH on board.


Doorstep pooper


First, we have the screaming sales tramp in vape shop, going berserk over a t-shirt worn by a paying customer.

Now, we have people who earn tips for a living rejecting paying customers in a bar.

Now I understand their philosophy much better: money can’t buy everything, including intelligence.

I feel much better now.

Slow Joe

Every business should be free to refuse service to whoever they want for whatever reason.

Oh wait…..


Seriously – only the owner/s of a business should decide what business model works for them. Doesn’t have to make a bit of sense to me or you.

Slow Joe


But then, try to refuse service based on skin color.

If the dude is whitey, nothing’s gonna happen to you.

Bir if his skin color is slightly darker, you will lose your business and end up in jail.


Just by population statistics, this bar has enacted a ban far more reaching that were he to ban blacks….hilarious, that people only get riled when suits them. Eh?


I wonder what his honor thinks about some of the incidents at Denny’s, IHOP and similar places that have had such inglorious publicity.


“Clown’s to the left of me, joker’s to the right, here I am. Stuck in the middle with you”…..
Stealers Wheels, 197something…

Keepin' It Real

But refuse to bake a cake and the left loses their mind.

Face it – you can suck a dick but you can’t suck a beer. (or a cigarette – in a bar, they won’t let you suck on a cigarette anymore either)

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The guy is from Philly and didn’t realize that the nyc west village is liberal country.


TLDR version:

Ex complains about the government not having a power she thinks it should have.

Ex advocates the government have that power.

I point out that advocating giving that power to the government could result in the government using this power in ways that would be very bad so therefore the government should not have that power.

Ex reacts like a triggered snowflake in a tizzy and claims I threatened to sue to leverage the government power that does not exist and that I explicitly argued the government should not have.

Proving my point that the government should not have that power and she would not want the government to have that power.


Fuck you Commissar you traitor!


Blah, blah, blah.

QUIT WASTING BAND WIDTH, you fool. You are no longer a useful idiot. Are your commie handlers not giving you enough love these days? That’s probably it. They never considered you a true believer, and now doubt that your idiocy is at all useful.



You absolutely do believe that the state should have that power. You say so when you defend the indefensible like TPP.

In truth, your tepid support of liberty is a farce. You know you do not support liberty for the people, but you also know you can not go full Berkeley here and say what you really believe; that free speech is hate and makes you feel some kind of way and must be abolished because people might say things you disagree with.

Maybe I am misjudging you, but all we have to go on is your continued statements supporting the tyrannies of the past. With that in mind, I will state unequivocally; you are no fan of liberty and do not believe that individuals and businesses have rights of any type. In fact, you do not even believe that the individual or the business should even exist.

Your belief that people are defined by their group and the state is the nation are well stated by you throughout your comments.

I don’t really care what you believe, but your intellectual dishonesty about it is just plain silly. Stop lying and just be honest. You cry on Uncle Joe’s death anniversary and think April 15 is a holiday. Go ahead, be honest with yourself and the rest of us. We would not agree, but at least you could be respected for honesty.


He’s claiming that I said several things I did not say at all.

Another publicly posted statement that is a complete lie.

Lying about what someone else said is libelous.

That makes two instances of it in one day.


Doorstep pooper


There are plenty of claims I am a troublemaker and should be moderated or banned.

And that is the right of the blog operators to do exactly that.

I am saying that you all should continue to have that right.

Currently do not have the legal right to ban someone on the basis of their gender, race, religion, pregnancy status and a few other protected classes.

Do you really want to advocate that you also should not have the right to moderate or ban them based on their politics?

Do you really want the government to have the power to step in and penalize you for moderating someone who held asshole political views simply because the court ruled that their political views were even PART of the underlying reasons you thought I was an asshole?

If my posts consistently agreed with the views of the blog and advocated the same political ideology and preferences as most of the rest of you all, my posts would be much less likely to piss people off and less likely to be regarded as me being a troublemaker.

I know this because when I do agree with you all on something my posts are generally well recieved.

The Other Whitey

You were banned, Commissar. And then you set up a new email address and screen name to slither around said ban after Jonn (RIP) passed away. What the fuck is your problem? What kind of pathology has afflicted your tiny little mind? Why do you go to such lengths to maintain a presence on a fucking blog where you are unwanted? Seriously, a fucking blog! It ain’t like you’re Rosa Parks taking the front seat here! What the fuck is wrong with you?


That’s the question, isn’t it?

The part about him calling Jonn a liar is what galls me. Jonn said he was banned and Der Kommissar went away. We lose the platoon sergeant and this asshole shows back up with his usual stir the pot attitude claiming that he and Jonn just had a gentleman’s agreement for him not to post.

Even if one were to believe Lars that it wasn’t an actual ban, he’s still the one who is reneging on his gentleman’s agreement now that the other half is not here to defend himself.


I posted a couple of links last week that shot down Lars’ “gentleman’s agreement” statements. The links were to posts made by Jonn (RIP) that stated the exact opposite.

The Other Whitey

Which fits right in with the pattern of behavior Commissar has already established. In addition to an idiot with delusions of genius, he’s also a coward and a liar.


TOW, you’re asking a question that many of us have wanted to ask (and will probably never get a serious answer to) for a very long time.


Fuck you Commissar you traitor

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Babbles McButthead, I see right through you. As I see it, you likely had a dysfunctional time growing up and you seek self-validation in your posting thinking it might steer others toward your way of thinking, thus stroking your inner ego. Even when your babbling gets shot down say, 99.99% of the time I bet you take it to your Birkenstock-wearing freeze-dried hippie perfessers there at UC Berzerkely in hopes that they’ll give you even a drop of praise for what you said. It’s never too late to grow up and realize reality and I hope that maybe you can remove your cranium from your rectum and see the light one day!


Communists are not a protected class.

I do not think communists should be a protected class.

Making political ideology a protected class would make communists a protected class.

Apparently Ex-Ph2 thinks communists should be a protected class.


Fuck you Commissar you traitor!


I am no traitor. Your ideology is not the only ideology in America and the idea that someone who does not agree with you is unAmerican is authoritarian thinking and absolute bullshit.

Some people in the administration you spend so much time making excuses for are arguably traitors. Funny how you support traitors as long as they share you political ideology.

The Other Whitey

The only reason you’re not a traitor is no enemy has accepted your worthless services, Lars. You remain a coward, a liar, and an idiot. You really should get back to your dumpster, though. Those blowjobs ain’t gonna give themselves!


Actually, your unqualified support of Obama and Hillary Clinton, two people who clearly did what they could to either destroy this country or did whatever was in her best interests, regardless of the negative effects on this country, makes it clear that you have supported traitors, and by extension are one yourself.
Add to that your support of the violent leftist “Brownshirts” known as antifa, and your treasonous behavior is crystal clear. It is NOT because you have a different ideology (other than when that ideology, or those acting on it seek to actively subordinate the US to other countries / groups), but your support of those who would destroy the country that makes you a traitor.

The Other Whitey

An excellent point, Fyr. Then there’s the numerous times that Taylor has openly supported ditching the Constitution (for instance, he says things would be better if we had a parliament), which runs contrary to the Oath he would have sworn in the Army. And an oathbreaker is the very lowest form of traitor.


Oh, is this twatwaffle still hammering the bent nail of ‘let’s bait Ex-PH2’???

What a specimen of whale’s offal he is!!!

Since I have not said anything resembling, or even 25,000 miles within reach of, what I am accused of saying by Commissar THE MORON OF THE YEAR, to wit: “communists should be a protected class” – which he has posted here in plain sight of everyone, I think it is justifiable for me to say that he has libeled me in public.

This is symptomatic of a desperate need to control the direction of comments on a popular blog. It is also attention-seeking behavior. And last, but not least, as I have said above. he has made a public libelous statement about me.

I sure do hope he can find some lawer – preferably a LIVE one – to accommodate his needs.

My life gets better all the time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like and respect you Ex-PH2, but right now I truly believe that you have heavily insulted Whale Effluvia by comparing it to Babbles McButthead! Whale Effluvia is something that naturally occurs and is useful to the Ocean Ecosystem while Babbles McButthead is not unlike an imported parasite.


Perhaps you are right, API. He’s more like a tapeworm than whale crap.

Whale crap serves some useful purpose, feeding phytoplankton.

Tapeworms live off the host organism until the host reaches morbidity and can’t support the tapeworm any more, and dies.

A Proud Infidel®™

A parasite such as a tapeworm will render one host unlivable and then go about seeking another not unlike Babbles McButthead coming here repeatedly after being booted elsewhere!

The Other Whitey

Yeah, Lars, we get it. You don’t want commies to be a protected class. You want commies (especially yourself) to be the ruling class. You piece of roach shit.


He’s more a “useful idiot” than a Party Member IMO.

The “useful idiots” were generally among the first sent to the wall wherever Communists took power. But Poodle here is sure that “It will be different this time – we’ll get it right.”


I seriously doubt that his variety of idiocy is even considered useful.

The Other Whitey

I find it disturbing that the Army ever put him in charge of anything.

A Proud Infidel®™

He obviously found a slot that the US Army had labeled “ANY warm body will do here”!


In the Navy, he’d be assigned as the SLJO (Shitty Little Jobs Officer)


Lars, most politicians (and the minions in government positions) believe that they ARE a protected class – just look at the crap they get away with on a daily basis. Just look at Lois Lerner and the shit she did while at the IRS and a textbook example.


I think he’s stalking me.

A Proud Infidel®™

He just might have an Oedipus Complex?


He wants to screw his own father?

API!!! That’s brilliant!!!!

The Other Whitey

That would certainly explain a lot, wouldn’t it?


Oedipus Shmedipus…what boy doesn’t love his mum? 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Babbles McButthead, WASN’T IT YOU who said that commies and communism were not to be feared? I’m sure that’s true and TOW has gracefully proved you WRONG as hell on that!


I think your fear of communists is a ducking anachronistic joke.

But they should not be a protected class.

The Other Whitey

Say that to somebody who’s been tortured by communists, Taylor. Say that to somebody who’s had to watch communists murder their children, you fucking twat.


Doorstep pooper


I don’t care what the hat says, I just don’t like people wearing hats indoors. I would have thrown him out just for wearing a hat.

I think I speak for a lot of us cranky, fat old men.


In the Navy, if you wear your hat into the on-base club they ring the bell behind the bar on you and you owe everyone a drink.


Just a reminder for those who don’t find a perverse pleasure in doing it: Please don’t feed the Troll!

A lotta band width is being wasted, and I am wearing out my scrolling finger trying to move past that mess to see if somebody posted something significant about the topic at hand.

Encouraging the bloviating nonsense isn’t helping. It’s just a waste of time having to wade through the garbage, even without slowing down to read very much of it.

So, what I got outta all this is that some folks agree with the judge, some don’t. Is that about it?


My apologies OWB..I guess I’m in a mood on New Years, and decided to offer up a hearty FUCK YOU Commissar YOU TRAITOR every time he posts… I didn’t intend to offend others here. I can tone it back a bit

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re all right by me, but in the back of my mind I think that ‘ol Babbles McButthead aka lars gets a kick out of it when he sees your reply.


No apology needed, especially since my own responses may be no more productive than yours. My point is simply that giving a troll the attention they crave only encourages them to continue their disruptive behavior.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“we reserve the right to refuse to service to anyone”

I see it everywhere. Obviously it’s not meant to refuse on the basis of protected classes but clearly it’s meant to allow the ownership some measure of control over who they allow in or don’t allow in….

If he had the velvet rope outside it would have been easier…

Who knew Trump supporters and homos would find themselves not getting served because of their lifestyles?

I, being an opportunist, would never limit my potential client base. I like money, and I don’t much care about your politics or sexual orientation as long as your money is good.


Einstein could have avoided the whole thing by simply removing his hat when he came into the establishment and carrying it. People need to remember that they don’t have to invite trouble – wear your hat all you want, but remove it inside FFS. Didn’t your parents teach you anything? One of my favorite Sopranos scenes is when Tony makes the guy take his baseball cap off in the restaurant in front of his girlfriend; my dad was all about the “gentle reminder” in the back of the squash about removing the hat indoors.

Commissioner Wretched

I’m reminded of the minor kerfluffle I instigated in my first year of teaching, way back when. A young fellow came into my classroom with his baseball cap on his head. I looked away from my podium, said, “Take off your hat in my presence,” and resumed my work. Little Snowflake told Mommy I was rude to him, racist, and probably a lot more … and at the “parent conference,” I simply pointed out the Student Handbook that required all hats be doffed in the building. Mommy didn’t like my comment but hey … I made sure people knew that, because my name was on the door, my word inside that room was law. Kid never wore his hat in the classroom again.

2/17 Air Cav

My compliments, Dave. Your comments were on the money. As for getting booted from one or more of your establishments, I am sorry that I missed the opportunity. Of course, being tossed means I would have first gained entrance and that, in itself, would have been, um, doubtful.

2/17 Air Cav

I hope someway gave Piatek an iron for Christmas and taught him how to use it.